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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates.  Comments and BBCAN discussions are in the Big Brother Canada 4 - Discussion section.

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

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To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. 

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

As many of you know, we didn't get enough help this season to continue our social media program that included having live feed updaters that were scheduled, and would also post here in the forum.  Since there's no longer a schedule, you are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, someone else take over!" or whatever so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  

Thank you!

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Morty, I just put a post on Thursday's LFU 11:51pm-when the feeds came back up to midnight when the feeds went back down  Tim, Cassandra and Kelsey are have-not's

Edited by morty
Got it & thanks very much!
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12:08am BBT The feeds came back up. Kelsey, Tim and Cassandra are getting themselves situated in the HoH room and Cassandra is complaining how much she hates it. 

Cassandra told Tim that Maddy and Ramsey are already in the HoH room and Tim replies that he just don't even care anymore and he is not going to try and talk to the brothers. Cassandra said that we want to work with Jared and Kelsey and she said that Maddy and Ramsey can flip on them easily. 

Tim is going to have a really quiet week just like he did last time when he was on slop. Kelsey is happy that at least she can have baths this week and listen to music because she could not last week. Tim wonders why she could not last week and Kelsey said that she just was not going to ask Maddy. 

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12:18am BBT Tim leaves the HoH room saying that he just wants to have a fun week this week as one of the girls say they hope that they get off have not's early this week. Tim said yea, I doubt it.

After Tim left the room Cassandra complains to Kelsey that Tim makes remarks like that all of the time and it pisses her off. 

Kelsey thinks that Jared is going to be on the block this week. Cassandra does not think so, she thinks they are getting Maddy and Ramsey out. Cassandra thinks that Her, Kelsey, Jared, Tim and Joel need to make a plan and go in the HoH individually and she has a feeling nominations are going to be early tomorrow (which is possible since they did have-not's tonight~sassy). 

Kelsey hates that she is on slop this week and she was on slop last week because it f**ks with your head and her brain does not work and her body is tired. 

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12:10am BBT In the kitchen Jared is making slop while talking to Nikki. Jared thinks that he is going up this week next to Maddy. He said that the brothers told Joel that they want to back door him (Jared) but Nikki don't think so. Nikki thinks that the brothers should put up Cassandra because that is who she would have put up and that would be fair to Canada. 

Ramsey and Kelsey both walked into the kitchen so discussion turns to Jared making slop and then the feeds go down. 

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12:16am BBT the feeds came back to see Phil listening to his music looking like he is enjoying himself and then they switch back to the kitchen where Nikki told Jared that Cass has been horrible so she deserves to be a have-not and Jared agreed. 

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12:59am BBT Tim and Phil are in the blue bedroom discussing nominations. Phil said that his thing is either Jared and Kelsey or Maddy and Ramsey. Tim told Phil that there is an argument both ways and then he explains why. Phil thinks that Cassandra is with them (not sure who them is) and Tim agrees and thinks that she has a deal with everyone. Tim thinks that Joel is right when he says that Maddy and Ramsey will go after the brothers even if they do put up Jared this week. Phil thinks that Joel has been listening to Kelsey and Jared. Tim don't want to tell Phil what he should do but either way he has Tim's support. 

Tim thinks that if Phil puts up Kelsey and Jared then Cassandra will have no other choice but to work with them because he thinks that she will never work with Maddy and Ramsey. Phil is not sure how Nikki feels about Cassandra and Tim quickly responds that she would put her up in a heartbeat. Tim does not want to tell Phil what to do because he is not working with either of the groups and Phil said that is why he wants his opinion because he is unbiased. Tim said his gut says Jared and Kelsey and Phil agrees that his gut says that too. 

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1:06am BBT Tim suggests that Phil also think about who he could beat at the finish line and maybe wait and see who offers the brothers a better deal. Phil and Tim both agree that the two couples (Ramsey and Maddy against Kelsey and Jared) will never work together. 

Nikki and Nick both walk into the blue bedroom as Tim is again saying see who offers them a better deal and Nick agrees saying that is probably what they will do. Tim and Nikki both agree that the brothers have their vote either way. Tim tells the brothers not to be strong armed by anyone. 

The blue room group are now discussing how Cassandra has taken the place of Raul and they are now the new three. Nikki reassures Phil that Maddy and Ramsey have the brothers back. Phil suggests putting up Cassandra and Kelsey. If Jared does not win the PoV then they can back door him. 

Tim told the brothers that they have other people to talk to and he does not want to waste their time, but to remember that he and Nikki are part of the middle group with Joel and Ramsey somewhat. 

