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Big Brother Season 22 All-Stars-Veto week 2

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Previously, on Big Brother All-Stars, Memphis and Cody formed a final two deal and they quickly expanded their ranks with Dani, Tyler, Christmas, and Nicole F. But Tyler wanted to work with David. After Memphis took control of the game, he considered a wide array of targets. When the Safety Suite opened for business, Memphis wanted everyone to compete. Knowing she couldn’t play, Janelle tried to strike a deal with Memphis.


Cody, David, Kevin, Bayleigh, Christmas, Ian, and Da”Vonne all cashed in to compete for safety, but it was Christmas who got the present under her tree. She had to choose someone to be safe and get a punishment. With Ian out of the running for noms, Memphis wondered if he should take a swipe at a bigger player. But he ultimately went for who he thought were easier targets and he didn’t hold back on David. Tonight, will the veto be used on David or Nicole A? And are cracks already forming in Memphis’s alliance?


We pick up on Day 9 after the nomination ceremony. Memphis nominated Nicole and David. Dani doesn’t agree with Memphis or the way he’s acting as a human being. He’s belittling a lot of people in the house and she doesn’t respect that game. Nicole A says it sucks to be seen as expendable. She’s concerned she sucks at the game. David says it hurts to be nominated, but he’s going to keep himself composed. He wants to use his emotions as fuel and stay in the game.


David is in the SR and Tyler is consoling David and says Memphis is going to get cooked in the veto. Tyler tells us Memphis is in his alliance, but he’s lame. He says that may be how they played in 2010, but this is 2020. If Tyler gets picked to play in the veto he’s going to fight to keep him safe. David is in DR and says it feels good to know people have your back.


Janelle and Nicole A are talking and Janelle says she didn’t know this was happening and Nicole says it just sucks. Janelle says she adores Nicole A and she sees her as trustworthy and loyal and if she leaves it could be bad for her and Kaysar’s game. Janelle says this is the perfect scenario for a backdoor.


Janelle and Kaysar go to talk to Memphis and Janelle says that was crazy and shocking. Memphis is laughing and Kaysar says he had no idea what he was doing. Memphis says when Nicole A told him she wasn’t going to use the safety suite, that made her target. David? It might have been harsh. He says this is all-stars and everyone here has put in a lot of work to be here. Memphis says he already gave him have-not, why not double down. He says for him it was the road of least resistance.


Janelle sees this as the perfect opportunity to get a bigger target on his radar. Janelle tells him Nicole A isn’t going to come after Memphis next week. Nicole F could though and she’s already won. Memphis doesn’t see her as a threat. Janelle says Nicole F has Cody and Dani and Memphis doesn’t think he has Cody. Janelle says she walked in on a pow wow with Cody, Nicole F, Tyler, and Enzo. Janelle says she doesn’t trust Nicole F and she’s already won this game. Memphis can’t believe Janelle has already caught on to four people in his alliance working together. He does like that Janelle and Kaysar are bringing him information so it makes sense to keep them around…at least for the next couple of weeks.


David and Nicole A are talking and David says season 21 on the block together. He never would have thought a year ago. David doesn’t want to see Nicole cry and it hurts to be on the block with her. David says there is still veto and Nicole says but they are still against each other. David is consoling Nicole and says they are both going to play. Nicole says being on the block next to David is extremely difficult, but he’s right. She needs to pull herself together and compete for this veto. Her Big Brother life depends on it.


Nicole F is talking to Enzo and Kevin and Nicole asks if he cried when his first child was born and he says yes. He says it’s different playing this time because when he played the first time his daughter was six months old, but now she’s a tiny being, a human. Nicole says her and Victor are getting married in December and she was meant to be a mom. Nicole asks Kevin their plan on adopting. Kevin says the dream is in vitro, but it’s expensive. Kevin sometimes feels a little down and out and he forgets why he’s here. These conversations remind him why he’s here. He says it’s expensive to adopt and other options are expensive and he needs to not give up.


