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Big Brother Season 23 Monopoly Results- Fifth Cycle (8/6-8/12)

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Welcome to the Results for the fifth cycle of the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 23 Monopoly Game.  It's not to late to play along. Just go to the HG Token Selection thread and follow the easy directions to select your HG Token. Then later check back here to see where you stand in the results!


Note: A cycle is an eviction cycle (HoH, Noms, Eviction).  For this first period, the cycle refers to the two night premier.


Board Events for this Cycle:

These are the routine events in the Big Brother House (and their values). Some events increase (+) your balance, some events decrease (-) your balance, and some events can go either way (+/-).  An event that does not occur does not impact the account balance.


  • HG Token Wins HoH (+$500): Derek X
  • HG Token is nominated (-$250): Britini & Sarah Beth
  • HG Token is a Have Not (-$100): Christian, Alyssa & Xavier
  • HG Token is picked to play in the Power of Veto Comp (+$250): Alyssa, Claire and Kyland
  • HG Token Wins the Power of Veto Comp (+$500): Britini
  • HG Token is saved by the Power of Veto (+$250): Britini
  • HG Token is the Veto Replacement Nominee (-$250): Christian
  • HG Token is at risk (no safety) but avoids nomination (+$100): Alyssa, Azah, Derek F, Hannah, Kyland, Tiffany & Xavier
  • HG Token votes against Evicted (+$100) or Saved (-$100) nominee: Azah, Britini, Claire, Derek F, Hannah, Kyland & Tiffany (Evicted) and Alyssa & Xavier (Saved)
  • HG Token is evicted (Bankrupt): Christian
  • HG Token has avoided nomination for 5 straight weeks (+$100): Azah, Claire, Derek F, Derek X, Tiffany & Xavier
  • HG Token Wins Prize (+$100) or is Given Punishment (-$100): Alyssa & Sarah Beth (Wins Prize) and Claire, Derek X & Kyland (Given Punishment)
  • HG Token given Penalty Nomination/Vote (-$500): N/A


Chance Cards for this Cycle:

Chance cards are drawn when BB throws in a twist we didn't anticipate. This week's Chance cards (and their values) are...


  1. HG Token is one of the First (-$100) or Last (+$100) to abandon Ship in the HoH Comp: Alyssa, Derek X & Xavier (Last) and Azah, Claire & Derek F (First)
  2. HG Token chosen to Host Veto Competition (+$100): Hannah
  3. HG Token forms a New Alliance (not a former team alliance) (+$100): N/A


Each cycle there will be different Chance cards as we identify fun and unexpected ways to earn bonus money with your HG Token.


HG Token Results for this Cycle:

This table reflects the net amount earned or lost during this cycle for each HG Token.


HG Token - Cycle 5
Alyssa L $350
Azah A $200
Brent C $0
Britini D $850
Christian B $0
Claire R $250
Derek F $200
Derek X $1,100
Frenchie $0
Hannah C $300
Kyland Y $350
Sarah S ($150)
Tiffany M $300
Travis L $0
Whitney W $0
Xavier P $100

Player Results for this Cycle :

Each player's HG Token was seeded with $500 to start the game.  The Cycle total reflects the total money earned or lost during the current cycle. The HG Token Balance reflects the current account balance for the player at the end of the cycle.


Player HG Token Cycle 5 Total Player Balance
Dade Xavier $100 $3,450
Fuskie Derek X $1,100 $4,650
MamaLong Azah $200 $2,300
Sheldon Britini $850 $1,450
gishy333tx Kyland $350 $3,450
zzzing904 Frenchie $0 $0
BeastModeEMT Christian $0 $4,050
CrazyBBFan Tiffany $300 $2,850
Usnavi Christian $0 $4,050
scifichick Claire $250 $2,850
titanjo Derek F $200 $2,600
LisaEagan Derek X $1,100 $2,350
jayman228 Brent $0 $0
Kelso Sarah $0 $750
Katfer Derek X $1,100 $2,650
Brittleeg2387   $0 $500
Jpef Derek X $1,100 $1,600


If you want to swap your HG Token for another (at a cost of half your balance), reply to this post with the name of your old HG Token and the new HG Token. If your HG Token has been evicted and your account has gone bankrupt, you can buy back into the game at a cost of $500 (meaning you restart with a $500 deficit).

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