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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 6:04PM BBT - Christie talks with Nicole, Holly and Michie in the HN room, saying that there's nothing they can do until tomorrow. Nicole is a bundle of nerves because they are making her aware that she may be a deciding vote this week. She leaves and Sam enters - they have concluded that all of the women in the house are PMSing. 6:07PM BBT - Jack, Sis and Tommy are chilling out in the TBR, mostly quiet and whispering. Tommy is wondering how he would've done in the comp today - Jack tells him it would've been high for him to reach. 6:09PM BBT - Sam asks Michie if he feels like he'd be going home if he hadn't won the POV. He says yes especially if Jack won, that it was do or die time. Holly said that Jess made her crazy during lockdown because she would not stop talking. Michie added that she has the most judgemental eyes. 6:09PM BBT - Christie and Nicole are talking by themselves in the SR where Christie assures her that she is not going to F6 with any couples. Nicole is aware that she's low on the totem pole in the house and that she has to play her game without having to pay back each of the people that saved her. 6:10PM BBT - Kat is with Jack and Tommy in the TBR where she said she's never trash talked other HG, except for maybe Bella. Integrity is important to her. She can't be fake with Bella, much less look her in the eye now because she's so mad. 6:27PM BBT - Jack tells Kat that he's got to start making dinner for everyone, but keeps chatting about Cliff. Kat explains that Cliff is scared and Jack says he understands. Sis comes into the room and hugs Jack while he farts on her. 6:30PM BBT - After just repeatedly telling Nicole that their convo was private and would not be repeated, she immediately cries it all verbatim to Jack, Kat and Sis. 6:32PM BBT - Jess and Nicole are talking over the chess board where they walk through Christie not using the power and then Cliff will put someone up that will not go home over Jack. 6:39PM BBT - Christie tells Jack in the TBR that "the 6" and Cliff had a common enemy in Nick and Bella and that he will be "the 7th" at that point. She rehearses her speech to Cliff and what will be best. They realize that Michie's replacement will be Tommy or Sis to force Jack out and Jack tells her that's ok.
  2. #BB21 8:58PM BBT - Jess tells Nicole that she's proud of her for campaigning for herself to stay. Sis walks in and Jess explains that like she like didn't like realize that like the house was like voting for her to like stay.
  3. 8:47PM BBT - Kat, Jess and Nicole are in the camper BR trying to figure out why they weren't included in the plan. Jess explains to Nicole why she voted to evict her, that they're being used by the other side to get them out one by one until they reach their final alliance number.
  4. 7:38PM BBT - The feeds are back and they're trying to determine what the comp will be. They've decided that it'll be an endurance comp tonight, especially if they don't need a wet mic and were told to wear athleticwear. 7:39PM BBT - Bella is in the boat room with Sam, Jack, and Michie where they're discussing what they saw out in the yard during the comeback comp and that there was a massive projection screen. Bella asks if the nine of them should only talk game with each other and treat the others as if they're in Camp Comeback. They question her talking game thus far with David. Bella is annoyed with them assuming that she was working with others. 7:38PM BBT - In the other room outside of the camper, Holly, Tommy and Sis are talking with Nick. Nick said that he will not talk game with Cliff if they don't want him to. They tell him that it appears as though Bella, Sam and Nick play as one. 7:45PM BBT - There's a lot of chatter with the two groups but not a lot being said. They're all re-establishing their alliances and making sure that the communication stays open within them. Nick is called to the DR downstairs. 7:47PM BBT - Tommy is clearly emotional with the talk between Christie, Nick and Sis, as they discuss how they will act going forward. Nick is asking what they want from him. Christie tells Nick that she loves him and can't speak for the other 5 and why they wanted Cliff out, but it was nothing personal and had nothing to do with a vendetta - but she just knew that Cliff was bad for their game. 7:48PM BBT - Jack and Bella are now alone in the boat room and they agree that they're on the same page to get out the cockroach Cliff and also Jess, and possibly Nicole. 7:57PM BBT - Sam and Christie are upstairs on the bridge sofa whispering about how they didn't trust him enough to fill him in on the plan. She relays her story of how the plan went down starting this morning, which was well rehearsed and something she's been word vomiting over and over since the eviction tonight. 8:06PM BBT - Holly, Jack and Michie discuss how they need to keep Kat as a mole to get information on the other side of the house. After Jack leaves the room, Michie gives Holly a cat that ate the mouse look.