Memphis and Cody are talking and Memphis says Janelle and Kaysar are grasping at straws and opening up completely to him. He wants to share info only with Cody. He tells them who Janelle thinks an alliance is. Cody says that’s a problem and targeting them is going to be extremely important for him. Memphis says they think Nicole F is the head of the snake. Cody almost wants a backdoor so one of the snake’s heads are gone. Cody says Janelle was a comp beast and if she wins comps that could be a problem. Memphis says he wants to be loyal to the six, but he’s not ready to take a shot at Janelle and Kaysar.


Cody says if Janelle and Kaysar are coming after them, then he needs to tell his alliance. Even if Memphis told him not to tell. We see Cody talk to Dani and Tyler and they discuss winning veto and pulling David off. Cody wants to backdoor them. He says they can’t just wait and let it go on for another week.


It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Memphis draws Ian. Nicole is hoping to pick Kevin because she knows he would take her off the block. Nicole draws Tyler. David draws Nicole F. David says he has to go far in this game to prove he’s an all-star. He says win or go home.


BB All-Star Wars appears on the TV and Nicole F shouts it out. It’s for Ian. The director for BB All-Star Wars and he will be auditioning for the lead role Dirk Spacejammer. He will have to perform four major scenes in full wardrobe. He’s in the DR standing before an army of star soldiers. He has a script he’s reading from and the director asks him to be more inspiring. Da’Vonne says the potential is there. He is told to do it again without sucking.


We see Ian performing with scene partners and we see various HG helping him. Then the director wants Ian to perform all the roles by himself. The director tells him again, but this time with emotion! We see him sleeping and he’s awakened by the director. We see Ian apologizing and asking random HG to help him with lines. Janelle says he literally never stops with his Dirk Superman or whatever he is. She gets that it’s a punishment…for everyone. The director asks for a little more Tom Cruise and a little less him. Then tells him he’ll never work in this town again!


Tyler, Memphis, and Nicole F are talking and Tyler tells Memphis he heard about Janelle. Memphis tells Nicole F she was pitched as a backdoor. Nicole F says why me? She thinks it’s personal. She doesn’t know what Janelle has against her and she doesn’t know why she doesn’t want her there. Memphis tells Nicole F she can’t worry about what one person thinks about her. Tyler asks Memphis what the move is and he says there isn’t one. Tyler says hold up! Memphis doesn’t want to go after Janelle and Kaysar when they are coming after his alliance? That just makes Tyler want to fight even harder for the veto, take David off the block, and force Memphis to show his cards. Where you at Memphis?


Enzo says it’s just after midnight and nothing goes better than a veto. There are neon stars for each HG. Which all-star has the focus and determination to outlast the other. They have to stand in the middle of the star and balance a sphere on their disk. The last one standing will win veto. Who’s ready to play All-Starry Night?


The HG take their places and they are all balancing. Memphis says the most important to win veto is he has both sides of the house campaigning to backdoor the other side. His strategy is to keep his eye on the ball and not focus on the pain. David says he needs to win this veto to pull himself off the block. If he can win then everyone will know he came to play.


Nicole says she gets nervous and she’s panicking and things are moving way to fast and she loses her ball. Memphis’s ball slides a little left. Tyler says winning this veto is crucial because the HOH is being sketchy. Nicole F says this already burns so bad. Freaking A. She wants to win to keep herself safe and try and get a backdoor plan in motion. But this competition is hard and her ball rolls everywhere and she sucks at it.


Ian says focus is so important. If you lose focus for a second your ball can fall and you’re out. Nicole drops her ball and she’s hoping Tyler wins the veto competition. Memphis grunts and says he wants someone to punch him because there’s a bug on his nipple.


