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Everything posted by CeCiMom

  1. I don't think they will Marty. Seems to me that Grodner wants a Dan/Ian F2.
  2. I don't KNOW that Dani is in on the plan but, I don't see how she isn't. She knows that Dan was going to evict him last time but, he didn't because Dani told him she wasn't ready yet. I'm guessing that before the feeds came back on last night that D/D had a conversation and Dan convinced her it's her only option... saying that Shane would win against her in the F2 and this is her last opportunity to get rid of him... it's either that or he convinced her he (Dan) would vote out Ian over Shane. Either way... she got "misted" in my opinion. Choo choo
  3. I think it's a 50/50 move for Dani. Having Shane on the jury guarantees her his vote but, then she has to get there and Shane would take her while Ian probably won't.
  4. Exactly. Plan by D/D has been set. Dani is working Shane for a vote in jury and Dan is working Ian for security at F3.
  5. It is going to happen. Shane thinks he's part of a big plan to get Ian's blood on Dan's hands instead of his AND that Dan will think D/S are not a couple anymore (they're planning to stage a fight) What Shane doesn't know is that Dan will vote him out and I don't have any first hand knowledge but, there is no way Dani doesn't know Dan's voting out Shane either.
  6. Danielle is going to use the PoV on Dan. Yep, you read that right. She told Shane last night she was going to use it so that Dan can vote out Ian (really vote out Shane) and Shane is fine with this plan because he doesn't want Ian's blood on his hands.
  7. I don't think he is Marty. (I posted this in Dan's thread but, i don't mind repeating... tee hee) Dani talked with Shane last night/morning that she is going to use the PoV to save Dan. Shane doesn't want Ian's blood on his hands so, he thinks this is a good idea. Of course, it's obvious to me that D/D have already worked this out and letting Shane think he's in on some "plan" for Dani/S to make it to F2. But, really Dan is going to evict Shane for himself and Dani (None of them think they can beat him in the end.) because she doesn't want Shan'es blood on her hands. What does Dan take from this... Safety (again) and both Ian and Dani will take him to F2 if he can't make it happen for himself. CHOO CHOO
  8. Choo choo... I can't believe what I read from last night. Dan is the MAN! Danielle is going to take Dan off the block! Dani and Shane discussed this last night/morning before going to sleep. And, Shane is totally on board with this (fool) so that Dan can have Ian's blood on his hands and not Shane. I don't believe Dani is "misted" into thinking Dan is going to evict Ian. I think she and Dan have decided it's time for Shane to go and Danielle is going to let Dan stick the knife in. Pretty smart decision being that she can claim Dan betrayed them both and she will have another jury vote in Shane because Ian isn't voting for Danielle. (He stated last night that Dan or Shane would get his vote because he thinks they've played the better game.) Little does she know this fits perfectly in Dan's plan to have both Ian and Dani taking him to the F2... where he will MIST the jurors. Choo Choo...
  9. Dan and Ian are on the block. Danielle won the PoV. Danielle was explaining what she thinks they'll do the PoV ceremony during the live show tomorrow. Shane said, "so say the noms stay the same" and then Danielle said you (Shane) would be the deciding vote. He said, oh don't put that pressure on me. Something like that anyways!
  10. I'm really stretching my abilities here (because I'm desperate to figure out who the PoV winner is) but, the way Dan is being so engaging towards Ian... it reminds me of when he needed Ian to not put him on the block last week... so, I'm guessing Ian won the PoV. Remember the whole night of Poke'mon talk... see what I'm sayin'? So, much for that theory. Dani won the PoV!!!
  11. Nothing has been confirmed but, D/D discussed this before the comp and Dan told Dani, if she won HoH, she should nominate him (Dan) and Ian.
  12. Here's a funny video that Wil made... says it's Part 1 of a trilogy. (Don't think he's posted part 2 or 3 yet.) Just a little something while we all wait for the PoV winner to be divulged! [media=]
  13. I was thinking of doing the same thing kansas... just have to find out who won PoV first!
  14. I just had to explain all of this to my girls tonight... why you ask? Because after the gymnast segment when they were in the limo on the way home and her head was on his shoulder and they were holding hands. My girls simultaneiously went "Awwww, they are sooo cute togther!" No way I was going to let that slide.
  15. Dan will vote out Shane if he wins PoV to ensure that both Ian and Dani take him to F2 if either one of them win the last HoH.
  16. I agree fredtheturtle! And, that would be COMEDY GOLD, GreatSaltLuke!!!
  17. Feeds come back tonight... probably around BBAD time. (I'm hoping they turn them on sooner than that though.)
  18. No way. Shane and Danielle have already talked about it. Ian is there biggest threat. Shane will evict Ian. I think you might be right! And, BigMack is right too... Dan will probably throw this PoV comp.
  19. Dan, I've thought you were the best player to play the game since you won BB10. Now I know!!! (I'm not sure I liked all your moves/antics this season but, I respect the results.) Team Dan (ChOoCHOo) I hope you can pull off a win with a well thought out and poignant speech and answers at the F2 Q&A. No matter if you leave at F3 or come in 2nd... you're the best that's ever played, hands down!
  20. You're social game has been the best all season! Good competitor too! (Waaay annoying as a viewer but, that shouldn't have anything to do with who wins.) You have been coached by the best and you took the bull by the horns and ran your game, your way! If it's not Dan... I hope you win.
  21. You've played a great game Ian. I never warmed up to you like a lot of your fans did but, I give credit where it's due and you are a tough physical and mental competitor and you were loyal to the QP. I won't mind seeing you win.



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