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Everything posted by myss911

  1. Do NOT like her at all... she is such a catty girl. Would have not thought that but watching the feeds all morning she is obsessed with Elissa... she talks more poop that an outhouse holds! Wow! Reminds me of High School!
  2. That is what I was talking about too.... it was pathetic... he is pathetic... I wish the feeds were available to everyone for free (I know that is stupid & will never happen) But then all the Ian fans could see what he is REALLY like. NOT true... my sons (age 22 & age 19) would NEVER refer to every woman as useless... never...
  3. I am completely & officially OFF on the Ian train.... tried to give this jackwad a chance but after listening to his talk about Survivor last night and how he deems all the women useless & only thinks there should be women on the team with 'sex appeal', because otherwise they hinder the game.... he can bite my butt... the kid is a tool. Age has nothing to do with it... he is a dweeb.
  4. Awwwwww they are precious together! Thank you for posting that! Just think... we all got the to witness the making of a true love story.....
  5. Danielle just said, about the viewers... :They don't like people that talk about themselves/brag on themselves all the time. He (Frank) did that all the time." Is she serious??? Yeah he did but nowhere in the monumental range that she did/does... I believe she will be in or a rude awakening when she gets out of the house. You KNOW she will not be able to stay away from the boards & places people talk about players.... she will be wondering just how extra wonderful we all think she is... shocker...
  6. WOAH! Did you all just hear that on the feeds??????? Danielle kinda implying that the single mom next door that also named her daughter Danielle too because of something with her father & her mom was having NONE OF THAT! Notice lately that when danielle talks about her parents we get 'fish'... do you think they retracted their waivers too??? Threatened to sue????? They already went public & 'set a few things straight or the record" on claims she had made about them while in the house....
  7. I completely agree... I am so sick of his self absorbed attitude. He does NOTHING to help with ANYTHING! Cleaning - erm well it is shower time, cooking - erm well I need to shave or take a hammock ride. He does NOTHING! Worthless little do nothing but care about himself wee little boy... I'd give my kids a 'what for' if they were so inclined to be so useless...
  8. Part 2 of the final HoH is starting NOW! Just announced!
  9. OK these fools are BORING! They should NOT be able to sleep during the day like in the other, out if the USA BB games.
  10. Ian is grating on my nerves... he doesn't help with the chores and seems oblivious to the fact that common decency would be to be help. Asked or not. I have seen him do dishes a couple of times... but other than that... nothing, nada, zilch, zero... I'll tell you my kids would NEVER act like that... OK, right when I say that he cleans the table... timing is everything...
  11. So is BB on tonight???? I thought it said somewhere it was on tonight....
  12. OK THIS IS AWESOME (In a funny way)! I had no idea this was going on! http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/video/2278069305/big-brother-deleted-scene-shanielle-is-hot-cold
  13. Ok I have seriously had enough of the squeaky hammock... at this point, sorry to say, if it were to break - I do believe I would laugh myself into a stupor...
  14. Oh ok.... we are alike on that! I am not a meat eater either (maybe once or twice a year)..... The way she is carrying on about the biscuits though, she does have me tempted for a biscuit!!!!!
  15. I've never been - we don't have them here. Are they good?
  16. Some Interesting Links... http://www.ihatebigbrother.com/exclusive-danielle-murphrees-ex-bff-tells-all/ http://tamaratattles.com/2012/08/11/danielle-murphee-the-best-big-brother-houseguest-ever/ http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/danielle-murphree
  17. Jenn has been promising Danielle that she will go to Chic-fil-a (or whatever the hell it is called) after she goes out of the house... I think that is doubtful especially with all of the controversy in the news lately....
  18. Oh yeah, they watch them in the shower like a HAWK! Waiting for that slip up..... The ONLY two times I have seen the actual toilet cam on was #1 - the toothbrush toilet scrub and #2 the time that Howie went off on 'Busto' and talked about eating her dog pepperoni... April was crying in the toilet area....
  19. LOL! I know.... he was doing a lil extra too ... I had just been getting dinner in the oven and came back and shazam!!!!! There was Ians ding-a-ling.... QUICK cam switch... I feel kinda bad for them, I always switch the feeds!
  20. Poor Ian... that HoH shower door isn't as frosted as it should be....
  21. I know Dan is a naturally slim guy but my gosh... he is looking almost skeletal.... someone give that man a cheeseburger!
  22. I sooooooooo agree! I was so irked at how much that they sleep that I went and caught up on BBAU.... (which is awesome)... The laziness astounds me!



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