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Posts posted by Marty

  1. 12 hours ago, straykat said:


     The only people who are gone so far (other than Cody's HOH) are the people Paul wanted gone. Raven is one of his meat puppets and will be safe until Paul decides to start grinding them up. She will be one of the first because he wouldn't be able to trust the meat puppets not to vote for her out of sympathy.


    Raven is a Paul fan and met him at an event. In the house both Paul and Christmas promised they would make sure Raven won because she needs the money. 

  2. I think I remember Kevin's episode one when they did a little clip on the new houseguests they showed Kevin on the corner and joking about hanging our with people named Cheeze. I could be wrong. Found it


    There is there Kevin's whole facade as a Boston wise guy. Kevin's pre-recorded introduction package leaned heavily into a cultivated Godfather or Goodfellas aesthetic. It seems like a complete put-on to just make it on TV but it might not be entirely false. As was reported by the Boston Globe in 2006, Kevin's father, who he name-dropped as "The Big Cheese," was arrested for cocaine trafficking when he was 69. Kevin's son of a gangster (or a mobster himself) routine might seem over-the-top but there is some basis in fact. Yet as much Kevin leans into the mob persona, everything else he does conflicts with it.
  3. 11 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Watching Bbad from last night and they're all in hot tub. Raven going on and on about her condition and device and the hg are clearly tired of hearing it. Matt looks downright miserable. I know most do not care including me but this is an integral part of this game. It's her strategy and I do believe she would have been gone already unless she played on sympathy. Not unlike Amber and her kid strategy (I'm sure the experts will let me know if I got this one wrong). Well at least she thought it was a strategy. The only one who could care less about her and her kid was Dick.  Sorry if I got names wrong but these bb guest became.more of a blur to me every year.


    Here ya go -



  4. 4 hours ago, TampaMom said:

    First, I want to say thank you for having this site! I have been coming here for years to read feed updates, but never bothered to create an account. This is my favorite BB site.


    The reason I decided to create an account was a question I had about Paul and Kevin. Yesterday Paul asked Kevin what his brother (I think Andy?) was up to these days. I am paraphrasing, but it was a strange question if he doesn't know Kevin. I looked around the web and didn't see any speculation about this anywhere, so I thought I would ask here.


    His son's name is Andrew if that has anything to do with what he was talking about.


    This must be his brother because he talked about the nickname Cheese.  http://archive.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/08/12/cocaine_dealer_69_ordered_to_spend_decade_in_prison/



  5. 8 minutes ago, straykat said:


    She would not have the votes to get Paul out so not back-dooring him is for the best. But believing that these people will vote the way she wants is beyond foolish. They are not going to do anything that might help her and Cody's game. She should be putting Raven or Matt up. She tells them they are just insurance that Josh will be voted out. They should be OK, right? Paul and the herd would never vote them out, right? 


    Exactly - well said

  6. 1 hour ago, music19773 said:


    I don't think bringing back Cody is anymore 'rigged' than bringing back Paul. In fact, I would say Paul's re-entrance was MUCH more scripted in his favor than Cody's. Not only did he get to come back, he got to pick who was 'safe' (making immediate alliances/bonds), taking someone's spot which got someone out of the house, and then miraculously got THREE weeks of pure safety from "America". Yeah...right. Cody had to compete in and win three different competitions to win a spot back in the house, one of which was against Paul who did a similar challenge last year as well. Paul did nothing and got a lot more power and safety in return. In the end it's all about the drama, and Cody brings that in spades. He is the only one I think out of the four outed houseguests who would truly give Paul a run for his money. 


    Oh, and welcome to Morty's. :) 


    Good post



    The "leak" is that Cody won the battle back and Jessica won the new HOH (with Christmas coming in second)


    (copied from Redditt)

    So...who wants to know the outcome? We all know I know. Let's see a raise of hands for the answers? And as always I have just a few common sense rules: be nice, check my history I am verified someone who gives legit info so calling me names is not cool, and never ask how/why/where I get info as that is never going to be told. So with that said, please enjoy my fellow BB addicts and friends:

    EDIT -- fine fine I won't tease you:


    Head of Household - Jess -- it came down to her and Xmas! Xmas hung in for three fucking hours. Jess won.

    Further edit: Have more info updating post.

    An hour before Xmas was out, Jess tried to make a deal. XMAS SAID NO.

    Cody was playing in HoH. Josh was trying to distract Cody the entire time by taunting him and singing at him.

    The HOH comp was holding a disc in place with a tiny sword.

    There ya have it everyone. Please upvote for visibility.

  8. 3 hours ago, stevea11 said:

    With Jess winning the hex and the possibility of Cody coming back into the house this could lead to a EPIC Paul meltdown.


    Imagine Cody and Jess back together in da house..

    Paul wins HoH (again) and puts of Cody and Jess on the block.

    During live eviction Jess uses hex and saves both of them.

    Paul suffers massive heart attack and leaves the house on a stretcher.




    I didn't vote for Jess for the Temptation but thinking it could make for good times in the BB house. I would love for Paul to lose his crown in the house. CBS is driving me nuts with the way every show they feature Paul as the puppet master. I want the iron throne taken away from Paul. Winter is coming.... ya know.



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