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Thursdays twist


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Knowing how BB has operated in the past, Im willing to bet that Thursdays twist is gonna be something pretty small. I recall in BB5 they marketed what they said was a huge twist but wasnt actually anything at all (I dont remember what)

BUt, I have a suspicious feeling that Kaysar, if he is evicted, will somehow make his way back into the house. At least i really hope so. Who knows, maybe he wont be evicted at all. Ah well, a guy can dream.

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Guest DraftKing

They'll tease "the sweetest twist in Big Brother history" and it'll end up being a soft serve ice cream machine or something.

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well, I know this is wishful thinking... but I am hoping it's that they are bringing at least one person back

Don't hope too hard because that person may be Eric. If they did bring someone back (God forbid) I doubt it will be a vote but rather a competition of sorts. Whatever Thursday's twist is I'm betting that it will be lame!

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