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Tuesday July 11, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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6:04 PM BBT Paul says he slept in a bumper car for 2 weeks in a row. He says the lights in the room were like toys. Paul says he doesn't know which HN room is worse. Jason says he's not really hopping & he feels bad, but that would be impossible. Christmas says she has 7 weeks of hopping because of her cast & surgeries. Jason feels bad for her. Paul says Michelle was talking about Liquid8 from Reddit the whole show. Jason asks if everyone that's dropping their websites are going to get visits? Paul says they don't even have to say anything because people are looking them up. Christmas says she has some naughty things on there.


6:07 PM BBT Joshua says he left his social media on private. Paul says he didn't. Christmas asks Jenny to take her social media off private. Jason talks about like & followers. Ramses asks if their social media is private? Christmas says she was told to put hers on private. Jason says his Instagram is Whistlenutnoley. He says he thinks Chris is handling it for him. Paul says they may have about 5K - 6K more followers. Paul says they may double it & triple it. He says a lot of them came out with over 100K more. He says he left with 250K & he started with 50K. Paul says he thought America hated him.

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6:10 PM BBT Paul says he asked his mom how much America hates him? He says they don't get their phone right away & they were in a holding area. Paul says people will like them for who they are. Paul didn't think America liked him because he didn't get a care package. Paul says he asked his mom if his business was even still running? Paul says her response was that he may not even be ready to see what's going on. He says she told him he was trending on Twitter & America loves him.


6:12 PM BBT Paul says he told him mom, give it to me straight doc. Joshua thinks it was a real doctor & everyone was laughing. Paul says his mom told him that he has fans that wanted to meet him. Paul shouts out AJ from the Backstreet Boys. He says he met him & he was wearing his clothing line. Paul says he was supposed to go to Vegas to see him. He says people were breaking their TV's when he lost. He says he saw so many videos. He says he went home to boxes of fan mail. Paul says his assistant made him a PO Box.

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6:15 PM BBT Paul says people had Friendship tattoos & his business logo tattoos. He says he was on The Bold and The Beautiful also. Christmas says she would love that. Paul tells them how he had to be a CIA Agent. He told them he made it fun so he wasn't miserable. Christmas tells Jason he's a V-Toad. She says best V-Toad ever. Paul says he needs to finish his tattoos, but couldn't after last season because of all the people he had to see. Paul tells them they will all have a mix of people's reactions when they get out of the house.


6:18 PM BBT Paul says everyone is always going to have haters. Christmas says if you are yourself you will get more respect than pretending to be someone else in the house. Joshua says he's not going to take anything personal. Christmas tells him that's not true, because people will try to strike a nerve. Paul says he just retweets & says LOL. Christmas says if anyone wants to go at her they can go with facts. Joshua says it bothers him not knowing. He tells Paul he's not a celebrity like him. Paul says he's not a celebrity. He says no one is ever going to say sh*t to your face.

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6:20 PM BBT Christmas says she didn't get to shave her leg before getting her cast. Jason & Paul talk about how they each ate a full lime with skin & all. In the HOHR, Mark tells Matt that he has doubts about Alex, but Matt has his doubts about Jason. Matt says it's not that he doesn't trust him, he just thinks he's not playing with a full deck. He says he will say that to his face. He says he may not be all there because of being kicked in the face so many times. Eleana leave the HOHR. Matt tells Mark to make sure that he talks to Jason every day for at least the next two weeks. Mark says he will.


6:23 PM BBT Matt says Raven may have a good chance of winning the temptation this week. Dominique, Matt & Mark all want her to win it. Mark says there's nothing to do until Thursday. Matt says Tuesday is almost over. Matt says it's almost 6:30 PM BBT & he leaves the HOHR.

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6:25 PM BBT Dominique tells Mark that Elena really likes him. He says he knows. She tells him not to play with her feelings or heart. She tells him she's becoming vulnerable. Mark says they've had a conversation. He says she's worried because of the distance that will be between them. He says he just got out of a long relationship. Dominique says she told Elena she thought she was just playing with Mark, but then saw how it's real that she likes him. Mark says it's been different the last couple days. Dominique tells Mark that when she loves she loves fast & hard just like him. She says she can relate to that.


6:27 PM BBT Dominique asks Mark if he genuinely wants to have a relationship after the show? Mark says they are still getting to know each other. She says she knows the answer to this. She says they don't want each other to be hurt. Mark says he doesn't want to hurt her. Dominique says as much as she gets on her nerves she told her she is beautiful in her own way & she doesn't need to do anything to overcompensate.

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6:29 PM BBT Mark says he doesn't want to hurt Elena. He says he's been open to her & he's been more open that he was with his ex. He says he's been honest with most of the stuff with his ex. Dominique says she didn't tell her anything about Mark's mom. Mark says he told her. Mark says his mom is his own memory. Dominique says that God gave her the words to say to him about his mom, & it's his to tell. She tells Mark that Elena is starting to be possessive of him because it's a safety thing for her so she doesn't get hurt. Mark says Paul is very smart for his age & knew this would bother him. Dominique says Paul is like in his 40's for maturity.


6:32 PM BBT Dominique says Elena & Paul have a relationship that they have real conversation. Mark says he knows that. Mark says if they all make it to jury with Christmas going out first, he doesn't mind. Dominique says he does mind, but she thinks she will be the first target since she has no ties. Dominique tells Mark that she walked in on Paul & Raven having conversation & no one else has seen this. She says she doesn't mind if Paul is trying to take Raven to final two because she doesn't have the debt or medical bills. Kevin walks in the HOHR. Kevin asks if they change the music out each week? Dominique tells him yes.