  5. 6:32PM BBT - The feeds are back. Tommy and Bella are talking in the HOH BR and Kat, Jackson and Jack are in the SR. It sounds like they're still trying to figure out who voted for Kemi to stay. 6:37PM BBT - Jess, Cliff, Nicole and Jack are in the boat room. Jack had just finished telling Cliff that he was a pawn before Jess walked in. Jack tells them both that he can be a POV houseguest choice for either of them. 6:39PM BBT - Cliff and Jess leave the boat room and Jack promises Nicole that she's not a threat and is not in danger this week and that he will always be honest with her if she is. 6:38PM BBT - Bella, Tommy, Sis, Jackson, Christie, Sam, Nick and Holly are in the HOHR going in circles about who voted for Kemi, and Nicole's vote. They are also hammering out the story of bullying in the house. 6:49PM BBT - Kemi, Nicole and Jess are in the WA where Nicole is telling them that she went upstairs and Michie told her that it's not a good time and then shut the door on her face. Nicole is aware that they want her out, and can imagine what's being said about her upstairs. 6:57PM BBT - The gr8ful + 1 are still in the HOHR, all hopped up with power that they can't even sit down. They just keep exciting each other by thinking that they know what's going on with the other side of the house, laughing loudly where they can be heard downstairs. 7:00PM BBT - The big alliance upstairs is trying to think of a new name, finally going with "Not Falling For Your Sh*t". 7:09PM BBT - Cliff and Nick are in the WA and Nick tells him that he's safe and has the votes. 7:10PM BBT - The big alliance meeting has now adjourned and all of the HG are now down in the KT where they start to prep for dinner, which appear to be steaks. 7:19PM BBT - David and Ovi are in the SR and Nicole comes in. They tell her they're talking and she said "they won't talk to me and you won't talk to me". David tells her to be savvy and to hold it in, not going after them directly. Once she leaves, David tells Ovi also that he cannot let the emotions get the best of him. 7:28PM BBT - Cliff comforts Nicole in the TBR, where she says how important it is that they realize that she's human and has feelings, even if they really do believe that she has the power and cast the rogue vote. 7:39PM BBT - Holly and Michie escape back to the target BR where Michie says they just dodged a bullet. They're both overwhelmed by the outcome of his rogue vote. And while they know that it wasn't Nicole that cast it, that she was still playing both sides of the house. 7:41PM BBT - Tommy, Sis, Bella, Sam and Nick are in the HOHR are talking about telling Jess that it's too early to say that she's a pawn, after telling her already that she is not going anywhere. Nick is determined to convince everyone that Jess has a power because she made the comment of "if I had it, I couldn't invoke it until later", and people are starting to buy into it. 7:51PM BBT - In the HOHR, Bella tells Christie, Tommy, Sis, Nick and Jack that Nicole swore on her grandmother's life. Christie laughed and said that she didn't lie, because Nicole's grandmother died 3 years ago and only knew one grandmother. Christie said that she cried in her arms about it at one point.
  6. 7:09PM BBT - The feeds are back and the HG are scattered throughout the house after the live show. 7:10PM BBT - Jack is discussing with Sam and Bella where he will possibly sleep now that his HOH reign is over. They are throwing out options. 7:12PM BBT - Christie, Holly, Nick, Tommy, Jackson and Cliff are in the target BR chatting about how Jess was trying to engage Holly and Christie in conversation earlier in the day and they ignored her without asking her to explain her cryptic comments about information in the house. Nick said that during her campaigning, that she said she took the fall for Nick and Bella. 7:13PM BBT - Jack was alone with Analyse in the area outside the camper trying to figure out why she is annoyed with him. They are then joined by Jackson, Kat, Bella, Ovi and Sam, interrupting their talk. 7:21PM BBT - Tommy and Nick chat in the boat room where Nick talks about how hurt he was by Kemi because he was always there for her. Tommy leaves and Jackson comes in and high fives Nick that Kemi is out. They are trying to figure out who voted to keep her. 7:22PM BBT - David is cleaning the KT while Holly, Kat, Ovi and Tommy watch on. Kemi is called to the DR. Kat says that Nicole told her that it was between the two of them to throw Kemi a pity vote. 7:24PM BBT - Kemi stopped back in the common area where Sam, Nicole, Cliff and Bella were sitting where an argument ensued between Kemi and Bella. They started to get a little physical and were moved apart by Sam. Kemi left the room, but they continued their spirited words in the hall. 7:30PM BBT - Kemi is finally let into the DR, and Bella tells the others how she has said nothing but good things about Kemi and how disappointed she is in her. Tommy said that Kemi will be seen by the viewers as the villain, not Bella. Bella felt that they could've been friends outside of the show. 7:36PM BBT - Sis and Jack are in the SR where she's telling him that she's annoyed by his attention towards Christie. He asks if there's something she'd like for him to do about it, followed by how he'll talk more game with her if she'd like. He says he's not being condescending and she says she feels like he is. He commends her for speaking her voice, which is "awesome". He tells her that he's protecting her game. She says it's annoying and that it's not a jealousy thing. 7:38PM BBT - Michie and Holly are noisely making out in the target BR. She then says "I keep forgetting we're on stupid TV". 7:41PM BBT - Tommy and Jack are left alone in the SR where Jack explains that Sis is upset with him because she's taking all the risks by being a couple with him, but that he spends more time talking game with Christie. The feeds cut to Kemi talking to David about how there are live feeds/cameras all over the house, and then Cliff walks through and interrupts their conversation. 7:53PM BBT - Christie, Sam and Tommy are cooking soup in the KT. Nicole and Cliff are in the RV BR whispering about Bella and Nick, and how she feels that she's the next target.
  7. 7:06PM BBT- All of the HG are in the KT area lining up to fix their dinner plates for Taco Tuesday.
