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March 29 - Live Feed Updates

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5:42 Nat and Josh in SR looking for Mr Bubble. There isn't any. Nat says she may use dishsoap for her bubble bath. Adam in the kitchen making a burger and offers to make one for Nat. She refuses.

James walking around looking lame.


5:45PM BBT: James, just now in the kitchen, while wearing the red robe just pulled his penis out and aimed it at Ryan Sheila, and Natalie. Then he yells Chicken Brain and laughed. Everyone else said EWWW


5:46PM - Josh just jumped back and yelled theres a rat in the icebox..... it really scared him.... james an nat laughing at him, nat says i knew there were traps. james goes and pulls out a plastic rat. sharon asks where it was and he says in the ice tea. josh says he is really over the fuckin jokes.... he's sick of this shit,he needs more advil cuz hes getting a migrain from being scared so much


5:46 Josh opens fridge to a fake rat! Apparently BB is quite the jokester today. Sheila and Nat in HOH talking strategy. They talk about Josh going home. Nat and Sheila confirming they are sticking to the plan and how Josh will be shocked and they hope James will be so flustered that he won't win HOH. Nat says something about a deal with Sharon to keep her as long as if she gets HoH she will put up James. They say they know BB has more pranks up "his" sleeve. Nat says she wanted to take a bubble bath but that's not working out. Sheila says she was talking to James outside and he asked her what she wanted for her birthday on April 12. She says she'll probably be in sequester and that at least Matt will be nice to her. Sheila says James told her she hasn't done a damned thing in this game. She says back to him that at least she formed relationships and then she reports James said everyone wants her out of the house. She says she hopes the guys stick to the plan. Nat lets her know they are playing things the way they planned and making Josh think he's staying and he will be surprised. Nat asks why the heck would she want to win HoH and then keep both James and Josh. She says she has fooled them once, she can do it again. She tells Sheila that she told the guys that keeping Josh would not protect them. Sheila says she doesn't want James to flip on her if he goes on the block again.


5:55 BBT in HOH with Sheila and Nat. Sheila says Adam is not stupid. (no lie, dingbat!) Nat says she feels like Big Bird and has been tricked. She searches her HoH room for rats or other pranks. They talk about seeing the face in mirrors around the house. They think Allison's face behind a mirror would be a great prank. Sheila says BB is freakin' her out now. Nat checks her bed for surprises like spiders and snakes. Sheila says she doesn't trust "these people".

Sheila asks Nat how Josh has been acting toward her. Nat says nice since he thinks he's staying. Sheila says Josh was crying yesterday and asking Sheila to take care of Sharon since she will be alone now and will need a friend. Sheila says "unbelievable how freakin' phoney people are in this house." Sheila says Josh has floated through the game on James' breast and how Josh is sneaky.


sheila and nat in HOH, sheila telling nat about a conversation with james where jame told her she hasnt done shit in this house, sheila told him ive made relationships in this house, james said well im not the one who wants to get you out of the house everyone else does.... sheila says he then slammed the sliding door.

nat says to sheila that its a done deal.... josh is going home, she isn't gonna waste her HOH and keep him.

nat cant find her bubble bath and says she thinks BB did something.... nat telling sheila how she saw the face in her bathroom mirror.... nat says BB needs to get a cut out of allisons face and put a light on it that would send josh over the edge.... nat is looking for a rat in her stuff, sheila looking for the face in all the mirrors.


nat telling sheila that ryan and nat are making josh think hes staying to keep the peace in the house for me and you. sheila says its gonna be hell next week, nat says especially .... they here josh yell and nat runs out and says whats wrong joshua, he says the GP's got rattled and scared him.

sheila say josh (or james?) thinks everyone likes him, come on... nat says to keep the peace...sheila says that makes sense... we've had enough.


