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Everything posted by myss911

  1. I still really like Elissa... I liked Rachel too... I hope she stays for awhile... I dislike how everyone turns on her, she did nothing wrong.
  2. Watching the feeds last night I can't even stand this skanky ho.... she needs to just disappear.... she is such a nasty, foul, skanky, trampy, druggie, alcoholic bitch. She is trash, pure trash... It makes me ill how CBS is portraying her... EVERYONE needs to watch the feeds and see how this scum bucket really is...
  3. Anytime know what time the Jeremy blow up was???
  4. Amanda - you can tell by her voice Judd Jessie I think there is another but can't for the life of me remember.... Oh yeah McCrae
  5. I really like Howard... he is kind, he is wise & he is VERY easy on the eyes!!!!!!
  6. First I thought she was annoying... then she wasn't so bad... now her obsession with garbage talking on Elissa is making me see that she is one of those weak, catty tramps... PLUS and the BIG thing that has turned me off is her racist comments & gay slurs... she and Aaryn are two peas in a pod... She is turning out more & more like Aaryn as time progresses...
  7. This fool just said he didn't care about boobies, boobies are boobies... He is looking for an ass all day... Hey Jerkemy! You see ass all day! I see you checking out yourself in the mirror constantly... there is the ass you are looking for!
  8. Just rearrange the letters in her first name & no wonder she is a racist bitch The 'Aryan' Brotherhood... OY! I can't stand her...
  9. Jeff Spicoli: What Jefferson was saying was, Hey! You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves - pronto - we'll just be bogus too! Get it? Fast Times at Ridgemont High... Soooooooo David... dumb as a rock...
  10. Aaryn is full on racist... she makes so many underhanded comments... she is such a waste of space. I turn the feeds every time she comes on... negative, catty, whiny... just the epitome of a bitch... she needs to be out of there... SPOT ON Mr. Fox!!!!!!
  11. Airbrushed beyond belief but they look great! I think she looks really pretty...
  12. I agree with you... they 'seem' like just average people - weird but average... I am enjoying the show...
  13. The eyes are different, the nose is different but it is quite similar!!!
  14. I didn't hear him say it but I have heard Andy say The F***** word a dozen or more times... Aaryn making fun of Asian people...
  15. She doesn't bother me even close to what I thought she would on day one. She is actually kinda funny sometimes...
  16. Oh sooooooo spot on with that!!!! I was baffled when the fridge door stayed open for a good 15 minutes... WHO does that!!!! I get bonked a lot too Keep the marbles that take up residence in my head constantly moving... A good head bonking does me good!!!! LOL!
  17. Sounds like both 'sides' are wanting to keep Elissa but neither knows it... One group wants Jessie out because she flirts with the taken guys and the other wants to boot David out... (I want David gone... he is boring, he needs to grow a pair, he needs to go)... The freak out alone on over-medicated Aaryn will be priceless... just priceless.
  18. Yeah it is weird that BB has mae some legit couples... Jeff & Jordan, Rachel & Brendan, Dani & Dominic
  19. I couldn't agree more... I don't buy into the conspiracy theory. I know there is some production input but not yet...
  20. Being from California I agree there ARE a lot of "Like" talkers... but it seems to be spreading all over the USA! LOL! These guys that are "like'ing the heck out of every sentence aren't from California!
  21. OK I think Helen could be a good player & she is one of the peeps I enjoy, but listening to her talk and say like like like like like like like is just too much... How old is she????
  22. Amanda is 'trying to calm down' so she doesn't hurt Elissa... Aaryn is stuck in conspiracy theorist mode... I wonder if they go to Mental hospitals to do casting calls...
  23. Damn Psycho is all irked that Elissa is talking to McCrae... she is yelling at her & telling her there is nothing she can do... Woman is NUTS! Little does she know that Elissa could 'take her down' in one strike... Amanda is bossy, a bully, and an unattractive cow... someone needs to put her to pasture... Hey CBS Get real grass so Amanda can graze...
  24. LOL! Just saw Howard on the feeds and I was thinking "Who the heck is that???"



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