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Tuesday, August 8, 2023 - Big Brother 25 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 25 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/forum/337-big-brother-25-discussion-dish/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB25-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (BPL)
Theme bedroom [Upside down] (UBR )
Theme bedroom [it's a fun comic book style] (CBR)

Theme bedroom [it's scary theme] (SBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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2:04PM BBT The HGs are enjoying time at the pool.







2:07PM BBT

Jared is talking with Reilly about how crazy it is that people are claiming they are unwilling to take each other out.

Reilly: I ain't afraid to take anybody out.

Jared: Me neither

Reilly says no one wants to get blood on their hands. "They are scared. They are afraid to get one of our big alliance members because they know they are gonna start a war."

Jared: The other side doesn't give a F*. My people and your people are gonna to tell us what is going on. Mama C and Mama F...that's only two of them. We can't guarantee two out of their f*ing 8 are gonna save us.



2:15PM BBT

Jared shares with Reilly that he had a heart to heart with Izzy over identity and him wanting to use the correct pronouns. "She sat and explained it all to me, and I think she has more integrity. Not that Hisam doesn't have integrity, but he isn't playing with it. He acts sometimes like he is pissed, and I'm like, Bro, you can't play that way."

[It's true, Hisam is a bit aggressive in one-on-one questioning. Just my observation. -ML]


Reilly says she pulled Cory off because he said he doesn't have anybody in the house and she know he will be devoted, "I have a soft spot for him." She says he is a good guy and deserves his spot in the game. "We just need to win..."

Jared finishes her thought "HOH"

Reilly: Yeah, HoH! Matt is so, so loyal. Like, he will do whatever we need him to do. He is not afraid. I'm like, this is a physical comp and you need to do it. He is so down with the squad.

Jared: Yeah. Honestly....When it comes back down to it, me, you Jag, and Matt seem like we are the only people who seem like, Yo! This version! I don't know about America.

Reilly: Cory

Jared: Yeah Cory. I keep forgetting about Cory. My bad.

Reilly: He needs to stop isolating himself, though

Jared: but Blue keeps saying this thing like she wants to save them first

Reilly: I don't like that!

Jared: Me neither!


2:18PM BBT (Still in HoHR) They discuss that America will follow Blue and do whatever she does. Jared says everyone has to bring something to the table, and they feel the group they can count on include themselves, Jag, Matt and Cory.

Jared: Y'all let me know if you want to do some late night shit. We can bust it out.

They are annoyed with America being paranoid about looking suspicious if she is seen talking with them, especially given the other side already knows the house is divided.

Reilly: She is more worried about her connection with them than with us. We all need to get in a f*ing room and talk.

Jared: Okay (he goes to leave)

Reilly: Love you! We'll be fine!

Jared leaves the HoHR.



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2:22PM BBT

Felicia is prepping food in the kitchen. Jared says the house is so cold. Matt calls Blue "Blue-zer" and laughs.  

Blue: Don't let that catch on






2:26PM BBT

In the backyard, Jag is talking with Mecole about his drinking days in college, but he is past that now. 

Big Brother: Mecole, please put on your microphone.

Jag laughs saying BB wants to hear all the details of her drinking.

Mecole says she was a bartender in college.

Jag: That's dope! How was that? Wait, where did you go?

Mecole says she went to Texas Southern, "an HBCU in Houston"  and worked at Hooters all 4 years





2:40PM BBT

In the comic bedroom, Izzy, Cirie and Jared are catching up on the days' conversations.



2:42PM BBT

Back in the backyard, Luke, Cameron, America, Bowie, Red, Cory and Hisam are talking about what the fans are thinking of them.

Big Brother: Wakey, Wakey Houseguests

Hisam stretches and rubs his eyes.




