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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 9:45AM BBT The HG are now awake. Holly starts her day by making coffee. 9:52AM BBT Holly and Tomy are trying to figure out what kind of bug is in one of the kitchen jars - Holly caught it earlier and was grossed out.
  2. 7:31PM BBT Cliff appears to be struggling. Everyone else is holding steadily. 7:35PM BBT Cliff announces falling right before he drops. 7:35PM BBT Christie drops saying she was in the worst position. 7:36PM BBT The remaining HG are Nicole, Tommy and Michie, and all are agreeing how hard it is. 7:37PM BBT Tommy says that his calves are on fire. Michie says he feels great, no different than when they started. 7:42PM BBT Nicole drops. 7:43PM BBT It's now between Tommy and Michie. The others are comforting Nicole, who is visibly upset. 7:48PM BBT Tommy is huffing and puffing while it looks like a walk in the park for Michie. The wall tilts even further. 7:49PM BBT Tommy drops. 7:50PM BBT Jackson is the new HOH, with lots of hugs from the other HG.
  3. 7:03PM BBT Feeds are back! Everyone is quiet and Tommy is grinning. 7:06PM BBT The HG all agree that this comp is really hard, even after a few minutes. Jess promises to give everyone massages tomorrow. 7:08PM BBT The cold rain keeps coming and Tommy is laughing. Nicole is very focused, concentrating with her eyes closed. 7:09PM BBT Tommy and Jess both say that their feet are numb. 7:11PM BBT All of the HG agree that having a flat backside would help with this comp, and they're comparing the differences in the boards for their hand placements. They are then suddenly hit with a cold blast of smoke/air from behind. Christie says that she felt like a sharp stab in the back. Then a repeat blast. The feeds then go to WBRB. 7:14PM BBT The house tilts forward, with all HG still hanging on. Nicole is in the zone. 7:15PM BBT Michie takes note of production's signals to make things happen. 7:17PM BBT Jess is going to drop, but is scared. Screams as she falls and is laying on her back. She looks like she's hurting so Holly asks production if she's allowed to help her - and the feeds to to WBRB. 7:19PM BBT Holly is helping Jess up, who is really winded. 7:20PM BBT Jess gets a towel around her with a bottle of water, and is in tears. 7:20PM BBT And now the shout outs to family and friends begins, starting with Christie. The ghosts then swing down to hit them. 7:25PM BBT There's talk about what they're going to eat later. Christie asks BB if they can have pizza. They all remember that they have a frozen pizza they can have.
  4. 7:38PM BBT The HG are laughing in the KT about how much work went into building 2 sets for a prank. Now they're worried about how far they'll take other pranks this week. Christie is out of the DR and Holly was called in. 7:42PM BBT Michie feels as though if America is voting, then he'll be pranked. Christie feels as though it'll be her, and then Nick clapped. Back in the trailer BR, Nicole apologized to her family on the feeds that she really wanted to see their pics and read their letter. 7:44PM BBT Nick praises Christie in front of the others for how "sick" her flipping the vote was and how much respect he has for her game. 7:48PM BBT The house sounds are currently bird sounds, as the HG all do their best impressions from studying last night. Lots of laughs! 7:57PM BBT Christie and Tommy are in the Target BR. He asks if anyone mentioned his name and she swore on her sister's life that she never heard anything like that. They whisper about who they think are in still existing alliances - lots of chit chat back and forth, all speculation.
  5. 7:05PM BBT Feeds are up and Cliff is holding court with an inspiring speech in the kitchen. They're all laughing about the bird calls. 7:07PM BBT Christie goes back to the trailer bedroom and starts praying chanting "thank you God". 7:10PM BBT The HG are in the KT eating dinner, chatting about the HOH comp tonight. Holly feels stupid that she made the comment about her dad teaching her to shoot. 7:17PM BBT The HG are speculating about what the pranking voting will be. Back by the camper, Christie congratulates Holly while primping her hair. Holly is worried that the twist will mess with her HOH. 7:21PM BBT Holly and Michie are already talking game and who she should be putting on the block. He tells her how proud of her he is. 7:25PM BBT Michie tells Holly to make sure she tells everyone that it was luck with the HOH comp and not skills. She says yes, but that it really was skill based, even Julie said so. He tells her that she's guaranteed at least 7th place and that he's open to play in the next HOH comp. She says great, let's tag team back and forth with winning HOH through the end.