  8. 6:06PM BBT- Jessica, Kemi and David are in the CBR discussing how your decisions in the house reflect your character in real life. They make comparisons to how people can be fired from their jobs based on what they post on social media. 6:12 PM BBT Kemi, David, and Jess CBR room continue talking about past HGs and relationships. Kemi says "that's why Valdemort (production) says BB has the best success when it comes to lasting relationships" Chrisitie, Jack, Tommy and Jackson are preparing Taco Tuesday in the kitchen. Kat, Nick, Bella, and SIs are in the HOH; Kat is listening to music and the others are just lounging around 6:25PM BBT- Nick, Bella, Sis and Kat are in the HOHR bed watching the HG prepare dinner downstairs, mentioning that Christie is an aggressive chewer. 6:28PM BBT- Sis tells the others in the HOHR that she and Jack have decided that they shouldn't sleep together as much anymore. Nick said what does it matter, everyone knows - even Cliff. 6:35 PM BBT In the WA, Cliff is telling about his grandmother being a runner for a bootleg business people were running during Prohibition. He talks about how the feds came several times, but by the time the agents got there, everything was hidden ...talks about an illegal casino, too "Granny was church going....but Granny Hogg was a wild child" 6:36PM BBT- Holly and Kat are in the HOHR where Holly is trying to figure out what she's done to become a target. Kat said that she's had to defend herself to people think she's working with Holly, and that it's too late to disassociate herself from Jackson because everyone already knows that they're working together. Holly tells her "we haven't even kissed or anything". 6:46PM BBT- Holly says that Sam has a better chance of winning the game over Jack, because Jack is arrogant. They agree that they need to get Bella and Nick out, especially Bella because she's so dirty - they can't decide if she has a good heart or is a sociopath because her attitude can turn on a dime. 6:49PM BBT- Sam and Bella are in the boat room discussing who Bella would put up if she was HOH. She said she would put up Kat/Jess, and Nick would do the same. Bella tells him that he's the 9th to their 8 and that she and Nick are trying to figure out how to get out of gr8tful. Ovi comes in and lays down, interrupting their talk. 7:01PM BBT- The boatroom now has David, Sam, Ovi, Bella and Nick, and they're guessing at what the Camp Comeback comp will be for one of the HG to return. They agree that it'll be a big production to draw in interest. Bella believes that every week will get worse for the members of Camp Comeback.
  9. 6:04PM BBT- Ovi suggested that they make a slip and slide in the BY, so Christie and David went to work lining up trash bags on ground, held together by weights and the cornhole beanbags. Most of the HG are in the BY, while the others are in the KT preparing dinner. They are thinking about using baby oil or soap to make it slippery. 6:09PM BBT- Nicole and Jess are in the WA chatting. Jess is uncomfortable with Nick being in their room now and that they'd prefer it to be Christie because Bella is acting weird. 6:30PM BBT- Tommy, Christie, Cliff, Jack, Sis, Nick, Ovi and David all go for a spin on the slip and slide while the others help by holding it down, or spraying it with water. 6:40PM BBT- The slip and slide finally called it quits and some of the HG got into the pool, and then back out. Christie and Jack stayed in the pool, and Ovi and Nick stayed in the hot tub. The other HG headed inside to clean up, except for Sam and David, who are sitting on one of the lounge chairs. 7:00PM BBT- Feeds go to the kittens with the notice that the HG are "shooting something awesome".
  10. 6:02PM BBT- The feeds are up and Jack and Tommy are in the comeback room describing the comp to Ovi. The head back downstairs with the other HG, who had gone up to welcome back David/Ovi. 6:03PM BBT- Sam tells Cliff, Jackson and Nick in the BR that he won't be talking game with David at all. Nick said "you don't have to - I'm not even going to be talking game to Ovi". Sam says "there's not to f'in say". Back in the KT, the HG are celebrating David and Ovi still being there. 6:05PM BBT- Kat fetches her suitcase from the SR while talking to Jackson. She tells him that they don't have to talk game, but to be nice. Jackson then carts her baggage back to the CBR where the girls are changing out of their live show clothes. He apologizes for barging in and walks back out with his eyes averted. 6:07PM BBT- Jackson is with Ovi in the WA spinning the story about how he tried, but couldn't flip the vote. Ovi appears to believe him, tells him he understands, and that he'll need them when he comes back into the game. 6:10PM BBT- Jackson and David are in the SR where Jackson tells him that he truly believed that David would be the first one back in the house from the forest comp. Jackson says he wouldn't blame him for any ill feelings towards him and that he's happy to see him back. They both carry a piece of luggage upstairs to David's BR. 6:16PM BBT- Christie appears to still be in HOH mode because she's moving around the house explaining to everyone that they should be social, but not be talking game at all with Ovi or David. People seem to be agreeing with her. 6:19PM BBT- Tommy tells OVI in the TBR that he should consider it a reset, that he didn't do anything to get evicted - it was just the situation that they were put in. Jackson and Jack are in the BRL discussing how they told Ovi that only the two of them knew about his power and that if he comes back into the house, the power will come with him. 6:29PM BBT- Kemi and Christie are chatting outside the CBR where Christie said that her HOH was "literally pointless". They speculate who Jack will put on the block. Christie think Jess and Kemi thinks Nick. 6:36PM BBT- Jack calls a house meeting in the KT where they all sit around the table. Jack takes the lead and welcomes David and Ovi back over the next few weeks. Jack reinforces that they should not talk game with those that were evicted, so that tough situations can be avoided. David speaks up and asks how much game talk is part of the day, and that it would be awkward if he walks from room to room with it being common talk. 6:58PM BBT- David describes the forest comp to them and how Julie told him to stop, that he was the last one. Cliff joked that he was glad that he wasn't still in the forest. They other banished HG said they were finding feathers for days. 7:08PM BBT- The house meeting ends with the HG describing the first HOH comp to David. The group starts to disperse and the conversation moves to tonight's comp and how they were trying to remember the fireworks. 