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I didn't see these posted, so Felicia mic pack water immersion Flashback roundup:


8-3-23 4:17 am BBT - Felicia's first toilet mic drop

8-5-23 11:12pm BBT - Felicia falls in hot tub with mic pack

8-6-23 7:34pm BBT - Felicia dunks another mic pack in the toilet 


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2:48PM BBT

In the Comic Bedroom, Red, Izzy, Cirie and Jared are talking about the backyard closing for 5 hours (according to production) but it will open back up. Cirie says she prefers going outside at night.

Red meets up with Kirsten in the SR where they discuss favorite Christmas classics and their age difference (12 years). She tells him she will start calling him Grandpa Red.

Red: I don't feel like that, though. I feel 27.





2:55PM BBT

Mecole and Jag continue talking Luke being mad at him yesterday because he was claiming Jag was just going in the Have-Not room to spy and do do "recon." Luke told Jag he knew what he was doing, saying 'I am not that dense and you are just playing sloppy.' Jag says Luke later apologized for dogging on him saying, "I'm sorry for bullying you. You are welcome in the Have-Not room. I didn't mean to dog you." Jag says it's the first conversation that he felt just came out of nowhere....that it was shocking.  "I was like, Bro, what is happening. He was thinking he was going to get backdoored. I was like, WHAT!"  [The BB House changes its occupants....I am convinced. -ML]



3:06PM BBT

Cory and Cameron are discussing how others in the house have named the groups that have formed.

Cameron: I think it is noble that you (people) are trying to not give too much information, but it's already in the open. If I was gonna take care of things, there are one or two people that I would like to keep safe. You are one of those people, and Jared is second on that ship.

Cory: Same...but if Blue wins HoH

Cameron: I don't foresee a future in a boat with a hole in it (he is talking about Blue)

Cory: Do you think everyone else in the group is aware of the hole?

Cameron: No one has explicitly come out and asked me. I could lie to them, but.....I'm not that guy. I can't play both sides. I can't do it.

Cory: It's too hard

Cameron: It's not that it's too hard. I just won't do it. We are about to be in some f8ing shit. It's about to get really bad. I would like to preemptively make a good decision. It doesn't mean we are locked it. This is a wash week, but we all need someone the house agrees upon. What I will tell you is that if any of those actually win (HoH) I am not really concerned because they would have to lobby for additional votes. They don't have them.

Cory: Yeah

Cameron: But let's be f*ing real, they are much more my people. I love, respect, adore and I have built a bond with them. 

Cory: So here's my question, what do we do moving forward? You are closer to Red, Hisam I don't really know. But Cirie, Felicia, MiMi...that feels okay to me. The last thing I want to do is play the middle.

Cameron: I don't want it to appear you are doing that

Cory: I've been trying to only hang out with the downstairs people.

Cameron: I know that

Cory: I think we need to vouch for each other. I'll just talk more openly now, *f it. What do you think about Matt & Reilly?

Cameron: What about 'em?

Cory: Do you think they are just going down with the ship?

Cameron: I think they feel it.



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3:48 pm BBT Kirsten & Matt have been in the Have Not room for some time discussing game.  Matt is amused by the noisy stool but tries to hold still to keep it from making more noises.  Bowie came in and told them it was dinner time, but they are staying in the room and still talking.  Kirsten says she was told twice that she wasn't going to be put up for eviction so she was shocked.  "I got some fire" now.  She is making plans for next week.  She thinks people ae playing a dirty game.  Matt thinks the sides will be clear after this week.  Kirsten is asking how he feels about his game.  He says he would definitely keep her around. He said others don't talk to him much.  Kirsten is telling him how to talk with other people.

3:51pm BBT  Cameron is in the workout area talking to Bowie and Hisam as they ride the bikes.  He is telling them about a conversation he had with Kirsten encouraging her to talk to people more.  Cameron said that people did not get out and talk with each other and form bonds early enough.

3:56pm BBT  Red comes into the room and bounces an exercise ball on the floor.  He asks the bikers "How do y'all make it look so good?"

