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Tonight, Big Brother celebrates it’s 20th anniversary and it will be a season to remember. Julie welcomes us to the live season premiere of Big Brother All-Stars!


16 players cemented in BB lore will return tonight to compete to be the last one standing. Another unforgettable summer is about to begin so buckle up and get ready for BB All-Stars!


For the first time ever, tonight’s episode is happening completely live. We have winners. We have legends. We have some of the best players who never won the game. They are all entering the house with something to prove. They are going to face an opening night like no other.


Time to reveal who will be moving back into the house! Nicole Franzel from BB16 and BB18 is the first HG. She doesn’t think she gets enough credit for her win and she feels like she has to prove she deserved her win.


Daniele from BB8 and BB13 is back. She is now married to Dominic from BB13 and they have a 2-year old daughter. She’s most known for her comp wins. She won 4 HOH’s and 5 vetoes and she holds the record for most vetoes. She is always associated with someone she played with in the past. She says this is her season to win BB and she thinks she deserved to win before.


Da’Vonne from BB17 and BB18. She’s now a teacher and she teaches Shakespeare. She says the first time she was on she was the second person evicted. Season 18, she was the first member of the jury. She says her problem is she talks too much and she needs to work on that.


Christmas Abbott is from BB19. She now has a son named Loyal and he has changed her perspective on everything. Everything she does now is online. Her strategy for BB19 was to be a comp beast, but she broke her foot on day 13. She played a complete social game and she says she has a lot to prove going back into the house. She wants to show them full throttle Christmas and she wants to dominate the house.


The HG are in the studio with Julie and they are wearing masks. They’ve all been quarantined for two weeks and they’ve been tested multiple times and they are all cleared to play. They will have no live audience this season. They can remove their masks once they enter. Da’Vonne is excited to see people. Dani says she thought at first she’d be back, but after nine years she never thought she’d back.


Julie says they’ve all played BB before, but they’ve never faced a night like this. The competition begins as soon as they step inside and only the first two to finish will advance to the HOH later. When they enter the house, they will have to run to the backyard to find a question. They need to search the house for the answer and then go to the backyard again and use their game board to roll a ball to the correct answer. The first two to lock-in will get a chance to play for the first HOH.


They only have four minutes to play this game. Julie tells them they can enter the house. Nicole says her legs are jell-o. The question is in which room are these porcelain dogs. All four head outside at the same time. Christmas drops her ball and has to restart. Dani drops her ball and begins again. Da is struggling with the board. Nicole drops.


Dani has her ball moving and she says the puzzle board is heavy. Da’s ball slides off and she has to start again. Christmas is making progress. Nicole drops again. Dani is making progress. Christmas is close to where she wants to drop. Christmas drops her ball in Living Room and she locks in and she’s correct. She tells them slow and steady. She tells them there are multiple routes.


One minute left. Nicole is frustrated with herself. Christmas tells them slow and steady. Julie tells them 30 seconds left. Da is struggling and drops again. Time is up! Only Christmas will advance to the HOH comp later tonight. Nicole hugs Christmas and so do Dani and Da. They’ll find out later tonight who they are competing with, but for now they will be hidden away.   


Time to meet the next four! Tyler from BB20 is back. He met the love of his life, Angela, so he’s the real winner. He says going into the house this time is going to be totally different. He feels like a major flaw in his game was he wrote too many checks he couldn’t cash. In the end, it came back to bite him and he got second place. He wants to go back and win and prove he’s one of the greatest players.


Ian from BB14 and he won that season. He’s grown up a lot. He has a real job and a girlfriend, he’s not a kid anymore. His first season he was extremely competitive. He won 4 HOH”s and 2 vetoes to save his hide. He sat final two next to one of the greatest to ever play and beat him 6-1. His strategy is going to be a little different. He’s going to hibernate for weeks and then turn on his competition side at the end. He thinks he can beat up on anyone at this game.


Kevin from BB11 is on and he came in third place. He was younger when he played before, but now he’s a senior creative director at an ad agency. He has another side…Anita Veto. He recently got married to his partner of 20 years. He feels like his legacy was to backstab America’s sweetheart. He was one competition away from winning BB11. He should have been a former winner, but now he’ll be the next winner.


Enzo from BB12 and he was third place and a member of The Brigade. Last time he started one of the greatest alliances of all time. They dominated the entire season. His biggest mistake was getting to the end with two dudes who were better than him physically. He didn’t win may comps, but now he’s in the best shape of his life so he will win some comps. He promises you that. He’s a genius, a mastermind. He’s going to do him and win this. The miao miao is back.