7:10PM BBT- Tommy, Christie, Nicole and Bella talk about how to handle Ovi with him being evicted by a unanimous vote. Tommy says that they should all be honest with him and how they wanted to keep him, but the majority wanted to keep Kat. They are hoping that Ovi just won't ask. 7:16PM BBT- After all of Jack's instructions about no game talk with the evictees, Cliff is in the CCB room talking game with Ovi. 7:23PM BBT- Ovi and David are talking in their BR about what they think will be their battle back. David thinks it'll be based on their social game, otherwise why keep them in the house. Ovi thinks it'll be a straight up physical comp. David said that he's not buying the HG "kumbayah" vibe and that things are about to start happening now. 7:29PM BBT- The HG take inventory of what they have to eat, but say there's not much there. Just macaroni, pancakes, and potatoes. 7:39PM BBT- Nicole and Ovi are talking game in the BR and Nicole explains that she was explicitly told not to tell Ovi of his fate, and that she would've voted for him to stay had the votes been there, as would Tommy and Cliff. He tells her that he understands. Jess walks in and starts to cry because she wanted to see pics of her family. She's happy for Jack, but she wanted to see her daughter and husband, vs. Jack getting to see a picture of his dog. 7:51PM BBT- Holly and Jackson are in the BRL where Jackson thinks that Ovi will be cowering in a corner (much less making cookies), knowing that the entire house just voted him out. He emphasizes how much he does NOT want David in the house. Jackson doesn't want to have to keep up the act with Kat, and Holly reminds him that she'll be there another 3 weeks at least. 7:54PM BBT- Jack joined Holly and Jackson in the BRL. They tell Jack that Bella cussed Nick out last night because he was talking with Analyse. Jackson and Holly tell Jack that nobody has kissed anybody in the house so far this season. Holly and Jackson jokingly talk about kissing in the hall in front of Kat to send her the message. Jack wants to BD Kat this coming week.
  11. 6:03PM BBT- Analyse is in the KT chopping onions while Jack does dishes. Christie and Tommy are chatting in the HOHR about Bella playing too hard. Tommy loves Bella, but she was whispering to him at the wrong time when Jackson came around the corner and assumed they were working together. 6:06PM BBT- Ovi and Jack are in the SR where Ovi is asking if Jack had a chance to talk with anyone today, and that Ovi has worked his way around the house. Jack is telling him what he wants to hear, making Ovi feel fairly safe. They shake hands and leave the room, going in separate directions. 6:09PM BBT- Tommy in the HOHR telling Chris how Nick told him not to have a showmance, and then Nick slept with Bella that same night. 6:11PM BBT- Ovi is pacing in the BR talking to himself and practicing his live eviction speech to the HG. 6:14PM BBT- Nicole and Kemi are in the boat room chatting about what could happen tomorrow, talking through different scenarios. Kemi said she wants to trust Nick, but not sure if she can. Nick said he would love to see Jack go, but would never put him up for fear of retaliation. 6:20PM BBT- Still in the HOHR, Christie tells Tommy that Kat is convinced that when Jack fell from the log in the HOH comp, that he grabbed Kat's wrist and pulled her down with him - instead of just falling directly down as he should've. They both believe that this is plausable. 6:23PM BBT- Christie and Tommy's convo turns to the topic of Jackson (Michie) and that he's a bit weird, how he talks a lot about himself, that it's odd how he has no family or friends around him outside of the house and that nobody signed the release forms for him. Christie says that Jackson takes about 5 Xanax a day, and then the feeds cut out. 6:26PM BBT- The HG are all called to the KT for Taco Tuesday dinner. Lots of chatter where everyone is talking, but you can't hear any conversations. 6:56PM BBT- Holly, Analyse, Bella, Kemi and Kat are in the BR where Holly and Analyse dig out their tiny red dresses trying to figure out what to wear for eviction night. Kat told them that they looked like thigh warmers because they're so small. 7:08PM BBT- Cliff and Ovi are in the guys' BR where Ovi is pacing. Cliff tells him that regardless of what happens, Ovi has worked hard to play the game and has done all he can. Ovi leaves the room about 5 minutes later and Cliff says to the camera that he hates being in the situation with Ovi. 7:20PM BBT- Ovi is now in the boat room with Nick where Ovi asks him for his vote. Ovi tells him that he for sure has Nicole, Cliff, TOmmy, Sam, Jack, Sys, Holly and Jackson. Nick says don't be too sure, that he's hearing a lot of waivering, but gives no names. Nick tells him that he doesn't feel like it's in his favor and that he is keeping it real so Ovi isn't blindsided. 7:32PM BBT- The majority of HG are up in the HOHR where Christie goes through her clothes trying to pick something to wear tomorrow. She said it's important because she sells the same clothes in her stores, so her partner will be IG'ing her looks. 7:45PM BBT- Ovi talks with Holly in the LR where he once again goes through the numbers that he believes he has to win, and promises her his loyalty if she votes for him. She explains that Kat is not really a threat in the game and that she hasn't had a chance to talk to the others and doesn't know where their heads are at - that she plans to vote with the house. 7:55PM BBT- Holly tells Ovi to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best, that anything could happen tomorrow.
