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7/23 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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7:08pm hg in the kt waiting for dinner to be ready general talk going on boogie and dan in hoh rm talking about comps Boogie says i need a shower before dinner i will meet you down there he says good talk and frank leaves hoh and joins kt crew

7:12pm dani and Ian sitting with feet in the hottub shane talking to them about the veto comp Jojo smoking in the kt Joe has made turkey burgers for the hg and pork slop burgers for the havenots

7:15pm everyone at the kt table fixing plated oh turkey burgers Jani says she is making m&m cookies tonight

7:21pm shane asking joe what he seasons the burgers with Joe says its a bb secret shane laughs and says ok hg says it will be in the bb cookbook shane says i will buy it

7:24pm Ian says if you had told me when i was 7 i would be living off of oatmeal and pudding i would have been pretty freakin happy

7:27pm Jani talking about kasar getting a hooka in his hoh and evryone smoking it Boogie says thats an awesome hoh gift

7:39pm Dani in hottub Joe talkign to her saying we are trying to keep you this week you stay jojo goes and next week if you win you cant put me or frank up at all dani says ok you got that Jojo walks outside to go smoke and talking stops Frank comes out saying the food was good but he is stuffed

7:48pm shane doing dishes and cleaning kt Ian walks in cleaning his plate off the table wrapped in a towel Dan and jenn helping to clean table ticeling and giggling going on with wil and ash

7:55pm Ian telling Brit in bathroom that his feet are so dry they are cracking he says he thinks there is some goldbond in the sr she asked why are they so dry he says i have very dry skin Ian is going to sr to look for the goldbond Brit ask him to bring a box of tampons back too he says oh ummm ok and walks off to sr

7:59pm Brit and Jojo talking about cramps and getting pregnant in bathroom Ian and shane in hvnbr moving clothes around and we get foth

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8:12 BBT TY SOOOO MUch Kitten 200 ( I must admit I wuz feeling overwhelmed ..... anyone else... you are 100% Welcome to join in at your leisure <Smile>) for help while we get too many WBRB's for HG's mentioning too Many unsigned names and places

8:23 BBT ( I must admit that even with my terrible typing skills that I was able to make it to PRIME TIME reporting schedule in the BB house, this should give those other lots of confidence who can even type a Lil Bit ... the confidence to feel free to report in.... no matter which set of feeds your watching ..... I pray and Hope) I must admit i count on you to keep up with all thats going on in the House !!!

8:34 Ashley crying in th WC (Breaking My Heart) over how Willie screwed over Shane and Jo Jo so Bad by being an ass and not much of a Man to stick it out till his End.

8:40 Jani changes into Bikini (In Shower) while Shane is continuing to Masterfully talk about events that could change Votes toward Jo Jo's way very subtly and casually. ian returns with Pads Tampoons and Gold Bond. Ashley nows changes into her Green and White Bikini , very nice/

8:46 All the ladies in the WC ... dani jani ashley are talking alcohol in the house and how it's ther night to get a good BUZZ On

8:50 Wil iooks so cute ... at first i thought he had his half Mink coat on but it looks more like an animal skin from the Wild/ Ladies Night for alcohol... Wil has the 2 beers and the other ladies are Splitting the Wine with Jani and Ashley leading the way

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