morty Posted August 14, 2022 Posted August 14, 2022 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here: you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house. To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Dining Table (DT) Head of House Room (HOHR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Storage Room (SR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet [toilet] (WC) Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB) Car theme bedroom (CBR) Space age theme bedroom (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty
auntchill Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 2:56 AM BBT Kyle leaves the have not room. Alyssa whispers: America, I love him. I love him. I'm so screwed. She says no one prepares you for falling in love in the big brother and you have to play the game. She says what do i do America? Should I sleep in the have not room? At this point I should sleep here ... because I deserve it. I made a bad move on the veto. He had to undo it. He made a move for me. He says all the moves he makes are for me. I believe him. I'm so in love with him. If you're human and you are in love with someone and have to move about the house as if your friends, what do you do? She promises Kyle's mom she'll be good to her son and says she is fantasizing about marrying Kyle. She says if you're watching this game is crazy, expect the unexpected. Don't get to comfortable and don't hurt your back. And don't fall in love. She goes on we are watched 24/7 there's no privacy. She says I'm a nice person but these people are testing me. She finally leaves the have not room. We hear a lot of rustling and then : Alyssa please do not obstruct your microphone. 3:06 AM BBT Alyssa walks into the BR. Kyle and Jasmine are there. Alyssa wishes her a happy bday. 2:34 AM BBT On first 2 cameras Monte, Turner, Joe and Taylor in a downstairs bedroom. They walk thru lr, make comments about Alyssa and Kyle being togethr. They pass Brit in the kitchen who is putting food away. As they enter the hoh Taylor makes a comment about Kyle and Alyssa being in have not room and cameras cut to backyard. When they come back they are laughing about Jasmine's party. it sounds like she made everyone say 2 nice things about her. They're laughing about Turner's response. 2:42 AM BBT HOH room. Joe is talking in his british accent. Terrance apparently made his appeal to Joe today and expected Taylor to put headphones on to give them privacy. Terrance promises to take shots that Indy wouldn't take.
auntchill Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 2:47 AM Hoh confirms Indy going home. 3:36 Jasmine has infiltrated the hoh crew. Michael and Britt Kyle are there also. chitchat 3:45 Taylor is talking about all the additives Pooch would put in his coffee. She's scratching Joe's back as she talks. We hear Jas whisper I want my back scratched. Jas decides to leave. She apologizes for not staying up. Monte tells her it's ok now that she's 30. Jas gives him the stare. He tells her it's not a bad thing. Jas leaves. Monte too (he was told to exchange his mike) Taylor has to explain to Joe who Tommy Lee is. 3:49 Michael wants to give Indy a sympathy vote (playing to jury?). Joe worries about a tie. 3:56 In washroom Britt and Kyle are talking. Kyle worrying about Alyssa. She told him if she won hoh she would put up Monte and Joe and backdoor Taylor. He thinks Alyssa may have said this to Jasmine who would tell everyone. 4 AM Kyle and Britt discussing race. They don't want the LO to break into black vs white. Both the HOH and WA on rinse and repeat. I'm out for awhile
auntchill Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 12N BBT Jas, Alyssa and Terrance in living room talking about upcoming comps (ones in previous years that may be repeated). They speculate about a double eviction this week. They talk about when/if watching back their season after it ends and adjusting to the outside world afterwards. Monte, Taylor and Joseph get called out about napping Both Alyssa and Jasmine's dads were firemen and emt 12:17 PM Michael enters LR area 12:25 PM Joe and Taylor have joined the LR but are laying down and still look like they're sleeping. On another camera Britt has been talking to someone imaginary in have not room
auntchill Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 We Get WBRB and cameras are down 12:46 they're back and Joe and Taylor are vertical and awake there's bustling around the kitchen as they make coffee and get something to eat.
