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Tonight, either Azah, Xavier, or Big D will win Big Brother.


Previously, on Big Brother, at the beginning of the game Azah, Big D, Hannah, Kyland, Tiffany, and Xavier formed an alliance and they finally arrived at the final six. After Tiff and Hannah went in a double, Xavier claimed all the power at final four.

Wanting to take Kyland out, X convinced Derek that was their best path to the end, setting the stage for Big D’s big move. With only X, Azah, and Big D remaining, the guys planned to make it to the end together. At a bouncy boat battle, Xavier got a big win for the boys.

Now with part two looming, X needs Big D to win big, or will Azah derail their plans and earn the right to cut one of the guys. Tonight, after three months of blood, sweat, and tears the final HOH will be crowned.

Then, the jury will return to choose who will win and find out who you voted as America’s favorite HG. All this live, right now on Big Brother!


Julie welcomes us and she says for 85 days these three had each other’s backs, but tonight all bets are off. Who will be the final most important HOH and who will they take to the final two and who will come out victorious?


It is time for part 2! This competition is called Four of a Kind. They will get a question and they have to choose the four HG to answer the question. The HG who answers the three questions the fastest will win.


Who were the four individuals to win a wildcard competition? Azah says she has been studying her ubtt off. She knows the answer is Christian, SB, Tiffany, and Claire. She sets the answers but they are not lined up correctly and she has to try again.


Who were the first four individuals to survive eviction night on the block? She answers Britini, Big D, Alyssa, and Hannah, but she has one wrong. It was SB and not Big D.


Who were the first four individuals to use any POV? The answer is Derek X, Britini, Kyland, and Xavier. She rings in and she is correct. She does not feel confident in her performance.


Big D is up next and he has a final two with X and he just needs to win this so he and Xavier control everything. Big D knows who it is and he says it is hard to spin the wheel and stay balanced. He rings in and is correct.


Big D is on question two and he knows the answers but his knees are getting sore. He gets it correct. He is on the last question and he is not giving up. He is right on the last question and he says this was the hardest competition of the summer and he never gave up.


It is time to reveal the times! Azah finished with a time of 13:19. Derek finished with a time of 20:22. Azah has won part 2 and will competing against Xavier in part three!


Azah says she gets to compete in part three. Now there is only one competition standing between her and final two. X bring it on! Xavier says if Big D had won part 2, they would both be guaranteed final two, but now the pressure is on him to guarantee is in a chair.


Big D is frustrated because he gave it his all and he failed. Hopefully he can work his magic with both Azah and Xavier and they will take him to the final two. Julie says Big D’s fate remains in the hands of housemates and someone should probably remind him of that!


Xavier and Azah are talking about the jury and that Kyland might be adding fuel to the fire of a bitter jury. Big D does not know how he feels about Azah and Xavier cuddling because he carried Azah and she owes him a seat at the end.


Azah is talking to Big D and Xavier and she asks who Big D would want to sit next to and he says he would have stuck to his deal and went with Xavier. Azah says they have been best friends but he has let her know he does not respect her game and that hurts.


Big D says they have to remember this game and Azah says she played the game differently. Big D says he will stick to what he first initially started and Azah says she does not win next to anyone. Big D says he made the deal with X at the beginning.


Big D says he is annoyed he would lose to Azah and he is not kissing anyone’s ass. He says he will leave it at that and leaves and mumbles about her asking stupid questions.


The next morning Azah and Big D says Azah was feeling a certain way last week and Azah says they should not talk game the rest of the time. The begin arguing. Azah says she always thought her and Big D as a F2 was a done deal but she is now considering options.


Big D is talking to Xavier and he tells him he is over Azah’s shenanigans. Xavier says they should distance themselves from each other. Big D says suddenly because she has X alone she does not know where her mind is and he walks out. X says I was just shaving.


Xavier is talking to Azah and she says she has been thinking and she says if she wins she is taking X. X says he will take it. He says he has Big D to thank because he has done a lot of damage and he is kind of in a great position.


Azah says she has been reflecting on things and she wants someone in the F2 chairs with her that thinks she deserves to be there, and clearly that is not Big D. She thinks X is that person.


Azah talks to Big D and she says last week it was not even a question, but at this time she would take Xavier. Big D says he kept her there because she would keep him and she would have made the right choice. He says he regrets evicting Kyland.


Big D says he cannot believe he is hearing this from Azah. He says he has carried her to F2 and now she is saying this? Has she lost her damned mind? Big D says he still cares but he tells her you’re welcome for getting you here.


The jury is sitting around waiting for the next juror to join them. Tiff would like to see Big D and Britini does not want to see Azah. Claire thinks they would be smart to take X out. Ky comes in and everyone is surprised.


Tiff asks what happened and Ky explains what happened and they are shocked Big D was the one who cast the vote. Britini asks what everyone thinks is important to voting. SB says X has played a great game and Hannah says X cultivated great relationships.


Derek X says X was a bartender who did not know how to make a martini. Claire thinks everything X did was intentional and he is playing the game he meant to play. Ky says strategically he was not great but X threw three competitions.


