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Everything posted by Marty

  1. So Angie said something earlier about having a few beers and making sure she is voted out. She told Michelle and Jessie they went out on a limb for her and they deserve to stay.
  2. She had been running every night and keeping in shape. I notice that Libra and gang just lay around like slugs. I hope the POV ceremony takes some physical ability. Here that Big Brother?
  3. Angie has a new girlfriend named Michelle. They are doing laps together outside. Each time the do a lap like 47 they say some swear words about the Nerd Herd. It is so funny. I know you guys don't see it but Angie with the puppet shows and the tin foil amour and some jokes she cracks me up.
  4. Angie NOW Go get in Keesha's ear and tell her how dissapointed Steven will be in her when she sees that it was her (Keesha) that put you up and got you evicted. I mean if Keesha really did care about Steven she would not be evicting Angie. Steven's last advise to Keesha before he left was to break ups Libra, April and Ollie. I mean if you really cared about Steven Keesha you would do what he asked.
  5. Oh I remember a comment made last night in HOH with the Mean Girls is that they all agreed having Angie in sequester would make them sick to their stomach. Don't really get that......
  6. You are right fatacat. I kind of understand why she was laying low up to now but NOW she needs to come out now with guns blazing and fight her ass off! I hope she is warned that she is going up so she can start fighting right away before she is put up with Memphis.
  7. Well it is week 3 and Angie getting sandbagged for being Brian's friend made her start in the game difficult. I think she is not that comfortable with her alliance but had no choice who to align with. I think she did not know she would be hated so much by the girls for hanging out with the guys. (kinda like Janelle was) It has been said by April and last night by Keesha that they could not stand Angie from day one. Libra is very threatened by Angie so they have formed their little alliance and talk trash about Angie. I think only week 3 making big power moves can put a target on your back. Memphis and Jessie kept telling Angie to lay low and not to stir the pot. That is pretty much what she has done with the only alliance that would accept her. I think she does not show a lot of emotion (it might be a cultural thing) and she is perceived of being a blob by some. I think she is between a rock and a hard spot from the start of the game with the Brian thing. So being hated by the girls and told to lay low by the guys I am not sure what she could be doing. The other HG have said that she is someone to be afraid of winning the game. I love Angie for her good heart and her beauty is stunning. I would love to hear what others think she should be doing now to keep herself in the game.
  8. I have been thinking.... maybe it is good for Angie to leave the house while she is loved and on top. She is too good for the Libra Bi+ch gang. Just like Brian and Steven being liked.
  9. All the people I like are leaving. The mean people are going to get rid of all the nice people and then devour themselves. Steven better to leave now then later and know that most of America liked you.
  10. Honestly I am not sure what game play is with these people. It seems to be who you can trash the most or evict whoever was friends with Brian. They can make a list and the order of who they want to evict but I know Angie said things change week to week. At this point I don't know what gameplay. If it is trashing people then I give Angie kudos for not playing that strategy.
  11. No chance of them coming back in the house. Brian is already out in the real world and Steven will be too starting tonight.
  12. I am going to miss Steven. He is a lot of fun. (when he isn't sad)
  13. Libra, April and Michelle are the MEAN GIRLS!
  14. Marty


    He was great on House Calls with Evel Dick.
  15. 4 plus 4 and 2 extras (after Steven is gone) wait does that add up?
  16. Marty


    I will miss Brian.
  17. I was watching last night when they intercom kept telling Seven to put his mic on. It seemed like he was ignoring them. What ever happened with that? I went to bed early last night.
  18. Marty


    If he was just cocky I would not like him but he is funny and can laugh at himself for playing a dumb game in the beginning. Not a fan. He would be more fun then Renny. that's all
  19. Marty


    He did screw up and he knows it. He could have been another Dr. Will if he had known more about the game.
  20. Marty


    He is so funny and makes me laugh. Renny is nice to laugh at but that gets old. I don't want Brian to go.
  21. Marty


    I give Brian creds for being good about his eviction. Remember last year Matt crying and begging for days about being evicted?



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