MamaLong Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 2:15PM BBT Jasmine, Alyssa, Monte and Michael are playing Chinese Checkers. They start in the HoHR but move to the Tiki Loft. 2:21PM BBT Indy is talking with Brittany in the Space Age Bedroom. Indy doesn't understand why anybody would vote for her (eviction). Britt says people are not being fully honest about their votes. Britt told them they need to make their own decision but no one wants to be on the wrong side of the house. Britt: I don't know what the wrong side of the house would be. They need to make their own decision. Indy: I don't believe they would ever vote me out. Indy says she is literally a number for all of them and it wouldn't make sense. Britt starts crying, "I know I am sleepy and that is why I'm emotional. This is so hard. It just hurts." Indy says she will talk to them again and see if they are 100% sure. "Next week we can go from there. I don't see the guys getting mad." Britt says that she won't be surprised if they say they are still undecided. Indy: I can trust in Michael, for sure. Britt: What about Joseph? Indy: I can really trust him. Britt: I don't know. I feel that too, but he is telling me something different. Indy tells Britt she doesn't have an alliance with him. Britt repeats that people tell her one thing and then Indy something different. Britt: I'm sorry that I am still undecided. It doesn't mean I am going to vote you out. I just need to figure out because I don't want to lie. Indy: But the girls say 100% Britt: I need to trust that's the truth, but I sense there is something going on that I am not a part of. Why did Ameerah have to say we were coming after them (guys)? Britt says the girls would have been fine if Ameerah hadn't messed it up. Indy: I know. She's gone. She did what she thought was right for her....I don't see why the girls would be against me. Especially now with only a few of us. Britt: If they didn't think you had the votes, they wouldn't want to stick their necks out. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. Indy: I think they are just trying to figure out what is going on Britt: But if they trust me, why would they act like that? I just don't get why they are questioning me. I thought they trusted me. Indy: I think they trust you, as well.
MamaLong Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 2:48PM BBT All cams have been on the Chinese Checkers players for a while now. 2:50PM BBT Terrance, Turner, Taylor and Joseph are talking in the bathroom. Kyle is taking a shower. Taylor is helping Terrance apply more tattoos. Bob: Please clean the mirror above the bathroom sink. Taylor: Okay Turner: I can do it if someone tells me... They tell him where the Windex is and he heads off to get it. Bob: Turner, please put on your microphone. Turner: Sorry 2:58PM BBT The CHinese Checkers game is over in the Tiki Loft. Monte won, followed by Michael then Alyssa and Jasmine in last place. Jasmine: I don't get it. You keep winning. Bob: Jasmine, please exchange your microphone with one in the storage room. Monte: You just have to see the path. Jasmine: There has to be some sort of strategy. Alyssa is having a hard time with her back. SHe is trying to stretch. 3:02PM BBT Bob: Jasmine, please exchange your microphone with one in the storage room. Alyssa begins singing 'Say my name, say my name..." by Beyonce and does not get called out by Bob. 3:05PM BBT In the SR, Kyle tells Jasmine that he is voting Indy out because she has told him outright that ALyssa and him are badd for her game and he doesn't like the way she bosses people around. Jasmine: I understand 3:14PM BBT Brittany is alone in the HNR again. She sighs deeply and does some deep breathing.
MamaLong Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 3:16PM BBT Indy and Alyssa join Brittany in the HNR. Brittany tells Alyssa that she was upfront with Indy earlier and told ehr that Jasmine said she was voting to keep Terrance. Britt: I want to confirm, do we have the numbers because that scares me? I hope we can all talk together Indy: She's coming Alyssa says they need to talk with her, "that's me you Jamsne, Michael...have you talked to Michael?" Indy says she talked to him and she knows she can trust him. She says she talked with Taylor and that if there is a tie she doesn't want her to go. "It never crossed my mind that I wouldn't have your guys votes. I am scared now." Britt says she's sorry but has to make sure they have the votes. Alyssa says it is not in her best interest to vote out Terrance twice and him stay in the house. Indy: I just wanted Jasmine to come over. Indy is getting frustrated waiting on Jasmine Indy: Oh my God, I need your help They know Jasmine was talking with Kyle in the SR. Indy: Dangit Britt: It's gonna be okay, Indy. No matter what happens. I just feel I am hearing different things from different people. Indy: I just thought I had the girls and suddenly I don't Britt: I just feel like something is going on. Maybe I'm paranoid. Indy: I'm gonna go look for her because I don't think we will have a chance again Alyssa: Yeah, go grab her After Indy leaves.... Britt: Alyssa, I don't know what to do. It is most likely her going this week. I just feel so bad. Alyssa: I know. I do love her, a lot, as a person Britt: It's just tough. Can I tell you something that is just between you and me? Alyssa: Of course Britt: I just feel like Jamsine is trying to play me. Alyssa: Do you think she would blame you? Britt: I don't know. If there is so much trust here, like, 'why are you testing me?' Everybody has a different story. I just want you to be on the right side of the votes the next couple of weeks. Alyssa: Thank you [Britt has pulled out her A-Game y'all! -MamaLong} 3:27PM BBT Indy returns to the HNR with Jasmine. Indy