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Welcome to the thread for the Big Brother After Show podcast!  Your host, Sam Will, tapes live Thursday nights at 11pm ET at http://bit.ly/BBAfterShow.  You can call during the show at 1-713-955-0749.  And check out the Show Archive, or SUBSCRIBE to our podcast in iTunes to catch every episode!


What do you think of the show?  Post your comments here!


  • Fuskie pinned this topic

Hey guys I'm the host of the Big Brother After Show. Tomorrow night at 11 PM EST we will go live to chat with fans about Big Brother, you can listen in while online chatting with others, or you can be a part of the show with our free live call in line 713-955-0749. We've done this for four years and we have a blast. Check out our twitter https://twitter.com/BBAfterShow. Can't wait to chat and talk with some of you on the show and here after the show! 





Hey Sam,

Liked the show.  

I don't agree that James was a good player, he was completely distracted by Meg Maley and by breaking his word to Shelli and Clay so early in the game was not a good move.  Even though everyone liked James, no one was eager to team up with him after he showed he doesn't keep his word.  

Still, I find James entertaining and I'm glad they brought him back.



That's fair, but I feel he has an ability to play hard in comps and stay alive. My issue with him was that he'd strike back then take it too easy.  I felt he didn't think ahead I'm the game. I'm hoping he learned a lesson and will pursue a game that's more strategic. Eudys mindset is similar, he was always trying to survive. But he seems to be laying back this time. I'd like to see them team up and do something. If anything James is going to entertain. I like some things already about the season, let's hope we end up with a thrilling ride. 


Thanks for listening Morty!

  • 4 weeks later...

first of all can you say crazy like a Donald trump that is tiffany all day everyday and then some and we thought her sister was crazy no it is all her,,,,,,,  get her off the show if they do not vote her off this time they all deserve a straight jackets... the only person taking this serious is very smart Michele. the other not so smart dummies is corey and his very dumb love interest Nicole and he is more than a women than her....  And frank the snake in the grass with his faithful devils daughter Bridgett these two with crazy lady tiffany are the real followers of santan.......tiffany bye Felicia  ..................................................good bye which mean good is as you are ggggggggggggggggone.... 

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