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There may be no official teams in the house, but it is divided more than ever. Previously, on Big Brother Canada, after the Sunsetters epic flip failed, Vic exposed the lies and then claimed the second big win of the season. Vic put up Kiefer and Latoya and after her power move, the opposing sides couldn’t hide their rivalry. Jedson proved his mettle by obliterating the competition.


Jedson’s win seemed like it would spell disaster for Vic’s HOH plan, but she had one more move in her playbook and spicy V dropped the boys with a killer crossover. So the twin towers called in another defender for the full court press. Tonight, will Jedson take the risk and use the power of veto? Who will be the next HG evicted? And which HG will triumph in tonight’s live HOH competition? Find out tonight on Big Brother Canada!


Arisa welcomes us and says we had more fireworks and mayhem in the house. The women are killing it and playing fire games so far. There’s a lot going on tonight, so let’s start with the POV ceremony. What is Jedson going to do?


We pick up at the POV Ceremony and Kiefer tells Jedson he’s a cool guy and he likes to cook and cuddle and he should use the veto on him. Latoya says she’s going to respect the decision he makes because she sees the bigger picture. Jed has decided NOT to use the POV. He intended on using it to save Latoya but after some conversations his hands have been tied. So he’s decided to respect Victoria’s nominations.


We’re on Day 16 and Jed is angry he couldn’t save Latoya because he couldn’t let Tychon be a replacement nominee. Victoria feels good and it’s in her best interest that Latoya walk out the door because she’s not good for her game and she’s over it. Latoya is frustrated but she feels confident she has Jed, Ty, and Beth’s vote and she feels good about Austin and Breydon.


Kiefer is kind of hurt about what Jed said. He’s in the sunsetters but damn. He tells Latoya it’s all good. Latoya says they don’t know what’s going to happen. Kiefer says he’s gotten hints and clues that he’s not the target, but he needs to keep acting like he’s going home.


Victoria heads upstairs to the HOH room and she celebrates and says this week messy but she feels great. She’s been playing Big Brother. She doesn’t know what everyone else is doing. She says they cannot win next week.


Ty is apologizing to Kiefer and Jed walks in. Kiefer says he’s good and Jed says he feels like he let Kiefer down. He says Kiefer was playing both sides to hide their alliance, but they need Latoya to stay in the house because she’s 100% loyal and that means Kiefer needs to go this week.


Jed, Ty, Latoya, and Kiefer are talking at the table and saying Vic needs to go. Vic has been sitting in the living room and heard them. Latoya says they weren’t talking that loud and Jed says she must have heard. Victoria goes to the KT and she is talking to them and Jed asks her what she’s saying and Vic says she’s answering a question. She heads upstairs and she’s talking to Kyle and Austin and tells them about Jed and Ty trying to form an alliance with her. She’s hoping they can get them out one by one.


Arisa welcomes us back and the HG got a ridiculous task and it’s a giant game of Bingo. But first, let’s head back inside. Latoya is confident she can get the votes but she’s not going to kiss butt. She’s going to talk to each HG and keep it real with each of them. She tells Austin she’s not going to do a hard campaign and kick Kiefer while he’s down. She says she’s going to keep it real with her and she respects her and that’s it.


Kiefer walks in and talks to Austin and then Breydon comes in and Kiefer is making his pitch. He says he does want to be here and he says Vic told him to act mopey and that’s what he’s been doing. He feels like there are people in the house who might not want Latoya here. He leaves them after his pitch and Breydon rolls his eyes.


Vic calls the HG to the living room and they are going to play a game in two teams. The teams will take turns scratching a square which will reveal a dare and someone from their team has to complete the task in order to earn a ball. They can add the ball to their bingo board and the winning team wins a pizza party and they get to choose a member of the losing team to be a bingo ball for the rest of the week.


Beth scratches off backward alphabet and Beth is going to do it. She messes up almost halfway through and everyone is laughing. Beth says she knows her ABC’s. Breydon reveals hot tub dip. He has to sprint to the hot tub and jump in fully clothed and he says this is a nightmare and so humiliating. He pulls a ball and covers a square.


The HG are cracking eggs on their heads and doing impressions of each other and Tera moves a potato across the floor with her nose. Breydon proposes to Beth and Rohan gets a pie in the face. Tera says this is not your typical bingo game. Each side is down to only needing one number. Kiefer has to sit in ice cream and he sits in a bucket. Kiefer pulls a number and his team has won bingo. They choose Breydon to a bingo ball for the rest of the week.