  12. 7:03PM BBT- Jack and Kat are in the SR and she asks if the plan has changed. He says no, and that he's going with the house, but she's not going home and that she has 10 votes. He tells her that she's not a liability coming back into the house after being on the block. Kat says she can't get a good read on Kemi, Bella and Nick. 7:05PM BBT- Analyse and Holly whisper in the BR about Ovi, that he talks and talks and talks, but says nothing. 7:13PM BBT- Nick brushes Bella's hair in the BY, which he now enjoys after being taught how by the girls. Most of the HG are in the BY, except for Jess and Ovi who are making up the beds, and Kemi and Kat, who are whispering in the BR. 7:21PM BBT- Ovi and Jess are still in the BR making the beds after the sheets were cleaned. Ovi feels that he has the votes, other than the sympathy vote thrown Kat's way. He wants her to tell him if that's not true, or changes. 7:26PM BBT- Jack and Kat head to the boat room where Kat says that she's getting weird vibes from Kemi in that she's trying to flip the vote to get Kat out. Jack tells her to stop talking and that Kemi has no clue how to play the game and that Kat will still have the votes to stay. 7:33PM BBT- In the BY, Christie and Sis are playing cornhole against Jackson and Sam. Cliff and Tommy are playing pool while the others sit around and watch. 7:38PM BBT- Jess and Nicole are talking in the WA, discussing how Jess is feeling dizzy and what they can to for her. Jess starts crying and Nicole hugs her. Jess is upset about the the two people on the block and how she doesn't want either of them to go. Ovi and Christie are in the BR, where he asks her if there's a tie, would she break it in her favor. She says if he has 6 votes, he's fine. 7:43PM BBT- Sam and Jack chat in the boat room about Kat's conversation with Jack in the SR. He said he's trying to not talk too much game with her. He explains how he reassured her that it's best for them to keep her, regardless of what Kemi might say. Sam said that Kemi has not, to his knowledge, approached anyone about the vote and not sure that she would've actually said that to Kat. 7:47PM BBT- Kat gets Christie into the HOHR and asks further about the vote. Christie tells her that she's safe and to stop worrying. She said she doesn't know who to trust in the house. 7:53PM BBT- Nick and Jack are in the BY hammock, with Jackson sitting beside them. Nick said that Kat makes Fessy look smart, but she's so nice. They continue to rehash the talk of the night where the HG have been moving around the house spinning their side of Ovi vs. Kat. 7:56PM BBT- Feeds to to puppies in the shelter, who coincidentally have the same looks as the HG tonight - they're all over the place and/or staring at the camera.
  13. 6:03PM BBT- Jess, Cliff, Christie, Nicole, Nick and Tommy are sitting in the BY, helping Christie decide where to sleep after her long reign as HOH. Michie, Jack and Sam are in the KT cooking dinner. 6:09PM BBT- In the BY, the HG are discussing what else they can eat besides fish. Christie says that not that many people like fish and that their food budget should be spent more on chicken. Meanwhile, the guys are slaving over their fish cooking in the KT. They all go in for dinner, except for Jess and Nicole, who are taking their sheets out of the dryer. 6:13PM BBT- In the WA, Christie teases a showering Bella that she should get her crackhead self out to the KT, where they are going to sing happy birthday to Jack's dad. 6:20PM BBT- As the HG all sit around the KT table for dinner, Jackson leads a happy birthday speech in the camera to his dad, and then the group sings to him. 6:43PM BBT- The HG clean up after dinner. Jess is telling Jackson that she's not feeling well, and that she took an Emergen-C. Bella, Holly and Sis are in the WA primping/brushing their teeth. Nicole is prepping for a shower. 6:46PM BBT- In the BY, Nicole and Cliff chat while folding towels. Nicole doesn't want Ovi to go home, and Cliff says to not do anything to stick her neck out and just go with the house. She agrees. 6:53PM BBT- Christie is talking with Jack in the HOHR, spinning her story about how she was surprised about Sam's using the POV and that she wishes she had more time ahead to think about it. She's looking forward to after her HOH time is up and Jack tells her that's where she'll flourish. 6:55PM BBT- Ovi, Holly and Analyse are in the BR where Analyse reads the Bible and Holly puts on makeup. They wish that they'd been given an animal as a pet during their stay, since they're at camp. 6:59PM BBT- Holly tells Ovi and Sis about how she and her roommate foster puppies in their apartment. Ovi tells the story of how he got his Corgi named Moglie, and what they went through for training, etc. Sam walks in and Sis asks why he looks so angry. He laughs that he can't figure out the coffee thing.
  14. 6:03PM BBT- Jess, Cliff, Christie, Nicole, Nick and Tommy are sitting in the BY, helping Christie decide where to sleep after her long reign as HOH. Christie doesn't care who she sleeps with, as long as it's a girl or Tommy. Michie, Jack and Sam are in the KT cooking dinner.