The brothers leave the room to talk about what they are doing. 

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1:20am BBT the brothers are in their Hoh discussing who to put up. Phil told Nick that he does not want to put Ramsey on the block and Nick agreed. Phil is reviewing his conversation with Tim to Nick. Phil thinks that the bigger they create the fear in Maddy by telling her that everyone wants them to put her up and the boys will not put her up, it is like they are saving her and she may be loyal to them. Nick thinks that Jared will never be loyal to them. The brothers both agree that Jared needs to go on the block and put Nikki up on the block as a pawn. Phil wants to put up Jared and Cassandra and then they talk a little more and decide they want to put up Jared and use Tim as a pawn. They discuss a little more then Cassandra walks in and said there is a warrant for her glasses and starts to leave. The brothers ask her if she wants to talk and she walks back in and said she don't know she is trying to figure it out from being on slop for the third week. Cassandra sat on Phil's lap and asked if she is good this week. Phil told her that she is sitting pretty and then asks her to get off his lap because his leg is hurting so she complies as she asks what they are thinking. Phil said it is either Maddy or Jared. Cassandra said Maddy or Ramsey and if Ramsey wins veto then put Jared up beside her and let the house decide who they want out. Phil said that would make a boat load of enemies and they don't have that right now. Cassandra asked if everything stays her and they said yes so Cassandra said that she wants Maddy gone and explains why but follows that what ever they decide to do she will support.  

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1:34am BBT Cassandra continues to push Maddy and Ramsey to go on the block but then tells them if getting out Jared is best for their game then that is what they have to do. Phil said that they were sitting nicely and hoped that it would be a couple of weeks before they had to make a move but Canada loves them and they are happy about that. Cassandra said what she has been getting is that the whole house wants Maddy and Ramsey out. Phil asked who the whole house is because she has been hanging out with Kelsey and Jared a lot. Now Cassandra gets comfortable on their bed and going over a story that they are in a house of sharks that want to eat a little chihuahua which is the brothers and they have to get rid of who ever wants to eat the chihuahua. Phil said that he did not say it is Jared and Kelsey because he does not want her to run back to them and tell them that. Cassandra tells the brothers that they can do what ever they want to do and what ever it is she supports it and then she leaves.  

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1:58am BBT Kelsey; and Jared are now in the HoH room talking to the brothers and throwing Cassandra under the bus. Phil told them that he don't want to put them up and suggests that he will put up Maddy and Ramsey. Jared agrees that once that Maddy is gone Ramsey will be a free agent. Phil told them that he would rather split them up then split Jared and Kelsey up. Kelsey told them that it would be a good game move if that was to happened. Jared suggests if Maddy stayed then she will ride with someone to the end and win the game. Jared said that he dislikes Maddy so much he was going to throw the have not comp and Ramsey asked him not to, but they screwed up. Kelsey asked if she can have a bath and Phil told her to go ahead. Phil told Nick that they have to put up Maddy and Ramsey because he does not want to put up Jared and Kelsey. Phil told Jared to come and chill anytime this week while Kelsey decided she is going to have a bath tomorrow because she realized how late it is.  

Kelsey and Jared leave the room and Phil smiles at Nick and asked what they are going to do. Nick has decided to leave Phil for a few minutes to think and get in his head space because this is the rest of their game. 

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2:13am BBT Ramsey is now in the HoH room and Phil is explaining to him that everyone wants Maddy out and they have to put him on the block against her but he will not go home. Ramsey don't trust that and explains that Cassandra is sliding in where Raul was and she is a vote for them. Ramsey said another thing is that if him and Maddy won the veto while the brothers were on the block then they would take them off. Ramsey wonders what is in the brothers head about why they want Maddy out. Ramsey said that someone needs to go after the three and if he won HoH there is no way they would go on the block. Ramsey continues to explain that Maddy would never betray them and how much she likes and trusts the brothers. Ramsey told them that he would not put them in the line of fire. 

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2:22am BBT Ramsey explains the brothers what he would do if he was HoH and how Maddy is a honest and great person. Ramsey explains that he will never judge them and he wants them to feel comfortable to be themselves. Ramsey explains that the game is built on human relationships. Phil wants to put Jared on the block, but he is unsure who to put up against him. Ramsey told them if they are going to put Jared up and make that move then they have to make the full move and put up Kelsey against him. Phil wonders if they keep Ramsey and Maddy safe this week, will Maddy put them up next week. Ramsey said he would say no, but have that talk with her and hear it from her. They leave the room to go and see if Maddy is up to come and talk. 