Julie asks them in one word, what will it take to get back to finale night. Kevin says anything. Tyler says no clue. Ian says luck. Enzo says Pop Dukes. His father. Julie tells them about the first competition. Julie sends them in and they all head to the backyard and they have to find the room with some blue pillows. They are in the bath area and they are all back out with Kevin last.


Tyler drops and has to restart. Ian is close to his answer. Ian settles it in and is the first to lock in. Kevin drops and has to start over. Enzo is moving very quickly. Kevin is moving slowly. Tyler is making progress and is close but drops again. Julie tells them to breathe, relax, and concentrate. Ian is quiet and pacing. Kevin drops into the answer and rings in second. Ian and Kevin will compete against Christmas in the HOH competition.


Julie is going to reveal a twist that will allow not one, but two HG to be safe on eviction night.


So far 8 HG have begun the battle for a half million dollars. Here’s the next four women! Janelle from BB6, BB All-Stars, and BB14. She now has three daughters and she has a real estate business. Her BB legacy is most comp wins in a season and that she got rid of Dr. Will in All-Stars. She says the other all-stars should fear her. She’s been final three twice and she’s one of the best to never win. She wants to prove you can be a great competitor and a great BB player no matter your age. She is going to be laser focused on that win.


Bayleigh from BB20 is back. She lives the life of her dreams as a model, a wife, and a dog mom. The first time she was on BB was a roller coaster. She fell in love with Swaggy which was a detriment of her game. This time around a showmance isn’t optional and her game will be 100% focused. She is going to run this Big Brother house.


Nicole Anthony from BB21 finished third. She’s now a podcast co-host and she covers reality television. She feels like she found her niche. She’s changed tremendously and that transformation happened during her BB journey. She’s extremely proud she came in third but she wants to do better. She’s trusting her gut this year.


Kesha from BB10 is back. She has three dogs and they are her children. She was America’s favorite her season and everyone remembers her birthday. Looking back on that night and moment it was awkward. If she could change anything, it would be that she was too trusting. She wants to come on stronger and make more moves and not be so trusting. She thinks people might perceive her as a weak player.


Julie asks Nicole how it feels to be back and she says it’s incredible. Julie says Janelle has spent 177 days in the BB house, what keeps her coming back? She says she has such a love for this game, she just can’t say no. They already heard the rules for the first comp and Julie sends them in.


They head out to see the question which asks which room is the spray paint art. The girls are struggling and Julie says slow and steady wins the race. Bayleigh is moving very slowly. Janelle is making progress. Nicole drops and has to restart. Keesha has also dropped. Bayleigh and Janelle are both close to the answer. Janelle gets to the end and the ball falls off the edge. Bayleigh gets close and she also drops.


Nicole is now making progress and close to the answer. Nicole gets it in the hole and locks in and she is first to finish. They have one minute left and one more spot. Janelle is close again and it slides off. Keesha is struggling. 30 seconds left and Nicole tells them good job and they all look beautiful. Bayleigh is getting close again. Keesha drops. Time is up! Only Nicole will advance to the HOH competition. It is now Christmas, Ian, Kevin, and Nicole in the HOH!


12 HG are in and 4 more to go. Kaysar from BB6 and BB All-Stars. He’s been married for 6 years and he has a son now. He was a fan favorite the last time around. He made big moves and played extremely strategically. No one sees him coming. He’s never made it to the jury house. This time his goal is to make it all the way.


Cody is from BB16 and he was the runner-up. He was single the first time, but he has a girlfriend now and he’s going to have to dial back the flirtiness. His legacy is being one half of the Hitmen alliance and he also is known for not taking someone he could have beat. He was a good player and he has to prove he wasn’t carried to the final two. There’s no doubt he’s going to win.


Memphis is from BB10 and he was the runner-up. He says he was the losing half of the Renegade squad. He’s opened restaurants and he has a son River. He and Dan created an alliance like no other and all the other alliances didn’t have anything on him and Dan. He says looking back he realizes he was playing checkers and Dan was playing chess.


David is from BB21. David says while everyone else is losing their mind, he’s going to be zen. He’s going to build alliances with everyone and he can tell when people are lying. He got taken out night one on a twist on BB21. He was the first evicted but never voted out. He’s back to win this time.


Julie has a question for Cody and Memphis and they ask who the better duo was. Memphis says The Renegades and Cody says The Hitmen. They all have the rules to the competition and Julie sends them. They run to the backyard and their question is In which room is the robot. David is out and working on the puzzle. Memphis has seen it in the comics bedroom.


Cody is now out with David and Memphis and Kaysar is the last to join them. It’s very quiet. David locks in and he is incorrect. Memphis is close and he drops and locks in and he is correct. They are all quietly working on the puzzle. Cody drops his ball and he’s correct! Christmas, Ian, Kevin, Nicole A., Memphis, and Cody will be competing in the HOH.


