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Episode 20 - 8/21/2022 - Festival picks and two nomination ceremonies

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Previously, on Big Brother, for weeks a powerful seven person alliance has been dominating the game, but Kyle was showmancing with Leftovers left out Alyssa. At the veto competition, Kyle claimed power. Taylor, Monte, and Joseph wanted to take a shot at Alyssa and they tried to get Kyle on board, but he refused to sacrifice his showmance. Kyle began to fracture the Leftovers, even selling out his former all guys alliance and it seemed the Leftovers were on life support. At the live eviction, the house said bye bye to the Brazilian. With only ten remaining, Julie had a blockbuster announcement. At the HOH competition, Michael became the HOH of Big Brochella, while Terrance became the HOH of Dyre Fest. Tonight, the Big Brother game splits in two. Who will be with Michael inside and who joins Terrance outside? Plus with two simultaneous games being played that means four HG will hit the block. All this right now on Big Brother!


Michael says he is the first two time HOH of the season and he is so excited. Michael says with smaller numbers, safety is a huge relief. He wants to keep the Leftovers safe so he can keep the blood off his hands.


Taylor is frustrated that Terrance won HOH after he was the target last week. Terrance says it feels great to finally have power and his goal is to have a huge impact this week. He has to have people he can trust and people he can target.


The HOH’s will have a schoolyard pick to determine which HG will live where. Michael’s first selection is Jasmine. He picked Jasmine because she is high on the target list. Jasmine says her being picked first shows she has a good relationship with him.


Terrance’s first choice is Turner because he does not think he can do this without his boy Turner. Turner is excited he will not have to spend a week with Jasmine. Michael selects Brittany because she is his number one and he wants to make sure she is protected.


Terrance’s second choice is Alyssa because he does not want to make it a boy’s club. He says she voted for him to stay so he wants to build a connection with her. Alyssa is disappointed because she does not want to sleep outside this week and she wants to be with Turner.


Michael wants to keep Taylor’s safe so he wants to pick her. Terrance said his first two picks are people he wants to protect and he wants to spend the week with. His next pick now needs to be people he wants to put on the block and he selects Joseph.


Joseph is not feeling too great about this because he would rather have been with an alliance member who is HOH. Michael gets to make the last selection which also decides who will be outside. Michael selects Monte sending Kyle to Dyre Fest.


Michael does not want to go after a Leftover this week because he does not want to get blood on his hands and maybe Kyle will push for it on the other side and that is fine by him. Monte is relieved that he is not with Terrance because he has been a target of his.


Brittany feels good about everything Michael did, but Dyre Fest is an issue because if Terrance targets any of the guys the Leftovers will be in trouble. Kyle thinks he and Alyssa are the easy targets and he does not know what is going to happen.


Big Brochella has a pizza party waiting for them in the HOH room. Jasmine cannot believe she will be living a life of luxury the entire week. Monte is in complete and utter shock about the twist. He says this has never been done before and it will be intense.


Michael, Jasmine, Taylor, Brittany, and Monte head to the HOH room for their party. Terrance, Joseph, Kyle, Turner, and Alyssa are saying they are basically outside have-nots minus the slop. They are packing and Kyle cannot believe he was picked last.


Kyle says this pick did not work in his favor and this twist is going to force him to show his cards either way. Alyssa feels bad for Jasmine. Turner is asking Terrance if he is safe and he says yeah. Turner trusts him and he thinks he will be solid.


Terrance says Turner is worried he is in trouble but he is safe for sure. He says Turner’s advice and insight will be key in the decisions he makes this week. Terrance tells Alyssa that nothing is going to happen to her and she thanks him and she is feeling comfortable.


Dyre Fest is sent outside for their festival and they head outside and they have port-a-potties and they have to shower outside and they have a tiny kitchenette with limited groceries. They have to sleep under a canopy. Joseph says they will be exposed to the elements.


Joseph says there is no privacy and talking is going to be funny. Joseph says he got scammed. This is not what he saw in the advertisement. Terrance got a picture of his wife and his HOH basket. He says no one but he and his wife know what they mean to each other.


Terrance reads his letter and he immediately gets emotional. His wife they are rooting for him and to stay in good spirits and to know that he has moral support. Terrance says that letter gives him motivation to make a big move and take out a big player.


