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The Final BBUK: Live Launch Show

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It's the final series, and they've finally employed a professional to do the launch intro. We get a quick glimpse back through 10 years of BB history before focus shifts to the new house and the people who want to move in it - "Who goes in - Big Brother decides".

The front of the house (or the Big Top as it's more like this year) has been tweaked slightly to previous years, with the 81 potential HMs stood opposite the house waiting to here their fate - and see their face on the big screen.

After a VT guiding us through how the shortlist was put together the big screen is turned off so Davina can guide viewers at home around the house. Nothing much new revealed about the house itself, apart from the eagle shaped diary room chair - but we meet three characters who'll be communicating with housemates.

Firstly, there is Bob Righter - who can predict the future. Secondly, there is Davina McCaw - a parrot perched in the living room, and finally - we discover what happens to the Tree of Temptation. Ruthlessly chopped down when the house was revamped, he's ended up "back in this shithole" as a chest of drawers in the bathroom.

Time for the shortlisted to discover if they will be a housemate - one by one we hear "Big Brother chooses you" as the camera zooms in on someones face - and the crowd take an instant dislike. We then see their VT - a mix of audition footage and a video they've shot themselves - before they are booed further as they meet Davina and then enter the house.

The thirteen housemates chosen by Big Brother:

(all stats from BBSpy HM guide!)

Josie (25, financial sales rep, from Bristol)

A West Country sales rep who lives alone in a wooden cabin on her aunt’s farm and owns a horse and cart.

Steven (40, ex-HM Forces, from Leicestershire)

This former soldier is a father of 8. He’s been unemployed for 20 years having lost both legs and an eye while serving in Northern Ireland

Ben 30, writer/broadcaster, from London

Was once a political correspondence for an Arab TV Channel and has contributed to the Daily Telegraph.

Rachel 23, celebrity lookalike, from Nottingham

Works as a Beyonc

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