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BBCAN10-Episode 15-HOH competition

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We pick up after the live double eviction and Hermon says this double eviction was absolutely bananas. We see Tynesha get evicted in a 5-4 vote. Moose says it sucks to see Tynesha go because they were working together.


Haleena is very emotional and Moose is consoling her. She says she is not cut out for this. She feels bad about sending Tynesha home and going against the girls. She feels so bad. She hopes Tynesha forgives her.


We see Arisa announcing the second eviction vote and the safety competition. Moose says they have no idea what is going on but they know that winning that comp guarantees their safety. We then see the Chain of Safety ceremony.


Moose says it was like a schoolyard pick and they had to show their cards right in front of everyone. We hear Kevin’s logic for selecting Marty to keep safe in order to also keep Haleena safe. Marty says he was stuck and he saved Haleena.


Gino expected Marty to pick him and it was a loud message that he picked Haleena. Marty is trying to figure out what to tell Gino. Summer, Hermon, and Moose tell Jacey she needs to win because the house wants Jess gone. Jacey says she was hurt by the chain picks.


Moose tells Jacey her and Gino are the best competitors to kick Jess out. Jacey does not know where she stands now with everyone. Hermon and Moose celebrate being on the block and then getting safety.


We see Jacey win safety and Jess and Gino become the nominees. Moose immediately tells Jacey that they are voting out Jess and there are whispers between everyone else. Jacey says she is happy she won but it sucks Gino is on the block.


Gino says he is trying not to worry but it is his first time on the block and he says it is stressful. Hermon says it will be the shortest block visit though. Marty thanks Kevin and asks if he made the right choice and Kevin says yes he made the right choice.


Marty says there is no way he could flip a second time on Gino. Marty says he knows everyone is voting out Jess. Kevin says he does not think they can pull off saving Jess. Josh and Betty are talking about saving Jess because Josh says everyone is blind.


Josh says Jess would be their ride or die because they have no one. Betty says if he can guarantee the votes to save Jess then she will vote with them. Josh is talking to Kevin and they are figuring out votes. Josh says they would have the numbers.


Kevin tells Betty and Josh that Marty would have a hard time flipping on Gino again. Kevin, Josh, Marty, Betty, and Haleena are talking about the vote. Josh says leaving a showmance in the game is dangerous at this point. They agree to send Gino home.


It is time for the second eviction vote and Betty and Josh are still whispering. Marty says he is about to have a heart attack and Betty says this is not a good idea because Marty will not make eye contact with her. We then see Marty vote to evict Gino.


We then see Betty vote to evict Jess. Haleena is next and we see her vote to evict Gino and Josh votes to evict Jess and he tells Kevin he did not evict Gino. We then see Jess evicted by a vote of 7-2.


Marty cannot believe and he really thinks Josh and Betty set him up on purpose and they are trying to ruin his game. Now he has to lie and sell that he was not one of those votes. Marty pulls Jess aside and tells them that Josh and Betty tried to flip the vote.


Jacey says that is disgusting because Betty just assured her she was voting to keep Gino. Marty says they are trying to pin it on me and Kevin. Hermon and Gino are discussing the votes and Gino tells Hermon and Moose that Betty and Josh were the votes against him.


Gino decides to call out Betty and she denies she was not the second vote. She says she would not lie. She says it would bring her joy to tell Gino she evicted him but it actually was not her.


Gino heads upstairs and Jacey joins him. They both think it was Josh and Betty and they celebrate that they are still in the game. Jacey says Josh needs to go and Betty is annoying and a liar.


Kevin joins Jacey and Gino and Kevin thinks it was Marty but Gino says he would not do that to him again. Kevin says he knows it was not Haleena. Marty joins them and he thinks Josh and Betty were setting them up. Gino does not think Marty would do it.


Gino wants everyone in the room so he can watch them chat it out and then make up his mind. Gino says he knows Josh, Betty, Marty, Haleena, and Kevin were talking before the vote and he wants to hear them out.


Haleena says she had already made a hard decision today and she is not doing this and Betty says she is lying. Kevin says Haleena is not lying. Kevin says there was no official agreement but there was a discussion on sending Gino home.