3:57 pm BBT  Red leaves and the bike group continues their conversation about the game.  Cameron says the fact remains that someone has to go out that door each week.  Hisam asks what his take is on Corey.  Cameron says he is a wonderful dude, very smart kid and he loves this game very much.  He's a momma's boy.  Hisam says we need to work collaboratively and share information and Bowie agrees.  Bowie says she would stick to her word if she promised something.  Hisam asks Cameron (about Corey) "so you like him?"  Cameron responds that he does and says again that he's a smart kid.  Hisam thanks him for sharing with them.  Cameron says he is leaving for dinner.

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3:59PM BBT

Cameron, Hisam and Bowie are working out on the bikes and discussing Matt's allegiance to Reilly.

Cameron: He would say anything to save his own life.

Bowie: Well, if I promised someone something, I would keep my word. I just want you to know that.

Cameron says he promised her whatever she wanted, but he may not actually mean that. 

Cameron: I expressly told him, you don't owe her anything...not her, not me, not anyone. He's a great, great kid. He's smart. But Izzy? Izzy can't play smart, but I think Izzy could kick my ass.

Hisam: I think that's just her persona. Just make sure you have talked with everyone on our side.

Cameron: I already did that. It doesn't take long.

Hisam: I just think it's really important. I want everyone to feel good.

Cameron: It's supposed to be f*ing fun. I didn't have any fun this week.

Bowie: Yeah

Cameron: Why am I still doing this?

Cameron leaves the workout area

Hisam: We just have to be mindful about who we bring and cut off some of these satellites. For now, it will allow us to get some people out right away.

Bowie: We haven't burned any bridges

Hisam: Yeah, and It might be better to consider that Cory is getting him out. We can make the argument that he was already on the block. And then we get rid of this satellite they are hanging onto.

Bowie: Yeah, cut one of them off

Hisam: We will talk about it after someone wins HoH. What our strategy will be.

Bowie: Yeah

*cams move to Cory and Jared talking in the loft.





4:06PM BBT

In the loft, Cory tells Jared he just doesn't understand why Hisam is on him so bad. "He doesn't give me much. I don't know why. If my name comes up with him, just like..."

Jared: Listen, yesterday, when you left the room, he pressed me asking do you f*ing trust that kid.

Jared says that Hisam was adamant about Cory being the "typical" winner which Jared shot down given Xavier and Taylor are nothing like Cory. "I talked to Izzy today because Izzy is my girl and I told her, Yo, you need to get Hisam off of Cory."

Cory: He gives me negative ass f*ing vibes. I asked him if he had a favorite job over the years and he was like, NO. (deadpan answer when Cory was just trying to get to know him)  I'm like what the fuck!?

Jared: Yeah, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and once he has his mind made up about who you are to him, that's it. Listen, he told people on the second day not to trust me.

*cams move back to the bike workout.


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4:05 pm BBT  Hisam and Bowie still riding bikes and whispering about who is on their side and who they want to work with, eliminating those satellites.

4:06pm BBT  Corey & Jared in game room.  Corey asking why Hisam doesn't like him.  Jared said Hisam told him not to trust "that kid" (Corey).  Jared said Izzy is Hisam's girl, so he told her to help get Hisam off Corey.

4:19pm BBT  Izzy & America in bathroom lounge area talking about what upcoming comps may look like.  Izzy says that Jag doesn't talk to her and ignores her.  America talks low and is hard to hear, but she nods and agrees with Izzy as she complains about Jag not talking to her.  Izzy says she had a connection with Jag but once they entered the house it changed.  She questioned why "is it because I'm not hot enough?  Is it because you don't want to f**k me?"  Izzy continues to talk about how her game play is different.  She says that until a vote happens they don't know how things will go.  America says that she trusts Mimi so much.  Izzy encourages her to continue that trust with Mimi.

4:30pm BBT  Luke passes through the workout area to the WC closet and says "Oooh, it stinks in here."  Izzy asks if he means like a BO odor and he agrees.  Corey comes in and they tell him that he looks tan.  He replies that he did spend some time outside today.

