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Posts posted by kywildcat

  1. I'm curious, if anyone has actually viewed or heard her vomiting on the feeds? Any mention of it by other houseguests, other than the ones that hated her?

    A few days ago, in live chat, someone kept posting a time where GM didn't take her mic off before she went into the bathroom after she had just eaten and they said you could hear her puking. I didn't verify. (Who wants to hear that?) The hg's have talked about her throwing up many times. I've heard her make excuses about her throwing up so much, attributing it to her unsettled stomach. It's been pretty much a daily thing. I've watched her many times chew her food and then spit it in a napkin. She definitely has an eating disorder. BB made her talk to a shrink about it earlier in the game.

  2. OK I have another plan -

    IF they let Gina Marie do the voting out she should evict Spencer and say sorry dude Andy made me do it. He said it was good for his game and he wants F2 with me.

    Spencer would walk out the door feeling betrayed and he will have no way of knowing if it is true.

    McCrae and Gina Marie should then tag team against Andy.

    If Andy is at the end and gets to choose he will pick GM anyway.

    That's what I was hoping for last night, even though they had told mcpizza about their alliance. I was hoping that mcpizza would have talked to her and convinced her to make another power move, splitting up another power couple. Apparently, he had no chance or ambition to do so. And, alas, GM had to prove once again that she doesn't possess two brain cells to rub together. She's simply a follower. Still, as much as I find GM to be repulsive, I hope she wins over the other two. She's the least disgusting and that's not saying much for her.

    I do think it's hilarious that they act as if the exterminators are the greatest alliance in BB history when they didn't bother to form it until there was practically no one left.

    I am kinda pumped about seeing Dr. Will. I hope he rips them all a new one.

  3. I loved it yesterday when Mcpizza reminded Andy, "What I keep thinking about is you saying that the only way you'd be a bitter jury member is if you were stabbed in the back." All Andy could say was, "Yeah, I know. I know I'm playing for 2nd place." Then Mcpizza told him several times that the jury would be bitter.

    I hope this put a fear in him but I really think, if Andy makes it to F2, he'll win. He certainly deserves the win but poetic justice would be served if either GM or Spencer won final hoh and evicts Andy. That would make me smile.

  4. One of my annoying pet peeves is the most irritating words uttered daily in the BB house..."I'm going to be perfectly honest with you..." (or any equivalent of this phrase.) It's said in nearly every conversation and never, ever said in sincerity, so why bother to say it? Who would actually believe that in that house?

  5. From what I read this morning, Andy's plan is to vote Amanda out but tell Mcpizza that he voted for her to stay and blame his vote on Elissa. Unless Elissa figures this out, her plan to expose Andy (which I believe it is a plan to expose Andy) will backfire in her face. She has no allies. Never has, never will. They want her out regardless so she has nothing to lose. I agree with the poster who said her only hope is to win comps now. She is doomed unless she wins.

    Wouldn't it be great if during the live eviction, Andy is called to vote first and then Elissa refuses to go vote in the DR, stating she wants to vote publicly, voting to evict Spencer?! That would be so hilarious. I'd love to see Andy's face then.

    The votes would go 2-2, Mcpizza/Elissa voting to evict Spencer and Andy/Judd voting to evict Amanda, and GM would break the tie by voting Amanda out. (I'd be happy to see Amanda go over Spencer.)

  6. I am trying to understand Elissa logic in nominating Aaryn and McRae. Can some one explain how this is to her advantage?

    Maybe I missing something, but my guess Helen would talked her out of it, and she would have put up Amanda and McCrae.

    I think Elissa would be happy with Aryan or Amanda gone but if Amanda is truly her target, then I believe she knows how hard Aryan and Mcpizza will fight to win pov and how apt they are to win over anyone else, insuring one of them would come down and Amanda would go up. (And maybe she got to show a little muscle and put some fear in them too.) Even though there's so few people left, there's still the chance that Amanda won't get picked to play at all since she's not an initial nom. Two hg's won't be playing. It's taking a chance but even if Amanda does play, with her record thus far, she likely won't win.