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6:35 PM BBT Dominique says she feels that Raven is deserving. She tells Mark that his girlfriend (Elena) has been through a lot of stuff medically. She says she has substance because she takes medicine every day. Mark asks if she does? Dominique tells him she does. She says it's more than fortune & the fame. Dominique says she walked in on Paul & Raven twice & there's no way he's not going to take her to the final 2. She says the human side of her says that's unfair. She says the right thing to do it to give it to Raven. Mark says, obviously, how do you not? Dominique agrees.


6:37 PM BBT Mark asks if he should feel bad for wanting to win? Dominique tells him no. Elena walks back in the HOHR. She has a pink nightgown on now. Dominique says she has to reset every now & again. She says she wants to dominate, but has to remember why she was sent. She says she is going to give her all unless the Holy Spirit tells her different. Mark tells her she better. Mark says he hasn't even been able to compete. He says he was helping Paul out in the last HOH & he hasn't been able to compete in Veto yet. Kevin gets called to the DR. Kevin asks if they can see that he's in the shower & he doesn't understand what's going on. Mark says they may want to see everything that's going on. 

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6:40 PM BBT Mark tells Kevin he needs to take his microphone with him to the DR. Elena asks Mark if she can sit next to him? He says, of course. Elena asks what they were talking about? Mark says they were talking about jury. Dominique asks what perfume she wears? Elena says it's Amber Oil. Dominique says she had oil from Bahrain, but her bottle exploded. Elena says she always smells good, but she doesn't think she smells as good in the house. Dominique says perfume or perfume oils will break her out if she puts it on her neck. Matt goes back to the HOHR. He says he & Raven are playing Hide & Go Seek.


6:43 PM BBT Matt says Raven can fit anywhere. They all tell him she's not up in the HOHR. Mark says the Hide & Go Veto is going to suck. Dominique says she doesn't want people going through her stuff. Mark says if she's still in the house her stuff will be gone through. Mark tells Elena her hair looks good. She tells him she blow dried it. He says it looks good & she thanks him. Elena says it took her all day to look & feel better. Dominique says she takes all day most day to make the day go by quicker.

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6:45 PM BBT Mark's stomach grumbles. Elena asks what he ate for dinner. He says he ate eggs & a bowl of shredded wheat, but he's still hungry. He says it's like a snack for him because of the caloric intake. Mark says it's hard in this house with the food. Dominique says it's not hard in the house, it's just hard for him because of the way he eats. Mark says he'll remember that when he has snacks. Mark says he wants to eat slop & chocolate milk. Elena asks him what kind of slop he's going to eat? He says he will see if Cody or Jason has any left. Elena asks Mark if he needs to ice his finger. He says he doesn't know. He doesn't think it's stiff from the ligaments. He says he took the brace off of it because it was irritating his skin.


6:49 PM BBT Mark talks about messing up his finger, ankle & lip playing basketball. Elena says he may want to stop playing basketball. Kevin comes back to the HOHR. He has his swim trunks. He says he never had a swim suit. He tells them it's from home. Dominique says the pool there is extremely overrated. She tells Kevin she would get an indoor pool at her house if she could. Matt & Raven are laying down together a red bed talking about how she will get herself made up pretty. Cams go to the HNBR with Cody & Jessica Laying together on the lily pad on the floor.

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6:53 PM BBT Mark tells Elena he's going downstairs now. Elena tells him he irritates her. Mark asks in a good way or bad way? Elena says she's trying to figure it out. In the wave room, Alex tells Jason that Elena doesn't seem to want to try to win anything. She says she didn't even try for tickets. Jason says he thinks they want him to win HOH to screw him in the end. Alex tells him not to say names out loud of people he wants to put up in case someone is listening. Jason says he doesn't understand what the draw for jury is. Alex says they are lazy & they can make more money in jury. Jason says he will lose money going to jury, because he makes more money in the real world. Alex says she doesn't.


6:56 PM BBT Alex says it's not fair that Christmas is going to skate by because she has a broken foot. Jason says he wants Paul or Alex to win the game. She says they think Jason will put up Matt & Mark together. Jason says he would probably put up Matt & Raven. Alex says she wouldn't want to raise chickens. Jason tells her they are farm animals. Alex says she really wants people to play the game. Alex says Paul is here to win the 500K this time. She says she thought he was here for his fans. Jason says he wants to win & probably will win. He says he feels like he has honor.

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6:58 PM BBT Alex tells Jason that she really wants Christmas out but she thinks Paul really likes him. Alex changes the subject to wanting a pony when she hears someone coming. Elena comes in the green bedroom to see what's going on. Elena leaves this room. Alex asks if they have medical bills? Jason says they usually are healthy. Alex asks if you have to saw their teeth? He says they call it floating their teeth. Jason & Alex leave the green bedroom.

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8:03PM BBT In the Red BR Matt and raven laying under the covers. They are are joking about if Raven gets the temptation what the other will do. Matt says if he wins, he gets to toss Raven in the trash in the SR. Raven says if she wins, then Matt has to take a ballet lesson outside with her instructing him.


8:13PM BBT In the LR Josh, Paul, Cody, and Mark are working out using the furniture.


8:24PM BBT In the LR Elena and Xmas are eating. Xmas is explaining eating healthy to her. She is explaining fats to Alex and Elena.


 8:26PM BBT Xmas explains that it is all in her first book. She is making care packages for each of the HG when she gets out. Her book, a t-shirt and other items.



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