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4:19PM BBT

In the bathroom area, Izzy talks with America and says that she is just waiting for her chance to win HoH. America says she is just concerned about safety next week. "I feel like the best thing to do is just hang out. I don't want to get in my own head about certain things. Everyone I have talked to is pretty concerned about safety next week. I feel close to certain people, like I talk to MiMi a lot, but there are people that I don't really talk to."

Izzy: Who do you feel like you haven't talked to?

America: Mostly the guys. I hang out with the girls the most.

Izzy: Jag doesn't talk to me at all. I'm like, you  literally ignore me. You ignore me. And then that talk the other night? I was like, what are we doing? Why do you tell me the same things every time. Student council? I am not learning anything about you. It was weird. It was like he was asserting his power of me. I thought we were just hanging out. Like, if you want to talk game with me, just ask me.  I am not bowing at your child ass feet. I am not doing that. Let's stop beating around the bush. 

America: Yeah, I was just trying to be like tell me everything about you

Izzy: Well, that's fine, but you are going to tell me you ran for student council in middle school? You are a grown ass man. It's the same bullshit, and it's like, I see you. I see you, Jag. Am I suddenly a different person and suddenly not valid because I am not hot. Because you can't f* me, I am not valid? Screw you! I am not protecting your ass! I want to, but I'm not going to. I am not going to grovel at you. That is not a legit game. Like, I truly believe the best seasons are where it is not held against me that I had a moment with Cirie in the bathroom. They were like, 'oh, he's panicking." I wasn't panicking. I had a moment and was with someone I felt safe with.

America: Everyone has their moment. I had my moment but it doesn't distract or take away from your position.

Izzy: It made me feel bad that they think I can't win HoH. I want to win HoH so bad. I'm gonna go for it. I'll try my hardest. Maybe I'll be the first out and embarrass myself, but I'm going for it.

America: (whispering) I know it's hard. I see you!

Izzy: And the last tangible thing is that I do not want to tell people what to do. I care about people. Until you are ready to disband, make a decision that helps the people you want to work with, not just me. There is no heirachy. This sort of idea that you have a doctatorship you should worship at their feet? That's not my vibe!

America: Yeah

Izzy: In some ways I hope it's a chance thing

America: I hope it's not endurance. I think I should start talking to the guys.

Izzy: And I think you should keep talking to MiMi


4:35PM BBT

Since AuntD is here, I am out for now.


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4:37pm BBT Corey & Izzy in comic BR talking about sides and where they stand.  Corey says that he feels like he is already tied to Reilly since she took him off the block and he feels like he is not in debt to her for the entire season.

4:40pm BBT  SR America looking for meds.  Kirsten & Felicia talking about what to do with wet clothes that they can't dry because BY is closed.

4:41 pm BBT  Back to Corey & Izzy talking.  Corey feels like he had his best conversation today.  So many people in this house are making bold faced lies, and they have to go.  Izzy agrees.  Corey said he didn't come in thinking that he would be strategic, he expected to be emotional.  Corey is talking about how things are with Reilly and Izzy is concerned about Jag.  Izzy tells Corey that he can always come to her because she cries all the time in the comic room.  They hug & leave the room.

4:48 pm BBT other HGs in the next bedroom ask Corey if he is doing OK as he comes out of the comic BR.  He says "I am doing a lot f***ing better".

4:50pm BBT  Upside down BR:  Felicia talking with Hisam, Izzy & Bowie.  Izzy puts her arm around Felicia and says "you are staying in this house" and the others agree.  Felicia said that her heart sank when she realized on the first day that she was a nominee.  She knows that she has to stay mentally strong and read her bible asking God to keep her up.

4:52pm BBT  Cirie & Jared have been chatting in the game area.  Jared says "I don't like Blue at all" and Cirie agrees.  Cirie tells Jared she loves him and heads out.

