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8/26 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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6:05 PM BBT

Kalia and Porsche in HOH. Porsche upset that "they" are "ripping us all".

K: What's most important, to you and me, is to make sure that you and I get to the end. YOu have to remember where Shelly has been the whole game. The whole game she has played this card.

P: She hasn't won anything

K: Exactly, that is her game. She can't win anything. Anytime shit happens to her she always ends up in the same fold. Let me tell you something the reason that we were out there so long was that Daniele and I made a deal with Brendon and Rachel that we wouldn't put them up that we would put up two floaters. .... I think we should, not make a major deal, but make an insurance policy with Rachel and Jordan.

P: Uhh... not hoh

K: Just listen... the two of them and the two of us as final 4. Competitors with competitors.

P: hmmm.. they are going to be so pissed when I saw the two glasses..it was congrats you won 10 k but you have to share it with someone.

Kalia blows off this talk and tries to refocus her on the F4 deal with Rach/Jordan.

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6:15 PM BBT

"What do you have a F3 deal with them? With Rach/Jor? Why are they saying all this to you but not talking to me at all. " Porsche questions Kalia.

"No, I am the only one not being mean to them. I am the only person in this house that has kept my word to Jordan. Why wouldn't she talk to me?" Kalia throws out.

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6:20 PM BBT

"It was such a mistake! I never should have taken that money!" Porsche laments.

Kalia carries on about her plan and all the things Shelly has never done and eventually Porsche says "I'm going to go to sleep now, do you mind? I need to sleep." Just as Kalia gets ready to leave BB calls Porsche to DR.

Jordan takes the opportunity to go to the WC.

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8:03 PM BBT

Kalia in talking to Rachel and Jordan. She comes out into the KT.

Porsche tells her "My room is open too."

Adam tells Porsche that Jordan wants to talk to him so don't look surprised if she sees them talking.

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8:07 PM BBT

Rachel asks Porsche if she wants to play Poker tonight. Porsche says she is really stoked about having a bathtub. She's not going to lie.

Adam making turkey burger patties. A life without a grill is a life he doesn't want to live.

Shelly upstairs listening to the Rihanna CD. The first song is one Josie likes. "Umbrella."


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