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2:30am BBT Ramsey went and got Maddy to talk to the brothers. Before they go in Ramsey told her that the brothers are worried if they keep Maddy safe, would she go after them next week and then they walk in the HoH room for Nick and Phil to explain their thoughts to her. Phil is explaining to Maddy what Jared and Kelsey told him and Maddy quickly said that they do not need to tell her what they said because she already knows what they say. Maddy said until those two are gone, they are the only two that she is going after. They continue to rehash why putting Jared and Kelsey up would be a good idea and how they are going to make it to the end. Ramsey and Maddy both keep telling the brothers that they are not going after them. 

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2:38am BBT Phil said basically it is too little too late for Jared. Ramsey said that Kelsey needs to realize that it is not for her and if she gets mad that Jared goes up then it is disrespectful because it is a move for their game. Phil thinks that Kelsey is going to be pissed up even if it is just Jared on the block. Ramsey is throwing Cassandra under the bus telling them that he does not trust her. Ramsey said that tomorrow is going to be a long day but please remember the feeling that they are having right now. Ramsey hopes that it put any worries that the brothers had at ease and he believes they will make the right choice tomorrow. Ramsey told them not to commit to any deals because they fail. The brothers shook hands with Ramsey and hugged Maddy and told them they are good. Maddy and Ramsey are going to bed now so they leave the HoH room and go in the WA. They smile, hug and discuss for a minute what was just discussed in the HoH room. 

The feeds switched back to the HoH room for a minute and then we get locked out. 

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2:48am BBT the feeds come back up with the brothers talking about jury votes and how Ramsey would never put them on the block. They are done talking now and decide that it is Jared and Kelsey who are going on the block. They practice what they are going to say in their speech. Now they are going to listen to music and love life. 

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okay, so it looks like Jared and Kelsey up on the block tomorrow (unless someone else talks to them of course~sassy)

I brought my son home from the hospital yesterday and I have to run him to an appointment at 7:30am CST so I will not be able to update in the morning. 

Edited by morty
Thank you so much for all the late night coverage. Best wishes to your son.
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8 am BBT ...BB starts to wake up the house guests to start their day.

Ramsey is called to do the morning battery change

Everyone is moving around getting ready for the day.

8:20 am Maddy and Ramsey in the pink room ... Nominations are today and Maddy and Ramsey do need to talk to the brothers before one last time. Ramsey is not going to let the nominations take over his day though he wants to enjoy his day.

Maddy is getting ready to go do a bit of a work out. she is thinking maybe the bike


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12:11pm BBT Kelsey was in the HoH room talking to the brothers.

12:15pm BBT Cassandra was in the HoH room talking to the brothers.

12:25pm BBT the brothers are in the HoH room by themselves and have decided the move to make is to put Maddy and Ramsey on the block and they do not think Ramsey will be pissed if he stays and then Maddy walks in the HoH room to give them fresh batteries. After the battery change Maddy left the room and Nick continues by saying that they are going to make Maddy and Ramsey believe that the whole house wanted this and they do not want to go against the whole house. Nick thinks they can convince the whole house Maddy has to go. Phil said that they do not have to convince the house that Maddy has to go because they do think she has to go. Phil thinks that this is the only move that keeps the whole house happy and keeps them safe because one of them are going to go home. Phil's gut is that Jared will not put them on the block and Jared needs a friend so they are going to hang out with him. Nick then thinks the whole house will be happy and no one will come after them. The brothers shake on it and Nick said that they need to make sure Ramsey knows that it is not them it is the whole house and that is the key to their survival.


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12:29pm BBT Nick wants Phil to make sure that Maddy and Ramsey know that they truly want them to win the veto. Phil thinks that it was just by luck that they walked in the hot tub room and the whole house (minus Maddy and Ramsey) were there and they cornered them to put up the two. Phil thinks that Ramsey will understand. The brothers continue to review what is best to tell Ramsey.

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12:41pm BBT The brothers were laying in their HoH room listening to their music and then the feeds switch to Jared and Kelsey playing pool. Kelsey whispers to Jared that she is nervous and if she wins HoH this week she is going to put up Tim and the brothers or Joel. Jared thinks that sounds good. Kelsey thinks that they should have another chat with Joel...and then we get locked out.

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2:40 pm Cam 3 The HG Had some task that they completed. Jared was thanking Nikki and Tim for getting everything right. They are all very full and complaining that their tummys hurt. Looks like they got poutines and beer. Most of the HG are now outside. General Chat


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