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Big Brother Season 23-Part One of Final Three Part HOH

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Previously, on Big Brother, early in the game Big D and Xavier made a F2, and wanting to build trust with his bestie Azah, Big D came clean. With X holding all the power, he planned to eliminate his biggest threat, and Xavier wanted Big D to be the sole vote to take him out. After the live veto meeting, Big D made a big blind side, and the HG said Ky-onara. Now, with only Azah, Xavier, and Derek F left, part one of the final three part HOH will be played tonight. Who will advance and be one step closer to the grand prize? It all starts right now on Big Brother!


Julie welcomes us and we are going to hear the final three explain how they got here. X says he concealed his identity from the rest of the HG because he did not want to be a big physical target and he does not think he would have made it this far.


X says he needed to do everything in his power to minimize his threat and stay focused on the goal at hand which meant no distractions…including showmances. He says the best way to get protection is the alliance.


X talks about his F2 with Big D and then Frenchie inviting him to the Slaughterhouse alliance, and then the Royal Flush alliance, but the most important alliance was the Cookout. He says the mission was extremely important to him because representation matters.


X says he was the glue that kept the Cookout together. He was able to help the group stay strong and stay together and he was very strategic when it came to competing. He says throwing comps was essential early game to keep his threat at a low level.


X says he did also want to win an HOH early on so he could establish that he was someone the HG could trust. He says by targeting Brent it allowed him to gain favor with the rest of the house and protect the Cookout, but not everything went his way in the house.


X says chopping block roulette was stupid, but the block liked him because he seen it four more times. He says winning when he needed to was key and he was able to win veto and take himself off a couple of times.


X says easily one of the hardest things this season was losing Alyssa. Even though she had to go for the Cookout to make the final six, it was hard to see a close ally and friend walk out the door.


X says one they got down to F6 it became an individual game. He says he had his F2 with Big D and then Ky offered him a deal and it was time to get out his biggest threat Tiffany. He got Ky to target Tiffany and since Hannah was her right hand woman, she had to go next.


X says that all set him up so his two F2 deals and he was able to win HOH and he was also able to win the most important veto competition of the summer. He says even though Ky promised to take him to F2, but this is Big Brother because Ky was a threat.


X says he was able to convince Big D that it was best for his game to vote Ky out. He says Ky was a big threat and when it came time for him to take a shot, he took it. X says his motivation to win has been for his family.


X says his brother died and he promised his brother that as long as he was alive that his son would want for nothing. He made a promise to his brother and he was not going to let anything get in the way of that.


Azah says as someone who has seen every season, she was ready to be that comp beast alpha female, but then she realized that was not going to be as easy as she thought. She knew she was not going to be great at comps, and she was not the biggest personality.


Azah knew she had to lay low and be strategic and she got close with her jokers, and then she got close with the Cookout. Azah says some of the members of the Cookout made themselves bigger targets than her and it was a good thing she did not win a lot of competitions.


Azah says she kept a low profile and made genuine relationships. She knows everyone will want to vote for their best friend, Azah. She says this might sound crazy, but part of her game was just being honest with people, even if it meant calling out her own alliance.


Azah says even if it caused friction, everyone knew where she stood and they could not call her a snake. Azah says as soon as the Cookout made the F6 she felt joy. And because she kept a low profile, she was not at the top of the hit list.


When she thought she might be in trouble in the first double eviction she had to beat Xavier. And she has played an honest game, but she had to lie to Hannah. She says targeting Hannah was what she needed to do to get to the end of the game.


Azah says because of her under the radar game play she did not touch the block until F4 and even though she did not win veto, her relationships she built got her to the F3. Even if Big D waivered.


Azah says she played the most authentic, loyal, and honest game in the house. She says she wants to be the first African America winner. She says her dad had cancer a few years ago and she would like to use the money she wins to buy her parents a new house.


Azah can visualize herself winning. She cannot explain it but she thinks she can win. She says David beat Goliath and she can beat both of these boys. She is going to win the Final HOH and win this game.


Derek F says he remembers on Day 1 he knew he was going to tear this house up. He wanted to represent being black, being gay, and the big guys. He knew he was not going to be a comp beast so he relied on his social game.


Big D says his social game was one of the best in BB history. Why would you want to get rid of the person who is having a good time? But he knew he had to surround himself with allies to keep him safe.


Big D talks about making a F2 deal with Frenchie and he also made one with Xavier and he had a F2 with Kyland. He did not think those guys were sexy, but he knew they would be big competitors and he wanted them on his side.