Arisa says the fading Sunsetters are moments away from being down a number. Let’s find out what nominees are doing, or not doing to stay safe. We’re on day 19 and Breydon is a big bingo ball B9. Tina says she’s been working with Beth but she’s starting to lose trust and she’s at the bottom of the alliance and just a number for them. Tina asks Beth what she’s thinking and she says she’s leaning towards Kiefer. Tina says she hasn’t made a decision because she doesn’t want to say either of their names.


Beth and Tina are still talking and Tina thinks Jed and Ty are voting out Kiefer. Beth says the house isn’t going to be so unanimous all the time. Beth wants to be loyal. Tina looks skeptical. Tina says she’s in the middle of two alliances, but the only person she’s loyal to is Tera. Tera and Tina are talking and they say there is nothing they can do to save one. Tera isn’t sure if she still trusts Kyle and Rohan, but she doesn’t trust Beth. She says they are only talking to them because they need them.


Tina and Tera are talking and Tina tells Tera just between then she was approached to join the other side. Tera says just because they are tight, it doesn’t mean Tina shouldn’t do what’s good for her. It’s good they have eyes on each side. Let the snakes attack each other. Tina says it’s going to break her heart to vote one of them out.


It’s time for the eviction vote! Arisa heads in to talk to the HG. Arisa tells Breydon his punishment is over. Kiefer tells the indigenous people to not give up on him. He’s honored to have spent time with the HG and he’d like them to keep him. Latoya says it’s been a crazy roller coaster and she’s truly grateful to all of them, even Rohan. She says Victoria has made her intentions clear and she hopes they honor her wishes and keep her.


Time to vote!

Breydon sadly votes to evict Latoya.

Tychon sadly votes to evict Kiefer.

Kyle votes to evict Latoya.

Beth votes to evict Kiefer.

Austin votes to evict the lovely Latoya.

Jedson sadly votes to evict big Kiefer.

Rohan votes to evict Latoya.

Tina sadly votes to evict Latoya.

Tera very sadly votes to evict Latoya.

By a vote of 6-3, Latoya has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Latoya hugs Ty, Kiefer, Jed, Beth and skips Victoria and hugs Tina and Tera and Breydon and heads upstairs. She waits for the doors to open and doesn’t look back.


Arisa asks if that was a blindside and she says not really. Latoya says Vic was so adamant that she stay on the block and she figured that all along. Arisa asks why she didn’t get the votes and Latoya says she didn’t want to be fake and she wanted to be authentic. She feels like she played her best game and she stayed true to herself.


Arisa asks what her biggest take away from the experience is and she says she takes away to be strong no matter what. She thinks she’s a better and stronger person because of the experience and she’s grateful. Beth says the other side must be playing a good game, but she’s going after them on her behalf. Breydon says she had to go home because she was a master manipulator and a comp beast. Vic says she loves that she’s a straight shooter but she had to go. Tina hopes to continue the friendship outside the house. Jedson says she was a strong and amazing player but they couldn’t save her.


Arisa welcomes us back and HOH is back up for grabs! The competition is called Seniors Disc Count. The each will take a shot on a shuffleboard and whatever zone their disc lands in will be their score. If they go for the higher numbers they may win or their disc may slide off and they’ll get a zero. Highest score wins HOH!


Tera is first and she scores a 7. Kiefer is up next and he scores a10 and is now in the lead. Kyle is up and he scores an 8 and is eliminated. Breydon takes his shot and scores a 1. Kiefer is still in the lead with a score of 10!


Arisa welcomes us back again and Kiefer is in the lead with a score of 10. Jedson is up and he scores a 9 and is eliminated. Beth is up next and she scores a 4 and is eliminated. Austin is up next for her shot and she scores a 10 and is now tied with Kiefer and we will have a shootout. Tina is up next and she scores slides off the end and gets a 0 and is eliminated. Tychon is up and he scores a 9 and is eliminated.


The final HG Rohan is up for his shot and his disc lands in the zone with a score of 4 and he is eliminated. Kiefer and Austin will now have a shootout. Kiefer is up first and he scores a 9. Austin must now score a 9 or 10 to stay in it. Austin scores a 7 and Kiefer is the new HOH!

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