  7. i am normally one who believes it best to get the leader out, but not this time. As much as I hate Elissa's game play, she may be stepping it up now that Helen is out. Getting Aaryn out is a good ideal. Aaryn is 3am's best comp player. And, Amanda controls the house through the HOH of her minions. Therefore, taking out Aaryn has the potential to devastate 3am. If she is successful in flipping GM, Spencer and Judd and one of them wins the HOH and follows through on the plan, Elissa will be in excellent position. Getting out Amanda and letting their best comp player remain in the game and win the HOH really wont accomplish much.

    Of course her whole plan could blow up and she gets a evicted next week. But, if she wasn't willing to take a chance, she could just nom Spenser and Judd and still go home next week.

    Exactly! Excellent post. Aryan is the biggest competitive threat to Elissa's game (no matter what Elissa told Aryan about never considering her a threat) and she's a sheer distraction for Elissa. She needs to get her out to significantly weaken that side of the house and rid herself of a personal irritant. Those two will never, ever trust each other. Elissa's a good judge of character, imo, and she has Aryan's character pegged. She'd never be loyal to anyone for long. I don't think anyone will really stay loyal to mcranda after this week anyway so Amanda's reign of terror is likely over regardless. This hoh is going to shake up the house, finally. I think Elissa has already convinced GM to cut the apron strings and Judd seems to be on board too (but Judd will have to prove himself for me to jump back on his train).

    If Elissa does go home next week, kudos to her anyway for not playing anyone else's game.

  8. I still stand by my statement that she never had a chance in this game. I got hit with she got in the house so she did have a chance. You do not win big brother by being alone without anyone. That is a fact. Fact is Jeremy and his mean girls told eveyone not to talk to her or they would be targeted. Whether you like her or you don't that is BS no matter who you are. When she kept getting the MVP Amanda and Helen were smart enough at the time to keep her around to use her for this power and they did get alot of strong guys out of the game early. I say they meaning Elissa also. I also stand by my statement that she is not stupid. She has always had an issue with Aaryn because of the racist remarks she has made and also Gina Marie. She talked to them because she needed to that's it plain and simple. Gina Marie I don't talk about people oh let's see you have been Elissa bashing for the whole BBAD. Aaryn is still trying to blame her statements and comments on Candice and blaming Candice for how she is perceived outside the house. Well all I can say is good luck with that once you step your a@@ out the front door. I am going to be done with this debacle of a season after next week and I see who wins to come back in. If its Judd and he plays stupid about who wanted him out I am done. If Amanda wins this game I will never watch big brother again. I have never seen a bunch of disgusting human beings in one place on tv before. I like Elissa and unfortunately for her she will be stuck in this house until at least next week because even with all the Elissa bashing going on the target is Helen. Unless fake cry baby wins POV and then she is gone.

    :clap::notworthy: I feel the same. I've never felt so disheartened and disinterested in BB before, even during S9 (and that was bad). I didn't turn the feeds on yesterday except for a few minutes in the morning to see if there were any flashbacks worth watching and haven't had them on since. This season is simply disgusting. Elissa's the only decent person in the house. The one flashback I did watch yesterday was Aryan and GM mad at Elissa because Elissa didn't want to sit next to either of them, citing them as "disgusting freaks." The truth hurts. They are disgusting freaks and I wouldn't want to sit next to them either. Elissa's obviously fed up with having to be around them and I love that she doesn't care what they think of her. She's the only one who hasn't forgotten their racist, bigoted remarks and sees them for what they are. Good for her.

  9. Mandy up in HOH running Aaryn's HOH. They all lie so much. Last night Amanda telling Spencer they need to get Aaryn out next and she is telling Aaryn they need to get Spencer out next.

    Oh these lies just drive me up a wall. I like the 2 side battles like they had in Season 6.

    I hate these people

    ITA. I can't stand to watch them anymore. The thought of one of these people getting the money is like...well, right up there with Adam winning S9. (excluding Elissa, who doesn't stand a chance of winning.)