6:00 Josh screams and Nat yells whatfrom HoH . Josh says the GPs startled him. Sheila tells Nat that when she sees James she wants to leave the house. Sheila says it's strange how James thinks everyone likes him and how weird is that? Nat says it's to try to keep the peace. Sheila talks about how Matt will be nice to her and that you know you can trust Adam because he kept his word to Matty. Nat says she loves her socks in the HOH basket. She thinks her sister must have sent them. She says that she loves that BB gives you stuff you really like.


*welcome back mrsfroman, you have been missed!!!!


nat and sheila in HOH room, sheila listening to music

others in KT talkin about rather having MRE's to eat than the slop

just chit chatting no game talk right now


6:21josh, adam and sharon in kitchen, josh is really freaked out... sharon tells adam that josh would touch her in HOH to make sure he wasnt alone... josh said i should have known they were gonna do this today so they can show it on tuesday, the he looks real quick behind him and sharon says calm down its just the GP's.

sheila and nat in HOH and sheila saying that after josh is gone me and adam are the only couple in the house, i mean, we were never a couple, that was the best thing we could have done is not be together. nat goes downstairs to get some nail polish and her and sharon are laughing at him how spooked he is....he said if i see allisons face, thats it... nat says BB put that rubber band on the sprayer... this is just the begining its onna get worse..... josh tells sharon where he has seen all the faces, or its one person with a bunch of masks.

BB - houseguests did you know there are 116 mirrored windows in the house.

adam says why did they say that josh... he says so i will look in them and get freaked out. cameras on ryan alone in pink room...... josh says watch BB turn all the lights out....... nat says yeah and then the siren goes off and evection right now... josh stares at her, she says im kidding...... nat says watch americas calls get played. nat says this place is haunted. adam says they are just warming up.


6:15 Josh and Sharon in kitchen and Josh being a drama queen about BB faces in mirrors. Adam joins and says it scares him too. BB announces 116 camera windows in the house. Sharon says her brothers do this kind of thing. Josh says something about BB cutting power so they're in darkness and Sharon tells him not to give them ideas. Nat says Tuesday is April Fools Day. Adam hears something and says "Who goeth there?" It was Sheila coming out of HOH. Sharon asks if Sheila is nervous and she says no.

6:23 Ryan in PinkBR. Adam joins him and they go to reading bibles. Ry says he'd pay $50 for a burger then amends it to $20.

(*out for a while*)


sharon just asked who put the big pot there on the sink cuz she didnt, johes eyes get big.... he walks over and tries to look without getting close and they all laugh at him, sharon goes over and looks and says its just soaking its from slop... josh says hs going to bed and put a pillow over his head. james goes in there with him. josh says im confused cuz this isnt holloween.

ryan sleeping/adam reading bible... james/josh in bed.

sharon/sheila/nat in kitchen talking about the faces...sheila and sharon havent seen them yet but want to. nat says lets have a slumber party in my room.... feed 3 is showing josh wrapped up in blanket with hoodie up and pillo on his head you can only see his eyes.... peeking out....too funny.


sheila says she doesnt want to go up to HOH by herself... nat says ill go up with you lets go see what they are gonna do to us...they walk in and sheila says, hello, anyone in here? sheila says the mood is so weird, nat says cuz everyone is freaked out... sheila starts laughing and says how did i not see that rat in there? nat says you werent looking like josh.

meanwhile in the red room josh says april fools is supposed to be pranks, why are they trying to scare us?

