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The Big Brother 19 Blog Project




  1. Afterthoughts from the PM - Musings in Hindsight

    Musing in Hindsight

    Every week, PaganMom will recap everything from HoH comp to eviction, including her thoughts about why different things happened. She will also throw occasional polls up to get your thoughts.

  2. Granny's Perspective

    Grannys PerspectiveGranny’s Perspective by Midnight Granny includes highlights of the daily goings-on in the Big Brother house, news and views of some of the more interesting situations and mishaps that these entertaining house guests come up each day, and of course my perspective as a Super Fan.

  3. RealiTea Bites


    RealiTea Bites is where I use my in-depth knowledge of the game and a background in behavioral science to read the RealiTea leaves of Big Brother 19. I try to predict how HG will play the game based on personality types, social game, where players are falling in terms of power and how they are using it to advance themselves. The best strategy doesn’t always win but watching the season unfold is a lot of fun.  I look forward to watching together with you.

  4. Tweet Chick's From the Heart Blog

    tweetchick.jpg TweetChik's From The Heart Blog will showcase her favorite highlights from the shows, her thoughts about the Houseguests, what she wants to happen and what she thinks will happen instead.  TweetChik has been watching Big Brother since the very first episode and is quite opinionated, but open to everyone's thoughts and opinions. She can't wait to hear what you think about the show - and her blog!




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