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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 6:01PM BBT: Lolo is talking with Dina in the BR about the shift in power. The feeds go to WBRB. 6:03PM BBT: Feeds are back with Natalie complaining to Dina and Lolo about Tom lying to her. They believe that Tom will be out following his HOH. Kandi and Ricky continue to play cards at the KT table. 6:06PM BBT: Lolo and Natalie feed Dina their master plan and Dina is either playing dumb or really doesn't understand the game. She says that she's tired, so not easily following their directions. 6:15PM BBT: Ricky joins Dina, Lolo and Natalie in the PBR, which shuts down their all girl F5 talk. Kandi studies the faces on the wall in the KT. 6:20PM BBT: Lolo tells Ricky about her tweet joke about how she can start crying on demand, all she has to do is watch one of his movies. She then says she should've said his comedy show instead. Ricky says "are you taking shots at Tom?" 6:29PM BBT: Kandi is in the KT prepping brussel sprouts for cooking. Back in the PBR, Ricky tells the girls how he went back to school 15 years after leaving and got his college degree in Educational Psychology and is currently working on his masters' in Chinese medicine. 6:48PM BBT: The house is fairly quiet as the chit chat has calmed down. Tom is laying in bed watching Kandi cooking on the HOH monitor. 6:51PM BBT: Ricky explains to Natalie and Lolo that there's a healthy way to die and an unhealthy way to die, that is based on how you handle the end of your life and accept it. 6:53PM BBT: In the PBR, Natalie changes the topic back to Tom, and that he believes he changed his noms because he's overthinking everything. 6:54PM BBT: Tom comes down to the KT and asks Kandi where everyone is and are they ok. He leads her back to the WA to talk. She tells him that she plays cards with Ricky, but no talk other than that. She heads back to the stove where her brussel sprouts are still cooking. 6:58PM BBT: Tom walks through the PBR and says hi to Natalie, Lolo and Ricky, says hi and asks if everyone's doing ok while giving them fist bumps. When he leaves, they make faces and say that it's so uncomfortable now. 7:04PM BBT: Tom gets some food and sits down to eat with Kandi. He brings up that being in the house is like being in a mall with a lot of people and half of them are mad at him. They both want to go back later and try to figure out what was really happening in the house. 7:18PM BBT: Kandi talks to Tom about letting everyone chill today and that tomorrow will be better. Kandi explains that they're angry. He says well he's been angry for two weeks. 7:20PM BBT: Till in the PBR, Ricky, Lolo and Natalie are studying various household items and then move on to study the days. 7:23PM BBT: At the KT table, Kandi suggests that Tom go in and hang out with the other HG. He says no, they'll just glare at him. She laughs and tells him to calm down and stop stressing. 7:25PM BBT: Kandi and Tom head upstairs to play pool. Apparently the cards were going missing, so they had to order more. 7:44PM BBT: All cameras are still on Kandi and Tom playing pool. No game talk other than where they're hitting the balls. 7:58PM BBT: Lolo and Natalie finally emerge from the PBR and go to the KT. Ricky follows. They tease Natalie about fasting until 10pm. They mention that now that there are less people, they can hear the cameras turn more. 8:02PM BBT: Tom came down from the HOHR and tells the others that he could hear the go carts. Tamar is applying make up in the WA. 8:06PM BBT: Tom tries to make conversation with Ricky, Lolo and Natalie in the KT, but they are acting very cold towards him. 8:07PM BBT: Kandi is tweeting in the lounge. 8:14PM BBT: Lolo, Natalie and Ricky are talking about fasting while drinking tea at the KT table. Lolo ties her fasting to the Bible/God and says that temptation is thrown her way when she does. Tom heads to the lounge tweeting, and Kandi joins the others in the KT. 8:20PM BBT: Tom is talking to the lounge cameras about other HG, and how Ricky/Lolo/Natalie are like a zen-anger cult. He gives a shout out with his social media information and that his parents are running it for him. He also says that he misses Ryan, Jonathan and Kato, because at least they were fun about the game. He doesn't like the fact that the others are trying to intimidate him, which makes him want to win the comps more. 8:26PM BBT: Dina joins Kandi, who is laying in her bed because there's nothing to do. Dina makes it clear that she was not as dumb as she led on earlier with Natalie/Lolo, and whispers different scenarios with Kandi regarding the upcoming veto comp. 8:36PM BBT: Tom is upstairs asking if anyone downstairs wants to play pool. No response. Dina lays down on the bridge couch and says she's never fell asleep like that in her life. She gets up to play a game with Tom. 8:40PM BBT: Lolo, Natalie and Ricky. Nat wonders who thought of cards. Ricky thinks that they started with Tarot cards and progressed from there. 8:48PM BBT: While playing pool, Tom tells Dina that she needs to win the veto. They then return to their pool game, while wondering if Julie will have any twists this week. 8:54PM BBT: Dina says that they need to get some air outside tonight. Tom jokes at how much fun all them would have to be out there together. Dina said she doesn't "give a sh*t, who cares?"
