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Big Brother Season 23-HOH and Nominations Week 11

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Previously, on Big Brother, with the Cookout finally ready to turn on each other, the guys made a F3 deal. But Kyland and X then made their own gentleman’s deal. So when Ky egg-spertly seized power, he put up his and X’s two biggest threats.


After Kyland claimed even more power, his nominations became final, and Tiffany’s days seemed numbered. At the live eviction, Tiffy toes tippy toed straight to jury, but she would not be alone.


When the HOH resulted in a face-off, Azah rolled into power and she quickly made her nominations. At the most critical veto competition of the summer so far, Ky got another huge win and he saved his ride or die. Setting the stage for Hannah to be rannah out of the house.


Tonight, witness the drama that went down during the action packed double eviction. Plus, a new HOH will be crowned and the winner punches their ticket to the top three. And which two Cookout members will find themselves in the hot seat? Find out right now on Big Brother.


We pick up on Day 71 after the double eviction. Derek F says it feels great that they keep keeping him, but he did not like the veto stunt because they are supposed to be loyal to him, and not each other.


X says it is bittersweet because he just sent his baby sis out the door. But it speaks volumes to how well he has done that he has been nominated five times and still there. Ky says he is so close to the end and he cannot stop until he is in one of the F2 chairs.


Azah says the double eviction was intense but she and Hannah never solidified a deal. She has been close with Big D and X and so her loyalties lie with them. Azah says she did not want Hannah to feel frazzled, but she lied to her.


Azah says all she had to do with Hannah on the block was make sure she did not win veto. We see Ky telling Hannah that he was going to save X and he did not promise to vote to save Hannah. Hannah says she would love to be part of the final four.


We see Hannah asking X who he would vote to keep. X says he wanted to keep Hannah, but he did not want to put Azah in a tough decision and that would cause some backlash on him. He felt it was better to make it a unanimous vote.


We see Ky saving X and Big D being nominated. He says he was livid because this was not a part of his plan and that makes him upset. He has to trust these boys are going to do what needs to be done, but next time they need to give him a heads up.


We see Ky and X talking about if they were going to vote to keep Hannah. X would love to give her a sympathy vote but he needs to create trust with Ky and he cannot vote for Hannah. Hannah tells Big D that X and Ky have a final two.


Big D says Azah does not need to know he has a F3 with the guys and hopefully the deals he made with the guys will get him through the next elimination. Azah says her stomach does not sit right with this move. She is concerned they want to take out Big D.


Hannah is talking to Ky and X and she pitches for them to keep her. She says please vote to keep me and X says they need to think it over. We see Hannah evicted and Ky says he did not want to split the vote and Azah does not feel good. She feels like she has been played.


X says achieving final four is a huge accomplishment and he has to do some damage control but everyone competition from this point matters. He says every move he makes has to be perfect. It’s either put up or shut up.


Ky says he has a F2 with Xavier and that is the one he is most committed to, but he cannot let Derek know that. Xavier says he is making Ky think he is loyal to him, but his first F2 is made with Big D and that is who he will be loyal to.


Azah and Big D are talking and she is mad. She says they did not need to do that and she was forced to put up her ally and she is left feeling icky and upset. Big D says they still have a game to play and they need to focus.


Big D is talking to X and he says his attitude is not with him, but he is upset they did not tell him what was going on. He says he does not care who sits next to him, but he deserves a seat in one of those final two chairs.


X says it is no surprise that Big D is upset that Ky used the veto on him. X says that raised a red flag with Big D and he can understand why that would make him upset. Big D says he does not leave them out of plans.


It is time for the HOH competition! They see a trailer for the new season of CSI:Vegas and the next HOH will be a crime scene competition. They will compete one at a time. Xavier says this HOH is big.


Ky says he has been thinking about all of the things he has sacrificed this summer and he did not come this far to not make it to F2. Azah says she does not know where her standing is in the house but now she feels she has a target on her back.


Big D says the guys pulled a fast one on him and he needs to win this HOH to make sure there are no blindsides going forward. He wants to make F2 and this HOH will be a big step in getting there.


Big D is the first HG into the BB Crime Lab. The HOH key has been stolen from the BB23 museum and it is his job to find the clues. He will grab a blacklight and look for 5 pieces of evidence. He has to match the evidence with the evidence on the wall on the crime wall.


Once they have believe they have the five correct pieces of evidence, then they need to ring in. If they are correct, they will lock in their time. If they are incorrect, they have to figure out what they did wrong. Fastest time wins HOH.


Big D heads to the crime scene and he wants to look at each and every single detail. But he says when you go back to look at the evidence you realize there are decoys and it makes it very difficult. He selects fingerprint #10, but the correct piece is #5.


Big D has found the second clue of the shoe prints. He goes with #12 and he has this one correct. He finds the third clue of the chemical evidence and he says it is clearly #3 and he is correct on that one.


