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Big Brother Season 22 All-Stars-Nominations week 4

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Previously, on Big Brother All-Stars, in a three month battle for a half million dollars, Cody and Enzo quickly formed a strong duo and they were also part of a bigger alliance with Bayleigh, Dani, Tyler, and Da’Vonne. Meanwhile, Janelle and Kaysar were on an island, so HOH Tyler put them on the block and the majority of the house wanted Janelle out.


With Enzo winning the Safety Suite competition, he saved Christmas and she became a new mom. At the live eviction, the house was intent on sending Janelle packing, yet Dani and Enzo threw hinky votes. But ultimately, the BB queens reign came to an end. With the HOH back up for grabs, who will roll into power and who will be targeted next for eviction? Find out right now on Big Brother!


We pick up on Day 23 with the HOH competition. Da says Janelle leaving kind of sucks, but check that’s one more down. Da recaps the rules of the HOH. Kaysar rolls three at once and lands two. Tyler says that was nuts. Kaysar says this is the first time he’s been in the house without Janelle and they are coming for him next. He’s been hunted like a dog since he stepped into the house.


Tyler says he definitely doesn’t want to see Kaysar winning because he just made him ride the block. Please Enzo or Cody pull this out. Ian scores his first ball. Kaysar shoots and misses a bit. Dani says truthfully, she’s happy Janelle is gone. She voted to evict Kaysar because she wanted to give Janelle a pity vote, but also if she can stir up a little craziness in the house, why not? Kaysar hits his third ball and he will advance. Kaysar says he’s feeling incredible. Finally people are freaking out.


Nicole F says Janelle leaving took a lot of weight off her shoulders and now she can play her best game. Enzo says he has a safety suite win and POV win, but not an HOH and he wants it. Ian is talking about physics and how he’s using it to roll his ball. Nicole F lands a ball. David lands a ball. Da lands a ball. Enzo has a ball. Enzo lands a second ball. David scores a second ball. David says he messed up because he outed Tyler’s name to Bayleigh and Da and he has to show them he made a mistake but he can be a comp beast.


Ian scores a second ball and almost hits his third. Enzo hits his third ball and he advances. He feels like this competition could be his. He feels good. Ian is getting close and David is also. Da lands her second ball. David and Ian both miss again. David lands the third ball and he advances. David says he’s on to the next round. He stayed focused. Ian says he feels ok about his state in the house and he thinks things should go alright this week. Cody says he has to gun for this HOH because he and Kaysar are on opposite sides of the house and since Kaysar advances, he has to try and take it.


Heat two begins. Dani says she needs to make sure she advances so she can beat Kaysar and stop him from being HOH. Christmas lands her first ball. Memphis has a ball. Kevin says this HOH is important because he wants to shake things up. Christmas has landed her second ball. Christmas says this is really important because you get things from home and she’s ready to see her baby boy and pictures of her family. Dani lands two balls back to back.


Bayleigh lands her first ball. Cody is struggling .Memphis wants to win HOH because he wants to continue to have the power and he wants to go after David again and he doesn’t feel safe if he wins HOH, so in his world he has to go. Bayleigh wants to win for multiple reason because she wants to prove she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Cody lands his first ball and Dani and Christmas are both very close. Kevin lands a ball. Dani hits her third ball and advances.


Kevin lands a second ball. Memphis lands a second ball. Cody hits his second ball. Kevin hits his third ball and advances. Christmas just misses her third ball. Cody’s is on the way and he hits just before Memphis hits his third ball. They are going to re-check and Cody does advance.


Kaysar, Enzo, David, Dani, Kevin, and Cody are the final heat. The first person to land three balls will become the new HOH. Kaysar rolls all three again and lands one. Enzo lands one and so does David. Kaysar says he needs to win because his safety depends on it and changing the course of the way things are going. Kaysar hits his second ball. Nicole F wants Dani, Enzo, or Cody to win so she knows she’s safe this week.


Cody says he’s having a hard time finding his rhythm but he needs to stay composed. Cody lands a ball. Kevin is struggling and Dani lands a ball. Dani says she’d love it if any of these people won…just not Kaysar. Enzo says he can smell the HOH room. He says the moment is right here. Enzo hits his second ball. David hits his second ball. David doesn’t feel safe and the pressure is on. He can feel the victory. Enzo just misses. Kaysar shoots and he just misses. Nicole F is freaking out because he’s so close to getting the third and she’s so scared. Enzo just misses again. Tyler says he’s really nervous. He really doesn’t want Kaysar to land that last ball.


Kaysar says he’s in the final stretch. All he needs to do is sink one ball. Enzo rolls his last ball and he gets it. Enzo is the new HOH! He says ten years he waited for this opportunity. He’s here to cause chaos and win this thing. He wants blood all over him. Kaysar says he should have that key around his neck. He doesn’t feel good about Enzo being HOH. He’s a fighter, he’s not giving up. You’re going to have to drag him out of here.


Kevin says he got safety suite, pov, and HOH. Enzo says it’s a special season  Kevin says he doesn’t feel terrible about Enzo winning HOH but sometimes his tarot cards are upside down. Cody asks Dani who she got to vote with her against Kaysar and she swears she didn’t do it. She says she approached him the day before and asked if he wanted to do something crazy. Dani wants to pin the votes on Bayleigh and Da because they are each other’s number ones. She says Cody was a little chicken so she decided to take things into her own hands. Cody says is he going crazy here? He says he doesn’t understand why she’s so defensive and he wants to trust her but there are red flags.