Tiff says X never had any heavy competitions. They asked what X’s big move was if he had not taken Ky out and SB says he never had to. SB says it will be interesting for X to defend his game.


Derek X says Azah would have his respect if he took out Xavier. Britini says taking out Hannah may have been good for Azah’s game after all. SB says Azah made good relationships but she does not think that was strategic. Claire says she played a passive game.


Derek X says Azah and Big D are similar. Ky says Big D was able to keep secrets. Alyssa says Big D’s social game was very strong. Derek X says the best thing about Big D was his name. He thinks he was carried. SB says Big D acted like he was not in an alliance.


SB says Big D was not throwing competitions, he just was not able. Tiffany says Big D always tried his best and Ky says he was committed to being a good team member. He says it is hard to ignore that they are in a historic season and he wants a strong winner.


Ky says Hannah and Big D were interchangeable players and Tiffany says that is insulting. Ky says Big D was doing things on purpose and he thinks the biggest thing at this stage will be their answers to questions. Alyssa wants to hear the speeches as well.


It is time for part 3 of the HOH! The competition is called Houseguest Headliners. They will watch a series of short promotional videos featuring a jury member. Each short will make three statements and they have to pick out the false statement.


Video #1-It’s Briti Cent: first woman to win a veto competition, nominated for eviction exactly three times, and evicted with the same number of votes as Christian. X answers B and Azah answers C. X is correct.


Video #2-It’s DX Abs after Dark: won twice as many veto comps as HOH comps, became Lord of the Latrine before winning his third competition, and he shot last during pool sharks. X and Azan both answer B. X has 2 points and Azah has 1 point.


Video #3-It’s Sarah Beth with Beth Sarah: 2nd best time in BB high school hijinks, evicted by a 5 to 1 vote, and fell after Kyland in a Whale of a Time. X answers C and Azah answers C. The answer is C. X has 3 points and Azah has 2 points.


Video #4 with Crystal Claire: she eliminated in the first round of Name that Croon, given her Duke of the Deck punishment by Ky, and she only won one veto comp this summer. X answers C and Azah answers C. The correct answer is C. X has 4 points and Azah has 3.


Video #5-Alyssa the Amazing: did not play in a wildcard comp, received only one vote to evict her first time on the block, only HG evicted to walk out without a bag. Xavier answers B and Azah answers B. The correct answer is B. X has 5 points and Azah has 4.


Video #6-Turbo Tiffy Toes: 4th houseguest evicted unanimously, played in both comps with the word cocktails in the title, and became a have-not after Frenchie was evicted. X answers A and Azah answers A. The correct answer is A. X has 6 points and Azah has 5.


Video #7 -Green-Han group: won crash boom pow with a score of 7, received zero votes to evict her first time on the block and she was evicted her third time on the block. X and Azah both answer A. The correct answer is A.


Video #8-Spoken word with Kyland: when everyone entered the high roller’s room the first time he was wearing a costume, winner of the sixth hoh competition, and competed in the first three veto comps. X and Azah answer C and they are both correct.


X has won the final HOH with a perfect score! Xavier will now get to decide who will sit next to him in the final two and who will be the final member of the jury!


It is time for Xavier to make his decision! Big D says they have been here since day one, they have a bond, and they have black ops together. He says he hopes he keeps him to ride this out together.


Azah says she appreciates and respects the game X the entire time and she is grateful he started the Cookout and she is comfortable with whatever decision he makes and she wishes him the best.


Xavier says he loves them both as people and they have been loyal and he is grateful to that. He says Big D we came through the doors together and it is only right they leave together. Azah has been evicted!


Azah gives hugs and she immediately heads to the door and joins Julie on the stage. Azah tells Julie is sad because she got tripped up on the first question and she thinks that is what cost her. She knew what she was in and she knew she had to win to get F2.


Julie asks when she knew she tripped up on the question and Azah says she knew the answers after she thought about it. Julie asks who she would have taken to F2 and she says she would have taken Xavier because she admired his game and he did not deserve third.


Julie asks if she would have gotten any votes to win and Azah says she might have but it would have been a close bet if she had gotten any votes. She says she is comfortable knowing she was not the person to win this season.


Azah could not believe the Cookout made final six. Her final thoughts is she sorry she is not more exuberant but she is thankful for this opportunity and she messed up in a lot of ways but there is reason she was there.


The jury is on stage and they are ready to meet their final member. Tiffany thinks it might be Derek F and Sarah Beth hopes it is Derek F. Juror #9 joins them and they see Azah. Julie tells them X was the last HOH and he chose to evict Azah and take Big D.


Time for jury questions! Ky’s question is for Xavier: what is the most important factors they should consider? X says not only who played a great game, but who did not make things personal. He played a strong game but did not belittle anyone.


Brit’s question is for Big 😧 some of the jury feel the decisions made were for others, but what did he do on his own. He says he started the Cookout and he came to every HOH with facts. He made his own decision and he put the Cookout before himself.


