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BB6 House Games / Coasters

Guest DraftKing

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Guest DraftKing

Howie is mad that they're replaced the coasters in the house with new ones. The new ones have metal edges, which apparently would scratch the table. So much for the games of coasters that they had so much playing. Bad call on that one, BB!

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Guest shelby

Don't laugh at me but here's my question. How do you play coasters? Is it a real game or one they made up? Thanks :lol:

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Don't laugh at me    but here's my question. How do you play coasters? Is it a real game or one they made up? Thanks  :lol:

they sit on those lil round chair things and throw the coasters onto the table with the dipped in middle. in the middle is more points then the rim of the table. not sure if its a real game but i think everyone has played some kind of varriation of it. i used to throw cards into a hat lol I was the rainin champion in my house. lol

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I THINK that they made it up.  My question is when/how did they get them back.  Yesterday, I thought I heard Howie complaining that BB took his coasters, so he was bored.

yeah they got them back yesterday after a short outdoor lockdown

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