Da says losing this HOH isn’t good for her because she really misses her daughter. She wants to hear her voice. She just needs her. She says she misses her daughter so much. Bayleigh comes in to console Da. Bayleigh and Da want to know who voted for Janelle. Bayleigh says Janelle was her girl.


Christmas, Dani, and Cody are whispering and Dani asks if they think it was Kevin or Da. She says it’s obvious it was Bayleigh. Cody thinks it was Dani. Dani still denies it. Da comes in and says she’s trying to figure out the votes. Kevin joins and he wants to know if they figured it out. Christmas says it was you wasn’t it and Kevin swears on his life, his mom, and his dad.


Cody says someone in this room is lying. Cody says it was himself and Kevin. David comes in and Da swears on her daughter she didn’t do it. David just sits there and watches and Cody asks why he voted the other way. Dani asks who he voted for and David says who did I evict? Da says he gives his Davidisms. She says she’s over it. Why is he here? David wants to know why they are asking this and he thinks one of them flipped the vote. Cody says David almost blew up Tyler and his game a few days ago and now he’s in there acting weird.


Enzo and Cody are talking and they are talking about the votes. Enzo says he’s loyal to Cody. Cody tells Enzo about Dani pitching hinky votes to him. Enzo says she wants to pin it on Da and Bay and he doesn’t trust Dani. Enzo says he was one of them but Dani is out there doing it and he’s taking note of that right now. Enzo says why would she throw a hinky vote and then deny? Cody says why say you want to do it and then a day later it happens?


Memphis asks Da if she wants turkey. Kaysar won’t eat it and Da wants to know more about Kaysar’s culture and religion. Kaysar explains religion is so divisive and a lot of people don’t want to get know someone they are taught to hate. Da says her people, they are just tired. They’ve written letters, they couldn’t read. They made speeches, they were deaf.


Da says she has brothers afraid to go outside because they’re worried they’ll be shot. She gets in her car and she makes sure her license and registration are ok. When a cop gets behind her she gets nervous, not because she did anything wrong, but because she’s a black woman. Same thing in this game because she comes here and has to adapt to an environment where no one else looks like her. Kaysar says he always told himself no matter what stage in life he’s at to always have the courage to speak up. He says these conversations are important because he can’t watch the world burn anymore. He can’t look at his son and wonder what world he’ll grow up in.


Enzo calls everyone to the living room. Time to switch have-nots again. There will only be three this week. Enzo selects Tyler. Cody chooses Da. Bayleigh picks Dani. Dani says she’s coming after her and Bayleigh says swing, but don’t miss.


Nicole F is talking about the temperature of the room. Ian goes to the WC and they can hear him and they are laughing. Nicole says she and Dani are friends outside of the house and she was so glad to see her here because it’s nice to have someone she can talk to. We see her consoling Dani and them talking. Dani says Nicole F is her girl, but paranoia is crazy in this house. She sees Nicole talking to someone and she thinks she’s getting information for her. Nicole F says she wants to go far with Dani. Dani trusts Nicole 100% and Nicole will protect Dani.


Cody and Enzo are talking about what they’re going to do. Enzo says probably Kaysar and a pawn. Cody suggests Kevin. Enzo says he takes everything into consideration. Kaysar hasn’t talked game with him at so he doesn’t trust him. Kaysar comes in and it’s just him and Enzo. Kaysar congratulates Enzo and asks if they are in good standing. Kaysar says he has Enzo’s back. He likes competitors, not floaters. He respects Enzo because he came to play and hopefully he can stay as long as possible so he can have his back. Kaysar tells us he feels cautiously optimistic, but he’s not out of the woods yet. Kaysar leaves and Enzo says he’s a good guy, a good kid, but he didn’t talk game to him for four weeks. What is he going to do?


Christmas has some amazing news! It’s 2:15 AM and she’s just had her tenth baby. She says they are literally consuming her life. She lays back down and it’s 2:26 AM and they ask what’s better than 10 babies? 11! She’s back in bed and it’s 2:35 AM and she has one more for her twelfth baby. Her little all-stars are all grown up and can take care of themselves now. Thanks for being a great mom! She says this momma is ready to rest and she tells them she’s proud of all of them.


Christmas is talking to Enzo and they are talking about their connection. Enzo says she’s good with him. Enzo says Christmas was his plus one and she can get information and she can tell him stuff. Enzo asks her about the votes and she says everyone is denying it. Enzo says Ian is talking no game at all. Christmas says Ian is very smart with the comps so don’t underestimate him. Enzo says Ian is a big threat and he’s somebody he has his eye on.


Christmas and Enzo continue talking and Christmas says Kevin is a flip flopper. Christmas says David said a few days ago he was going to stir things up. Christmas tells Enzo Nicole F is close with Dani and Enzo says yeah, and Dani is close with her. Christmas says Nicole F is good socially. Enzo says Kaysar is definitely going on the block, but he’s deciding who will go on the block. He’s racking his brain and he will make his own decision.


It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Enzo’s first nominee is…Kaysar. His second nominee is…Kevin. Enzo says it’s nothing personal. He just feels like it’s been four weeks in the house and they haven’t talked game at all. He wishes them luck at POV.


Kevin says he understands there’s a big target next to him, but he’s sick of being nominated. He just needs to focus on making sure that he can get this veto. Kaysar was really hoping that something would change. He’s going to win that veto. He has to win it. Enzo says Kaysar is the main target of the house and he doesn’t talk game to him and he doesn’t trust him. Kevin is just a pawn but everyone is an expiration date in the house. If someone wins veto, then everyone in the house should be worried.

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