Who wants to see Michael’s HOH room?!? Michael has his basket and pictures of his cat and his fiancé and he reads his letter from his fiancé. He writes that he is planning their wedding and he has scared the cats cheering for him and he cannot wait to kiss his best friend.


Michael says reading his letter from his fiancé is so good. He says knowing that everything is going good at home puts his mind at ease. Michael says there is time for talks tomorrow but he is also going to stay up.


Jasmine wants to talk to Michael first and she appreciates him picking her. Jasmine says he has Monte and she does not want to go up on the block and on her birthday week. Michael says this is the third week in a row she tried to use her birthday as an excuse.


Michael says there is no backdooring anyone this week. He is telling Jasmine that she is not the target and Monte is, when in reality it is her. Jasmine does not want to go up and she is so upset. She trusts him and hopes her connection with Michael is strong than Taylors.


Jasmine is emotional and she says it sucks when you work so hard to do something. Monte is talking to Michael and he tells him that he basically told her she was going up and he says she is a lone wolf and she has proven she is not loyal.


Taylor is in to talk to Michael and she says things are working out pretty wonderful for them. Monte says they have been doing pretty well as an alliance. Michael tells them Jasmine said she did not want to go up on her birthday week.


Taylor says things are going great with Michael at Brochella but things at Dyre Fest are up in the air. She is worried they will lose Joseph and she is relying on Kyle and Turner for things to go the way they should. Brittany says hopefully things go their way.


Terrance says as HOH he wants to talk to every person so he can make a solid decision on who to put on the block. Turner pitches the showmance and Terrance tells Turner that he would never do anything to put Alyssa in harms way.


Terrance tells Turner that he absolutely wants Joseph. Turner says he cannot let that happen and he wants to make sure she is out of the house by the end of the week. Terrance wants to target Joseph because they do not have a fluid relationship with him.


Terrance wants to put up Kyle and Alyssa and backdoor Joseph. Joseph talks to Terrance and he is mentioning Alyssa and Kyle and Kyle as the target. Terrance says he got Joseph but Joseph says he does not believe that he is safe and there is a chance he will be nominated.


Terrance says he is absolutely lying to Joseph. He says DJ Showtime can absolutely play this game too. Terrance is going to tell Alyssa his grand scheme and he wants her to trust him. He says he wants Joseph out but he wants to put up Kyle and Alyssa.


Alyssa says that is a terrible plan and she needs another option please. Kyle is talking to Terrance and he fills him in on his plan. Kyle says he has promised Alyssa and Turner as safety so he might go on the block with Joseph and he needs to come up with another plan.


Kyle has been wanting to tell Alyssa about the Leftovers for awhile now and he needs a plan to keep them both safe. Moving forward she will never put him up and is a number for him but if she hears about it from someone else she will lose trust in him.


Kyle is telling Alyssa about the Leftovers and tells him about Indy going instead of her and he tells her Jasmine is likely in trouble. Alyssa says she does not understand why he is just now telling her all this information.


Kyle goes to talk to Terrance and he is going to fill him in on everything he just told Terrance in hopes he can pull him into the alliance with Michael, Brittany, and Alyssa. Kyle tells Terrance he was the target last week but then it switched to Alyssa.


Kyle tells Terrance that Monte has been running the show and Joseph has been his wingman. He says Turner is in with them also and he has been sticking his neck out for Alyssa. Terrance says he is awakened now.


Alyssa is talking to Terrance and he asks where her head is at with the information that was found out. Alyssa says she has been left out of a lot. Terrance says he and Alyssa are at the bottom of the pecking order. Terrance is not so sure he should put up Alyssa and Kyle.


Monte talks to Michael and volunteers as a pawn. It is time for the nomination ceremony for Brochella! Michael nominates Jasmine and Monte. Jasmine says she hopes she can trust Michael but she is going to fight for veto.


It is time for the nomination ceremony for Dyre Fest. Terrance has nominated Joseph and Turner. Terrance says Joseph and Turner were instrumental in the last few weeks and no one had come clean so that his choice.


Terrance says he is good taking a shot at the big alliance. Joseph is disappointed and it is tough being the on the block. Turner says he felt good yesterday and now he does not. This was unexpected and he needs Alyssa to end up on the block.

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