  15. 7:08PM BBT- Bella goes upstairs to talk with Christie in the HOHR, who then goes through her whole mindset AGAIN. 7:23PM BBT- The HG play a game of who will drink some of the wine by going around the table and picking M&M's out of a cup, and those that picked green ones win. Jessica was very excited to have won! Nicole has been very quiet. Jack heads out back to work on his laundry, where Jackson is laying on the BY couch. 7:26PM BBT- Jack tells Jackson that he may have put a target on his back today, and if he goes, he goes. Jackson tells him that everyone has his back, so he's good - especially if he's still in good with Christie. 7:31PM BBT- Holly has been at the KT table creating Happy Birthday decorations. They guys (except Tommy) are in the BY either doing laundry or playing cornhole. 7:42PM BBT- Bella takes Kemi aside in the back yellow BR and fills her in on her conversation with Christie, letting her know that she appears to be safe. Nicole walks in and they are happy that they don't have to worry this week. 7:48PM BBT- Christie is in the hammock with Analyse, while Jess sits on the ground and rocks it. Christie continues her "this is not the Christie show" conversation - more rambling about the day, and setting the stage for her POV act with Sam. Meanwhile, Sam is over on the BY sofa with Nick and Jack setting that same stage. 7:55PM BBT- Holly and Kat are upstairs on the bridge sofa talking through the day and what has transpired, and how it's all Jack's doing that got her into this situation. Holly is telling her to stay chill and trying to comfort her/cheer her up. Holly says she hasn't gone in the DR in days, and wants to go talk with her thoughts. 7:58PM BBT- Holly tells Kat upstairs that she's sick about the first episode and what production made her say in her package. She said they made her make fun of the people she works with, saying that they're all just basic b*tches. She feels that for sure she's lost her job. Feeds cut to the BY.
  16. 6:00PM BBT- The house is divided into groups. Sam, Nick and Bella are on the hammock, and Nicole, Jess, Holly, Christie, Tommy are in the boat room. Kemi walks into the boat room where the others are trying to comfort a crying Christie - who is trying to save her HOH week by not getting blood on her hands. 6:04PM BBT- Anaylse joins the others in the boat room, continuing the "comfort Christie" theme for the night. "I was not cut out for this game", she says. The others say "no no no - you'll be fine". 6:11PM BBT- Christie heads to the back yard to talk with Sam, saying that she's not being true to herself and that she will be getting drunk later. She pulls Sam out of the hammock and they head to the HOHR, leaving Bella and Nick to whisper. 6:16PM BBT- Christie explains to Sam through her tears that she feels that Jack is bullying her into doing her dirty work. 6:19PM BBT- Tommy and Jack are in the SR where Tommy explains the temperament of the house to him. Jack listens and shakes his head as if he understands, and then says that Christie needs to not spin, and stick to the plan, that she's such a beautiful person and a good gamer. 6:23PM BBT- Christie tells Sam that Cliff is safe regardless. She wants to be honest with Kat that Sam may not be using the veto, and that Kat's not even there for the right reasons. Sam throws out suggestions in how to deal with this, possibly putting up a replacement nom other than Kemi and then letting the house decide. 6:37PM BBT- Still up in the HOHR, Christie responds to Sam that backdooring Jack is not the message she wants to send the other HG, that she'll look like she's been lying to everyone. She wants to tell Jack that this is her HOH week and that she doesn't want to use it for his agenda. 6:41PM BBT- In the WA, Jessica is filling in Kat on the recent updates and the possibility of the POV not being used. Kat is taking it all in. 6:53PM BBT- While Sam and Christie continue their conversation upstairs, the rest of the HG join together for dinner, sitting around the KT table and raving about the rice. 6:57PM BBT- Sam and Christie script what they are going to tell Jack as to what they were talking about upstairs, that she spent most of the time crying with her talking her off the ledge. She is going to tell Jack that she doesn't feel comfortable putting Kemi on the block. She's going to act surprised when Sam uses the veto - and probably going to put Ovi up.
  17. 8:05PM BBT- Feeds come back and in the HOH, Christie and Jackson talk about how annoying Ovi is, and how he's deflecting, but they have to wait until week 3 to get rid of him because Jessica needs to go next week. They think that Sam is a dangerous competitor. 8:13PM BBT- Jackson tells Christie that Analyse is really his type and a lot like his exes, but he stays away from her so that he doesn't step on Jack's toes. He said that he hasn't told anyone about Kat, and wonders if she's said anything. (he doesn't say about *what*) 8:18PM BBT- Analyse, Nick, and Holly are whispering in the KT, but difficult to understand. Cliff walks through on his way to the DR. Ovi joins Jackson and Christie in the HOHR to question them about the sign language alphabet, and then they head downstairs, leaving Ovi alone up there. Jessica and Nicole are talking upstairs at the game table. Jess says that Christie doesn't want to put Kemi on the block because she might look like a racist. 8:30PM BBT- Jackson goes in to check on Kat in her bed and finds her crying. He tries to comfort her as she tells him how much she is missing her best friend. He tells her to let it out and she said she doesn't want to be crying with a camera in her face. 8:43PM BBT- Ovi, Jess and Nicole are at gaming table upstairs still, and Jess says that the other players that are making plans to move in together after the season is over must have a F4 deal because why would you make plans like that and then evict them? 8:49PM BBT- Cliff joins Sam and Nick in the boat lounge and asks him what's best for his game. They agree that both Kathryn and Cliff are both safe at this point, so it doesn't really matter - but would love to be taken down. He says he wouldn't come in and beg because Sam's got to do what's best for his game. 8:55PM BBT- Jessica comforts Kat as she weeps in her bed. They both feel like outsiders. Meanwhile, all of the girls have changed into workout clothes and have gone to the gym to workout with Jack, and Jessica is about to go join them.