says she just needs to know where they all stand. Jasmine says she is still talking to people, and as of now, she is voting to save her. But, she has to think about jury management and there is more to think about now at this point in the game. Indy: I just thought we had each other back 100%! I didn't think that was coming that you guys would get these types of thoughts. Jasmine: Well, it's the game. Jamsine discusses the vote against Terrance that backfired when he stayed, "It's just a lot more to think about. I don't think anybody is completely decided ont heir vote right now. I just like to hear what people have to say. It helps me. If I am going to move forward in the game, I need to know things. Whatever decision I do make, I will come to you and tell you." Indy: When you guys know and you decide will you please decide and then talk to each other and be 100% sure? They discuss that they never know what it means when people say "what the house is doing." Britt says she doesn't evn know how to decide or what it would take for her to decide. Indy is very calm in this situation and sees that the girls are just trying to play their own game and do what is best for each of them. Indy: If you guys don't vote to keep me, that's it for me. Indy tells them she would never vote them out and that she has been loyal to them. She repeats that she never thought she would have to fight for votes from the girls to stay. She says that she didn't do anything to the girls like Ameerah did, "Just follow your hearts and talk to each toehr please." Britt: I love you, Indy. I am sorry there is any doubt. Indy: I thought we were solid...the three girls and Michael. Britt: Who would be the 5th? Indy: I will try Joseph Jasmine laughs, "Does he even talk game?" (Oh yes, yes he does) Indy says she will wait until Joesph is free (from Taylor) later tonight and talk to him. "You guys can talk to Michael later because this is too much (them all being in the HNR)" Jasmine suggests some of them leave and Alyssa offers to go get Michael Indy: I love you guys. I just ask that you keep me. You guys have my whole self. Jasmine: I do think it is best for you to go get Michael (not any of them) Indy leaves Jasmine: Have y'all been up here this whole time Alyssa: No I just got up here Britt asks Jasmine why she was talking to Kyle so long. She tells them that he was asking about her birthday and her dad. "He was just checking in on me, and I really appreciate that." Alyssa: Should we let her talk to Michael alone? Indy and Michael return to the HNR Britt tells him they were telling Indy that they are all still deciding. Michael: I'm gonna hear Terrance out, but I have a hard time believing I would want Terrance to stay over you. I will hear him out, at least. Jasmine says she wants to talk to Terrance to see what information she can get. Indy: This is the time we can prove that we are together. I don't know why you guys woudln't want to keep me. You know I have your backs.
MamaLong Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 Jasmine spoke with Michael in the HoHR for a bit. She was clearly fishing for information on his plans. He told her he can't vote to keep someone who hasn't even asked him for his vote. He is voting Terrance out. Jasmine tells him that she wishes she could know what is ahead. He says he thinks it will be a double eviction. She says she figured it would be week 7 or week 8. Jasmine leaves the HoHR with no more imformation than she started with. [Michael is so good, y'all. He is playing the hell out of this game! -MamaLong] Michael then met with Britt in the Space Age Bedroom. Britt says she feels terrible that Indy is the one who will ikely go, but she had to give her the heads up that things may not pan out for her to stay (nice jury management, Britt). Britt tells Michael that she realizes this puts her in a favorable wight with Indy given the girls closest to her are not even being completely honest. Michael says he is voting to evict Terrance regardless of what others do. Britt tells him that his vote will be safe no matter what. Michael justifies it by saying that Indy has given her whole heart in this game and even wanted to throw Daniel a vote. He feels it is the right thing for him to vote to keep her. 4:35PM BBT In the kitchen... Taylor: Icons wear the costumes. Heyyyy! Terrance is eyeing a blended peach yogurt that Taylor has. She gives it to him. They head over to the dining table to play Chinese Checkers with Kyle, Turner and Michael. Taylor: How are the Birkenstocks going? Terrance: They still don't feel comfortable as people say Joseph tells him he will wear them for him whenever he isn't wearing them to help break them in "not to keep, just to wear" [I think Terrance needs to break in his own Birkenstocks for a personal fit!-ML] 4:50PM BBT In the Space Age Bedroom, Indy is talking with Alyssa, Jasmine and Brittany about random life stories.
MamaLong Posted August 18, 2022 Posted August 18, 2022 5:47PM BBT Indy talks to the cameras in the Space Age Bedroom. She tells us that she loves us and really hopes things work out in her favor tomorrow. 5:54PM BBT I am out for the night. -MamaLong
Starsinnight Posted August 18, 2022 Posted August 18, 2022 6:05pm Indy, Jasmine, & Alyssa chatting together while Alyssa tries on clothes for tomorrow. She asks to borrow Jasmine’s sandals. Jasmine claims she doesn’t even know which shoes she’s talking about wanting to borrow in the living room, so Alyssa goes to get them and shows her. Alyssa is changing bottoms and while in a thong the girls gasp but Alyssa says it’s a bathing suit bottom and they don’t show this on the live feeds. She shakes her butt and says the cameras are probably off anyways. {Then we get cats…. }
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