Alyssa’s question is for X: what was his biggest mistake in the game? X says his biggest mistake was probably getting too close to his teammates. He said seeing every one of his teammates walk out the door was crushing.


Hannah’s question is for Big 😧 Some of the jury feel he was here for fame over game? He says he made it clear he wanted to be on tv, but he wanted to be here to help his mother and he made it clear every single time he was after the money.


Derek X’s question is for X: name one or two game moves he made. X says blindsiding Ky and helping to get rid of DX because he knew he would go after the Kings team and they were moves that benefitted himself.


SB’s question is for Big 😧 other than starting fights, what did he specifically contribute to getting the Cookout to the final six. Big D says he made sure to always be in the HOH’s ear and drop facts or anything that would benefit himself and his alliance.


Azah can ask one question to either X or Big D. Azah asks Big D why does he feel he deserves the money more than X? Big D says he deserves the money because he put in the work. He always gave his all no matter how many times he fell. He thought about his alliance.


Time for their final speeches! Big D says he has said a lot so he will say this…he came into the game knowing what he was going to do. He knew he had to start an alliance and he worked really hard in the game and never gave up. He hopes they will vote for him.


Xavier says this season they were challenge to balance their team interest with their alliance and from a team standpoint, they got two team members to jury, and from an alliance standpoint he threw when he needed to and won when he needed to.


X won three HOH comps and three vetoes and seven competitions total which is the most this season. He was the ultimate pawn being nominated five times with one vote cast against him. He feels he played an all around good game.


Time to vote! Britini congratulates both of them and she loves them and she is impressed someone was on the block more than her and she is voting for who she felt played the best all around game.


DX is voting for himself and Travis and says if you are not going to play the game then why are you here. SB says they both had her completely fooled and she congratulates them. She is honored to cast this vote.


Claire says congratulations. She loves three things her family, Big Brother, and being proven wrong. She is not sure she’ll get the third one tonight. Alyssa says Big D way to represent the Big Blue Couch.


Tiffany says they look amazing and she is proud and she is voting for who she thinks played the overall best game. Hannah says hi big brothers and congratulations to both of them and she is beyond honored to be part of the Cookout and her vote may not come as a surprise.


Ky says he is keeping 92+8 for them all and his note is there are more important things than money in life. Azah says she loves them both and she knew what she signed up for in the F3 and she gives them all the love and grace.


Julie greets Travis, Frenchie, Whitney, Brent, and Christian. Julie says they got to see everything The Cookout did. Julie says Christian found out as soon as he got home, what did he think? Christian says it was the greatest alliance in BB history.


Christian says the Cookout was not playing for themselves, but for all of them and it was the first time in 23 seasons. X says Christian said everything perfectly and he misses Christian.


Julie asks Brent was surprised him the most when he went home. He says a lot of things, but Tiffany Tiffy-toes! He did not know she had such a big impact and influence on the game and kudos to her because he did not see it coming at all.


Julie says when Tiff got evicted she said she came up with the master plan, did she ever think it would not work. Tiff says no as long as they followed it. Tiff says it was the fan in her, but she is glad she had strong people around her to help her stick to the plan.


Julie turns to the Lord of the Latrine and she wants to know if it ever crossed his mind he was a pawn. He says he was love struck from week one and he was not thinking straight. He never suspected he was ever getting played. He thought he had the game locked.


Julie wants to reveal other secrets. We see Hannah admitting she is a master’s student to become a doctor. SB reveals she is a forensic chemist. Britini is a fourth degree blackbelt. Claire talks about being able to do complex math problems.


Julie asks Claire what secret is most surprising and she says finding out about Hannah. Big D reveals that his father is Joe Frazier. X says what?!? Julie says speaking of secrets Xavier…lots of speculation about his occupation. X says he a fully licensed attorney.


Julie goes to Britini and she asked for time on tonight’s show to reveal something else. Britini says when she was 22 months she was diagnosed with autism and she did not disclose that because she wanted to see her for her and not as a label.


Julie goes to Ky about his exit and how tense it was and does he regret making it personal? Ky says he was asked about this a lot and it was not an insult to him or his family, but it was more for the statement and he is sorry he felt that way.


X says he just did not wonder why his nephew’s name brought up. He cannot remember fully what was he said and he did not see a point to bringing up his nephew’s name.


Julie goes to Hannah and she asks how Hannah is feeling and she says the moment of them shutting the door on day 65 and realizing that one of the Cookout was going to become the first black winner of BB and she is proud to be part of this season.


Time to reveal the jury votes! Britini has voted for Xavier. Derek X has voted for Xavier. Sarah Beth has voted for Xavier. Claire has voted for Xavier. Alyssa has voted for Xavier! Xavier has won Season 23 of Big Brother!


For the record, Julie reveals Xavier was a unanimous winner. The top two vote getters for America’s Favorite Houseguest were Derek X and Tiffany and it was a very, very close race. Julie reveals that Tiffany is America’s Favorite Houseguest!


Tiffany thanks America and Xavier says this is surreal and he would not have been here without every one and they all made history this season! Big D is very happy because he wanted to come in here and fight for his mother and he got to do that!

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