  18. 7:07PM BBT- The HG are in the KT, mostly around the KT table, with lots of chatter going on at once, none of it really discernable. Holly and Tommy are making dessert in the KT. 7:09PM BBT- The chatter quiets down a bit and a conversation starts up about Mr. Rogers, and that his favorite number was 143, which was code for "I love you". Jack said that he heard a rumor once that Mr. Rogers wore a sweater because he had full sleeve tattoos, which was later debunked. 7:28PM BBT- Kathryn is laying in her bed, but not asleep. She just appears to be deep in thought. 7:34PM BBT- Analys and Holly were touching up their faces in the RV bedroom and talk about Ovi, who they say tries to be funny, but is annoying and obtrusive. They wonder why he had to wake Kat up, and that he's really trying to get air time. Holly doesn't to run out of patience and then look like a b*tch. They return to the KT and rejoin the other HG. 7:41PM BBT- Jack and Tommy settle into the boat room couch and Tommy asks what Sam will do with the POV. Jack lets him know that Cliff is coming down and Tommy is happy with that. 7:45PM BBT- Jack tells Tommy that he really want the comp win today. Tommy says that he didn't need it, but Jack likes to prove his worth. Jessica and Cliff head upstairs to play a game of Backgammon. 7:49PM BBT- Tommy tells Jack in the boat lounge that he's anxious that someone is going to slip about Kemi going home. They feel that it's important to have patience in the house, and how they didn't realize this before being in the game. 7:51PM BBT- Tommy and Jack continue to chat, switching up to last year's comps and what they feel they'd be good at. They both look forward to the slip and slide. 8:01PM BBT- Sam joins Tommy and Jack in the boat lounge. They congratulate him on his win again and he says what sucks is that Melissa (wife) watches the live feeds so she'll know he won before the show. 8:03PM BBT- Christie and Jackson go up to the HOH room, and check it for others before starting to talk. They turn on the monitor so they can watch to see if anyone is coming. Feeds go to WBRB.
  19. 5:04PM BBT- The live feeds are back and the winner of the POV comp was Sam. Kathryn is embarrassed that she didn't do better and is crying. Holly and Jackson are comforting her. 5:10PM BBT- Analyse and Christie were discussing Kat's reaction to the POV results and wondering why she was so upset, since they have been reassuring her that she's not going anywhere. They wonder why she thinks she's being backdoored, and how could she not understand what that means. 5:18PM BBT- Sam, Nick and Jack are in the boat room, and Sam says he'll go with what Christie (and the majority) want, but that he wants to take down Cliff. The other two agree that Cliff has been through enough already. Tommy, Kemi and Cliff come in and they begin to talk about the comp. 5:21PM BBT- The comp was set up was like a school cafeteria with the various tables such as for hot dogs, ice cream - with three stages. The players would have to run down the mats and then have to hop up on a table to catch falling items. They said that it was difficult because it was slippery. There were 18 one pointers (onions), 5 five pointers (meatballs), and 4 other items with additional points (strawberries) - all for a possible of 83 possible total points. The comp was invididual, so while one was playing, the others were sequestered. 5:25PM BBT- Analyse and Holly are trying to comfort Kathryn in the bedroom. Holly tells her to trust her and that she's playing messenger.
  20. 9:00PM BBT - The feeds are live and the HG are rowdy about it kicking off. Holly, Isabella, Kathryn, Kemi and Analyse are primping in the washroom area mirror, all wearing their athletics. Nicole, Christie and Nicole are in the KT with the males who are cooking, and Jessica is sitting at the KT table. 9:02PM BBT - Christie and Kathryn are dancing in the KT, joined by Tommy and Jessica. They're all trying to figure out if they're live yet. 9:05PM BBT- Kathryn, Holly, Jessica and Isabella are in the washroom area brushing their teeth while Kemi sits on the bathroom sofa with what looks like a cup of coffee. 9:06PM BBT- The girls in the washroom area are discussing their athletics and where each of them gets theres. Holly says that she gets hers from Forever 21. Kemi tells Holly that she's obsessed with how tiny she is. 9:08PM BBT- Kathryn and Jessica are in the washroom area trying to prep in case they are called into the DR. Jessica says that she feels that everyone is already starting to whisper. 9:09PM BBT- Kathryn tells Jessica that she needs to win the veto and will choose Jackson because she trusts him. Jackson comes into the bathroom so he can take a shower. That cat call whistle at him as he undresses and throws his shorts over the shower door to Kathryn. 9:13PM BBT - Kathryn talks with Jackson over the shower door that he would use the veto on her if he were to win and he confirms that he is playing to win and that is the plan. BB reminds Jackson that there are cameras in the bathroom and to be careful. 9:19PM BBT- Kathryn tells Jessica that if she comes off the block, she thinks that they would unanimously vote Cliff out. Meanwhile in the KT, the other HG start playing games and passing a pair of sunglasses around. Kathryn came out and jokingly said that she thought maybe they were magical glasses with powers to see into people's souls. 9:33PM BBT- Jessica joins Kathryn in the WA and tells her that she feels that she's absorbing other people's energy that isn't hers. Kathryn asks what she means, and Jessica asks if she's ever heard of an empath. She adds that it's not a good energy that she's feeling. 10:08PM BBT- The houseguests spend about 40 minutes playing a game where they are all holding hands and have to get themselves untangled from each other and back into a circle. Kathryn watches from the stairs and guides them on their progress. 10:09PM BBT- Kathryn goes upstairs to the HOHR and rings the doorbell over and over while waving at the camera, but there's no answer. She heads back downstairs.