  2. 7:08PM BBT: Feeds are back. Tom paces around the pink BR where Lolo, Kandi and Tamar are coming down from the show. They laugh about the food on them from Gallagher. 7:09PM BBT: Lolo and Ricky are chatting in the other BR. Lolo talks about how she wants to pull her own weight. She likes having open dialogue and less backdooring. She works better with short term goals in addition to long term goals, and wants to make sure they're on the same page and stay on task to get Tom out. 7:14PM BBT: Tamar tells Dina, Kandi and Tom about how great therapy was and how it got her through losing jobs and her divorce. She then heads to the KT, and Kandi hugs Tom and tells him how happy she is that he's still here. 7:18PM BBT: Tamar talks to Natalie in the KT as they eat the rotisserie chicken. They speculate about the upcoming HOH. Tamar tells her that she'll tell her as soon as she knows something. 7:22PM BBT: Tom tells Dina and Kandi that if they need any help in LA in the event that they end up out there, that he lives close. 7:26PM BBT: Ricky, Natalie, Lolo, Kandi and Dina are in the KT cooking, eating, cleaning. 7:33PM BBT: Tamar teaches Dina how to make lamb chops. 7:37PM BBT: Tamar tells the others that Kato could've used his speech time to apologize to the house instead of quoting someone they don't even know, and walk out like a class act. 7:41PM BBT: Tamar is drinking some "Dandelion Poop Tea" to help her BM. The others joke about her doing it prior to the HOH comp and she says she's not able to compete. They remind her that she'll still be out there with them. 7:45PM BBT: Natalie brought out the cupcakes from the party last night and Tamar eats one, reporting back how good they are. Dina wonders if the Steelers won the Super Bowl and Kandi laughs at her, correcting her that they weren't playing. 7:50PM BBT: Kandi goes upstairs to look for the cards and comes back down to the KT table with them. 7:54PM BBT: Tom is out of the DR, and Tamar is called in. Natalie joins Lolo in the lounge, where she is tweeting. 7:56PM BBT: Lolo is tweeting, asking that the POV medal be added to her Wikipedia page with her other gold medals. 7:58PM BBT: Lolo tweets for Natalie, congratulating herself on the POV win. She messed up and put it under her name by mistake. She redoes it under Nat's name. 8:00PM BBT: In the lounge, Natalie and Lolo wonder if they normal BB is played in a different house because it would have to be bigger. 8:02PM BBT: Lolo said that she told Tom today to go back later and watch the shows to see why their alliance split up and that he'd understand. 8:05PM BBT: Tom asks Kandi about her songwriting processes. She said that she will write some lyrics at home and then bring them into the studio, that she records them on her phone to remember the melody. 8:11PM BBT: Natalie and Tamar quietly lay across from each other on the LR couches, seemingly deep in thought. 8:14PM BBT: Tamar says how much she misses her boyfriend and that this is getting to be a lot. Natalie tells her that they're almost there. 8:16PM BBT: Tom and Lolo talk in the WA about how their tweets work on the outside from what they type in the lounge. They decide to both ask in the DR if they need to put the hashtags or their names, because they might have more characters available to them. 8:21PM BBT: Tom tells Lolo how going forward, he's not going to focus on winning - just getting along with everyone. He thought he was making good tv and being funny, which was mistaken for a power trip. 8:31PM BBT: In the LR, Dina, Tamar, Nat and Ricky wonder what will happen this week, or if it'll be a lot of nothing. They expect for the HOH comp to start in 2.5 hours. Tom says he may take a nap. There's a lot of yawning from all. 8:38PM BBT: The HG talk about how the house changes from season to season. Natalie appears to be the authority on answering BB questions, but is typically wrong with her answers. 8:49PM BBT: Nat says that her mom is probably watching the feeds 24x7. Tom asks where they live and she says San Francisco, and he says that it might be his favorite city in the US, or even world. 8:51PM BBT: Tom and Dina hit up the cupcakes in the KT, talking about how Julie didn't share who won the Super Bowl. Tom said he'll start following the Rams now. 8:53PM BBT: Tom gets his suitcase out of the SR and takes it back to the BR to unpack. 8:58PM BBT: On the LR couches, Natalie tells Tamar and Kandi that it's probably easier for them to be in the house than Joey because they're used to putting it all out there on reality tv and Joey was more private.