Julie greets Cody, Memphis, David, and Kaysar and it’s time to reveal who the other HG are. They bring in Janelle, Nicole, Bayleigh, and Keesha. Memphis and Keesha hug, Janelle and Kaysar, and Nicole and David hug. Julie tells them to take a seat.


The next group comes down and it’s Ian, Enzo, Tyler, and Kevin. Ian looks terrified. Tyler and Bayleigh hug. Julie encourages them all to take a seat. The final group is coming down Da, Dani, Nicole, and Christmas. Julie tells them to listen and sit down. Julie says she knows they know each other or at least of each other.


Keesha is so excited and the house is beautiful. Julie says a lot has changed for many of them. She asks who has gotten married since they first played and seven raise their hands. Enzo says he got divorced. She asks who now has children and six raise their hands. Julie asks Nicole F, third time in the house. What’s tougher, planning a wedding or being in the Big Brother house? She says planning a wedding but Victor is in control now and she’s a bit worried.


Julie says Bayleigh is just now seeing her competition and she says if she can deal with Swaggy she can deal with these people. Kevin says his mind is a mess and that’s all he can think. Julie thanks them. Julie talks about the HOH being the most powerful in the house but everyone needs to head to the backyard right now and they’ll get started shortly. Which all-star will be crowned the first HOH of the summer? We’’ll find out next.


It’s time for the first HOH! The competition is called Star Steppin’. They will each race across the star studded field and lock in their time. The HG to cross the field in the fastest time will be the first HOH. They only have three minutes to lock-in their time they will be eliminated and if they are eliminated they will have to pick an envelope. Some stars are solid and others are not, so it’s a memory game. Memphis is first and everyone else has to go behind a wall so they can’t see the path.


Memphis starts and he falls on the third step. He goes a touch slower and use his foot to see if stars are solid. He finds another bad one and has to start again. Memphis almost makes it but falls towards the end and has to start again. HE’s at 50 seconds as he makes his way across for the third time. He jumps and finishes 1:12.22.


Cody is up next. Cody finishes in 22.06 seconds. Memphis has to grab an envelope. Christmas is next. She doesn’t beat Cody’s time and she gets an envelope after Memphis. Cody is in the lead for now.


Cody is currently in the lead. Kevin is up next. Kevin is ready to go and he falls on the third star. He doesn’t beat Cody’s time and he has to grab an envelope. Nicole is up next. Nicole falls on the third star and she starts again. She tries to balance on the star she falls on but falls again and she is out. She grabs an envelope.


Ian is the last to go. It will be either Cody or Ian. Ian does well but falls towards the end. He starts again and forgets the path and falls on the third star. He doesn’t beat Cody’s time and Cody is the first HOH!


Cody is in the DR and Julie tells him no one can hear them. She asks who was he most surprised to see? He says probably Kaysar because they went way back to get him. She asks if he was scared or glad he saw anyone? Cody says seeing people he’s never had conversations with made him nervous and he had to win HOH. Julie says so you wanted to win tonight? Cody says yes, he doesn’t trust anyone and he wants convos to come to him.


Julie asks if he’s nervous about being the first HOH. Cody says you get blood on your hands but it’s also easy to pawn it off as it’s what the house wants. Julie says Cody and Derrick were in perfect sync, what will it be like to play without him? Cody says he was the best player to play the game. He didn’t play with emotions and he trusted Derrick. He says it will be a completely different game.


The five all-stars who lost the HOH comp. Inside each envelope is either a cash prize or a punishment. The four envelopes that don’t contain cash contain a have-not card. Ian opens his envelope first and he is a have-not. Christmas opens hers and she won $5,000. Nicole, Kevin, and Memphis are all have-nots.


Memphis, Kevin, Nicole A., and Ian hold the honor to be the first have-nots and they can head upstairs to see their new room. They are informed they have to crawl into their room. They are having trouble opening the room because it’s still locked. They are having technical difficulties.


We finally get a look at the have-not room and it looks like a coal room or sewer. The safety suite is new this year and inside is something every HG will want. Sunday we’ll see who Cody nominates. Wednesday we’ll see the first POV of the summer. Thursday will be the first live eviction, but there will be a way for them to avoid that.


Julie goes to the HG and says it wouldn’t be premiere night without a surprise. Julie tells them this summer new rooms will be revealed and each room will twist up the game like never before. The first room will be the Safety Suite. They each will be given a VIP pass to the room. How does it work? They’ll all find out soon enough. Good night!


Nobody wants to be the first one evicted. The safety suite can keep not one, but two safe the first week. Because of the PGA championship, Sunday’s show may be delayed.

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