  6. 7:57PM BBT - Cliff is determines to to complete the comp. Michie tries to help him, but he says he wants to do it himself and that they can turn the lights out. He then gives Kat a shout out that he is sorry, but had to do what he had to to stay stay alive in this game.
  7. 7:31PM BBT - Michie is clearly in the lead and is his to lose at this point. He has a wardrobe malfunction and takes off his shorts and kicks them to the side. Holly appears to be a close second, but it's difficult to see her container in the lineup with the camera angles. 7:33PM BBT - Cliff said that he had a dream last night about Michie in Mexico, going from room to room drinking beer while Michie was drinking the beers ahead of everyone. 7:35PM BBT - Jess said that she's going to end up without a job by losing weight in the comp and that she's down about 15lbs at this point. 7:38PM BBT - Nick is singing, bringing the feeds to the WBRB message. 7:39PM BBT - Michie requests water or beer (or both) from POPTV after the comp tonight. 7:40PM BBT - Cliff says "I may not win, but I'm not quitting. I'm giving this 100%" Holly "that's why we love you, Cliff" 7:43PM BBT - Michie can touch his ball, so he knows that he's close. Sis continues to fall, probably more than any of the others. 7:48PM BBT - 54 minutes into the comp and it appears to almost be over with Michie heads above the others, with Holly in second. 7:51PM BBT - Tommy confirms that Michie is in 1st, Holly in 2nd, Christie in 3rd. The others continue to plod along. 7:55PM BBT - Michie wins HOH!
  8. 7:05PM BBT - Feeds are up and all HG are quiet and focused. The fastest seem to be Nick, Christie, Holly and Michie at this point. 7:08PM BBT - Jess, Cliff and Nicole are struggling to keep up. Jess is basically running in place for the most part. 7:09PM BBT - Tommy cheers the other HG with promises of someone seeing pictures of their loved ones tonight. Jess answers "it probably won't be me". 7:11PM BBT - Michie is moving about double the speed of the others by running halfway and then gliding in to dump what's in his cup. Cliff shouts out a greeting to live feeders. 7:15PM BBT - Jess takes a tumble and falls on her back, and then jokes by making snow angels in the Crisco. 7:22PM BBT - All HG are still going at it, but Michie appears to be in the lead, followed by Holly. Nick is doing great, but still breathing hard and slowing down a bit. 7:23PM BBT - Michie tells the others that it's apple cider, not beer, as he can smell it. 7:26PM BBT - The HG contintually send shout outs as the slide, including a lot of birthday wishes.