Memphis’s ball is sliding a bit. Tyler says his strategy is to go to a different place. This competition is about focus and determination and he has that in his back pocket. Ian drops next and he’s not too upset. He’s safe so why does he really care. It’s down to David, Tyler, and Memphis. David says he knows he can beat them. We then see David’s ball moving and he adjusts and catches. It’s rolling again and we go to commercial.


We’re back and it’s down to David, Tyler, and Memphis. David says he really needs to focus right now so he can save himself. Memphis says the competition might not look super difficult, but it’s very difficult. He says this is mind over matter. Tyler says now that it’s down to David, Memphis, and himself and it’s getting real. If David wins, he’s coming off the block. If Tyler wins, David is coming off the block. And hopefully Janelle and Kaysar will be the replacement. David starts screaming out making it seem like he’s losing it. He’s trying to throw Memphis off his game. Memphis says that’s an amateur move.

David peeks over at Memphis to see how he’s doing and he drops. It’s down to Tyler and Memphis. David says why did he lose focus? He can’t believe he looked away for half a second. Let’s go Tyler. Memphis is feeling exhausted, but he’s not giving up. Even though Tyler is in his alliance he wants to win this veto. There’s nothing sweeter than winning veto as HOH. Tyler’s ball is moving and so is Memphis’s ball. Tyler has a couple of good catches and it finally slips off. Memphis has won the veto!


Memphis says this is amazing. He’s so exhausted and it was completely worth it to have full power this week. Tyler is not too happy David is still on the block. This sucks, for sure. Nicole is crying and her butt is on the line. If that’s the best she can do, what a joke. Of course he would win it. Because his head’s not big enough.


Nicole is in the SR and she’s still upset. She says she’s not upset she didn’t win. She’s not a sore loser. But she’s embarrassed. Kevin comes in and tells her not to worry and Nicole says that was a joke. She dropped two seconds in. She says I’m supposed to be an all-star and I dropped two seconds in. Kevin is trying to console her and tells her she did a great job. Nicole says she doesn’t want to go home. She’s a phoenix, she’s risen from the ashes before. She did it last season, she thinks she can do it again. She’ll do her best and figure something out.


Nicole F and Christmas are talking and she tells Christmas about Janelle and Kaysar’s backdoor plan. Christmas tells her she has to let it go and not let that get in her head. Nicole F is concerned Memphis is playing both sides and she doesn’t trust him at all. Christmas tells her not to worry about that.


Memphis tells Dani that everyone needs to chill out and relax. They are protected right now. Dani says she’s cool with him. Dani is concerned if Janelle or Kaysar wins HOH next week, they will come after them. Memphis says they are on the radar. Dani says if they are coming after four people in their alliance, then why not use veto and backdoor them? Memphis says going after Janelle week 2 and if he misses that shot he’s screwed. He doesn’t like someone telling him what he should do week 2. He’s going to do what’s best for his game and he doesn’t need Dani’s advice.


Memphis and Cody are talking in the SR and Memphis is telling him about Dani wanting to backdoor Janelle or Kaysar. Cody says he’d backdoor Kaysar in a heartbeat. Memphis says he doesn’t want to look disloyal but he’s getting a lot of pressure from his alliance. This is going to be a big decision for him.


Time for the veto meeting! Ian is told to get on his costume and do scene 54 right after the veto meeting is set to begin. He does his scene and the HG applaud. Veto meeting continues and Memphis has decided not to use the power of veto. He nominated them both and he’s sticking to his decision.


Memphis says he’s not ready to draw a line in the sand just yet. He says everyone tried to push their own agendas but he makes his own decisions. Dani says Memphis is soft. He’s calling other people a rookie, but he’s making rookie moves. Nicole F says she’s “working with him”, but she doesn’t trust him and she’s not sure they’ll be working together going forward. Nicole A says she will campaign for votes to stay, but if it doesn’t work then she’ll start blowing stuff up. Her mom told her to be ruthless before she left and that’s what she’ll do.

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