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Everything posted by CeCiMom

  1. Ian doesn't "need" to get anyone out for voting purposes. He wins against all of them in the house. imo And, both Jenn and Dani are good at the trivia comps so, he needs to get one of them out to better his chances at PoV next week. (Shane would have been a good target but, he won PoV and is going to take himself off the block.) Dan is no physical threat to Ian and he's not as good at the trivia as Ian so, it really doesn't matter if Dan is after Ian... Ian shouldn't by threatened by him anymore than anyone else. (Besides the fact that Ian thinks Dan is taking him to F2.)
  2. She is playing an amazing game... but, I wonder if the excursion with Shane is going to mess up her game or not.
  3. It's been a weird 48 hours in the BB house, imo. It's the longest I can remember there basically being NO game talk when one of the nominees is coming off the block! The comp was played 2 days ago and I haven't heard anyone campaigning not to be the one to go up as replacement nominee. Was there some convo before the feeds came back and Ian told them what he was going to do, and that was that? It's just so darn strange to me. Anyways, PoV ceremony is today.
  4. The man was down to one player WEEK 1... 'nuff said! choo-choooo
  5. Ian isn't loyal because he's a such a good, honest guy... he's loyal because he has ulterior motives. A) He wants the glory of the QP making it to the end together. B )In his mind, the F4 being QP makes them better than the Brigade and therefor the best alliance of all time. C) It's a selling point to him if he makes it to F2; that he created the QP and was loyal to them to the end (not that he needs selling points, 'cause if he gets there he wins). I have no problem with any reason(s) he wants to keep the QP together... just don't kid yourselves, it's not for altru'istic reasons... because he's not.
  6. I don't know why but, I think Ian changed his mind (DR influence??) about the QP and is going to target Dan or Danielle, most likely Dan, this week. Maybe I'm readying too much into things but, no one has talked to Ian about what he is going to do (unless it was done before the feeds came back) And, I flashbacked to Ian on the hammock and saw that he was mumbling and using words like, "they're going to put me out next", "the mist" and "they'll put me out before you" It seemed like he was going over a speech in his head... I think to Jenn. I think, he's going to tell her than he's putting up Dan/Dani as replacement nom to keep her safe and wants a F2 deal. His proposition to her would be that D/S are inseperable, we can't let Dan get to the end again and if she (Jenn) sticks with him and they're on the block together, Ian would be voted out over her and she'd make it to F3. Then again, after all the mumbling he said something to the affect of "nooo, I'll leave as a renegade." So, I guess I could just be getting paranoid about Dan getting evicted this week.
  7. 3am: Ian listening to music in HoH, Jenn asleep and D/D/S playing "would you rather" in the kicks room.
  8. I think he came in so strong at the beginning that it was putting a target on his back and so, he started to pull back and throw some comps (totally threw that DE HOH, imo) and tries to be more stupid about the game than he really is because it pops out every so often and I think "Hey... that was some BB trivia there Shane, how you know that? " He is trying to position himself for the F4 HoH's and PoV's, imo.
  9. I don't think Ian really has a choice but to believe Dan. Is Shane, Jenn or Dani going to take him to F2 in any scenerio? Absolutely not. And, I think if for some weird reason it came down to Dan, Ian and Shane... Dan would take Ian because he likes him better than Shane. Most the juries, in the history of BB vote with who they "like" best. So, Dan is not going to win against Ian, Dan and probably not Shane. Jenn is his only shot. Also, it's not only game play that is a factor for the win... he also, has to go up against the fact that he already won $500,000 and no one is going to want to give him another $500,000 unless it's between him and the "furniture."
  10. Frank reminds me of Janelle (Season 6)... great physical competitor and back up against the wall for the majority of their game I really do believe, if Frank had not anchored himself to Boogie, he had the capability of being one of the best to ever play the game. He is a very articulate guy, knew how to manipulate and everyone liked him as a person. (Other than when he was with Boogie and bullying them.) As someone said earlier... By the time Boogie was out it was too late for him to make the alliances he desparately needed. The flaw in his game (that he could have controlled) was cutting ties to Boogie as soon as he heard multiple people tell him, they wanted to trust him but, couldn't trust Boogie and they knew they were together. He had a 2nd chance to cut the ties after the re-set and instead... he ganged up on everyone trying to control the outcome of Boogie going home... he should have been spending that time getting on board with a new alliance.
  11. Dan has already talked to Dani about getting rid of Shane this week. He knows the only person he is guaranteed to win against in the F2 is Jenn. And, he thinks if Ian or Dani get to F3 with him that both of them will take him to F2. Shane will take Dani. I agree BigMack. It's going to be hard for him to get Dani to pull the trigger. I guess we'll know as the week progresses if she's going to do it or if she is just appease Dan right now. She'll probably wait to see who Ian noms and then wait to see who wins PoV before she makes her decision.
  12. Of the 5 left... Dani can beat everyone in the F2 except Ian, imo.
  13. My kids and I did the same thing.. rewind rewind rewind
  14. She didn't win HoH and I saw that Dan was talking about getting rid of Shane this week if they can get Ian to put up S/J so, maybe she's not a goner after all.
  15. She is sooo faking being mad about losing this HoH... totally threw. (I'm starting to learn her "poker" face... whiney, baby voice included! lol)
  16. He just put a huge target on his back. He has to win PoV next week or he is O U T.
  17. Jenn was called to the DR about 10 minutes ago. The QP were talking about how PISSED off she was... Dan is worried.
  18. She will have Britney, Jenn, Joe and Shane if it's D/D. Frank will bring Ashley along with whatever he votes. If he is still bitter it will be Dani for the win. So, it could be 7-0.
  19. Chances are very good for Jenn to throw a wrinkle in the QP F4 but, she will have to win either HoH or PoV to stay. Dan, Ian and Shane all have to worry if she is HoH because those the three possible noms. She is most threatened by Dan, she doesn't like Ian and she knows Shane is between her and Danielle. The possiblity of a tie this week so, she'll be getting a lot of butt kissing if she is HoH.
  20. He knew he was out of there as soon as Dan won HoH... unless he won PoV. I think he was fine with a 6th place finish. Sure he wanted to win the $500,000 but, what he really wanted was exposure for his cooking. And, he got that... good or bad... only time will tell.
  21. I think it will be tonight... at least it was last DE so, hopefully they do it the same.
  22. Dan wasn't after Ian... he was hiding their alliance. He will explain how he did the same thing to Memphis and Ian will be fine. imo
  23. Perfect noms and replacement nom. Dan will tell both Ian and Dani that he did "this" to Memphis too because he doesn't want the rest of the house to put them (D/D or I/D) up together. Ian was safe because they would keep the QP together and Dani was save against anyone sitting next to her.



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