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Posts posted by kywildcat

  1. I don't much care which one of them goes this week. I just hate to see O/A pull off a power play. I'm not hating on Libra as much as I was the first few weeks when she actually was the bossy b*tch, pulling the strings. She seems to have been brought down a notch or two now.

    I thought Libra was going to let people know that Keesha was the one who orchestrated Jesse's departure. Ollie's the only one she's told that I know of. She should be harping on it if she wanted to save herself.

    When Manchelle was chasing down Keesha, it was because she's got the hots for her. ;)

  2. I've been listening to Libra do some major bragging about her home and life for a little while now. This woman does not live in the real world. $2000 in one day for Christmas ornaments, $2100/mth for childcare (while she works from home), 2 cleaning ladies, she said her dh made $30k/month for awhile. Brag, brag, brag, blah, blah, blah.

  3. I have to give creds to K/L/R for not playing follow the hoh for a change. I like that Libra said that at least she went out knowing she took someone out who was coming after her, which is true. Keesha is playing a good game. Manchelle would be stupid to overlook that this week, but if Keesha plays her cards right, Libra will take the fall. Libra's only hope is to out Keesha for being the ringleader in getting Jesse out. Who would believe her though? Even April said last night that she felt sorry for Keesha, like she thought K was Libra's tool.

  4. Jessie is falling for the proposed April/Ollie/Michelle/Jesse alliance though, it seems, or is it just my imagination? Isn't he thinking that he and Michelle are safe? Idiot.

    I'd love to see everything switch up in the house too. New alliances all the way around. They'd all really start hating on each other then. It would create drama.

  5. April's already ticked off that Keesha is being social with Memphis so K better lay low with him. April doesn't care about past alliances with anyone. She's the most disloyal in the house. She's already said she's putting up Jesse and Memphis and she doesn't care about her promise to Michelle. Nice girl.

  6. I was really sad to see her go. She's awesome and I'd love to hang out with her, but she just wasn't cut out for bb. If she had been campaigning the entire week with the passion that was in her last speech, she'd have had a chance of staying. But then again, how can an intelligent, rational person like her even get on the same level as those morons who voted her out?

  7. I think Libra had something to do with Brian being put up in Jessie's place. Brian seems to be ticked at her too, talking about her "power move." Could she have called him out on his alliances? Anyone know?

  8. My two cents--I absolutely loved the show. It's Marcella's show for pete's sake, and it's for entertainment purposes. To entertain us, and I was laughing my butt off. Beau talks alot and says absolutely nothing. I was rolling my eyes just trying to put his sentences into comprehendable thoughts. Housecalls isn't a news program. It's meant to make you laugh by ragging on the houseguests. Lighten up. He has the right to make those kinds of decisions, just like pushing the disconnect button on irate callers (although he doesn't need to worry much about that--Gretchen's pretty quick on that button. :D )

    I think Marcella's and Gretchen do a fabulous job hosting the show. It's a laugh out loud time of the day for me. I sure don't think Marcella's has a thing to worry about when it comes to any new bb contestants taking his place either (Kaysar & James). They're both great guys and I'm sure their futures are bright, but they don't have the Marcellas personality, which is perfect for Housecalls. Not to mention, Marcellas and Gretchen compliment each other perfectly. I wish BB and Housecalls--starring Marcellas--was on year round...(but my dh would probably divorce me).

    Go Janelle! Go Marcellas! Go Gretchen!

  9. CBS has NO CHOICE but to try and show the NH in a positive light. They are the only ones remaining in this game. They are hoping you guys continue to watch, either the people who don't know any better or the ones who just love BB.

    Me....I haven't watched a show in two weeks nor the feeds. I get on here and read some updates and what people are talking about. But like I said a month ago....why would anyone want to watch a show full of the NH? NOT good TV, NOT good people...and extremely BORING.

    Don't know how you guys continue to watch.

    bolt--I'm going to watch as long as Janelle's there. If she gets evicted, I couldn't care less which of those nasty witches win. The thoughts of one of the pious nerdherders getting money is revolting. As pointed out in another thread, the NH are much worse than Alison & Jun of bb4 and I still remember how I hated that seasons ending. (That bad taste still makes me spit). I won't put myself thru it again. Besides, my husband will kill me if I put a brick through the bigscreen.

  10. I loved it when Howie and Janelle were playing.....even when Howie was by himself. The NH were ( as usual ) looking down their noses.......

    Oh yeah, I forgot about them cutting Howie down when he was playing with the lightsaber by himself. Are they ever happy???? It was so funny when he was going near the door to the hoh br and they were watching him on the spyscreen. They were all nervous..."what's he doing?" :lol::lol::lol:

  11. Yeah, the show was way to biased toward the NH tonight. They showed negativity toward H & J somewhat and showed nothing negative about the geeksquad that I can remember.


    I think CBS is trying to make the folks who only watch the show root for the sheep, just in case they win. They do have the numbers. It's a shame they won't know the truth.

  12. I really loved watching Howie and Janelle play with the lightsabers and have so much fun. :D I realized why I really like J & H, & all the other sovs. They are going to be happy people no matter what, throughout life. They're not miserable jerks constantly looking for someone else to hate and dog. They're simply happy with themselves, and they should be. Unlike the obsessed miserable friendsheep.

    Although CBS did portray the sheep to be nice people tonight. Didn't you think? All that laughing in the HOH room after Janelle won POV. We know better. Nearly every word that the sheep have uttered has been ragging on Janelle.

    The sheep continually going on about their wonderful lives outside of the house is a joke. Their personalities show what hell they live in. Just as Janelle's and Howie's show what great lives they have. J & H love life and you can tell. That, imo, is what makes them so loveable. As far as Janelle goes--a star is born.

    Go Janelle. (I do hope Ivette evicts April, but I doubt it will happen. Misery loves company.)

  13. I'm still mad that we missed the whole day yesterday when April was having her sobbing breakdown.

    Maggie played it smart though. She's proven to April that she "loves" her and has loyalty to her :rolleyes: and she proved it to Ivette as well by letting her have HOH. Maggie will probably win BB6.

  14. Maggie threw it so Ivette could have hoh. She also kept April when it wasn't in her best interest. She wants to go out with morals. It would be funny if her "team" nominated her now, and evicted her. She could then have a Marcellas-like exit. (That's mean--I love Marcellas). Wouldn't it be funny though?



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