Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use Parenthesis (*brackets*) around the text. Please post pictures and video the following forum! If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Sheila going on and on about how she's established relationships with people in the house and she knows everything about everyone. It's funny, because the camera zoomed in really close to Sheila as she was talking (you could almost hear the "Psycho" music). Tells Ryan how he hasn't bonded with a lot of the girls, whereas she's tried to bond with almost everyone, including Adam. Ryan says that Sheila is making it sound like he owes the guys something and Natalie owes Sheila something. Sheila says she told Natalie to her face that she doesn't owe her anything. Ryan says and you told them (the guys) that they owe you. Sheila swears she didn't. Ryan says you just told me you voted with them that one week, and now they owe you something for that. Sheila claims that she's not just bonding with the women for votes, it's because it comes naturally. She keeps saying that Ryan is faulting her for mentioning the 10Gs and Ryan keeps trying to tell her he isn't, but Sheila is on a roll and is not listening. Says she will not bring it up again and it was only brought up to Natalie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Natalie outside telling Adam and Matt about the conversation between Sheila and Ryan. Ryan joins them and rehashes. Says Sheila is trying to use this "womanly bond" thing to stay in the house. Matt says he will be mad if Ryan is not there next week. 9:12PM BBT Now Sheila has Chelsia hemmed up telling the same story and rehashing the conversation with Ryan. She's a broken record. Natalie yelling that there's alcohol in the SR. Says she had a feeling, it's Friday night, so went to check. There's red and white wine, and some beer, only 3 though. (things should start to get interesting now). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chipmunk220 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 9:14 BBT. Looks like the kiddos have alcohol....beers and wine. Seems to be Adam took 3 and the crew doesn't think he is supposed to have that much. (lord help us all...don't give these people too much alcohol!!!*****). They are dividing up their beers like a group of hungry hyenas dividing up a carcass.... Matty in BY doing his weight lifting... Josh and Ryan in SR rehashing the Sheila Broken Record (ten G's...blah blah). Josh tells Ry he likes him but he thinks it's six zero ry gone. Ry says he has Matt Nat Adam. Josh says "thats what i thought". Josh says he doenst know about switching vote cuz them against him is scary. Josh says "was just out in HT w/ me nat and james who all said they were voting you out and adam is going with the majority." Ry "you think so" Josh "well he didnt say it...but i think so......i think adam is flip flopping...will vote strategically". Ry says "I understand but if i can get u. i know ur worried about them four...and as far as my game i realize i should never have (put up James??)...if i win HoH i won't put you up".... Ryan is campaigning HARD here. Josh "it woulda been an easy vote but Sheila fucked it up with you...and now she's on your ass..." Ry "about the 10g's?" josh "yeah...any time you leave the room...she's on it.... " Josh is telling RY how "very vocal" she is. Ry "she's putting word in my mouth" Josh "which suuuucks". "ry She's crazy." Josh "bitch". Ry "she was trying to Backdoor you." Josh "she's gone after Sharon etc..." And they go on about what Ryan would do if he had HoH.... 9:23 PM BBT And the conversation in SR between Josh and Ryan continue.... Ry: i dont want to start trouble Josh:" you're honest. Ry " i'm not in with this alliance shit. it will burn me in the end. Josh: you need to pipe her (sheila) down.... you might want to rehash with James that she started the backdoor. Ryan "she's the drama queen... i mean you're a bit of one...but she's the real one. And josh leaves the SR.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Ryan and Josh in the SR. Ryan catches Josh up on the conversation with Sheila. Josh tells Ryan that he doesn't think Ryan has the votes to stay. Ryan asks Josh if he has his back. Ryan says he has 3 votes. Josh says at the HT, everyone was saying they would vote Ryan out. Ryan is campaigning to Josh, saying if he's there next week and wins HOH, he would not put Josh up. He's willing to change up his game and realizes he shouldn't have played that alliance shit. Josh says Sheila is on Ryan's ass. Tells Ryan that when Ryans was in DR, Sheila was trashing Ryan, and everyone heard it. They talk about how Sheila claims she's over the 10Gs but she keeps bringing it up. Ryan says Sheila was putting words in his mouth while they were talking in the BR. Ryan asks what does Josh want him to promise, because if he can get Josh's vote, he has a chance to stay. Says he will have Josh's back and he will flip this whole thing in the house. Josh is managing to avoid saying one way or the other if he will support Ryan. Says he will wait and see how things go (I guess with PoV). Josh says he's listening