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Big Brother Season 22 All-Stars-Veto week 4

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Previously, on Big Brother All-Stars, Tyler, Cody, and Dani were bouncing between two secret alliances: The Committee with Nicole, Christmas, and Memphis, and The Slick Six with Bayleigh, Da, and Enzo. With the queen evicted, Kaysar was alone. And with the HOH on the line it was do or die, but it was the miao miao who rolled into power. Kaysar was the obvious target, Enzo just needed a pawn to sit next to him.


Christmas was quickly becoming a trusted ally to Enzo, and they considered some other high value targets. With a pawn ultimately next to Kaysar, Enzo still had his eye on possible backdoors. Who will win a brutal endurance competition for the POV? And will Kevin or Kaysar be saved? The battle for a half million heats up, right now on Big Brother!


We pick up on Day 24 after the nomination ceremony and Enzo says Kaysar is target number one and he doesn’t trust him. Kevin is just a pawn because he’s a floater. Kaysar says he’s not surprised he’s on the block because there’s a big group in the house and everyone associated with Janelle is being eliminated.


Kevin feels so betrayed. He says this sucks. He trusts Enzo and he wants answers. We see him go to talk to Enzo and Enzo says Kaysar is the target and he needed someone to sit next to him that no one would come after and everyone likes him. Kevin says that excuse deserves an eye roll because he’s a queen not a pawn. Enzo tells Kevin to trust him.


Nicole says she feels bad for Kevin and Christmas says it’s a safe move. Nicole says what happens if one wins veto? Nicole says it’s a long week and really anything can happen. Kaysar goes to talk to Enzo. Kaysar says he understands a lot of people are gunning for him and Enzo says he’s not going to go against the grain. Kaysar says he needed to talk to Enzo and tell him he’s not mad because it’s Big Brother and things can change on a dime. Kaysar asks Enzo if he trusts everyone else in the house? Kaysar says he’s a free agent if he’s a stay. Enzo says yeah sure, I just put you on the block. The only relationship he wants to have is a long distance one with him outside the house.


Bayleigh and David are talking and David says he lost a lot of trust in the house and he feels like the odd man out. David says he feels like he really messed up with Tyler, Cody, and Da. David says he lost all trust with everyone. Bayleigh says David is rubbing people the wrong way and she feels bad for him because he’s an outsider. He just needs to tone it down.


Ian is talking to Enzo and they’re snacking. Ian says he feels bad for the nominees. Ian says if he wins veto he will ask Enzo what he wants him to do. Ian tells us that he’s not super tight with Enzo, but he heard his nomination speech about people not talking game with him, so he’s going to do that with Enzo and play defense. Enzo asks Ian who he would put up and Ian plays dumb and says he has no clue. Enzo says Ian and him aren’t super close and now Ian is trying to buddy up? He says he hopes noms stay the same for Ian’s sake…


Cody and Enzo are talking and Enzo tells him that he’s feeling pressure. Ian never talked to him before about game and now he’s in the room with him??? Cody says Ian won HOH weeks 7, 9, 11, and 13. That’s jury on. Cody says in a perfect world the noms stay the same. But if something happens are they really going to let an opportunity go by to get Ian out?


Kaysar and Memphis are talking and he says welcome to Mornings with Memphis. Memphis says they are stuck in a house with no contact with the outside world and you have to find something to do. Memphis says BB fans may not know we don’t have access to pencils or paper or any news from the world. So we’ll play a game called top headlines. We hear random headlines and Memphis says they don’t have a large audience right now but hopefully the ratings go up.


Kevin is talking to David and David is hoping to get choosing for the veto. Kevin says what if I pick you? David says he’ll play for Kevin. Kevin feels like he doesn’t have any allies in the house and neither does David. He says this could be the start of a game relationship and if David wins he might be able to convince him to use it on him. David says he and Kevin are outsiders and maybe they can make a game move.


It’s time to pick players for the veto competition!  Enzo wants Cody and Tyler to play because they won’t throw it and they have his back. Enzo draws Tyler. Tyler says this is the fourth time in a row he’s been picked to play and hopefully he can win and keep noms the same. Kaysar is hoping for Nicole F or Ian because if it’s a physical comp he thinks he can beat them. Kaysar selects Bayleigh. Kevin gets HG choice and he picks David.


Kevin says he is glad he and David talked before the draw and that was destiny. Kevin is so glad he’s not competing alone. David is excited Kevin chose him. If he wins he can save Kevin and be safe and relax and chill or do a dance. Kaysar is talking to Bayleigh and he says he didn’t come here to get picked off. He tells us he needs to talk to Bayleigh and see where her head is at. Kaysar says they are going to pick you guys off next. Bayleigh says don’t talk to me like I’m stupid. Bayleigh says Kaysar thinks he knows everything about her game and what’s best and he doesn’t know what game she’s playing. She’s in an alliance with the Slick Six which includes the current HOH, so he needs to check his facts. Bayleigh says if she wins she won’t save HIM. Her loyalty was to Janelle and it doesn’t automatically transfer to him.


Tyler goes to the HOH with Enzo and Enzo says that was perfect. Tyler says he and Enzo are the only two who are playing that has won anything so they can win and keep noms the same and the week will run smoothly. They discuss if David can be convinced to use the POV on Kevin. Enzo says they can’t let anyone else win but himself or Tyler. Enzo says David doesn’t know how to play, he’s all over the place.


It’s time for the veto competition and they see a bunch of strings that will hold marionettes. Dani says if there’s anyone pulling strings in this house, it’s probably her. They have to hang on to the strings for dear life because their limbs will be pulled in all directions. The last HG holding on will win the POV.


