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Big Brother Season 23-Live Eviction Week 6 8/19

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Previously, on Big Brother, the Cookout alliance was well hidden and each of them had a partner outside of the group. With Kyland winning power, he only had three possible targets.

Brit tried to strike a deal with Ky to be safe, and Big D offered to be a pawn to protect her as well, sending him to the block net to Claire. Tiffany did not want her close ally to go, so she convinced Kyland to change targets.

A new twist called the high rollers room allowed HG to gamble for power and Kyland, Big D, Sarah Beth, and Claire all got to place bets on the veto players to win a second veto. With veto on the line, both Alyssa and Kyland scored big.

Derek F pitched to backdoor Derek X, but Kyland had his sights set on Britini and when Brit found out she went on the offensive.

Tonight, will Kyland go through with his plan to put the blackbelt on the block? And with two vetoes in play, it is anyone’s guess who will be sent to jury. Plus, HOH is on the line!


Julie greets us and we pick up on Day 41 at the veto ceremony. Alyssa leads the meeting, but Kyland gets to deal with his veto first. He has decided to use the POV on Claire. Now he has to name a replacement nominee and he names…Britini as that replacement.


Alyssa is up with her veto and she has decided not to use the POV. Alyssa says other than Xavier she feels like everyone is against her and she did not want him backdoored. Big D says he volunteered being a pawn but he cannot campaign against Britini.


Claire says Ky was dangling her over a cliff and saved her at the last minute. She is not going to say thank you, she wants to know why he put her there in the first place. Ky says as long as everyone sticks to their plan they can save Big D and Britini will go.


Britini is crying and she is saying she knew it and Azah and Big D are comforting her. Britini says they are all obsessed with her. She says she made a deal with Ky and he went back on it. She is so sick of being picked on in the house.


Azah says she knows that their friends will be sent home, but it still sucks to see Britini up there and it breaks her heart. Britini says she is so frustrated and Big D tells her to let it out.


Claire is talking to Tiffany and she says she does not have a great relationship with Big D but she can beat him at anything, but he will keep skating by. Claire says everyone will want to take Big D to the end, but that means people are not thinking about taking her.


Claire wants to pitch getting rid of Big D this week. Tiff says Claire is her girl and she wants to entertain her ideas, but Big D is part of the Cookout and Britini will be going home.


Derek X and Hannah are talking about taking Big D and Hannah says no one will go over him and Derek X says he is the most protected guy in this house. Derek X says keeping Britini would be good for their game because she would go after Ky and X.


Hannah says she cannot come up with rebuttals, but she is part of the Cookout. Derek X talks to Claire and Tiff and he tells them he thinks Britini should stay and says she would be loyal to them and she could take shots for them.


Tiff tells Derek X that she and Claire would put up Ky and SB and Derek X says Britini is another person who would also take that shot and she could also be a shield for them. Tiff says Claire and Derek X will not let this go and they need to stop coming at the Cookout.


Xavier is talking to Tiff about a plan for the next week. She tells him her two favorite people outside of the six want Big D gone. X says one of them has to go. Claire says she loves Claire and Derek X but the Cookout is a priority for her and they are both smart players.


Claire would be really sad to lose either one of them, but for the sake of the Cookout, she has to accept that. X says then he needs to gun for the HOH hard. Tiff says Derek X asked her if there were anymore white guys left. X says they are low key putting it together.


Xavier and Kyland are talking and they think it is best case scenario for X to win. X says Derek X is a big threat to not just him, but to the Cookout. They want to talk him into throwing the HOH competition.


Derek X, Ky, and Xavier are talking and Derek X says they kind of have to work together otherwise the strong guys will just get picked off one by one. X says they need to show trust with one another and X says if he throws it to him, he promises to keep him and Hannah safe.


Derek X is talking to Claire and he is talking about his conversation with Xavier. Claire says he does not see those two working together and you can never trust what people are saying. She says people are telling you something for a reason.


Time for the eviction! Britini has another rap that includes a shoutout to her family and then she says she would appreciate them voting for her if they think she can advance their game and she respects their decisions.


Big D does his shoutouts and tells the HG if they want to have their stomachs full of food and lots of laughter and a clean living environment, then they should keep him here.


It is time to vote!

Xavier votes to evict Britini.

Hannah says with a great amount of sadness she votes to evict Britini.

Claire votes to evict Britini.

Derek X votes to evict Britini.

Azah votes to evict Big D.

Tiffany votes to evict Britini.

Sarah Beth votes to evict Britini.

Alyssa votes to evict Britini.

By a vote of 7-1, Britini has been evicted from the Big Brother house! Britini hugs everyone and says she loves them and wishes them luck and heads out to meet JC.


Julie says Britini was on the block four out of six weeks, why does she think they chose now to evict her. Britini says with the underdog story she had that no one would want to take her to the end and she takes it as a compliment.


Julie says America gave her $100 BB bux but she did not play in the high rollers room. Why not? She says she wanted save them for the roulette wheel and she thought she was ok with Ky. But he is a liar.


Julie asks if she only feels betrayed by Ky and she says she feels betrayed by Claire and Tiff also and Tiff did not fight to keep her. But it is a game and she understands people not wanting to make that big of a move.


Azah says she did every thing she could to keep her in this game and she is sorry it had to end this way. X says she fought her fight and she is a big burst of sunshine and that will be missed.


Claire says Britini staying would have been best for her game, but the group did not see that. Big D says he will miss her and she is special in every type of way and he loves her so much.


It is time for the HOH competition! This competition is called Dash to Dinner. They have to navigate balance beams and hit a buzzer. But the beams are different sizes and they are on a timer. Fastest to get to the end will win HOH!


Julie sends everyone but Claire behind the wall and Claire is first and she begins moving. She tries the narrow beam and falls and then goes to the other one. She is moving pretty well and she is close to the end and rings in with 34.97 seconds.


Alyssa is next and her time begins. She immediately goes down the big beam and travels the same path Claire did. She is moving quickly and she is on the final beam and rings in and falls at the end and she hits the ground as she hits the buzzer and she is eliminated.


Big D is next and his time begins. He moves down the big beam and is moving pretty quickly, but he is wobbly. He is moving the well and is on the last section but he just misses the time but a couple of seconds.


Sarah Beth is up next and her time begins. She almost runs the first section and she is moving very quickly. She finishes with a time of 21.03. SB is the new leader and Claire has been eliminated.


Azah is next and her time begins. Azah moves down the narrow beam and is wobbly and she has to begin again. She moves the bigger beam and her time expires not even halfway through and she is eliminated.


Hannah is up next and she moves quickly on the first second. She is moving pretty well. She is on the last section, but clearly behind the leader time and her time expires and she is eliminated.


Tiff is up next and her time begins. She tries the narrow beam and is wobbly and slow but she makes it. She moves faster on the next beams and hits the last narrow beam but does not make it and she is eliminated.


Derek X is up and he starts on the narrow beam and falls and has to reset. He moves quickly on the next sections but he is behind. He tries the final narrow beam and makes it but just misses the buzzer by a second or two and he is eliminated.


Xavier is the final HG to compete and he is moving quickly but he falls on the second beam and eh tries the narrow beam and tries to move quickly and jump and falls. X is eliminated and Sarah Beth is the new HOH!

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