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Nakomis' Six Fingered Plan


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I was just sitting here thinking about Nak's 6 fingered plan, but I can't remember exactly what it was....can someone remind me? I know that basically the way it was engineered Jase could not save himself, but I can't remember the logistics.

Also, did anyone else get a chill when Jase said "Or are they?"....that critter is up to something, AND I LOVE IT!!!!!

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It was a sophisticated type of backdoor eviction. He knew he was going to be backdoored, but Nakomis, who was head of household, put up two of her own alliance for eviction, I believe. They selected their own veto partners that year, and Nakomis and her two alliance members who were on the block selected three people that were instructed to use the veto. so Jase didn't even get the chance to win veto so he could leave the nominations the way they were. The veto was used and Jase was put up. And voted out.

I was sorry to see Nakomis go tonight. I know both she and Diane promised to get rid of Chilltown, but I think Nakomis is a lot more likely to keep her word.

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