6:35pm BBT - FLAMES


something was said cuz when they came back, sharon said to josh you jumped when the said that.

not much going on... james/josh/sharon laying in bed; nat and sheila talking... sheila said she's thought about taking his little red robe cuz its chelsia's and dump flour on it and see how he likes it, ive been calling him little red riding hood, he is so creepy, i dont know why i didnt know it before. nat says he's so creepy, he had me fooled, he was so nice to me till they won HOH. sheila says we just didnt know these people.....nat says i didnt freak out when they put matty up, mat is gonna hate her being there.... sheila says he wont have anything to do with her..... nat says how can she call you that word (c word) when she was having sex in the house.... sheila says it was disgusting, i could hear them.... it was grose, they thought they were such a hot couple, they werent.... everyone else was. amanda/alex.. hot... nat/mat... hot.... parker/jen.. if you can call that a couple.... hot. sheila says chelsias parents are gonna be so disgusted with her.


nat and sheila talking about how the guys are scared of james... sheila says why, hes just a guy,... hes such a con artist. nat says james knows that when josh goes, james knows that sharon isnt gonna help him, sheila says she will come over to our side, she knows hes a threat... nat says she knows if she doesnt then the house will be gunning for her.

6:49pm - FLAMES


6:51PM - they come back to sheila saying that it makes her sick that she cried over james, she says you just cant trust anyone in this house. nat said that is why im trying to tell the boys that we have to get rid of josh... you can hear james snoring in the backround.

nat saying that she would be wasting her HOH if she got rid of sharon.....omg... nat just freaked out sheila saying that james will be going next week cuz evection is on april 9th.... sheila says omg, thats right, april 9th and its the ninth week and he only has nine lives.... that makes sense... nat says see, there are signs.


7:31 PM BBT - Feeds 1 and 2 are of Shelia and Nat in the HOH room, not talking going on. Nat reading the bible and Shelia just laying there listeing to Nat's CD.

Feeds 3 and 4 are on the LR with the GP's on the screen still.

Feeds moved to the GP cage for a second, zooming in and out on them.

Ryan and Sharon just found the Gp on the screen. And are talking about them being in the DR.

They went and got Josh and James. Sharon went to the SR and found Mr. Bubbles, she yells for Nat and tells them about the GP's

Now Nat is talking to the GP's asking them if BB took a picture of them.

Nat and Ryan agree that some thing very "funky" is going on.

Ryan in the kitchen, Nat back up in HOH. Shelia lips are moving, singing.

Sharon in the kitchen and asks Ryan what the GP's in DR means. Now Sharon is talking to the Gp's and asking them if the went "bye bye". Sharon says that it is sooooo freaky!

Now Ryan is talking to the GP's telling them they are famous! ( LMAO )

Shelia and Nat are talking in the HOH, nothing important (so I am not going to even bother)

7:40 PM BBT - Sharon goes outside and switches out some laundry. Nat and Shelia still in HOH, Nat back to reading the bible and Shelia music.

Ryan back in the kitchen, Sharon in the BR. NAt just told Sheila about the GP and the picture in the LR. Not Shelia is going downstairs to look at them.

Shelia asks Ryan if he is making slop. He made slop with Soy Sauce and said it was gross, he has to make it over. ( YUCK )

Sheila is trying to figure out what it means with the GP in the DR, Sharon is saying it could be a question in a comp. ( The GP picture looks like the one from the show the other night )

Sharon talking about the faces in the mirrors, talking about BB7 and when they had the faces and were asked questions about them later.

Sharon back in bed with Josh, she has 22 more chapters of the bible to read. She says she is in Acts.

James is in bed now too. Ryan still in the kitchen making slop. Shelia goes to the WC and then in the kitcten talking to Ryan. Shelia says she is spending as much time with Nat as possible. Hard to hear what they are saying Shelia is whispering and Ryan is scraping a pan and then running the water.


7:51PM BBT - Sharon, Josh, and James in bed. Sharon reading the bible. Josh has a pillow over his head and James is just laying there. Nat is still in the HOH. Ryan and Shelia in the kitchen talking about how much they hate the slop.

Shelia is complaining about the kitchen being a mess and how she is on kitchen strike. Ryan says they are running out of glasses. Shelia does fill up the ice trays and puts them back. She was thinking there was a head in the freezer, because of the rat in the fridge. Sheila says she wants to see one of the freaky dudes in the mirror. She is afraid they are going to do it to her tonight in her room. Ryan asks her how many scoops she puts in her protein shakes. She says 2 but it is kinda chunky. Shelia says it is really good with the Soy milk.