  3. 8:06PM BBT: Dina and Kandi wake up and they HG tease them that it's the next day and it's time for the comp. 8:15PM BBT: Kato and Tom are in the BR starting to pack their suitcases. 8:26PM BBT: Natalie, Kandi, Tamar and Lolo are starting to play cards at the KT table. 8:38PM BBT: The feeds were on WBRB for about 20 minutes. They've been interspersed with interruptions all night, breaking in every few minutes. They're back and Ricky is cleaning the KT with the girls still at the table. 8:57PM BBT: Tamar is talking with the girls and Ricky at the KT table about freezing her eggs. Lolo said that she wants to know more about that, but doesn't want anything mechanical to take away her virginity. They say it's not much more than the gyno appts and pap smear. She said she hasn't had any of that.
  4. 7:38PM BBT: Tamar and Natalie are in the KT talking about their SO's. They are going down the list of who talked about their partners a lot. Ryan, Jonathan, Mooch, etc. 7:41PM BBT: Tamar questions if Kato actually has a girlfriend. She thinks that that is a lie. 7:43PM BBT: Natalie and Tamar tell the cameras to make sure they tune in tomorrow night because it's going to be a big show. They know that they're being watched because the cameras are focused on them so they're trying to keep the conversation going. 7:49PM BBT: Tom explains to Natalie and Tamar in the KT about how George Orwell wrote the book 1984, which coined the phrase Big Brother. This is why they have the owl named Orwell. Tamar was impressed with that nugget of info. 7:53PM BBT: Ricky joins Tamar and Natalie in the KT and lets them know the positives of licorice and how it's good for digestion because it's a great herb. 7:54PM BBT: Tom rejoins Kato in the BR and tells him that he spent 7 minutes in the KT. Kato questions him about what's going on in the house. 7:58PM BBT: Kato and Tom talk about getting their sunglasses. Tom says he's just going to pack his essentials in his carry on and leave everything else in the drawers. Kato tells him he needs to pack everything in case he's evicted.
  5. 6:43PM BBT: Lolo wakes up and joins Ricky and Natalie's chat. They wonder if CBB was advertised during the Super Bowl. 6:49PM BBT: Lolo is hoping that her social media team is taking her tweets and putting them on her page, along with the appropriate hash tags. 7:03PM BBT: Ricky, Lolo and Natalie come out of their room. Lolo goes upstairs and said she wants to see her charts. Ricky goes up and tells her he'll teach her how. 7:13PM BBT: Tom woke up and headed to the WR and then to the lounge to tweet. Upstairs, Tamar, Lolo, and Natalie are getting planets read by Ricky. 7:16PM BBT: Tom has a one sided chat in the lounge with his parents about what's going on in the house and that it may be his last night there. He explains that the perspective is very different in the house than watching from the outside. 7:20PM BBT: Tom comes out and talks to Tamar in the KT while she cooks dinner. He told her that he ate an entire jar of dip, and then heads upstairs to play on the keyboard. 7:29PM BBT: Tamar begs Natalie to come downstairs to keep her company while she eats her quesadillas.
