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Posts posted by salter-path

  1. I haven't attached myself to any HG so far. I have been wondering if I am being too critical and judgemental. Usually by now I have at least developed a fondness for a couple of them but this year, all I can say is Beau gets on my nerves the least and Maggie seems the smartest, but if either of them go..oh well..adious.

    Eric's trash mouth and "BMOC" attitude make me want to slap him. Ivette is a bigot. I hate the way she is constantly putting down Kaysars religion. Janelle seems to have no backbone. Sarah is more concerned with James than she is the game. James is a lieing snake. Oh well.. whats the use of going on..I will sound like Micheal on his soap box.

  2. I think that they should have had at least 2 people with a little more life experience, a little out of shape. Nothing but 20 somethings and  30 somethings on the show. I am a little disappointed. We old codgers can be funny as hell when we want to be :) I am only 45 but still....
    Eric's age is listed as 36.
  3. I know the HGs are paid $750 a week, with the winner and runner up receiving the BIG paycheck. But, is that for each week they remain in the house? Or, are they paid for each week even if they are evicted? In other words, do each HG get paid the same except for the winner and runner up?
  4. PHILADELPHIA (Zap2it.com) Finally, after a week of rousing games of "spin the lazy susan" and cross-dressing, the "Big Brother 6" houseguests are ready to ceremoniously boot one of their own. It's all-new, all-live, and all-too-dull.

    Julie Chen is back to host the potentially exciting proceedings by communicating to the houseguests though a TV in their living room. Suddenly, it becomes possible to relate to the incarcerated group of people with enough flex time that they can sign up to live the next three months in captivity. Like them, we find ourselves trapped in a poorly decorated abode and subjected to the cardboard machinations of the blandest TV personality since Pat Boone.

    In case you've been indisposed for the past seven days, here's an update on what happened: nothing. Kaysar and Ashlea are still on the chopping block. Rachel used her awesome powers of deduction to find a hidden gold-encrusted room. Innocent Jennifer used Rachel's HOH bathroom. Horny Howie put on some lingerie and lipstick, the closest he's come to touching an actual woman in the house. PB&J was consumed. A hot tub was unlocked. And none of the "secret pairings" of this season were revealed.

    That all changes tonight. Or, at least, they finally tell us who's playing as partners.

    First, though, we see what's gone down since Tuesday. Apparently, Michael helped Jennifer with her mammary exposure problem. This was too much for Eric, who feels the "guy pact" from last week is threatened. This prompts Kaysar to tell Michael to tone it down. Eric uses the fact that Kaysar even mentioned this as an excuse to mistrust Kaysar and possibly abandon the guy's pact from last week.

    Hmmm ... we thought girls were supposed to be the fickle ones.

    Julie conducts an awkward initial interview with the houseguests, punctuated by flat jokes and long moments of silence. Howie is now wearing the hat Kaysar was sporting on Tuesday. Is there a giant dress-up trunk somewhere? When are they going to break out the tutus and feather boas?

    We quickly segue to clips from the diary room. Janelle says she likes both Kaysar and Ashlea, but wants to boot Kaysar. Sarah wants to axe Ashlea. Ivette seems to hate them both, calling Ashlea "obnoxious and annoying" and expressing her mistrust for Kaysar and his waxed eyebrows.

    Well, the secret that there is more than one secret pair in the house lasted about four seconds. The houseguests have all figured it out. Not only do they know they aren't the only deceptive duo, for the most part they've figured out each other's partners as well. They also know they're competing for the biggest prize in 'BB' history.

    Since they know that much, we might as well be given the goods: Kaysar and Michael are friends from way back. Down low lesbian Ivette and out-and-about gay man Beau are former co-workers. Maggie dates one of fireman Eric's brethren. Sarah and James are -- gasp -- dating. April and Jennifer share the same implants and are former sorority sisters. Janelle and Ashlea are BFF. And Horse Whisperer Rachel and Horny Howie are buds. They're also quickly emerging as the team to beat.

    While talking to Julie Rachel flahses a megawatt smile like her life depends on it. They exchange some not-so-witty banter before another diary sequence mercifully ends the segment. Maggie finds it "sad" that "Ashlea thinks she's prettier than anyone else." Howie disagrees, noting Ashlea's "great boobies." Jennifer, at the ripe old age of 27, finds Ashlea, like many young people today, to be "egocentrical," while Michael votes to keep Kaysar. Duh.

    We're then treated to a segment about the secret dating couple, James and Sarah. In clandestine conversations, James claims that the hard bodies and ample bosoms of the other ladies in the house to be "not my type." In between whines, Sarah seems to buy it. After all, fingers crossed means "I love you." Sucka.

    Back to the video diary excerpts. Ashlea is declared "high on herself" and "a Barbie-doll type" by April and Beau. James and Eric, on the other hand, find Kaysar to be "sneaky" and "a rat."

    Ashlea and Kaysar take center stage to make their final statements to the housemates. They're weak, at best, and Kaysar seems to be addressing the ceiling.

    Then the big moment comes. Julie fiddles around with an envelope and Ashlea is out by a vote of 9-2. Quick hugs are exchanged in the house, Howie tries to cop a feel, and Ashlea exits to greet Julie, leaving the the housemates to mill around and Howie to find someone else to grope.

    Outside, the lethargic exit interview takes place. Ashlea is all-smiles until a farewell tape from her secret partner Janelle airs. Janelle feels Ashlea got the boot for "looking good in a bikini", vows that they'll always be BFF and that she will "take care of" those who voted against her partner.

    Fifteen minutes left and it's time for a HOH competition. Given the moniker "Fast & Easy" it describes most of the houseguests. It's a Q&A where speed counts in answering ridiculously simple true/false questions. It's down to Eric and Janelle, who is approximately three heads taller than he is. Eric wins, with a lot of whooping and hollering, all of it coming from Eric.

  5. Neb..I copied this from there:

    Posted By: Reality Enquirer

    Posted On: 3 days ago

    Views: 777

    Reality BBQ

    Reality BBQ will be back on the poll when the webmaster follows the rules :)


    I think the BBQ posted the poll on their site (I voted for Mortys over there)..which is a no no.. The poll was started over at zero.

  6. I posted this in another thread but it seems to fit here as well.

    There is clearly a computer monitor and keyboard in the HOH room..very visable on several different feeds. After seeing last nights show and seeing how Rachel reacted to the clues (imo airheaded) she was given to the extra BR, I am now wondering if she has missed some clue pertaining to the HOH blog. Isn't it odd that not one HG has mentioned the computer in the HOH room? Did Rachel ever look inside the golden books in the HOH room? Gee.. Sherlock, she isn't.
  7. I thought they said at the Beginning of the season the HOH could write in a diary on the computer. DOes anyone know if it is on the net somewhere?
    There is clearly a computer monitor and keyboard in the HOH room..very visable on several different feeds. After seeing last nights show and seeing how Rachel reacted to the clues (imo airheaded) she was given to the extra BR, I am now wondering if she has missed some clue pertaining to the HOH blog. Isn't it odd that not one HG has mentioned the computer in the HOH room? Did Rachel ever look inside the golden books in the HOH room? Gee.. Sherlock, she isn't.



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