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Posts posted by salter-path

  1. I want to personally thank jem and ranster, our Mods for making this a great Big Brother year at Morty's. The Mods are the ones behind the scenes that keep us all on track and keep the boards oiled and running smoothly.

    They are volunteers and do this in addition to their normal daily duties in their personal lives. I sometimes forget that ranster and jem DO have other lives other than Mortys! Jem has a wonderful husband and daughter that share her wilth us, and Randy has a column he writes and is a very busy activist with a full agendy.

    The hours they both spend ensuring the updates are written and posted are a full time time job. Their duties are not just Big Brother, they keep the entire Message Board running and organized. Imagine the chaos if they both called in sick and didn't show up one day.

    The next time you see jem and ranster, give em a high five and a thank you. They deserve it!


  2. Ryde, the only thing I can think of as a twist revealed last night was the million dollar prize for the winner announcement to Mike. But, Julie did say a BIG twist would be revealed next week that would rcok the house.

    It seems to me that if they reveal to the remaining HGs the million dollar prize it will make an unfair advantage to the remaining pairs and be unfair to the evicted pairs. Once the million dollars is revealed, I guarentee the pairs strategy will change... so to make it even and fair they ALL should know whats at stake when playing, but the only way for this to happen is for the evictees to return.

    I wonder if ..... maybe they will return and begain playing as a team and evicted as a team henceforth? Just thinking..hmmmm

  3. I didnt hear a secret revealed this morning. Micheal became embarrased when he was shown the clips of him kissing on the girls and said his plan of flirting backfired on him. He also said he did not remember saying anything about Eric's family and the reason for his anomisity toward Eric was because Eric broke his promise not to put him on the block. The BIG twist will be revealed next week on the show.

  4. Hmmmm, lets alsot remember that either Julie or the announcer said at the end of the show Saturday that anouther twist will be revealed Tuesday.  What could it be??
    Thank goodness for recappers and this thread. I watch the feeds religously and the show and I still missed Julie saying a twist would be revealed on Tuesdays show! And..this is exactly why I read these forums religously! Thank you all!
  5. Okay, just a theory MTA 3-17 More To Come 3 (+14 HG)= 17

    What if each safe holds one "safe" card (safe=safe). Each card could be used to put up or evict one person in the house. The twist is BB could bring in 3 more HG.

    I like the More To Come theory..makes ya wanna go hmmmmm



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