  6. 6:01PM BBT: Tom and Kato have been playing pool upstairs, still chatting about finding ways for one of them to get to the end. They are heading downstairs to where they thought they were going to chat with Dina in the lounge, but she gave them the slip and went to lay down. Or so they thought - she only went to the WR. 6:09PM BBT: Dina goes up to the HOHR making noise, where Kandi is trying to nap. Tom and Kato are down in their BR where Tom is like the Energizer Bunny of future BB chess moves, going on and on. 6:23PM BBT: Most of the house is asleep. Natalie is in bed reading her Bible. 6:26PM BBT: Ricky asks Natalie about her Big Book and how there was a movie made about it. She's surprised. He then asks her questions about the book and meetings, and does everyone receive them when they show up? She tries to explain how there's a 97% death rate from this disease and only 3% make it because they don't admit it. 6:29PM BBT: Natalie tells Ricky how messy the KT is and wonder what they're going to do with all that food. 6:33PM BBT: Ricky wonders if his wife knows that their are live feeds. Natalie explains to him that Julie advertises it during the show, so she has to know.
  7. 9:34PM BBT: Dina, Lolo and Natalie are in the lounge talking about how Tom/Kato didn't look at them as teammates, just votes. And that they're alpha females, so there's that. 9:36PM BBT: Natalie tells the other girls that she wants a power crunch, let's all go to the SR - so they head over there. Lolo wants M&Ms. Natalie is happy to see some sugar free Monsters in there. 9:38PM BBT: Lolo says she feels bad for the guys because they are changing their energy. Natalie says no way, only because they are no longer in power. They'll give them a chance to apologize after they're out of the house. Natalie says to the cameras "America, you're dealing with two alpha queens". 9:41PM BBT: Tom and Kato give shout outs to their girlfriends and how they're going to hang out after the show, and laugh that all of their predictions in the house were wrong in the game. "At least we didn't go first" 9:44PM BBT: Dina and Lolo play pool upstairs. Kandi and Ricky continue to play chess. Natalie plays the keyboard. 9:47PM BBT: Tamar is out of the DR and was bummed that Joey was gone because there was nothing cooked. She was happy chanting about being HOH. 9:52PM BBT: Tamar is fixing lamb chops in the KT while Ricky keeps her company. Back in the BR, Kato is still beating himself over not buzzing in before Tamar, by one second. 9:56PM BBT: Tamar tells Natalie and Ricky that Tom and Kato need to be put up side by side, and have them pack their sh*t. She can't wait to get her letter. 9:58PM BBT: Lolo said that God came through for sure.
  8. 9:01PM BBT: Natalie has nicknamed Tom and Kato Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, and says "is that mean?" Ricky says no. Kandi and Ricky head up to play chess. 9:03PM BBT: Natalie goes into the lounge where Lolo is tweeting "Tay will be good at this HOH comp because she's good at pointing out people's flaws", and then says it's a little shady. 9:06PM BBT: Natalie and Lolo confirm that Frick and Frack are going up, that Tamar will stick to the plan. 9:07PM BBT: "Picture Imperfect" was the name of the comp, according to Lolo/Nat 9:21PM BBT: After playing pool for a bit, Tom leaves to go lay down in his bed with his sunglasses on. All cams are on him. 9:26PM BBT: Kato joins Tom in the BR. They decide to try to be funny in defeat. THey are bothered by the celebration of the others, that they somehow believe that they're bad people for lying. Tom says they did not lie, but that the others lied. 9:28PM BBT: Kato tries to say Tamar's name...."tayt, tah, tater tot, whatever it is" type train of thought. 9:30PM BBT: Tom thinks that there's a way to avoid being on the block if they can get Kandi to get in Tamar's ear about them being a goofball alliance, instead of athletes that are gunning for anything in their path.
  9. 8:20PM BBT: Feeds are back and Tamar is wearing the HOV key. She is happy screaming and the others are congratulating her. 8:21PM BBT: Tom and Kato are talking back in the BR saying that they thought Kato almost won. Tom tells Kato to appear magnanimous because that's what the cameras will see, and that he's almost happy for them because they're happy. 8:22PM BBT: Tamar says thank you to God, and that she's glad he's on her side. 8:26PM BBT: Tamar is happy to be called to the DR and preps her makeup in the BR, and grabs her stuffed animal and scarf. 8:30PM BBT: Ricky, Lolo, Tom, Kandi and Kato are eating chicken in the KT while Dina scurries around putting stuff away. 8:34PM BBT: Ricky asks if she's going to work out tonight. She says yes, but probably will be called to the DR in a bit. 8:43PM BBT: Dina says that the chicken isn't hot and wants to put it in the oven. They all say together "not in the plastic!" as if she's a child. She seems annoyed in general. 8:49PM BBT: Ricky is telling the others about his older cars. One is a red '82 500SL hard top and convertible that he likes to ride around Venice. 8:51PM BBT: Dina is trying to pick the chicken off the bones and says that she gets them all the time for her dogs. 8:55PM BBT: Tom tells the others in the KT that he's going to miss the HOH music most. 8:58PM BBT: Tom and Kato head upstairs to play pool. Kato keeps saying "head up". He said everything changed in a second and now he's about to go up on the block. Tom says that the show will be dramatic and that resonates and worth more than $250k.
