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Posts posted by Marty

  1. 38 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Major hate for her over at SS. Reporting the go funds from the good people of Arkansas bought  the dance studio and a 36 thou Kia optima. They say everything is exaggerated by Mom and Raven. "Monchausen" and "grifters" are buzz words in her thread. Not sure what else she has going on but from her reports it would be a huge liability for BB to house her if what Raven says about herself is true. 


    Well I am suspect that I see all these begs for $$ and several Go Fund Me accounts and her Mom online begging for money but I will leave it at that.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    I think he likes Ramses but that does not mean a thing. I like Kevin but he can't be trusted and I don't ever think we will ever know what he's thinking or plans to do.  I see three players actually playing for themselves in this game..Kevin, Alex and Dominique.  


    I see Alex and Jason playing their own style and not riding coattails. Dominique is still under the Paul alliance protection and Kevin is playing all sides and just being the good ole' guy.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    What's in that purple waist pack that he carries all the time?  He's getting way ahead of himself.


    He has the ear buds, POV key, room key and a lot of extra tickets from that POV comp he won. He was going to pull them out at the POV replacement or maybe it is the eviction. He was bragging about all the tickets everyone gave him at that last comp. So many he has a fanny pack full.


  4. Don't take this the wrong way but they are playing up her illness way to much on BB and on social media. Her mother is doing more interviews and there are a lot of Go Fund Me pages on social media so she doesn't lose her dancing studio and to pay her medical bills.


    I wish her the best but it should not be a factor in the game. (or lack there of)

  5. Just now, NYROSE said:

    So Kevin has a foot in both camps...impressive...I like ALex Ramses Jason and Kevin and where is Raven in this?


    Well Alex is putting her feet in also but tries to explain to Jason that you have to play the game or get played. She wants to get far enough so she can take out Paul or other big threats.


    Raven is on Team Paul always and forever. She met him outside the house and was a fan. Paul and Christmas promised that they wanted Raven to have the 500 grand because of her illness.

  6. 3 minutes ago, NYROSE said:

    so there is Kevin and Paul and Ramses and Kevin?


    I guess but Paul has some other people he told he wants to go to the end with. I think he is playing Kevin. He would never take him because everyone loves Kevin. (He probably remember losing to nice Nicole) Paul also tried to rope in Jason to a final but Jason won't do it.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Keepittogether said:

    I must have missed something.  Can someone please explain to me what Ramses did and why he is so hated now.  I get that Paul has asked his boys to be mean to him, but why?  


    Because Paul ordered Ramses to throw the comp and he thinks Ramses tried to win it.


    Paul has never really liked Ramses. Not sure all the reasons. Paul said he is sneaky.

  8. 1 minute ago, straykat said:


    I don't think he was thinking only of himself. It was more like he thought he knew what was best to keep his alliance safe. I think things would have gone a lot different if he had been successful. They would have come around to believing he had made a good move. He also never invited Paul into the alliance. Paul kind of slipped in behind Christmas, hung out giving "advice" and the rest just kind of let him settle in. But Cody didn't talk game in front of him. Barely spoke to him at all. If any of those idiots were observant, they would have seen the cold stare that Cody gave Paul all the time.


    That is exactly the way I see it.

  9. 24 minutes ago, WOC said:


    I think Ramses knows too. But he is a pariah at this point. I hope she wins HOH next. I think I may have jinxed her though because it never works out how I hope!


    It is too soon for her to win HOH. The Paul/Christmas side of the house will try to bully her to do what they want. They have the numbers no matter who she puts up


    She needs to play them and pretend like she is with them until the numbers are down. Yes poor Ramses is getting the blame for Kevin's vote.

  10. Just now, straykat said:


    They are all disregarding the rules that were set up. Suppose to be full frog suit, hopping to move around and staying on lily pads. BB is letitng them do what they want.


    I heard something about Jason going for a key wasn't sure if it was also exempting him from frog suit. Thanks


  11. Paul is safe because...


    Raven met Paul outside the house and is a fan. Paul and Christmas told Raven they will take her to the end and want to give her the 500 grand. Raven has Matt on her leash.


    Elena is star struck with Paul and Christmas and will never go against them. Elena has her puppy Mark on her leash. Dominique is a tag along with Mark


    Paul has told Kevin he wants a final 2 with him. Kevin is with Paul.


    Paul has a web of floaters helping him get to the end.


    Hoping the next Temptation goes to to Alex. She needs it and any of the others will just use it to help Paul

  12. Team Alex. I think Jason and Alex are the only ones that knows who the threats are but.... they just don't have the numbers. The are trying to socialize with the power side but they know who needs to go. It will take time to get the numbers down to make that strike. Paul has too many puppies doing his bidding right now.

  13. I really don't dislike Cody. (shoot me). He has said some things that are not cool but so had Paul and many many other Houseguests.


    The hate on social media for Cody is off the charts. I even see they found Cody's sister's Facebook and spreading it around. The Cody haters are saying he is lying about being in the military. (that really pisses me off) There are many posts saying that Cody is a future mass murderer or he is going to snap and kill people. YES HE HAS CRAZY EYES but that does not make him a serial killer. He is annoying at best and his showmance is yucky.


    I have mad respect for Cody for 2 thinks. His service to our country serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. God Bless America


    Also mad respect for Cody seeing the biggest threat being Paul and Christmas. He wasn't going in as a floater to ride coattails. He made his choice who to put up and if his alliance had not been so star struck on Paul and Christmas and stuck together then the big move would have been made. He didn't expect them all to scatter to the celebrities but play the game. Oh well Cody is going home and will battle back to come back in. I would love to have Cameron back but he will just be another houseguest under the thumb of Paul and Christmas Tree. Cody coming back would make this a better game.



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