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Everything posted by CeCiMom

  1. Sorry to anyone that posted in the Week 9 Joe thread... I was trying to merge it to this one and I accidently deleted it. my bad
  2. Well, we won't be sure who's gone during the DE tonight but, until there is a new HoH for week 9 we can discuss what happened on the live show here or anything else you have on your mind. Me? I'm thinking the best thing for the QP is that either Shane or Dan wins DE-HoH. Shane should put up Jenn/Joe and Dan should put up Joe/Dani.
  3. Shane reminds me of BB winner Drew... and Danielle is his Dianne. Both pretended to have a romance in the house, both let the girl "protect" them in the game and in the end... Shane has his "cowboy" too... Joe.
  4. Well that took all of 10 minutes... Dani is telling Dan everything Frank said.
  5. I agree, bad move. Dani is already aware that Dan said anything and everything to save "both" of them and so, even if Dan didn't tell her ALL he said to Frank that day, she knows Dan well enough not to be surprised that more was said than Dan told her. And, even if she's irked about what Dan has been doing (she knows she's been doing it herself... lol) there is plenty of time for Dani to "forgive" him once again. So, Frank made the move to early in the week. If Dani gets some alone time with Dan... I think she'll tell him about the conversation.
  6. Are you kidding... Dan doesn't get ppl to bully other ppl. Manipulate and use them.. sure! And, Joe is Dan's next target! Dani is manipulating Ian all on her own accord because she is covered by everyone in the house except Ian and even then he doesn't play HoH next week (during DE) she's just doing what she does with everyone in the house... make them feel special. Ian is what he is and he's been more arrogant and aggressive the longer he stays in the game but, that is his OWN personality, not Dan's. Every single one of the QP has side deals of varying degrees and they all intend on being loyal to each other for as long as possible but, Jenn and Joe could throw a loop in that wheel and so that's why they've all (QP) have been trying to make sure they're not the one that takes a hit for the QP. Imo, the only person that could blast through the QP is Frank and that is only if he puts Dan on blast about what he told him last week (which he has already done with Jenn but, she's keeping that info on the down-low.) The quesiton is when should he tell them. If it's too soon Dan could turn it back around and it won't mean anything. Wait too late and people with think it's a desparate lie. If nothing else he could put it out there as he's leaving and throw the DE into a hizzy!!! (Good tv though.) I think Frank needs to lay low today, keep it light, fun, happy, etc. and make Joe think that things have switched and Frank is staying. It might be enough to see Joe self implode and the QP decide to keep Frank. I think Jenn and Dani are the only two completely set in who they want out. Shane and Ian could be manipulated. Less so Dan because Dan knows this is probably their last chance to get rid of Frank, even if he would rather see Joe go before Frank.
  7. Shane, Ian and Dani were lying to Joe to keep themselves safe if he wins HoH. They want Joe to put up Dan and Jenn so they can save Dan. And, they have told Dan about that conversation and that Joe wanted a F4 (and he thinks he has a F4) with Shane/Ian/Dani. Once again, the only person (at this time) that is putting Dan on the block is Joe. Now if the PoV is used there is a chance he goes up as a replacement nominee but, that all depends on who is HoH and who won PoV.
  8. How is he a goner next week? The only person putting him straight up on the block is Joe.
  9. Feeds back... Frank and Shane talking... Frank working on votes... lol
  10. Yes, this Thurs. is DE, not FF. -I'm an amateur poker player and I love me some Tom Dwan for couple years now... not so much since Black Friday/FT bulls$%t! (He's not been playing so much.) And, I've been meaning to change it for the last 2 months and keep forgetting... thanks for the reminder, hopefully I'll get to it today. )
  11. Shane will be a target this week or next, depending on who wins the HoH's. imo
  12. Best season of BB ever, imo and I'm loving this F7... I wish every BB season was like this one. Yes, there is lying and backstabbing and strategizing behind each other's backs, etc. But, they all really do like each other and even though someone has to be evicted and someone is going to break their word... at least they have the decency to do it properly... you know, on the sly and behind each others back! Enjoy the experience together when you're face to face. No need for dividing the house and not being able to talk to so-and-so, have some fun, laugh and do the dirty work behind closed doors where only us fendish feeders are listening in!!! Oh and... PoV ceremony today.
  13. I don't like it that he swore on all those things either... whether he swore about everything that he was about to tell Frank or that he was with him til the end... just symantics, imo. I remind myself that it's a game. And, I know he doesn't do anything maliciously or personal that he does it all for strategic reasons TO WIN THE GAME! I was a huge fan of Dan's season 10 (thought he was the best to ever play the game... even over Dr. Will) but, this season I keep finding myself asking why does he say the things he does and/or why doesn't he say something he should. Even to the point that I was disappointed earlier in the season. Only to come and find out... that Dan is the Man with Plan! Choo Choo
  14. They didn't show the clip of Shane saying girlfriend... I remembered him saying, "between my coach and my BESTfriend." Not positive though... guess, I could try and look it up but, I don't care enough.
  15. Choo Choo!!! Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani. What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on. I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy. Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.) It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2. Choo Choo
  16. Ian told Dan he won $1,000 besides the toys. (I guess we'll find out on Sunday if it was more.) I've been off/on with Ian this whole season (mostly off) but, after listening to him tonight... last straw for me. I'd rather see Joe win!
  17. Frank's biggest mistake was Boogie. Yes, he had no choice at the beginning but, if you remember correctly (besides Dan wanting Boogie to himself) everyone else saw how close F/B was and no matter what they said to the other house guests... no one trusted Boogie and Frank wouldn't leave his side even a little bit. Huge mistake. After the reset he should of jumped off the Boogie bandwagon and formed a new alliance but, instead he became an ogre' with Boogie, bullying, harrassing and annoying the rest of the house. Once Boogie left you saw how how Frank could have played this game and is not nearly as arrogant and aggressive as he had been... unfortunately it's just too late and the alliances/bonds are just too strong to infiltrate. I agree that Dan is backstabbing Frank worse than I've ever seen him do to anyone in any season and I wish there was a way for keep him to keep Frank a little longer but, the truth is Frank is a comp beast and no one can win against him in the F2 and Dan knows this is probably the last chance he (they) have to get him out. It is a game and has to do what he has to do to get a shot for the home stretch. Also, Frank can't play next week to help keep Dan safe (not that Frank wouldn't turn on him, because he would if he won HoH) but, Dan has to think on making alliances with those that are playing in the HoH. imo
  18. What?!?! Didn't Joe say he would step in front of a bus for Shane and proclaim his undying loyalty to Shane... err I mean Frank... err I mean (insert HoH winner)... I just can't believe he would go back on his word. SHOCKED!!!
  19. No way he takes Frank off the block... maybe Jenn as a good will gesture for taking him off last week.



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