  10. 6:09PM BBT: The feeds are back with Tamar and Kandi whispering in the PBR. Tamar tells her to trust her and Kandi says she doesn't agree. Dina comes in and puts her robe over her dress so she can take the dress off. 6:08PM BBT: Lolo and Natalie are eating while sitting at the table with Ricky. They wonder if the HOH will be non-physical, and that then ethey can wear anything. 6:09PM BBT: Tamar and Dina talking in the PBR, Dina is afraid that Tom and Kato are now going to come for her. Tamar says adamantly "They're not". 6:10PM BBT: Kandi tells Dina to try to win, that's all she can do. Kato comes in and asks the two if they want to do a study thing in case the comp is mental. 6:15PM BBT: Kandi starts to unpack so she can change her clothes. Lolo wants to change as well. 6:20PM BBT: Dina went through all of Joey's toiletries that he left behind to see if there's anything they can use. Kato hovers. 6:23PM BBT: In the BR, Lolo and Natalie hold hands and pray, while kneeling. In the KT, Tamar tells Ricky that she's glad that he's here and that they met.
  11. 8:30PM BBT: Tamar and Joey whisper in the pink BR. Tamar said that this is a game and we're not selling girl scout cookies here. She makes a deal with Joey that if she keeps him, that they can be allies to the F2. The shake on it. 8:34PM BBT: In the BR, Natalie, Ricky and Lolo are studying the days in the house. 8:35PM BBT: Joey and Tamar chit chat as they are the last two in the KT. They count down "only 12 more days". She jokes that she can lose 12 lbs in 12 days. 8:48PM BBT: In the lounge, Kandi tells Dina that she feels that Tamar is going to vote to keep her because they've been building their relationship back up. "But who knows....they could all be lying" 8:52PM BBT: Lolo reminds Natalie that she needs to go tweet and Nat says she's not sure what to say. Lolo walks her through topics she's got to discuss and Nat asks for her help. Nat goes to the lounge, where Tamar and Kandi are talking about Kato pounding on the KT table to get her attention. 8:57PM BBT: Kandi tunes the ukelele in the lounge while Tamar tweets. 8:59PM BBT: In the KT, Tom invites Kato to sleep up in his bed tonight so he can get some sleep. Tom thinks it'll be comedic for the show.
  12. 6:53PM BBT: Ricky has joined the girls and Joey playing cards in the LR. They talk about playing BS next. 6:55PM BBT: Tom makes fun of the bag of gummy bears that POP TV gave him for winning HOH. Then he tries them and realizes how good they are. He would rather have had an Orwell the Owl to take home. 7:00PM BBT: Lolo and Tamar are telling the others about the POV comp from last summer where they trashed the house hiding their POV cards and how upset Sam was when she saw the mess. 7:02PM BBT: Joey tells the others that in the regular season, the HG are sequestered for 6 weeks PRIOR to the season starting. The others said it was just a month. They don't think they could handle that version of the show. 7:07PM BBT: The mood downstairs is jovial with lots of laughing between the 7 of them. Meanwhile upstairs, Tom and Kato watch them on monitor. 7:11 BBT: Tom and Kato turn out the lights in the HOH room, thinking that it's around 10pm BBT. Tom thought it was early afternoon. 7:24PM BBT: Tom reflects back on Mooch and said he started to feel like Anthony was trying to make an alliance with someone else on the show, but said his gut was telling him something was off. He realizes in retrospect that it's because he was never really a HG. 7:29PM BBT: The girls talk through various reality shows that they watch and how you don't make much money the first season of a show. Kandi talks about how Atlanta Housewives are the #1 show in the franchise. 7:45PM BBT: The HG in the LR are under the impression that tomorrow night is a 2 hour live show. 7:53PM BBT: Joey brings up with the others the fact that Tom and Kato have been holed up in the HOHR for so long. They talk about uncomfortable the situation is. 8:09PM BBT: Tom and Kato finally emerge from the HOHR to play pool. 8:28PM BBT: Kandi is keeping Lolo company in the lounge while she tweets, saying that she really misses social media the most. She posts on IG a few times a day, but mostly likes to look through other peoples' posts that she follows.