to both sides, and that things change up daily in this house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chipmunk220 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 1226 BBT Josh goes right to Sharon in Bedroom. Tells her what he'd said with Ry. (that he says he has nat and matt etc...). Josh thinks it will go 3-3. Sharon "are you kidding me. If ryan stays we're screwed." Josh waivers. Sharon "you dont owe him shit. do not. james will freak. you dont owe him anything. he coulda backdoored anyone" Josh "listen. hear my side. i do think sheila is the one who knew the plan and went and told matt and natalie...." Sharon "she told me when matt approached her she was just confirming she knew the plan. " Josh "i had a new plans...and it nearly worked until SHEILA..." Sharon "this HAS to play out 3-3. She'll be so pissed off. Look at the recrod. Ryan and James...if Sheila wins hoh she'll put him up." Talking too fast to direct quote. Basically if sheila stays she'll do their dirty work cuz she'll go after James for them.. Discussion between them about how it's ridiculous everyone thinks they are owed something by someone in the house. Discussion by Sharon "sheila is not stupid . she is more mental for these games...." [sheila..brains??/ ummm....****]. Discussion goes on in whispers. Generally discussion of Sheila's gameplay. How it is sneaky etc. They wonder if she's nervous. Sharon says she is cuz she woudlnt ahve gone to Ryan... Josh "I dont trust adam at all". <discussion if sheila stays they have her....but Adam.....> Sharon and Josh agree sheila has fucked him hard. Sharon "they 're scared of james. you arent as abig a threat. you got the smart. and you need to keep it where it is. Keep it down.." <and my feeds went down...grrrr> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 9:25PM BBT Josh reporting to Sharon what was just said. Said Ryan has 3 confirmed votes. Sharon says are you kidding me? If Ryan stays, we're screwed. Three confirmed votes? Josh says Ryan said Josh owed him b/c he didn't put him on the block. Sharon says you don't owe him shit. Sharon says we have to make people think we're keeping Ryan. Says Sheila is pissed because Ryan has the boys club and they are sticking together. Sharon reiterates that Matt and Natalie have to be split up. Sharon thinks that Adam is the 3rd vote for the mystery guest and says that Sharon knows it and is trying to use it against Adam. Switch to Natalie again and how she is dead to Sharon in this game b/c Natalie made everyone feel sorry for her for 5 weeks and then said ha ha, it was an act. Josh says Ryan should have backdoored him last week b/c with the way he was being vocal, no one would have voted Josh to come back. Ryan comes in, says he just had a thought. Says that Sheila played the 10G card, and how she had an epiphany about how she's a single mom and how she's been piggybacking in the game and basically Ryan should have given her the money. After Ryan leaves, Sharon says this week Matt or Natalie needs to go this week, then if she gets HOH, she's putting Baller up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Outside in the yard, Sheila and Ryan arguing about the money again. Adam asks Sheila if she feels justified in winning the money because she's a single mom. Sheila tells Adam don't try to get into the conversation and accuse her of that. Say she's not saying things behind Ryan's back. Male bond and womanly bond brought up again. Ryan: I'm a man, I can't relate to women? Sheila says no, you probably relate more to the guys. Sheila accuses Adam of being a flip flopper and that they're singles now and he shouldn't go back and forth to whoever will protect him. Sheila: At least I was woman enough to tell James what I did, and I feel better for it. And it may save me, but I can't say that for other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 9:52 BBT. Ryan and Sheila still arguing. Sheila says let her play the game she wants to and she'll do the same for Ryan. Ryan says just don't talk shit behind my back and that he will play the game too. Matt: Another night, in the Big Brother House. He then changes the subject to the mallets and what they might be for. The HGs start making a list of things they'd like in a luxury comp. A grill, an expresso maker, a shopping spree (Josh wants that). Chelsia explains how the shopping spree has worked on past seasons: racks are set out and the winners just go for it. They only wear what they can grab and put on, and they can layer the clothes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 10:10PM BBT: Ryan just tried to get into the HOH room, but James didn't answer the door. Ryan says James is probably asleep. Talk switches back to what they can and can't say. They know that certain things can't be aired if there's a lot of swearing (but yet they keep swearing!). Ryan and Matt go back inside to play chess. Asks Adam if he's coming, and he says he will in a minute. Adam joins them, and they immediately rehash the "boys club, 10Gs" conversation. Adam says if Ryan doesn't make it, he's going to rip through HOH and win it, and win PoV too. Matt says you love her (Sheila). Adam: I hate her. Natalie comes in to sit with the guys (those are Ryan's 3 votes right there). Sheila rehash-- Natalie says Sheila totally made up some of that conversation. They talk about how Sheila is contradicting herself. Natalie says that Ryan is totally in the right on the whole thing. Matt asks Natalie how she's doing. Natalie hugs him. "No hugs!" Matt says. Matt says a hug for a blow job. Natalie says she's good at it. Adam tells Matt he should find out (I think Baller might be a little drunk). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Meanwhile at the HT Sheila is trashing Adam and how he can't be trusted. Says nothing but garbage comes out of his mouth. She hates talking to him. Sheila says how she's protected Matt and she feels sick about it. Sheila says she may not know the game as well as Natalie and may not be as strong as Matt but she can stay in this house and play the game without lying to someone's face. The talk in both groups is just going over everything from the course of the evening over and over, so with that, I'm going to bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsFroman Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 BBT 10:20 - Sheila talking the ears off of Josh and Chelsia in the HT. She's talking about how her vote has been so instrumental in evicting others because she was "protecting Matty". *(Sheila appears to be getting a little buzz as she's gotten choked up a couple of times.*) Chelsia and Sheila agreeing that some people go to BB house to learn about themselves. Sheila rehashing her epiphany again. Sheila talking about when she was in Penthouse and life was handed to her and then the other end of spectrum after that was over when she was hungry and getting evicted from apartments. She says she can't trust Adam because of what he contributed to the conversation a bit ago when Sheila and Ryan were arguing. She says she doesn't like people who have no class and are outspoken like Adam. She says she would be embarrassed to be seen with him in public. Chel and Sheila talk about Adam picking his nose. Sheila says he was lucky to be paired with her in the house. She keeps drinking her wine and talking. Chelsia and Josh silent (*can't tell if it's cuz Sheila won't shut up or they have nothing to say*) Chelsia and Sheila agreeing that some people go to BB house to learn about themselves. Sheila rehashing her epiphany again. Sheila talking about when she was in Penthouse and life was handed to her and then the other end of spectrum after that was over when she was hungry and getting evicted from apartments. They say that everything happens for a reason. Chel says they're all there to open their eyes to their way of life and faults and Sheila says she's discovered a lot about herself and learning more every day and that some people in the house don't see themselves at all. They all decide to go inside. No one left in BY at 10:30 (*I'm out. goodnight*) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 No sooner have Josh and Chelsia gone inside with Sheila. Sheila is off somewhere (I missed where she went) Chelsia is trashing Sheila and telling everyone what was said outside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsFroman Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Sheila went to DR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 Thanks Mrs. 10:45PM BBT: Josh, Adam and Matt are in the red room. Matt is telling them that Sheila's game plan was to hang on to the strong man and have him carry her in the game. Natalie joins. [We're in for another Sheila bashing night...] Josh saying it's going to get ugly this week, as Sheila has taken this game to a new level. Matt says he's not camp. For either one they can do their own. Natalie says she has had enough of Sheila. Matt and Adam leave the room. [i wonder if Matt wanted to save Sheila would Natalie be different] Natalie is complaining about Sheila saying "you know what, I'm on the block" and Natalie can't take it anymore. Natalie is telling Josh she has not idea where she stand right now but Sheila is giving her a pissy attitude about being on the block so Ryan looks good right now. Sheila drives me absolutely fucking crazy, I want to go hang myself form the fucking chandelier" Josh is telling Natalie he feels like he Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 Someone save me! Ryan, Chelsia, Josh, Sharon and I think Matt are in the bedroom talking about Sheila. Matt asks if they thinks she's had her ass bleached. Chelsia tells him he'll have to "read the book" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 FotH (YAY!!) Ugh, they're back I think they're were told to "STOP THAT" for something. They're talking about practicing with the croquet set. Matt is going to give Natalie a massage, he started at 11:40pm. Will see how long this one lasts. They're talking abut the talk Sheila and Natalie had about Natalie being 50/50 on the vote this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 11:42PM BBT: Ryan and Chelsia are chitchatting in the BR. Matt looks like he's almost done. Matt says that he could have won the PoV, it's what he does for a living. Natalie is yap yap yap while Matt is rub rub rub and he's looking in the mirrow rolling his eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 Ryan ahs joined Matt and Natalie, Matt is still rubbing. They're peculating about the croquet set set again. James is still in the HoH sleeping. 