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CBBUS3 Episode 12-HOH Comp and Nominations

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Previously, on Celebrity Big Brother, the Todd-father took power and he was gunning for Carson. With Todd finally posing a threat, he landed on the power duo’s radar. After the MMA master scored the veto, she left Todd’s nominations in place. Carson tried to strike a deal to save his game, and Todrick considered the offer. But at the live eviction, the original plan stayed intact. Tonight, with the final five only having four days of game play left, the HOH is more important than ever. Which celebrity will rise to power?


Todd says he is still here and he thinks it is good that Carson is gone because he was a huge threat and he thinks that was a big step for him to win Big Brother. Lamar says he has yet to win an HOH so he has not hit a shot yet and he is going to keep shooting.


Todrick says his game face is all the way on and it is time for him to get some power in this house. He needs to start winning for his resume and he needs to win now. Cynthia says they tried to make a deal with Todrick, but they would not make the deal.


We see them talking 75 minutes before the live eviction and Todd says he knows he is next. The 70 minutes before the eviction we see Todrick telling Carson he is voting him out. Cynthia says she is just going to ride it out with Todd and Lamar.


Cynthia says she has to get some numbers to go against Todrick and Miesha. Carson says she has nothing to lose. Cynthia tells Lamar he is safe because they got confirmation. Todrick says he loves Lamar and he feels like their energy has been weird.


Todd tells Todrick that if someone besides him and Miesha win HOH, then they are in trouble. Todrick does not like that and says he needs to keep that negative energy over on his side. Todrick tells Miesha and says it was a weird conversation.


Todrick wants to know why no one is saying anything to Miesha and she says they are scared of her. Todrick says they are just rude and he is so over it. Miesha says they are almost there.


An hour before eviction Cynthia is telling Todd about Miesha and Todrick. Todd says he knows Todrick and Miesha are going to try and steam roll them unless they do something about it. Lamar says if he wins HOH, they are out of here.


Two hours after the eviction, Cynthia says it is time to move forward and the battle lines have been drawn. It is Todrick and Miesha vs Cynthia, Todd, and Lamar.


It is time for the HOH competition! They have a BB art museum and they have to find differences between portraits. They have to look throughout the house and find six pieces of art and compare them to the original on the memory wall.


The first person to answer incorrectly will be eliminated. Miesha says if you are not HOH, there is a fifty-fifty chance you are on the block. They want to target Todd and get him out of the house. Lamar wants to put up Todrick or Miesha.


Cynthia says it is us against them. Todrick says he needs to get the jury to respect him and he needs to win to get Todd out because that would be extraordinary for his game.


Round 1 begins and Miesha starts with the multicolored painting but it looks identical. Todrick immediately notices the Mona Lisa robe is different and he thinks he has the answer anyway.


Cynthia sees a painting and think she sees a difference but she decides to go back to it. Miesha has seen the Mona Lisa difference and she heads out to answer. Lamar is taking his time so he can get it right.


The correct answer is number 4 and Cynthia is incorrect because she answered 2 and she has been eliminated.


Round 2 is up and Lamar says the camera painting immediately stands out. Todrick says he is looking at everything. Lamar says he double checks the camera painting because there is no room for mistakes. Todrick says all of the sudden it clicks.


Miesha says all of the sudden it hits her and we see them running outside. Lamar is pretty sure he has this one too.


All three HG answer 3, but Lamar is the last to lock in his answer so he has been eliminated.


The final and third round is up and it is down to Miesha and Todd. Miesha says she is comfortable with either one of them winning, but she is going for a record and she wants to win. Todrick says he does not want to get pulled through the competition.


They race inside and Todrick is off looking at the paintings. Miesha is looking at the painting of the keys and are they in the correct directions. Miesha says the last round is so frustrating. Todrick is so lost and he checks to see if the Mona Lisa could be the answer again.


Todrick goes back to look at the comic lady painting. Miesha is in the bathroom looking at the comic painting. Todrick says he has looked at every single painting and he starts looking at the brush strokes and he thinks he has it.


Miesha says she is left scratching her head. Todrick answers 6 and Miesha comes out and answers 5. The correct answer is 6 and Todrick has won the HOH! He says mom, I won something! He is so happy. He has been working his butt off behind the scenes.


Cynthia does not even know if she can get revenge for Carson but she is sure she might be one of the nominees. Lamar says Todrick will not put up Miesha so this is not looking good for himself, Todd, or Cynthia.


Todd is not sure if he will put him up and since it is the end of the game he is not sure if they are on the same page. But hopefully they will put up Lamar and Cynthia and remain loyal.


Todd and Lamar are talking and Todd is saying he thinks they are going to get rid of him because he is their competition. Lamar says who will they put up and Todd says us because they are not afraid of Cynthia.


Todd would not be surprised if he gets targeted this week to go home. He says he is public enemy #1.


Who wants to see Todrick’s HOH room? Lamar is in the workout room and says he will join after his workout. He shows off his pictures and he reads his letter from his mom. He says his mom is an incredible human being and he has gained a huge respect for her.


Todrick says his mom probably wanted him to play football or basketball, but he is sure his mom is rooting him on right now on the show and it would mean the world to him to win this for her.


Todd is showering and talking to Lamar about gymnastics and riding horses and being a child actor. Lamar says Todd is a man of many traits and he has lived a full life. Todd has not gone to outer space yet, but he would love to.


Todrick is talking to Miesha and he is saying he is stressing out about nominations. He says you have to nominate fifty percent of the house at this point. He says Todd is the biggest threat left and the scariest person to remain in this house. He has to go.


Todrick says he already knows what he needs to do, Miesha is going up. He then says he is kidding. Miesha says so you are putting Todd and Lamar up and if one of them wins veto, then Cynthia will go up and they will just go ahead and send her home.


Miesha does not understand why Todd and Lamar waited so long to play. They think they are swinging a little too late. Miesha says it is not a great feeling to target people you have been working with, but they are at that point in the game.


Todd is checking his blood pressure and it is low. He says Lamar wants to bet on everything and he likes to outdo Todd. Lamar is checking his blood pressure now and Lamar’s blood pressure is high so he tries the other arm so he can win.


Cynthia has made all the bed and Todd is talking to Cynthia about Miesha and Todrick. Todd says he knows he is going on the block and Cynthia says winning the veto would be their only shot.


Todd says Miesha and Todrick control the vote and he is sure he is the target. Todrick says he has been waiting to be HOH and this ceremony is going to be one for the books. He is bringing music, a look, drama, and they are not going to know what hit them.


Todrick might seem like an average HOH just looking for attention, but this is part of his strategy and give a show and hopefully they will be laughing their way out of the house. America, get ready for something you have not seen before.


Todrick begins his “production” and Todd says he should have known it would not be a normal ceremony. His first nominee is…Todd. His second nominee is…Lamar. Todrick has nominated Lamar because he has been a trouble maker and to stop laughing and they wink at each other. Todrick says he nominated Todd because they share the same first syllable of their name and they have reached their Todd capacity. 


Todd says he is going to stay-never count him out. Lamar says he competes to win, so don't count out his fourth quarter spirit. 


Cynthia says she is not on the block but if someone comes down, guess who is going up. She is not celebrating quite yet. Todrick needs Todd and Lamar to want to vote for him when they are in the jury. Todd has to go.

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