  13. 6:00PM BBT: Joey, Tamar and Lolo are in the SR talking through the food in there and Tamar looks for her tea in the drawer to help per poop. They all then return to the KT with Dina and Kandi. 6:02PM BBT: Tom and Kato are up in the HOHR talking through if Kato wins next HOH, and how he'd go crazy knowing that one of the girls was go, hoping Lolo first. 6:06PM BBT: In the KT, Kandi is joking that Brandi Glanville told her that her experience was horrible, and to befriend the most athletic person and work with them. Also that she did it for the money since she's divorced with kids. 6:08PM BBT: Also in the KT, Joey is sharing all of his organic snacks that he "ordered" from BB and they're surprised at how good everything is. Dina and Kandi are teaching a game of 5 Card Stud to Lolo, Tamar and Natalie at the KT table. 6:18PM BBT: Tom tells Kato that if/when he wins the HOH comp, it'll be the biggest upset in the history of reality television. Kato agrees and says he feels strong. 6:19PM BBT: Kato tells Tom in the HOHR that how amazing it is that they have no idea downstairs that they're watching them play cards. 6:24PM BBT: Tom and Kato are discussing how they didn't know who any of the other HG were when they first met them and wondered if they were on a regular season of BB and not Celebrity. 6:36PM BBT: Joey joins the 5 girls playing cards at the KT table. They move over to the LR table because it's smaller and easier to use. 6:38PM BBT: Tom and Kato are laughing upstairs at how they went from Team Fun to Team Outcast, but how they'll all be their best friends again when Kato wins HOH.
  14. 8:33PM BBT: The group decides to go upstairs, but only if they all go together. Tom is clearly excited to host and entertain. 8:37PM BBT: The HG are all upstairs, except for Joey. They are toasting to Kandi making it through two evictions, and they tell her how nice it was getting to know her in the house. 8:41PM BBT: While Tom has the headphones on and dances by himself, the others chat about Oreos and how much they love them and can eat a whole row. Dina goes downstairs to get the peach cobbler per their request. 8:49PM BBT: The topic in the HOHR was changed over to how McDonald's differs in other countries, such as how they still have fried apple pies and how they have better fries. 8:51PM BBT: There are multiple conversations going and lots of laughing as the wine continues to pour.
  15. 7:13PM BBT: Tamar and Lolo discuss strip clubs in Atlanta. Lolo said she's never been to one where they were naked. Tamar said that she needs to go and that Cheetah had 5 star food in theirs. 7:18PM BBT: Kato and Tom are back up in the HOHR. Tom asks if everyone hates them. They watch the KT camera. Tom said that he told Lolo yesterday to get along with Joey more. He now wonders if that was a good move. 7:26PM BBT: Tom tells Kato that the worst case scenario is if the it's the house against him, Kato and Dina. Kato shakes his head saying that he believes that that's the case. 7:48PM BBT: Tom decides to go out on the balcony and invite the houseguests to have a party in the HOHR, enticing them with a cheese plate. There's no wine, so he heads to the DR to request some. Kato said he'll watch their faces on the monitor. 7:56PM BBT: The girls discuss Married At First Sight at the KT table and walk through some of the couples. Lolo said that more couples have remained together than with Bachelor/Bachelorette. 8:03PM BBT: All of the HG are in the KT now. There was no interest in a party in the HOHR. Kandi tells the others about her show "Kandi Koated Nights", which is basically a talk show about sex. 8:06PM BBT: Tom heads to the lounge to post a tweet. 8:08PM BBT: Tom heads up to the HOHR and puts his headphones on, while getting all of the food out of his fridge. He leaves the music and brings the food downstairs. The HG continue to answer various dating situation questions. 8:16PM BBT: Tom dropped off his laundry in the SR and found two bottles of Cabernet wine. He brings it upstairs to the HOHR instead of to the KT table where they all are talking. He puts out his cheese tray. Kato joins him. 8:22PM BBT: Natalie tells the others about her relationship with her husband and how he told her he was going to marry her withing 12 hours of meeting. They were engaged 6 weeks later. Kato goes upstairs to play the keyboard with the headphones on. 8:26PM BBT: Tom and Kato have cleaned up the HOHR and "made it nice", but nobody appears to be interested in leaving the sex talk in the KT.