Big D says his most important ally was his best friend Azah. He did not win the most competitions, but he did not need to win any comps because he always good with the person who won HOH. Most importantly, he came in with the goal of being the first black winner.


Big D says he formed the Cookout to make sure Big Brother had their first black winner. His role in the Cookout was putting it together and keeping up with lies he was telling to those outside of the Cookout so they would not be on to the alliance.


Big D says they ran the house without anyone ever catching on. Big D says it was not always smooth sailing. Even though he and Tiffany were in the Cookout, they had a hard time working together and it got to the point where he almost abandoned the Cookout.


Big D says he knew the Cookout had to stick together to complete their mission, and it worked because it got all six of them to the end. Big D says when they made the F4, making the choice to evict Kyland was his biggest and hardest move of the season.


Big D says because of his personal relationships he s set up to be in one of those F2 chairs on finale night. He played a perfect social game and he deserves to win more than anyone else.


Big D says he is fighting for his mother because she is all he has and he is all she has. She has always helped him and it is important for him to do that for her. He is not going to let anyone get in the way of that money.


It is now time for Part I of the final HOH competition. The winner of part one will go against the winner of part two on finale night.


This competition is called Bouncy Boat Bash. The HG will have to hold on to their boat while they are bounced up and down, left and right, and they have to hold on tight because the competition starts now!


Azah really wants to win part one so she can go straight to part three and if she does not win this Final HOH she is at the mercy of Big D or Xavier and she wants her fate in her own hands.


Big D says he knows he is in a good position because both Xavier and Azah would take him to the final two, but you have to expect the unexpected and he refuses to leave anyone else in charge of his game.


Xavier says he has to win part one because it guarantees he can participate in part three and that could be huge. He says Big D and Azah have kind of been floating through this game.


Xavier says the strategy for the competition is to feel out how the boat is moving and positioning himself so he can stay on the boat. Azah thinks her long limbs are an advantage for her. Big D’s strategy is to feel the boat and move with it and make love to it.


Big D says the rain is coming and it is freezing. They are getting sharks and starfish thrown at them. Big D says his fear is that he is fat and there are sharks in the water. That makes him breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Xavier says the hardest part of the competition is figuring out how to best position himself. He says one false move and he goes crashing to the waves below. Big D is starting to struggle and he is holding on for dear life and the boat keeps rocking.


Big D says if he does not get a grip on this boat, the sharks are going to have a full Thanksgiving dinner. He says they are going to need a bigger bouncy boat. Xavier notes that Big D is struggling because he isn’t moving in the right direction on the boat.


Big D is struggling and he is starting to slip a little. The boats move up and Xavier grabs the boat. Big D slips off and he is upset because he did try and he thinks he could have held on a little bit longer. But his game is not over and he has to get ready.


Azah says one man down and one to go. She needs to hang on as long as she can come hell or high water. Xavier says all he needs to do is stay strong and hold on to win this competition.


It is down to Azah and Xavier. Azah says bring on the water, the waves, and the sharks and when this is over, she is going directly to HOH part three. Xavier does not think Azah will bring him to F2 so he has to outlast Azah and hold on.


Azah says she has been on the boat for awhile and she is starting to get sore and it is getting harder to hold on. But she cannot stop. She has to keep going. Xavier says Azah looks rock solid and that is not comforting because she is slipping.


X says Azah looks chill and like she is taking a nap while he is trying to manuever every which way to stay on the boat. Azah says she is feeling herself slipping. She takes a deep breath and adjusts herself and she slides off. Xavier has won part one!


Xavier says he has three wins a row and if he can get four he increases his odds of winning the game. Azah says she can beat Big D in the next competition because she has done it before and she can do it again.


Big D says he is feeling good that X won and he is confident he can beat Azah in part two. Not only will the winner $750, but America’s Favorite Houseguest will win $50k.


The HG are coming in from the first part of the HOH. Xavier says so far everything is going according to plan. He just needs to win part three to win the money. Big D says he knew Azah would not like that because she does not like the cold.


Azah goes to shower and Big D tells X that he can beat Azah in the next part and they can be the final two. Big D says he is leaving this ring as champion. Azah and Big D are cuddling and they say two jokers. Who would have thought?


Azah tells Big D that she is nervous about tomorrow’s comp and he asks why. Big D asks if she would rather have gone at the four? She says no. Big D says he does not have a good track record and she has won an HOH.


Azah says she has not been nervous in this game until now. She has no deals with these guys. She says winning this competition is a must for her in order to have a shot at winning.

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