  21. 8:11PM BBT: Tamar wonders how much fun it is for others to be backstage during a concert, because it's not for her. Kandi said that she enjoys it. Dina said it's fun to be back there and watch. Kandi tries to get to a few at Phillips Arena and get a suite and invite their friends. 8:15PM BBT: The ladies continue to pass the time in the KT as Tamar and Kandi clean their makeup brushes in the rubbing alcohol. 8:31PM BBT: Lolo goes upstairs to workout in the gym and is happy to have her "last workout in the b*tch", and can now run outside and breathe without being on a hamsterwheel. 8:49PM BBT: Ricky stirs the pot (the one on the stove) and then heads back to the BR where Tamar is laying down. She asks him what he's thinking and he says what, I'm just making tea. He tells her that he had a flashback at how Tamar said it would be a mistake to leave Kandi in the game. He disagrees with Tamar thinking that Dina could win against anyone. 9:06PM BBT: After getting a seed planted in her ear about Kandi by Ricky, Tamar heads up to talk with Lolo in the gym. They weigh the options between Kandi and Dina again. Tamar said she doesn't want to send Kandi home because Tay's not a hater. They walk through who can win the comp, who needs the money, who deserves to win, etc. 9:10PM BBT: Lolo is talking Tamar into taking their chances with Dina going forward. Tay looks like she's taking the bait. Lolo said she's given up her training, her month, etc.and deserves a better chance at winning, especially if Kandi has already told them that she'd take Ricky to the final. Tamar just shakes her head yes.
  22. 8:00PM BBT: Kandi and Tamar explain to the others how the Red Light District works in Amsterdam. Lolo said she goes to that city every year, but has never been. Tamar also goes over what you can order in the coffee shops.
  23. 7:13PM BBT: The ladies talk about dating people in their field. Lolo said that's not convenient for her because they areas where they train changes up often. 7:47PM BBT: Kandi tells the others that the singles in Atlanta aim to stay single, that it's a party town. Tamar adds that the AIDS rate is higher than Africa. Dina says "you mean they're older?". 7:28PM BBT: The ladies are all now in the KT looking for something to eat. There's just light chit chat. 7:39PM BBT: The ladies are still in the KT, now talking about good deals on travel. Lolo says she knows all about travel prices, so she can tell them if they got a good deal. Kandi tells them of a website she uses to find deals and Tamar told her she just did a commercial for free.
  24. 6:03PM BBT: Ricky is sitting by himself upstairs while Kandi and Dina play cards at the KT, along with Lolo who is eating with her Bible open on the table. 6:07PM BBT: Tamar joins the ladies at the KT table. Dina talks again about how she thinks Celebrity Big Brother will really take off like Dancing with the Stars did, and then gets called away by production. Ricky heads to the PBR and continues to sit by himself. 6:17PM BBT: Kandi asks Tamar if she does her own makeup on the road, and she says she'll typically find someone local unless she's just doing a concert, then she does it herself. She finds it to be relaxing "me" time. Kandi said that she heard the same about Tina Turner. 6:20PM BBT: Lolo and Tamar are in their BR and Lolo says that she can feel Ricky acting differently towards her and flat out asks Tamar if they have a deal. Tay says no. She tells her that Ricky talked to her about why she was there, and then says "well if you're here to win the money, you've already lost". They both agree that they've been walking on eggshells around him. 6:22PM BBT: Lolo asks how Tamar feels about tomorrow, and is Kandi staying. Apparently Dina is turning them off for them to keep her. Tamar continues to pack, and they agree to figure out before tomorrow what they're doing. Lolo is asking Tamar how much the F2 each receive at the end, and are there only two. 6:27PM BBT: Tay and Lolo try to figure out what the next comp will be. They are analyzing and reanalyzing who has a deal with whom. Tamar tells her to get out of her own head. 6:31PM BBT: Lolo and Tamar have concluded (for now?) that nobody could beat Dina in the finals, so there's their answer. They feel that Kandi could only beat Ricky and that she'd take him and never go up against Tamar, because she'd never let Tay beat her at anything. 6:36PM BBT: Tomorrow's schedule according to Tamar and Lolo is wake up at 8am BBT, live feeds cut off at 9am BBT, and then lockdown at 10:30am BBT. 6:57PM BBT: The ladies are all in the KT wondering if they need to study anything else in the house prior to tomorrow. Apparently they all came up with different numbers for the jewels of the big crown. 7:01PM BBT: Ricky continues to lay on the floor of the gym, his usual workout.
  25. 8:43PM BBT: Tamar is really struggling tonight after seeing the lovely video of her son. They did show it twice and by the second time around, she was a mess and hasn't seemed to really recover. Ricky is trying to comfort her with words. 8:55PM BBT: Dina is reading a pamphlet on her bed. Lolo is cooking in the KT while Kandi plays cards at the counter.



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