11.50 Matt done with massage Matt and Ryan are brushing their teeth. Sharon, Josh and Chelsia are in the room in bed. Sharon and Josh chitchatting and Chelsia looks like she's ready for sleep. (I'm done, nini) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CeCiMom Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 12:45AM BBT James, Adam and Ryan in BY playing Pool. Talking mostly about Sheila at first and rehashing the events of the evening for James. James is amused, still very sore from the PoV comp. They move into the Kitchen and talk turns to why Matty won't take Natalie up on her BJ offers. Matt joins them and they ask him directly. He keeps saying he doesn't know why he doesn't want that. They encourage him to take her up on it, and that she really looks hot on camera. They tease Matt that he's really with Joshua and that's the secret of the house. They say they are just trying to get him hooked up. Matt admits to getting a BJ on day 2. Matt doesn't think the BJ's were shown on TV. Now talking about STD's. Matt says he's surprised he hasn't caught one yet. Adam says he caught his first one around age 24 or 25, so Matty's getting close. 1:00AM BBT Adam, James and Ryan trying to convince Matt to have sex with Natalie. They say it's the only way to get her off of him. More talk about the specifics of the BJ's. Did she swallow, Ryan asks? Yes, Matt says. NICE! No cleanup, Dude Adam says! 1:45AM BBT Ryan wants to be able to get up tomorrow and enjoy the day. Matt says they slept all day today. Ryan asks what James had in his basket. They are talking about BB. James doesnt watch all that much and didnt even know what HOH was. Ryan says jen helped him a lot. They think Jen got fucked by not getting to really play the game. Ryan says "you know" about 17 times in a seentence. Ryan doesnt think her coming back wouldve been good for him, you know. He would have had a target, you know, know... James thinks what fucked him last week was the pickles. It went to show waht kind of person he is (according to sheila and the girls). james is glad he has a second chance. Ryan hopes he doesnt try to swing the house. Although he backdoored him and fucked him, he hopes James gives him a fair shot. James says they both equally fucked him and he doesnt owe either of them anything. Hopefully if ryan stays this will be the end of the shit. James thinks ryan is in the same boat as james was last week. James says take peoples words with little to know effect. Ryan is talking about how Sheila is starting all the drama. She isnt honest. James said when he came back he told chelsia...something I couldnt hear it If ryan survives this week and gets HOH he will surprise people to prove a point and james says we'll work it out. James just doesnt want to be lied to. Ryan knew when james came back that he was going straight for him. Ryan has nothing against him and if he survives this week, its squashed. James wants to show that 5 people fucked him. He wants to show that the only thing they have in the house is their word. James saying he broke his word with matt but it was the smart thing to do. James says again that ryan is where he was last week. Ryan thinks hes in a better place. James says its hard to comete against someone. Ryan, you know, if it goes either way, you know, ....James said if its a split vote he cant say. James tells ryan "you did backdoor me. SUCCESSFULLY." James says both of them are from the same side and they both equally burned him and wherever it falls it fine with him. Ryan says he wants to prove that hes playing an individual game, you know,and things will be different, you know, if he can survive this week, you know? 2:00AM BBT Appears Matt took the advice of the guys because he and Natalie are at it again. He pushes her head down and yep! Under the covers she goes! Pretty obvious what she is doing AGAIN. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CeCiMom Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 2:46 am BBT: Everyone except James is going to sleep. James is in the HoH room having a few beers and listening to his CD. 4:20 am BBT: All house guests are asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CeCiMom Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 6:40 am BBT: House guests are still sleeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
myss911 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 8:06 am BBT - Sleeping HG's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted March 15, 2008 Author Share Posted March 15, 2008 They're sleeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
myss911 Posted March 15, 2008 Share Posted March 15, 2008 Matt got up and brushed his teeth, then went back to bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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