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How you can watch Big Brother Canada, outside of Canada


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To watch the Big Brother Canada show, outside of Canada as it airs, go to: http://videobrother.net/ VideoBrother will also have the programs archived for later viewing after 12:30AM EDT. If you live in Canada, or use a proxy, just go to: globaltv.com/watchlive


The live feeds are free, but are blocked to viewers outside of Canada.  To get around this, you can use a proxy service. Last season I recommended a browser plug-in called Hola.  This season, the plug-in did not work for me, and when installing a new version my virus software warned me that Hola may install unwanted software.  This year, I found that a proxy called Hide My Ass works well.  It costs $11 a month, and I suggest when you sign up for it, just go for a one month subscription (make sure you uncheck the recurring payment box), because I'm hoping there will be an update to the BBViewer program that will allow free feed viewing without a proxy.


In addition to the proxy method, Multimlg.tv has both the TV show and the live feeds.  If you use that site, do it with caution, there may be prompts to update your video player, Flash, or Silverlight, Do Not Do It! You can watch everything without installing anything new, these programs can install unwanted software.


On the first night of Big Brother, I had problems watching the show on VideoBrother.net, but found  TVNutters has both free live feeds, and the TV broadcast on line. I'm not familiar with it, use at your own risk, from my limited experience, I found it safe and of watchable quality.

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I missed what you said, AlmostHome, could you repeat that?



Who is successfully watching BB archive videos and live feeds from the bigbrothercanada.globaltv.com site using Hola.org...

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Works with Firefox and Mozilla-based engines as well.



Who hopes any Morty's TV member who is watching feeds will consider joining the Morty's TV LFU/TFU Team and email contact.mortystv@gmail.com for more information...

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Hi, I'm still having some trouble watching Big Brother Canada 3.  I can watch it on videobrother.net/  , but the problem is I can only watch it on a tiny thumbnail video and part of the screen is blocked by ads and other graphics.  And I can't seem to enlarge the screen. 


Can someone please help me here?



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