Enzo wants to win for bragging rights and for all the power. He’s on a high right now. He feels good so why not win another? Kaysar says if he doesn’t win, there are no more second chances! He’s doing this for America and BB Nation! Kevin says he’s going in to show the house he is not a pawn to just be thrown on the block. Da says this puppetmaster is off the chain. If you aren’t flexible, it ain’t cute. He’s pulling their arms and legs in all different directions.


The HG are squirted with some green goop. Enzo says this throws a monkey in his wrench. They then get squirted with purple goop. David says he wants to win for the veto for his own safety and a little power. Tyler says last week when he was HOH he successfully got Janelle out of the house. Hopefully he can win this veto and get her other half out. Bayleigh says she wants to win to contribute to her alliance. She’s not sure she what she would do if she won but she’s wants to show she’s a competitor.


Kaysar is in pain and already shaking and he says if no one will last much longer than he does. Kaysar falls forward and lands and he’s so disappointed. All he could think about is this could be the end of his Big Brother career. Enzo is happy and says one down and one more to go. Blue goop goes flying and Enzo is struggling and feeling pain everywhere and he’s starting to panic. This might be it for him and he falls. Kevin says Kaysar and Enzo are out of the competition. David and himself are still in it. Now all he needs is Tyler or Bayleigh to drop. There’s a sliver of a chance he could win this.


Tyler says it’s down to him, Bayleigh, David, and Kevin in this competition. He says he needs to win this because his alliance is counting on him. He says there’s paint all over his puppet strings and it’s hard to hold on. He’s trying his hardest to stay on this thing. Tyler drops after 27 minutes and 17 seconds. Enzo says Bayleigh is the last one from his alliance up there. Bring it home Bayleigh! Let’s go!


Kevin says he needs to do whatever the puppet master tells him to do. He just balances his weight. Bayleigh says this competition is in her element because she does yoga. She says her core is tight and then her foot slips out. Kevin has some strings wrapped around himself. Bayleigh is reaching to get her string back and she falls out. She’s so mad at herself. This was hers to win and she doesn’t know if her chance will come back around again.


It’s down to David and Kevin. David feels the veto is within reach and he has to prove something. Kevin is shaking and his foot slips. Bayleigh says don’t give up. Kevin says he’s not giving up and he’ll do anything to get his foot in there and he gets it back in. Kevin tells David he has his back. David says he also has something to prove to this house, so if you want the win, then beat him.


Kevin and David are pulled again and David’s hand slips and then he falls and Kevin wins POV! He’s emotional and he says everyone underestimated him. He’s here to fight and this one is for his husband. David is disappointed because he was close to his first comp win. He wanted to show he could be a valuable ally and shouldn’t be target. Kaysar says this might not be a bad scenario. Because when Kevin comes down, someone else has to go up. Enzo says of course Kevin wins veto and now he has to figure out who he’s replacing him with.


Ian and Kaysar are talking and Kaysar says he needs to find a way to stay. He asks Ian if he has any bright ideas? Ian says he has no idea. Ian says Kevin coming off the block could spell trouble for him. He says even though he talked to Enzo earlier it’s still a little bit of a sweat.


Enzo goes to the HOH room with Nicole and Cody. Cody says they could go ahead and get Ian out. Nicole F doesn’t like that idea because she and Ian are secretly working together but she has to sit there and let her alliance do their thing. Enzo says Ian has already won. He has the title he wants and Enzo isn’t playing around this season.


Enzo and Christmas are in the HOH talking. Christmas volunteers herself as a pawn. Enzo doesn’t know if he wants to do that. Christmas says she’d be viewed as a pawn and not a player, but Kaysar is the target and solidifies trust with Enzo and covers their working relationship. Enzo says he loves that Christmas is willing to sacrifice but in this game pawns go home and he’s not ready to lose her.


Bayleigh, Da, and Dani are in the have-not room and they need a meeting with Kevin as an alliance. Dani goes to grab Enzo but Nicole F is in there with Tyler. Dani says Bayleigh and Da want a meeting. Tyler says who wants a meeting? A house meeting? Tyler says Nicole isn’t in the Slick Six, why are you saying something? Nicole says that was awkward. Tyler says he’s left wondering if Dani slipped up or did that on purpose?


Tyler and Enzo are talking in the HOH and Tyler tells him about what Dani did. Enzo says you can’t be letting people outside the secret alliance know about the secret alliance. Tyler says maybe backdoor Dani. Enzo says if he does that they have to have the votes. Tyler says if you do that though that means Kaysar stays. Enzo says he can throw up Christmas as pawn and get rid of Kaysar, or he can toss up Ian since he’s won, or he can backdoor Dani who’s been acting shady.


It’s time for the veto meeting! Kevin calls everyone to the LR. He has decided to use the power of veto on himself. Enzo now has to name a new nominee. Enzo says he has to pick somebody and he has to pick someone who is secure against the house target and this isn’t easy. He selects Christmas.


Enzo says it was a super tough decision. Dani and Ian are on the top of the list but he couldn’t risk taking a shot right now since everyone wants Kaysar out. Christmas is 95.5% Kaysar is going home this week and she hopes this doesn’t backfire and she walks out wearing a dunce cap.


Kevin says yes he did that! He’s not a doormat to be walked all over. Kaysar says this is going to be an uphill climb. Tyler says he sees what Dani is doing and she got off this week, but everyone has an expiration date in the house and hers might be coming up soon.

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