  16. 6:30PM BBT: Lolo and Ricky are in the BR talking about the benefits of post BigBrother when they'll cherish the new friendships they've made. Lolo said she was burned on 2 other reality shows. 6:32PM BBT: Dina is playing cards with Tom and Kato. 6:36PM BBT: Tamar and Natalie are chatting in the BR about who they think Tom and Kato want out. Tamar thinks that it's her, but Nat reassures her that Ricky is their target. 6:38PM BBT: Tom tells the others about his real estate agent girlfriend that he's been dating for 6 months. She lives in Vegas, but tours with him when he's on the road. They don't live together, but that's probably in their future. 6:41PM BBT: Kato tells the others at the KT table (Lolo/Tom/Ricky/Dina) that his name is from Switzerland and that he's named that because of Bruce Lee, who is his idol. 6:43PM BBT: Lolo and Tamar are in the BR talking through and laughing about last season of CBB. They are quite knowledgeable. 6:45PM BBT: Natalie tells Tamar that she isn't interested in getting to know Kandi because she might like her and her game would change. Tamar tells her that Kandi is nice and she may regret it. 6:51PM BBT: Lolo tells Tom in the SR that they had a miscommunication today and they need to make sure that doesn't happen again. 6:58PM BBT: Lolo, Natalie and Tamar make fun of Tom wearing the HOH key around his neck all the time. Natalie says if she wins HOH and they catch her doing that, that they need to check her.
  17. 8:34PM BBT: Tom and Kato now feel for sure that Ricky has the power. Ricky had come into the gym and got upset with Tom for trying to get information from the other HG. Tom and Kato are discussing options in the HOHR now. 8:36PM BBT: Joey and Lolo are in the BR and both wish they had the power so that they could tell everyone to calm down and stop stressing. 8:40PM BBT: Ricky joins Kato/Tom in the HOHR and the conversation changes to sports while Kato rummages through the candy in the basket. 8:49PM BBT: Lolo, Natalie and Tamar are in the BR discuss how production has taken away Tom's power, which is why he's acting a little neurotic and paranoid. 8:51PM BBT: Kato and Ricky are playing pool upstairs. 8:53PM BBT: Tom and Joey are in the lounge continuing their talk about the power.
  18. 7:52PM BBT: After fist bumping the F4 in the gym (Tom, Kato, Lolo, Natalie), Tom continues to quiz them about them having a F4 or F5. Lolo explodes and tells him she's had enough of him overthinking and questioning their loyalty. After Tom and Kato leave, Lolo talks about taking Tom out next week when he has no power. 7:58PM BBT: Tom, Kato, Lolo and Natalie are now playing nice and come to an agreement that they think Ricky has the power. He could then choose sides later in the game if he plays neutral now. 8:20PM BBT: Dina and Kandi play pool upstairs. Tamar poked her head in the gym and saw Tom/Kato/Lolo/Natalie in the gym and then turns around, puffing on her way back downstairs. Joey goes to the gym and they grill him again about the power. He says he can't lie because he twitches.
  19. 7:19PM BBT: Tom and Kato have joined Dina in the lounge where she was tweeting, looking her in the eye and asking if she has the power. She promises them she doesn't and they feel her out for who she thinks has it. She seems oblivious to anyone lying. 7:22PM BBT: Tom goes into the BR to talk to Tamar, but she told him no because he hasn't wanted to talk to her all day. She said "I don't have the damn thing". 7:24PM BBT: Natalie visits Lolo while she is working out in the gym, full of energy from her Monster. They agree that Tom's overthinking the power thing and then they also talk about who they think has it. They think Tay has it because she's acting normal and isn't worried about being backdoored. 7:29PM BBT: Tom ended up staying in the room talking with Tamar after all. Tom doesn't believe that fans actually watch, that most of the viewers don't know who they are. This is how he feels the power voters are swaying, not from the number of Instagram followers they have. 7:32PM BBT: Tamar is telling Tom that he is threatening her and he is shocked. He handles it well and said that she's hilarious. 7:41PM BBT: Tamar is with Joey in the SR telling him how Tom threatened her. Joey replies that the other side feels like they have power because they've done well so far. 7:43PM BBT: Tom and Kato joined Lolo and Kato in the gym. More talk about the power. 7:44PM BBT: Kandi joins Tamar and Joey, and Tamar rehashes Tom's "threat" to put her up if she didn't talk with Kandi and find out if she has the power.