Big D finds the DNA and thinks it is #11, but it is #4. He is looking for the final clue and he says it is the most difficult so far. He is confident it is tire track #10, but he is wrong because it is #9. He locks in his time and he has three wrong.


Big D switches out DNA #11 with #4 and he rings in. He gets that correct, but now he is unsure. He gets tire track #9 and he has it right but there is still one wrong. He goes back to look at clues. He thinks maybe it is the fingerprint and he gets #5 and he is correct.


Xavier is in next and his strategy is to find the clues first and then go and match it up with its corresponding evidence. He says getting a fast time is going to be crucial. He starts with the chemical clue and he has it correct.


X heads back in and he finds the DNA clue and he says it is a bit trickier and he gets it correct. He finds the fingerprint clue next and he says it is tricky. He grabs fingerprint #10 and he is incorrect on that one.


X goes back in and finds the tire track clue and he says who is driving in a museum. He gets that one correct and he is looking for the shoeprint. He runs back in and grabs the correct one. The only one he has incorrect is the fingerprint.


X says fingerprint #5 looks similar to #10 and he runs back to the museum to look at the clue again. He runs back in and selects the correct fingerprint and he locks in his time.


Kyland is in next and he runs into he museum. He decides to look for one clue at a time so he is not getting distracted. He found the shoe print and when he looks at the evidence he realizes there are several options so he goes to look again. He selects the correct one.


Ky goes back into the museum and finds the DNA and he selects the correct one. He then finds the tire track and he looks at the evidence. He then runs back to the museum for another look and he selects the correct one.


Ky then finds the fingerprint and he goes to look at the evidence and he says the differences are pretty subtle and he selects the correct one. He now has to go find the chemical evidence. He feels like he has looked everywhere and he cannot find the symbol.


Ky finally finds the chemical clue and he has to go find the one on the evidence wall. He locks in his time and he is correct. He says he has all the answers right on the first try, but he is not sure about the times of his competitors.


Time to see how the HG did in the BB Crime Lab competition. Derek F finished with a time of 15:44. Kyland finished with a time of 14:52. Ky is now in the lead. Xavier finished with a time of 10:18. Xavier has won the HOH!


Xavier says this is big and he is emotional. He has guaranteed himself a spot in the final three. He says this HOH could be the difference between him winning $750k and going home. He says it is a great feeling.


Big D says it is hard to feel like he is riding people’s coattails because he likes to be a leader. X is in a bedroom talking to himself and says he won when he needed to. Big D and Azah congratulate him and he thanks them.


Ky is disappointed in himself. He definitely could have been better at it than he did. He says how is he so stupid. He trusts Xavier moving forward, but if someone else wins veto, there is nothing he can do.


Big D comes to comfort Ky and Ky says if Azah wins veto and she will take him over Ky. Big D is telling Ky not to worry about that yet and focus on the veto competition first.


Big D says X is HOH, but in reality it does not come down to him. It is all about the veto this week and that is the only way to secure your spot in the F3. Ky and X hug and X says they are winning when they need to.


Ky says he knows he is on the bottom of the four and he is concerned about Azah. X says Ky’s fears are justified, because if he does not win veto then he could be going home. He says it is really all up to Ky.


Xavier is talking to Azah and he says he is just talking to everyone. He says it does not matter if he puts Ky up, then Big D or Azah have to go up. Azah asks if he has a F2 with Ky and Xavier denies it. X says he thought Ky would have taken a shot at him last week.


Azah cannot make up her mind how she feels about Ky and X. She says it puts her and Big D in a tough spot and they could be split up at the end of the week. She says if she and Big D are the nominations, then she will feel played.


Big D is talking to X and he says he his scared and he is trying to make it to the F3. X says he is just evaluating things and he is evaluating what move will be best. X tells him in the F3 HOH, he does not know if Ky wins who he would take.


X says they could take out one of the biggest competitors of the summer and he wants to plant a seed in Big D’s head. He wants Big D to vote out Ky and get all the blood on his hands. Big D does not know how he feels about cutting Ky yet. He has ties with him.


Big D says it is hard to send someone home you love dearly. Xavier tells Big D just to think about that final three HOH competition and who he could beat…Kyland or Azah.


It is time for the nomination ceremony! X’s first nominee is…Azah. His second nominee is…Kyland. X says Azah has made it this far without being nominated speaks about her social game. He says Ky has been a competitor and really nominations do not mean anything.


Azah says it is funny the first time she is hitting the block she could be going home. She says there is no plan B, she has to win veto. Big D says because he is not on the block does not mean anything. He says veto means everything.


X says if he wins veto then he will not use and let Big D decide who to take to F3, but does it matter if they take the shot now or next week. Ky says he can feel himself sitting in the F2 and he is getting chills. He just needs to win veto to get there.

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