4:54pm BBT  America hugging Kirsten in the bathroom area and telling her that she is doing great.  She replies that she has to be a strong cookie.

4:55pm BBT  Large group of HG in KT with lots of conversations.  Talking about the temperature in the house.  Matt saying that he went up to check out the Have Not room. Someone asks if he smelled the cheese bed.  Luke announces that he has to "take a shyte again" in an accent and heads to the WC.

4:58pm BBT  Izzy talking "kitty talk" in a high-pitched voice to Hisam.  Hisam asks how Mimi's tanning went.  She said that she wants to be nice and bronzed but now she is tried from it.  Hisam says he likes the living room and doesn't know why they don't spend more time there.  Luke was sitting in one of the nomination chairs and Hisam tells him to get up, it's not a good place to sit, so Luke moves to the couch.  BB repeats "Don't obstruct your microphone"  so Mimi adjusts her blanket in case it is covering the microphone.

5:02pm BBT  Jared in game area talking to Jag about the need to talk and have conversations with people without just talking game all the time.  Both are wrapped in blankets like the people in the living room.  Jared is saying that they just need to chill and it's probably a good thing that they are stuck inside and need to spend time together again.  He said it was starting to feel like war and figuring out who to go after all the time.  Jared said that he was trying to sneak in a little N-A-P but they caught him.  Jag is talking about Reilly being stressed right up until the vote.  He said things are going to move around and he is interested to see how things go when people get moved into different bedrooms.  Jared said he would like to get HOH so he can see his dog and listen to some music.  Jag wants to get out of the scary room, but would need to win HOH or be a have not for that to happen.  Jared said he doesn't see the point of all of their alliance members staying in the same room.  He said they need to move around and spend time with other people.  he said he told Reilly that they need to meet and solidify that they are together and they need to trust in that even when they see someone talking to others.  Let's be people first and game players second.  Everyone will feel better if we take a step back.  Jared says he needs to get downstairs before people wonder why he has been gone so much today.  He said he was waiting for everyone to finish eating because it's hard to be around them hen he is not able to eat.  Jag hides under his blanket and he is so close to Jared that you can't tell he is there.  Matt comes in and says he wants to rest for a bit and approaches the couch and Jag pops out to surprise him.

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5:15pm BBT  America and Blue have joined the guys in the game area.  Blue says she has been in a wet bikini all day and needs to get out of it, but she was trying to give Reilly some privacy.  Matt says that he went in the Have Not room to check it out.  They asked how many kicks he got when leaving and he said he got 10.  America says she didn't notice the swing bed, so they encourage her to go check it out because she's a "freaky girl".  she goes in and says she doesn't remember seeing that.  She spins the wheel and gets one kick before leaving the room.  America says the house feels like half the people are gone, but everyone is still here.  She goes looking for a blanket and Matt comments that it is cold in the house.

5:19pm BBT  In the comic BR lots of conversations between Red, Bowie, Luke Cirie and someone else off camera.

5:21pm  Hisam on the LR couch explaining AI and how it works and will push out writers.  Jag on the floor with Felicia now wrapped in his blanket.  Hisam explaining the writer's strike and who is involved and that their pay is not great. He cites his experience in performing and that they rehearse for 5 days, then do two performances and only earn $250 for the whole time.   Felicia & Jag are very interested in what Hisam has to say.

5:26pm BBT  Jared & Blue in bathroom lounge area.  Blue is saying that she likes the music they played in the morning.  She said she needs her sunglasses in the morning because it is too bright.

5:27pm BBT back in the LR talk ahs turned to clothing and color palettes.  Hisam loves jewel tones and a really good deep maroon.  Hisam asks Mimi if she was in a sorority.  She said she is a Delta and Hisam says "I knew it" and claps his hands.  Felicia says she wishes she had been in a sorority.  Mimi explains more about sororities.  Felicia says she attended her forty year class reunion.  She said she graduated with several hundred people.  Luke said his class was 1200 people.