It is time for the HOH competition! Summer says this has been the messiest day and everyone gets to play in this HOH competition and everyone will be going hard. This competition is called Red Light, Green Light.


Each HG will take a position on their platform and when the pole in the middle turns green, the HG will race to land their ring. The last to land their ring in each round is eliminated. If the pole is red and they toss, then they are eliminated.


Gino says it is critical for him to win this HOH. The HG start tossing their ring and Jacey says it is chaos because it is pitch black. Round one comes down to Summer and Betty and Betty says it is harder than she thought and she needs this HOH.


Betty advances and Summer is eliminated. Round 2 is up and the light is green. Jacey advances, then Kevin, then Moose. Hermon says he is sweating and it is beast mode all the way. Hermon and Gino advance.


Josh advances and then Marty advances. Betty advances and Haleena has been eliminated. Round 3 is up and the pole is red. No one gets caught. Betty advances first. Marty advances, then Kevin, then Hermon and Josh. It is down to Moose and Jacey.


Jacey is freaking out because everyone is gunning for the showmance. Moose advances and Jacey is eliminated. Round 4 is up and the pole turns red. Kevin says there is no way he throwing the hoop on a red light and he is super focused.


Marty immediately advances and Hermon is behind. Betty advances and Moose is after. Gino advances and is down to Josh and Kevin and Josh hits and Kevin is eliminated.


Round 5 is up and Hermon is the first to advance with Josh and Gino right behind. Betty advances and it is down to Marty and Moose. Marty connects and Moose is eliminated.


Round 6 and Marty, Moose, and Josh advance immediately and Hermon right behind and Betty is quickly eliminated. Round 7 is ready and Hermon does not want Marty to win. Everyone hustles to throw their hoops on the green light.


We’re starting Round 7 with Josh, Gino, Marty, and Hermon. Marty advances and Josh is right behind. It is down to Gino and Hermon. Hermon connects and Gino has been eliminated. Marty says it is important for him to win.


Round 8 is up and Hermon, Marty, and Josh compete. Marty connects and it is down to Hermon and Josh. Josh advances and Hermon is eliminated.


The final round comes down to Marty vs Josh. Josh does not think Marty would not put him up but he knows they are not on the same page. Marty truly believes that Josh and Betty set a trap for him and he wants this. Marty connects and is the new HOH!


The HG head inside and Marty says he has to put on a show and he is so embarrassed and he hates that he has to lie to Gino and he hates himself for it. He feels like a rat and he is terrible.


Who wants to see Marty’s HOH room?!? This is Marty’s second HOH and he says this is very different from the first one he had. He is trying to make the best of it. He models his new outfit.


It is Day 35 and Marty is ready to talk to Gino and he is going to tell him everything and come clean about the vote. He tells him everything and apologizes. Gino says fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Marty will do what is best for Gino’s game.


Gino tells Jacey about Marty being one of the votes against him and Jacey asks what his problem is. Gino says Marty feels really bad but he does not trust him anymore. Gino says Marty wants him to tell him what to do.


Gino says they have to take a swing at Josh, Hermon, or Moose. Jacey says it is wild that they were supposed to be solid and Marty voted against Gino. She says it is actually wild.


Marty is taking Jacey to Wendy’s. Kevin Martin, the winner from Season 5, is who Marty gets a message from and he says the value of each competition is going up and he needs to focus on the game. Marty says that advice really hit home.


Marty asks Jacey if she talked to Gino and Jacey says he needs to stick to his word from now on. Jacey says if Josh had won, she thinks Marty would have been backdoored. She says Hermon, Moose, and Josh are three of the biggest competitors.


Marty says it is going to come out about the vote so he decides to tell everyone in the room. Haleena cannot believe Marty was the other vote and she still just needs to act cool. They want to know who the other is.


Summer says she knows for a fact that it was Haleena because she watched her face and she is a psyche major and she can read it. Marty says the two nominees are a result from that vote. Hermon says whoever was in that room knows what they did.


Kevin is talking to Marty trying to figure out what happened with the vote. Marty says he has had enough and he is raising his voice and some of the HG downstairs hear the commotion. Who will be nominated and who will win veto? Find out Wednesday!

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