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I Need A Quick Explanation


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I need a big of help. Can someone please in a sweet concise way tell me how it got flipped that Mike got evicted instead of Kail? My DVR failed to record on Thursday (GRRRRR) and as much as I've tried to read the feeds I've been bombarded with work that I"m doing so I'd appreciate just a little update to get me up to speed. Thanks!! Plus, what is this I hear about an alliance of 8 and Nick is not in it? I'm so lost!!!

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My understanding is that Dick did such a good job rattling Kail that he decided he could manipulate and control her -- this is in addition to Mike making an idiotic move in the POV comp. Since Mike tried to get Dick to lose the POV -- and finally Dick got angry and stepped off the platform and handed the win to Jen -- Dick put him up. So a combination of things like this made Dick decide to get rid of Mike since Mike is also big and physically strong, he was perceived as the bigger threat.

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