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6:22PM BBT

Felicia, Jag, Matt, Luke, Cameron, Mecole, Cirie, Izzy, Kirsten and Cory are chatting in the living room. No game talk, just random chatter about home and family. Blue and Jared  are still talking in the bathroom area. Jared says his match must be independent and willing to move around because he is not a long distance relationship person. Blue says she is a hopeless romantic with an intimitidating exterior.

Jared: Intimidating who?

Blue: Stop with your pink shirt.

Bowie enters the bathroom area with Red and Jared asks Bowie to do an American accent, which they all enjoy. [It's pretty good}

Jared asks what everyone else in the house is talking about. Red says he was talking about genetic memory and diet based on blood type, etc. 



6:30PM BBT

I'm out for the night, y'all. Since I am back at school for the new year, it is impossible for me to post updates until late afternoon. I'll do my best. 🙂

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7:30 BBT Bowie and Red are looking for dessert ingredients in the storage room.
They keep coming up one ingredient short
Cocoa? No. Cream cheese? No.
The majority of the other HG are in the LR with blankets and pillows. Indoor lock down.
Reilly is absent and rumored to be in the DR.
Harry Potter discussion has begun
Hisam is explaining the different houses and the Sorting Hat.

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8:20PM BBT

The HGS are playing the word game, Zip, Zap, Zop, Timber in the living room. Jag and Cameron make it to the finals. Jag says Matt can't hear the game, so they decide to think of something else. Blue suggests Heads Up 7-Up, and Cameron suggests Moving Bodies. Hisam suggests Toast.


8:25PM BBT

Big Brother: Cirie, please go tot the Diary Room downstairs

All HGs: What? Which one! Who?

Big Brother repeats

Cirie: We need you to speak up Mr. B

Hisam: That's right! We need you to enunciate.





8:30PM BBT

The HGs are all tired and want to go to bed.

Hisam: This is like fasting as a Muslim. You are always like, is it time yet? 

Hisam says it is a feast once it's time and everyone celebrates.



9:11PM BBT

Reilly is talking with Cameron in the HoHR through tears. She tells Cameron that being HoH is a very lonely feeling because no one understand how it feels, and she really, really regrets winning the competition. "It puts me on this weird, unnecessary power pedestal. I don't want to look power hungry. It's not like I needed to make a huge decision for my safety. I really feel my personality shines better when I'm amongst everyone." The tears are pouring out now!

Cameron: Here is what I can tell you, what a little experience can give you...

Cameron tells her that he can't say he understands how she feels, but he does know what it is to feel lonely, "I have had some rough times in life, and some I didn't think I would make it through. But, look at me now."

Reilly: Killing it

Cameron: Killing it. But you are on the precipice of making it through. HoH is on Thursday. The entire temperature of the house is cooling off. You just have to trust that you are making the right steps.




9:50PM BBT

After a lot of swirlies on the screen, we get Cirie and Hisam on the hammock discussing Reilly's break down. Cirie says it was really bad, and she told her she needed to take some time to herself. (Reilly has been off camera most of the day while the others respect her need for privacy to get herself together) Hisam says h e can't stand seeing someone in pain.

Cirie: I have three sons, and if one of them was here and that happened, I would hope that someone like you or Mama Felcia would talk to her.

Hisam says he will after he gets some food in him. "I will start that conversation. We will make this better. I hate that her mom and sister are seeing this. We will make this better!"

Conversation turns to Hisam telling Cirie that his original plan coming in the house was to play it cool and not play too well so people will like him. "And what did I do?" Cirie laughs.

Hisam: I didn't think that I would be...I knew there would be older people in here, but there are two older than me. ANd I didn't know I'd be in an alliance with the old people.

Cirie busts out laughing.

Hisam: We are actually playing better than them (the younger HGs)





10:00PM BBT

Reilly has come out of the HoHR with dark sunglasses on and attempts to eat something in the kitchen while chatting with Red and Jag. She seems to be doing better.


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