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Posts posted by kywildcat

  1. Everything should have been done yesterday. POV comp & ceremony, eviction and new HOH. CBS tries to make it look like it a live Saturday show, but we know better. If those pics are legit, looks like Beau's gone and it's anyone's guess who the new HOH is.

    Lord, I was really hoping Ivette would be gone. Beau, very possibly, would then have joined the Jedi's. Ivette will never turn on Maggie.

  2. Okay, I just watched both the Kaysar interview (2nd one) and the Jennifer interview. They were so great! I cannot wait until Jennifer gets out of sequester and watches her interview - you know she will! Marcellas's expressions while she was speaking were great.

    Thanks again, Sunflower!

    Wasn't Marcella's face so funny? His look of total disgust from simply having to listen to Jen was just screaming, "Eat crap, crawl under a rock and die, you lame b***h!" Hilarious.

  3. There's one thing about Saturday's show that I've been wondering about that wouldn't have been a problem if the live feeds weren't blacked out.

    The show editing made it appear that everyone in Janelle's group, plus James, really, really wanted Maggie evicted. Then Janelle takes Maggie off the block. BB made it appear as if it were a last minute decision on Janelle's part, maybe because of Jen's little speech, or that Janelle intentionally defied her teams' desire.

    If the live feeds had been going as usual, we would have known all the conversations that led to Janelle's decision to remove Maggie from harm.

  4. kay jan how and james are making fun of april's "do you think k-mart loves me? maybe they'll make me a spokesperson!"


    Yeah, well, the joke will be on them when Martha Stewart gets together with Jacqueline Smith to plan the brunch where April will be welcomed to the Kmart team. Hah! :lol::lol:
  5. I had a dream last night that this was a double eviction night. It would be great that if the first couple that was put up on the block together (no matter how they got thier) were taken out of the house together. OOOOOOOOOOOo that would so great especially in this case. then they could go cry together all night. I dont think they get to go home cuz no one has been there to greet them besides Julie when they are evicted.  

    Do the chant Double eviction, Double eviction, Double eviction!  

    It would be wonderful.  :rofl

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one actually having dreams about BB6. I thought I was losing it. Maybe I am. Maybe we all are....double eviction! double eviction! double eviction!

    I'll ask my shrink if he gives group discounts.

  6. Ah, the forum I've grown to know and love.

    The gripes this year are basically one-sided, thank goodness, whereas last year's opinions were so "opinionated" and split, it seemed posters were attacking each other a lot. Sometimes it got very nasty if you disagreed with a few. i.e. The Diane supporters really detested the Diane haters, and vice-versa.

    This year, it's pretty unanimous--everyone hates Eric and Ivette. I imagine there will be some heated discussions and disagreements the further into the season we get though. That's why I mostly read and rarely post. :wink:

  7. It's kinda like watching a live soap opera, they're all so young and restless.

    All My Hamsters.

    Everyone is so pretty and un-real, until you watch them awhile. The more I watch them, the less attractive most of them are becoming. Personalities have a way of doing that.

    Janelle is way to struck on herself, I agree, but she is very possibly the smartest one in the house. She's playing it. I wouldn't be surprised if she won the big bucks.

    I didn't know until I watched the show tonight that Rachel was the one who instigated the "fight". I was wondering why Eric kept coming down on Michael about talking trash about his family. Isn't Rachel the sneaky one? Or was she only sucking up to Eric?

  8. Does it seem we are always left with the least interesting, most simple minded and/or creepy HGs at the end of BB every season?  :?

    Good observation. It does, doesn't it. Look at last year, preppy Drew and skanky Diane. Wonder if they're still together...anyone know? I predicted that relationship wouldn't last a month outside of the house. Cowboy did have his own unique personality, but more pitiful than interesting.

    And the year before, Jun and Allison....Uuuuuugh. That was choosing the lesser of two evils. I hated that season.

  9. I've read on a couple of posts that the geek squad discovered Jen lied about Michael hitting the wall while Jen was in the bathroom. Does anyone know the deal? Did he hit the wall? Was Jen only lying to stir the pot? If it's a lie, why is the Eric & the fight club still dogging Michael so badly? I mean with Eric being such a stand up man and all. :roll: (probably just because they can, I know.) thx! :D

    If this ? has already been posted elsewhere, I apologize. and where?

  10. ... but if James was smart he would take Mike off the block this week... Janelle would then leave... That gives Mike the chance to to try again to get Eric to blow up... This would make it possible that Eric leave and Mike is going to be out soon no matter what... That would take out the alfa males and give James a better chance to stay for a while...

    Very intelligent deduction, Mr. Watson, but I'm in agreement with the other poster...James isn't quite that brite, although we can hope someone with some smarts might point things out to him. IMO, I think Eric is stupid for getting rid of the guys, as surely, the girls will eventually rally against "his majesty", except for Ivette, who seems completely enamored by the little troll. :roll: As much as I dislike Janelle's hoity-toity personality, I'm starting to think she's the smartest one in the house.

    Goodbye Michael, I will miss you terribly and think of you often. :cry:



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