  9. 7:03PM BBT - The feeds are back. Christie, Nick and Sis are in the target room while the others are in the KT watching the faces wall. 7:05PM BBT - Tommy gets lots of congrats from the other HG. Back in the target br, Tommy tells Sis, Christie and Nick that they're safe. They thank him and he tells them to not be weird that he doesn't say that out loud going forward. Christie tells him to stay true to himself. 7:06 PM BBT Christie to Michie- I didn't vote you to be a d*ck. Michie- I know, we already talked about it. Christie- I love you. Jess- I'm glad we are all here. Christie- I know...glad it wasn't a double eviction 7:09PM BBT - Nick tells Tommy that he didn't want to win the HOH and threw the comp to him. Nick wants to be able to play in the double eviction next week. 7:10PM BBT - Kat's moving in to get Tommy's ear and to explain that she voted the way she did to keep Jess safe. He says he understands and loved them both - and voted to evict Jack as well. 7:18PM BBT - Tommy checks in with Sis in the SR to make sure she's ok after Jack's eviction. He said he will listen to other people and then come to her to bounce ideas off of her. She wants to start making the cake for his birthday. 7:21PM BBT - Kat, Sis, Nicole, Nick, Jess and Cliff are in the KT fueling up post-show. 7:23PM BBT - In the target room, Michie unpacks his suitcase while Holly keeps him company. Nick reads the Bible in the RV bedroom. 7:26PM BBT - Sis tells Michie she thinks Tommy will put him up as a pawn against Cliff. Michie says he will go home next to Cliff...next to anyone. 7:26PM BBT - The HG are trying to figure out where everyone will be sleeping. Sis says she doesn't want to be anywhere near Cliff. Christie said she's going to leave her stuff where it is, but will also be sleeping upstairs. 7:34PM BBT - In the target br, Michie tells Cliff that he respects his game. 7:45PM BBT - Nick talks with Sis in the RV room. She is bored, so he offers to stop reading and to talk with her. She is bummed that she came so close to winning the HOH by .04 seconds. Nicole is with them and say that Sis and her are the only ones left that haven't won HOH. 7:48PM BBT - Cliff tells Tommy that he should get his room soon since they finished the comp early. Tommy was hoping that he would be let off the hook with his punishment, but it will continue. 7:50PM BBT - Tommy jokes about starting his one on ones now and the others laugh. Nick is dead set on getting HOH next week and being the first repeat winner. 7:54PM BBT - Tommy tells the other HG that he wants to sleep alone tonight. They all agree and that he deserves it. 7:57PM BBT - Tommy is predicting who will be in his pictures, what will be in his basket, and who wrote a letter. He said that everyone signed releases for him, vs. Jack who got a letter from his trainer. 7:58PM BBT - In the KT, Sis is already campaigning against Cliff with Holly and Michie.
  10. 6:06PM BBT - Nick joins Nicole, Jess, Cliff, Kat and Holly in the HOHR. He reports on which part of the Bible he read today before moving on to chat about who they hope to pick for POV tomorrow. Jess says she wants the noms to remain the same. 6:09PM BBT - Sis and Jack are canoodling in the WA. Holly talks with them about how Jackson expected to go up, and that he hardly talks now. Kat joins them wishing that she had some eye makeup remover. 6:11PM BBT - Kat asks Sis if she can shadily talk to her in the boat room because she'd heard some stuff yesterday. 6:16PM BBT - Kat is thanking Sis profusely for saving her game last night and speaking up as to "why" flip the vote. 6:24PM BBT - Jess regurgitates the story that Michie shared about the threesome knowing each other ad nauseum. 6:29PM BBT -In the bedroom, Jackson practices his story leading up to yesterday's mahem. She says "is that true??" "Nope" She totally buys his story and says she'll play along, but doesn't feel like they really need to throw Jack under the bus, and if the noms stay the same, he has the votes to stay. 6:46PM BBT - Jess is listening to Fat Bottom Girls and thinking of her husband and how he loves to squeeze her. 6:51PM BBT - In the KT, the HG eat the pasta meal that Tommy and Christie made while Jack reads the Bible. 6:55PM BBT - In the HN room, Michie says Christie can sit and spin with her pasta, that he's not having any part of it. She laughs and tells him he needs to think before speaking something like that with them. 7:43PM BBT - Up in the HOHR, Jess, Sis, Christie and Tommy rehash what they know. The same goes for the other BR with Jack, Holly and Nick. Nothing really new....
  11. 7:05PM BBT - Holly, Sis and Christie are up in the HOHR. Michie was in bed listening to music after taking a shower. 7:07PM BBT - Holly tells Michie in the HOHR that she hopes that she hasn't blown up her game by putting up 2 strong competitors that might come for her later. 7:07PM BBT - Christie and Jess are on the upstairs sofa eating ice cream. Nicole joins them. They're trying to figure out which hall camera is the one that feeds into the HOH monitor. 7:10PM BBT - Michie tells Holly that he can't stand how self-centered Kat is and how everything is about her. Holly said that she knows, but she trusts her and she'll be safe if she's a pawn up against Sam or Nick. 7:29PM BBT - Christie and Nick are talking in the camper bedroom. He can barely get a word in edgewise while she dissects their relationship in the house, and how they had some stressful times. She then tries to build him up in his chances of getting votes this week. 7:40PM BBT - Jack is up in the HOHR bed with Holly, Michie, Sis and Tommy. Michie tells them how Sam monopolized their time with his biblical analogy. They say that he brings up controversial topics like religion and politics. 7:47PM BBT - Christie continues talking with Nick in the camper bedroom, but now with Sam listening as well. Nick assures her that he is fully aware of Bella's pitch to stay and that she's not telling him anything new.