  20. 6:49PM BBT: The HG playing pool are getting very tired, so it will most likely be an early to bed evening. 7:00PM BBT: Tom and Kato are in the HOHR talking through scenarios. They think that putting Ricky on the block will out him just in case he faking his alliance with them. 7:09PM BBT: Kandi and Ricky are playing cards at the KT table. Upstairs, Kato and Tom decide to announce to the house that they know someone is lying and that it is a mistake because Tom and Kato are winning comps and it could come back to haunt them, and that they should speak up.
  21. 6:05PM BBT: Joey joins Tom and Kato in the HOHR. Joey is trying to figure out who has the power based on the others either overacting or keeping too quiet. He thinks that that it's someone in the middle. Joey mentions that Lolo thanked him for his composure yesterday. 6:06PM BBT: Joey agrees to work with Tom to figure out who has the power, even though Tom put him on the block. 6:07PM BBT: Ricky joins the other guys in the HOHR and they tell him that Joey does not have the power. Ricky said he believes him. Joey's learning the social aspect of the game, although says he still hates it. 6:13PM BBT: Now Tom and Kato are alone with Ricky. Ricky asks what-if questions, like what if Tamar has it - what would he do? Would they still put her up as a veto replacement? They will continue to think about that question, and Ricky recommends that they do it quietly so as to not stir anything up. 6:17PM BBT: Dina goes into the HOHR trying to figure out whose slacks are that she found. They're short, so they assume they're Mooch's. She then heads back downstairs. 6:35PM BBT: Joey alludes to Kandi and Tamar in the KT that one of them has the power. Tamar gets defensive and he says who knows, they'll find out soon enough. 6:37PM BBT: Kato, Tom, Lolo and Natalie play doubles up at the pool table while Dina and Ricky sit and watch.
  22. 6:44PM BBT: In the BR, Lolo and Natalie explain to Ricky how Joey told them that they were acting too confident. She says that they tried to work with him from day 1, but he wasn't interested. They know that they are now targets. 6:47PM BBT: Ricky told the girls that Ryan said that the girls would just manipulate their way to the end, batting their eyelashes. Lolo is sorry she shed a tear for Ryan. 6:54PM BBT: Lolo and Natalie agree in the BR that Kato is winning the game, and that he's sniped two players so far. They realize that he is a threat, even though he's in their alliance. 6:56PM BBT: The HG say that the next comp will be around 12 or 1am, according to production. 7:01PM BBT: The feeds have gone to CBB1 reruns.
  23. 6:14PM BBT: Lolo reads out her Tweet to Natalie. It's to Ryan explaining trying to let him know it wasn't personal. <the HG tweets go their own personal accounts> 6:17PM BBT: Tom is cooking in the KT while Kato watches. Joey tells Kato that he doesn't like the way the game is being played. Kato tries to make him feel better, but Joey is clearly still upset. 6:24PM BBT: In the lounge Kandi said that they were told this upcoming comp is going to take a long time, so must be endurance. She leaves the room for the next person, Kato, to tweet. 6:26PM BBT: Ricky asks Kato in the lounge if it's ok to put Dina on the block if he wins. Kato says yes. 6:30PM BBT: Tamar tells Joey to stop sulking, shake it off, and to get into the game. He helps her get her luggage back to the room, but tells her not to fully unpack. 6:38PM BBT: Kato and Ricky play poker in the lounge. Kato continues to school Ricky in the game with tips and tricks.
  24. 6:07PM BBT: The feeds are back and Lolo is tweeting in the lounge. Tamar and Kandi are silently staring at the HG photo wall from the KT table. Ricky, Kato and Natalie are eating in the KT. There's not much chatter. 6:09PM BBT: Joey is unpacking his suitcase, which was ready in case he was backdoored.



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