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Big Brother 9 Countdown


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Big Brother 9 Countdown and Trivia

Rules: Has to come from Mortys BB fan pages (not the message boards) any season is fair game.


Scroll down to the bottom for the Archives. Remember Mortys is the place you learn to read from the bottom up.

Or from one of MORTY'S posts only from: Bring back the Chickenman


If you answer correctly you may post the next question or pass it. If you post a question and are going to be gone from the board for more then 24 hrs pm the answer to someone so they can let the winner know they got it right.


69 days
until Big Brother 9 Starts on February 12

Who did Naked cannonballs into the pool?

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not the ones I was looking for.... It was two ppl together, and it was cannonballs not just running and jumping in and getting out. It was more then one cannonball.

68 days
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Days until BB9

TY Yana/Dreamangel for the numbers



Days until BB9

TY Yana/Dreamangel for the numbers

Someone needs to PM me when I forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bash:
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Somebody needs to hit me with a BB9 stick, sorry guys...........


Days until BB9

TY Yana/Dreamangel for the numbers

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