  12. 6:03PM BBT - Nick and Kat are in the boat room where Nick says he's not surprised and that he did it to himself. He wishes he hadn't removed himself from the alliance that he created. 6:05PM BBT - Sam, Analyse, Tommy and Nicole are eating at the KT table while the rest of the house are in the food line with their plates. 6:13PM BBT - Sam goes looking for Nick and finds him and Kat in the boat room. Kat leaves to go eat. Sam jokes that it's weird to hear that the majority wants them out when he's part of the majority. Nick tells him he shouldn't have been surprised. 6:22PM BBT - In the KT, Sam suggests to the house that the nominatees should act p*ssed off for an hour and not break character and blow up BB. They all laugh, but no takers. 6:32PM BBT - Jess and Kat are in the WA and hope that they're chosen to play in the POV comp so they can leave the noms the same and hope that everyone else feels the same way. 6:34PM BBT - Back in the trailer, Jack tells Sis that if he's chosen as houseguest' choice, then he would use the veto to take that person down. She laughs and he says he's serious, because it showed faith in him. 6:41PM BBT - Nick tells Sam and Jack in the boat room that he'll be choosing Jess to play because she won't win the POV. He and Sam know that nobody will use the POV to save them, so the need to pick bad players. 6:50PM BBT - Holly is braiding Sis's hair while the other girls lay around and keep them company. (Nicole, Chirsti, Jess and Kat) 7:00PM BBT - Holly announces to the guys in the boat room that she's heading upstairs to take an epsom bath with Sis. They all say that they'll be up soon to watch. They then continue to talk about Tim McGraw's music and how much they love him, which is the music that Holly chose for her HOH.
  13. 9:13PM BBT Sis dropped and left Holly as the last woman hanging. 9:15PM BBT - The feeds are cut while the HG head in to clean up.
  14. 9:05PM BBT - Holly gives a shout out to her dance academy in Wyoming, as she is still going strong against Sis.
  15. 7:51PM BBT - Jackson (Michie) pees from his hanging stance and the other HG cheer!
  16. 7:05PM BBT - The feeds are back! Sam, Michie, Sis, Kat, Tommy, Jack, Holly, and Christie are still up. Sam lost his footing and dropped. (as did Jess and Nicole as seen on the show) 7:09PM BBT - The remaining hanging HG were sprayed with pink paint-like substance. Christie dropped. Jack appears to be struggling. 7:10PM BBT - Nick got very shaky and dropped. 7:11PM BBT - Nick cracked a joke after being slimed "On Thursdays we wear pink!". 7:12PM BBT - Remaining are Holly, Michie, Jack, Kat, Tommy and Sis. They are now being blown in leaves. 7:20PM BBT - More pink slime! Christie, Jess, Cliff, Nick, Nicole and Sam cheer on the others. Jack falls, leaving Holly, Sis, Michie, Kat and Tommy. 7:29PM BBT - The last 4 hanging HG are going strong as they adjust to stretch, etc. Tommy looks like a member of Cirque de Soleil... 7:32PM BBT - Tommy dropped, leaving Holly, Michie, Sis and Kat. 7:45PM BBT - The fallen look on. 7:51PM BBT - Jackson (Michie) pees from his hanging stance and the other HG cheer! 7:59PM BBT - The last 4 are still going strong as the pulleys are continuously raised and lowered.