7:56PM BBT - Ryan is now washing dishes. Shelia is saying she loves Nat's Yellow Card CD and she is now a big fan. Ryan says he has heard of them before.

Sharon is now sleeping, BB is having fun zooming in and out on her face. Ryan is now in the LR looking at the GP. Shelia is making her Protein Shake.

Shelia wiping the fridge down. ( Very Entertaining stuff going on here)

8:00 PM BBT - James, Sharon, Josh asleep in thier BR. Ryan looking at the GP's in their cage. Shelia kinda cleaning the kitchen. ( so much from being on kitchen strike ). Shelia asks Ryan if the he thinks the blocks in the GP cage still mean something. He says he doesn't know and then no. Shelia wiping off the flower table.

Ryan goes in the BR and starts talking to Adam about getting up. Ryan tells him to go look at the TV in the LR. Adam says he heard about it already. The camera on James is going crazy and just made a loud buzz noise from trying to go to a diffrent angle. Sharon asked if that was the camera.

BB is now having fun zooming in and out on James laying in bed. He hears the camera zooming and looks up at it, then turns back over. BB keeps doing it and James keeps looking up at it.

Adam asking Ryan if anymore faces popped up. Ryan says no, and that he will knock them the fuck out.

Ryan making his bed. Adam leaves room and sees Shelia, he asks what she is doing and she is taking the trash out. Adam says good girl.

8:09 PM BBT - Adam goes into Sharon, Josh, and James rooms. Adam is talking about the Friiiiieeeennnddss! Shelia is back up in the HOH room. Nat is saying that reading her letter and listeing to her music makes her cry. Shelia is now listeing to Nat's CD.

Adam goes to use the WC.


8:12 PM BBT - Nat is running bath water in the HOH room. Nat says thank you for her bubble bath BB. Shelia still listeing to the Yellow Card CD.

James goes into the Bathroom. BB: James please put on your microphone.

Kicks the door ( Adam is still in there ) Adam comes up, doesnt wash his hands and James goes in.

8:16 BBT - Ryan and Adam in the Back yard talking about James ( I think ). Talking about how he has asked both of them to work with him. Adam and Ryan are now lifting weights. OMG Ryan is talking about his sholder popping in and out when he lifts. He starts to lift and you can hear it. It sounds horrible, like bones breaking. ( eeeeeek!! ) ( ok, when he did it again, it may have been the weight hitting his mic, I can't tell! )

Shelia in HOH telling Nat that she really likes #10. Nat talking about really liking her cookies.

Adam and Ryan are talking about James and Josh and the upcoming eviction. Ryan thinks that they are going to tell them it is going to be guys vs girls to try and get Ryan and Adam on their side. Ryan says it is me and you. Adam says that he is out biggest hurdle ( not sure which one he is talking about ).

9 pm BBT: Everyone except Ryan & Sheila hanging out in the kitchen chatting.

Adam goes outside to smoke & Ryan is in the BY running laps. Ryan makes the comment that he doesn't like hanging out with him, he's the weirdest (James).

In the kitchen they talk about the America's vote to let a HG back in. They say where they lived had a lot to do with it & they stood a better chance for more votes if they lived in a big city. Nat says yeah, Parker was from LA. James says that Parker was paparazzi though "what a goon". Josh asks where Sheila has been all day. Nat says Sheila really likes her CD. James says Sheila is hiding out from him. The Sheila bashing begins. James says Sheila sucks so badly & that's why she is still here. James wants to meet Sheila's kid just to see how he puts up with her.

James & Nat are telling Sharon how they switched out the mattresses & gave Sheila Adam's crappy one & Adam Sheila's better mattress. We are back to Sheila dogging & how she tells everyone she is voting for them.

Meanwhile in the BY... Adam & Ryan are nervous about the


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