  10. I will vote for Candice for the purpose of putting a cherry on top of the fact that Aryan and Ginamarie AREN'T America's Favorites...and that black girl who they love to hate will hopefully win the prize. No other reason.

    This season has totally flopped for me. I'm rarely even watching the feeds because I can't stand any of them--other than Elissa and she doesn't have a chance of winning the game (and she shouldn't, based on gameplay). I didn't even know that Aryan and GM got into an argument until I watched it on the show last night. I've never been so behind on what's happened before.

    The only reason I'll bother to watch the finale is to see if Candice wins America's Favorite. I'm also hoping that by some chance, Mcpizza and Amanda make it to F3 with either Andy, Spencer or Elissa; Mcpizza wins final HOH and then he takes Andy, Elissa or Spencer with him to the end, hanging Amanda out to dry. I want Mcpizza to do to Amanda what Drew did to Diane. That would have a slight redemptive quality to it. Anything else leaves this season worse than S9.

  11. Amanda and McCrae don't even care to try and be discreet anymore. just flipped on feeds - camera 4 and she and he were getting after it. Afterwards she hands him a towel to wipe himself off. Lot's of boob shots.

    Yuck. I'll pass on that flashback. Wonder how many days it will be before mcpizza uses soap on that thing.

  12. I think he believes that Jessie will think the house voted against the HOH's wishes and he'll have her vote secured. Maybe he's forgotten that the evicted hg's can still speak and compare notes once they leave the house. I think he's guaranteeing that Jessie will vote for anyone but Andy if he makes it to F2.

    Andy's not the brightest bulb in the box and I'm really surprised the house trusts him soooo much. None of the rest are too bright either though. Andy's cowardice is wearing really thin, imo. Pick a side, ya big wussy.

  13. OMG Julie Chen with a taser is a fantastic idea! The ultimate game show host! Chenbot unleashes hot fury on GinaMarie! The audience goes wild!

    Lol! Wouldn't it be great if all hg's were required to wear shock collars?

    I did not get to see the show because of NFL football. I have only read what happened. In my opinion Candice had every right to call out Gina Marie for her totally stupid nomination speech. Those were your words GM I hope you can understand them and they are not too big for your volcabulary.(I hope I spelled that right LOL) Julie should have sent security in there and told GM to shut up or she would be leaving too. I never heard her Rebel flag comment and quite frankly that to me is nothing like what has been said in reference to Helen, Howard, or Candice over an over again. What she said about her mother was so wrong on so many levels. I don't care GM if you are from New York so is my husband he would never act like that and I have met many people from New York and they are the nicest people. I hate that she always says I am from New York blah blah blah who cares you are giving New York a bad name. I realize this is a game for 500,000 dollars but that doesn't mean you have to become a disgusting human being in the process.

    I agree. GM acts as though being from NY gives her the God-given right to a loud, foul-mouthed POS.

  14. Not to make light of those comments but I was even more disturbed with Spencer's praise of Nazi Doctors and his jokes about child pornography.

    The post-mortem gang-rape also included the use of Jessie's blood as a lubricant while her lifeless body was being sodomized.......just sick and repulsive.

    I often wonder how Candise was able to eat and sleep around the most vile and disgusting human beings ever filmed on reality TV.....I mean these HG's are worse than those To Catch a Predator freaks, I still can't believe that GM mocked Candise for being an adopted child and Helen rush to hug and congratulate GM for making such a vicious remark.

    I absolutely love this season of BB! This might be the last time we see unfiltered and uncensored human behavior on television because after all this backlash aim sure the networks will include racism/bigotry rules in the contracts of the guests, but as for now I'm enjoying how people are finally getting to see the TRUTH!!


    The child porn joke was pretty distasteful though, to say the least. Do I think Spencer is a pedophile? No, I don't, I just think it was an ignorant attempt at being funny and it failed miserably.

    The gang rape thing was about Jessie? I heard it was about Elissa initially. Either way, Amanda's a sicko for even thinking something like that, much less vocalizing it.

    I don't love this season of BB. I think it's going to go down in BB history as one of the worst, close to S9, which was a season most everyone preferred to forget.



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