  17. 7:05PM BBT - The feeds are back! Sam, Michie, Sis, Kat, Tommy, Jack, Holly, and Christie are still up. Sam lost his footing and dropped. (as did Jess and Nicole as seen on the show) 7:09PM BBT - The remaining hanging HG were sprayed with pink paint-like substance. Christie dropped. Jack appears to be struggling. 7:10PM BBT - Nick got very shaky and dropped. 7:11PM BBT - Nick cracked a joke after being slimed "On Thursdays we wear pink!". 7:12PM BBT - Remaining are Holly, Michie, Jack, Kat, Tommy and Sis. They are now being blown in leaves.
  18. 7:56PM BBT - Nicole and Bella are talking on the sofa upstairs while Sam and Nick look on. Bella asks for feedback so she can change up her strategy if needed.
  19. 6:03PM BBT - Bella and Nick are snuggling on the sofa in the LR. She keeps asking for reassurance that his mother will like her. Sam joking throws something at Nick and Bella gets up. Sam then reads from the Bible. Holly puts on her makeup while sitting on her bed back in her bedroom. 6:23PM BBT - Bella takes over with the Bible reading as Nick and Sam lay on the LR couches listening. 6:33PM BBT - Jack campaigns to Jessica in the boat room and talks through how he will play with integrity going forward. He understands that he's a big threat and says he's just a guy that wants to get through the game and prove himself. Kat and Nicole run upstairs to feed the fish. 6:43PM BBT - Holly and Sis lounge in the KT while Tommy moves around putting stuff away. 7:07PM BBT - Bella has a conversation with Sam about the differences between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese from a physical and customs point of view. 7:09PM BBT - Holly, Jack, Christie and Jessica are in the KT preparing burgers for dinner. Kat and Tommy are wiping down the stair rails, etc. with antiseptic wipes.
  20. 7:00PM BBT - Bella, Nick and Sam are playing a game of catch in the KT where they have to answer questions about this season, so they're studying for a future comp. 7:06PM BBT - Holly and Kat are in the TBR chatting about Michie. Holly said she has to take into account that they're locked in the house for the remainder of the game, so she can't dump him - she has to continue to play along with him. 7:41PM BBT - Sam and Tommy are in the room outside of the camper where Sam guages if he and Tommy are still good and in the same place. Tommy reassures him before they head to the KT. 7:44PM BBT - The girls (Sis, Holly, Kat, and Christie) are talking about plastic surgery contraptions and Kat says that she wants Kybella where they get rid of the fat under your chin. Christie said it was a waste of money because she had it done 3x and look at her. Not only did it not work, it was also painful. "chin lipo and a brazilian butt lift" Holly said she had her fat frozen before going into the house.
  21. 6:50PM BBT - In the KT, Nick asks Bella if she remembers his mom's phone number. Sam teases her about saying it on camera and asks how he was able to tell her the number to begin with. She laughs and says she used the Bible. Feeds cut for a minute. Thanks, Mama! You rock!!! <3
  22. 6:02PM BBT - While Jack and Sis are prepping dinner in the KT, Kat, Christie and Tommy are eating slop in the HN room while Nick and Sam watch on. 6:22PM BBT - inserted from above post... 6:38PM BBT - While the HG clean the KT, Sis is showing Jessica where her pain is - and then the feeds cut tot he boat room with Christie, Kat, Jack and Tommy. The girls leave the room to Jack and Tommy. Jack said he's excited to be off the block and hopes to win the next HOH. Tommy said he must be ready for the "next phase". 6:44PM BBT - Christie tells Jack and Tommy that she's obsessed with Cliff now and how she's happy to have him on her side. Tommy said he's not convinced that it was a huge play to save Jack because Cliff was just buying himself some safety in the process. Jack is pleased with their work this week to save him. 6:45PM BBT - Holly is cuddled up to Michie on the LR sofa whispering/complaining about another woman in the house that she's annoyed with. (?) Feeds cut back to the boat room where Christie, Jack and Tommy tease Kat about getting a letter from Brett if she won HOH.
  23. 6:43PM BBT - Tommy joins Christie and Jack in the TBR and once again Christie repeats everything that she just swore to Nicole she would keep between them. Tommy initially does not respond well to Nicole saying that she was just told that she had the deciding vote this week



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