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10:00 PM BBT:  Dallas and Ramsey playing pool on one feed with Tim and Joel talking at the table about folks abusing Joel;s HOH room. The boys at the pool table are discussing how they maybe need to hand around each other a little less so as not to be perceived as being together.  


Tim has gone off to change into swim trunks while Cass and Nikki have joined Joel at the dining table general chatter about the name Rory going on. Tim is back announcing he might go into the spa after and Joel tells him he is a cool dude. 


Pool players talking about how they can't wait to hand out together in the outside world and then back to the game. 


Tim does not have a mic on in the pool and though he is chagging with the folks at the table his comments are unintelligible.  He now passes the pool players on his way to the hot tub. 


Cass hums in a quite annoying manner at the table and Joel lets her know it is annoying as does Nikki and he tells her to stop. Talk returns to one of Cass's friends named Rory and Joel again tells her to tell him he has a stupid name.  She is then questioned about what kind of friend he is and if they were ever an item.  Jared walks by in his suit. Joel asks Nikki what she made in his HOH room and she says it is a rain stick.  Joel recites the opening to Days or Our LIves.  and the feed switches to the hot tub with Tim and Jared. He tells Tim that he does not know if Kelsey will stay this week.  Tim asks what people are telling him and he says not much and it keeps changing.


Ramsey relating about how Jared told him he needed to go talk to Kelsey and she lied to his face. Ramsey complains that because he talks to Jared people think he is working with him.  


Jared telling Tim that he would like Dallas and then Loveita to go home.  He goes on to complain about Phil not telling him who he is voting to evict for sure saying he would keep Kelsey now but that things change.  He says Mitch is good with keeping Raul. Nick comes out wanting to sit on the couches but everything is too wet so he heads back in to take the duvet he brought back in the house.  Jared thinks that it will just be the three of them voting to keep Kelsey. Tim says he is just watching to see who is a worthy winner and finds some folks have good qualities but when they lie to him they are off the list. 





10:50 PM BBT Nikki and Raul on the green coaches. Nikki is using the "rain stick" to tell a story and try to relax Raul. which he said was actually working. Nikki had made the " rain stick " Nikki and Raul are joining the other house guests in the pink room. It is very loud in there as they are all trying to make it sound like a rain forest. They are all pretending to be different animals and all getting louder and louder. They all seem to be having a lot of fun.







10:15PM BBT: Pool game continues outside with no real talk going on. Shouting and laughing can be heard coming from inside the house but what they are saying cannot be determined. The guys finish the game with Ramsey winning by one ball and head inside where Dallas is ribbed for being a sore loser.  Feed follows them to the living room where Joel Mitch and Raul are lounging.  Cass comes in as does Nick with the duvet he had outside.  Cass tells them she really just wants wine. (Maybe if you whine some more you can make your own???? - DRG) BB tells Cassandra to please fix your microphone which she takes as a sign that they clearly want to hear her.  She goes on to tell the group that they can come and talk with her if they want to talk about walks on the beach or wine or life in general (implying she does not want to talk game.) 


Outside Phil has joined the boys but is dressed with a coat on.  They then debate the plumbing of the tub. Jared wishes they could have seen the moon tonight but then thinks that tomorrow is when it will be truly full.  Discussion turns to the game of pervert. Jared comments that it is nicer than earlier and Tim is glad there are not too many people out there tonight.  


The living room is quiet and then they start giggling thinking about things that happened earlier.


Feed jumps to the bedroom with Dallas and Cass and he heads out with a cigarette in his mouth. Cass talks to herself about being on a reality show and getting fat a little bit so she needs to stop eating chocolate and wonders why she does and itis because she is bored and wants to do interesting things or have someone take her shopping and on and on as she lies down on the bed eating a piece of chocolate. Joel Mitch Love and Maddy have joined her now as have Nick and Dallas. Joel is playing with the rain stick that Nikki made earlier. General chatter going on. Dallas complains about losing his water bottle and is given several suggestions about where it is as he heads out to hunt for it. 


Outside Tim is talking about needing to figure out what would make him want to win and how he could never rob a worthy winner as he won in his country. He will judge folks not by if they do right or wrong by him but if they do right or wrong by themselves.  Tim talking about how he and Cass did not scatter as every other group did today to divert attention from themselves so as not to be seen as the next power target but all the other strong duos did mix more today. He says that is because he and Cass do not have a voting alliance til the end they are just friends.  Kelsey comes out also wearing a coat. 


Bedroom group is talking about where the duck is. 


Outside Jared mentions that Kelsey gave away her number the other day and said it really slow a few times. She quips back that he started it and talk turns to how family can get tickets tot he broadcasts.  Then their attention turns to the controls for the tub and they decide to play with the buttons. 


Inside Love is saying that she is fed up with Joel's passive aggressive insults and disses. She starts playing with the rain stick and says it is a really great idea.  Talk goes back to the wearabouts of the duck as Nikki comes in.


Feed jumps to the SR where the brothers are talking about Tim and how he makes judgements they decide they should not say anything about Tim and leave the room saying they are probably out there talking about them right now.  they debate whether to go out or not and finally settle on wanting to go in the hot tub so they bound up the stairs to change.


Outside Kelsey has stripped down to a bikini and climbed into the tub.


Inside feed changes to Nikki and Raul on the green couches where she is flipping the rain stick slowly and guiding him through a relaxation imagery. 


BB tells Kelsey to please put on her microphone.  Tim and Jared complaining about the brothers having been out there just sitting and watching them before. Tim goes on a rant about Phil saying he was an open book to him yesterday and then not talking two words to him today and how he does not like others to use his name but he talks about others all the time. 


Quacking and general silliness going on the the bedroom. 


10:58 PM BBT in the hot tub are Tim , Jared, Kelsey, Phil and Ramsey.

They are talking about the day that it had snowed at the big brother house and how they had a snowball fight. Talk turns to how Tim gave Nikki the idea for the "rain stick"  Just general chat as they relax in the hot tub. Tim is talking about how he gets angry when people follow others


11:05 PM BBT Back in the pink room....Nikki, Maddy, Cass, Mitch, Dallas, Joel, Love Raul and Nick...Nikki asking about Maddy's Bruises... how she got them etc. Everyone talking about shaving and waxing etc. Cass Thanks everyone for the crazy stuff that had went on with the rain stick and all the forest animal noises. She said it was the best time in the house so far. Dallas and Cass are heading outside...


11:30PM BBT Nikki and Raul are talking in the kitchen about how Raul has lost so much weight. Raul is making some slop and salsa. Kelsey comes in and her and Nikki are talking about veggie chilli. Nikki and Kelsey are talking about how tired they are. Nikki said she got to nap for like half an hour earlier. They are all talking about how gross slop is and how Kelsey now has a sore throat and coming down with something. Nikki left the kitchen and went into the backyard to join Mitch and Phil. She does not stay long and wonders off again. Mitch and Phil are once again talking about Tim and how brillant he is. Talking about how Tim tested Cass's trust by the way he voted. They are talking about that vote and how there is more than meets the eye. Raul has now joined Mitch and Phil,


11:45 PM Mitch and Phil again talking about Tim again and  how well he can influence so many. Mitch thinks that if Tim went up against anyone he would not go home. Both think Tim really does want to win this game and not just help players get to the end as he had said at one point. They think he is in a very good place to do just that.

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