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Saturday, August 15 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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1213AM  Liz and Austin laying in HoH bed chatting with Julia and Meg.  Vanessa holding court in kitchen area with James and Steve.  no sign of the other houseguests.  She is talking about her taking law and loved the challenge of riddles.  The way to argue within the laws and debating.  JMac is fixing him something in the background.  The discussion in HoH with Meg and Julia is about Audrey being in the house.


1230 Everyone shifting places.  Vanessa is still in kitchen, Becky, James have joined kitchen group.  Vanessa looking around then interrupting and talking over Becky about HN food and stuff.  Julia peeled off her facial mask.   HoH is trying to figure out why Vanessa is in kitchen, especially since Becky is there.  Discussion about JMac situation and Vanessa's ranting.


1245 Kitchen has cleared except for JMac, Steve sweeping floor, Becky at island counter.  James has joined crew in HoH room.  Julia is trying to force feed James a pea pod with salt on it.  Instead he feeds it to Julia.  Liz says he has to try it.  He does and says not bad.  (Vegetable fries).  


1250 Steve Becky and JMac at counter in kitchen talking about putting weight on themselves unless they can control the situation.  HoH crew is still talking about general stuff and movies. 


1255 Meg is hollering at James about his "foul" stories and how they realized one morning that 5AM their time is 8AM east coast time.  Now James is telling everyone to sing so they go to Fish and he can finish his "gross" story....and we now have Fish.


102AM  Purple room is becoming populated.  James and Meg are on opposite beds whispering.. and we get FISH again.   We see AusLiz cuddling in HoH room.  Julia in bathroom trying to pull something off.  Liz whining to Austin that she is all riled up and he was doing sponsor stuff, but he gave her a candy shower.  Not sure what is going on in purple room, Meg talking about her job being "sending people out of the house".   James discussing if he goes on block he is gone.  Steve walks in and asks if his speech is any better than yesterday.  Julia brushing teeth in HoH bathroom. 


113  Julia downstairs saying beds in Colorful Room are more comfortable.  James goes and gets candy bowl and dumps it all over the bed that Julia sleeps in.  He is chuckling to himself as he scurries out of the room and walks into storage.  He grabs another bag of cand and runs back to the room to stuff more candy in her bed.  he makes the bed, covering everything up. Julia, Meg and Beck with Steve are in the bathroom area.  JMac asking Julia about her making out with Audrey.  Jmac now leaves the bathroom area.  Julia is putting away clothes in the purple room, now headed back to kitchen,she has not gone near her bed yet.  She jumps into the bed Steve normally sleeps in (purple room) waiting .. James, JMac, Steve doing nightly ADLs meanwhile Steve leaves and Julia tries now to scare him, she got out of the bed and hid behind a chair, did not work.  Julia asks Steve to help her scare James.

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119 Julia is told to hide under covers by Steve.  Steve in turn runs to James and tells him that Julia is trying to scare him.  she jumps out screaming and he does not react.  Julia yells at Steve, Steve laughing says he was helping James ...  ROFL, James starts joking with Meg, telling her to shut her mouth.  Julia says there must be something in her bed, she goes in throws back the comforter and wants to know why she found a chocolate candy in her bed.  (she did not throw back the sheet) Julia wanting to know where the bowl of chocolates is; returns to really look in her bed and finds them all.  James is laughing Steve wants to know how she missed a full bed of candies.  Together  they all clean up the chocolate and return them to the kitchen.  James is now climbing into the cage where Julia keeps her clothes.  in the purple room Meg, with Steve laying next to her bed, JMac are general chit chat.  Julia walks into the colorful room and yells at James to get out of the closet.  Julia threatens that tomorrow she will get James.  says "it is on".  James says she threatened me, she challenged the prank master. 


130 James is creeping up on Julia's bed, Steve turns on the light.. Lights off in HoH room and Purple room.  Julia says she is going to sleep, Steve crawls in next to her on the bed, Julia says Bed smells like chocolate.  Julia says she has headache and Steve starts scratching her head for her.  James is now on the other side of Julia's bed on the floor, she has no clue he is there, still talking to Steve.  Steve gets up gathers clothes for cold shower and heads out the door, turning off the light as he goes.  James still on floor by bed.  all 4 cams are on Julia in Bed.  Julia looks around mumbles and you see James looking at her... she does not see him.  James starts tapping bed and Julia goes nuts.  JMac and Steve are in Bathroom discussing the deal with Vanessa today and the chat JMac had with her.  Becky is up ... okay now Julia woke up Liz with her screaming and Julia yelling up to Bridge about how James is scaring her.  War is being declared.  now Julia is paranoid that someone is in the room with her, she is laying in bed yelling stop,  No one in room.  JMac and steve continue talking .


145AM Becky talking to James and Meg in purple room.  Steve is in HoH talking to Austin and Liz about how Vanessa let the alliance of 8 get out to JMac.  Austin is telling Steve that Vanessa is getting paranoid.  AusLiz says that Steve has to not go to Vanessa with anything he has heard or knows cause she will turn on him.  Austin explains to Steve about the nutso conversation with Vanessa about the fact that Shelli had JMac and Steve voting for her.  (old topic just rehash)


151 Vanessa, Becky and JMac now in bathroom, JMac and Becky talking about no strength in hands. Vanessa keeps walking back and forth staring at Becky.  HoH discussion still going on between Austin, Steve and Julia.  Vanessa says Good night and leaves wash area, neither say good night to her.


202 Convo still going on in HoH room, same convo different time.  Liz and Austin telling Steve all the stuff that Vanessa been doing and saying and the truth when Vanessa was going to backdoor Austin. 


210 Chat in HoH has turned to the scenario about next week so Vanessa is going to be the target. JMac is sitting in Bathroom all alone.  Steve is making some repeat stuff because he is trying to make sure what he knows matches with what they are telling him.  Becky, Meg, James are doing some sort of a word game in the purple room.  Becky has taken over Steve's couch bed with him now being a HN


230 Discussion still going on in HoH room. lights are on, lights off downstairs bedrooms, but chatter still going on in purple room.  Liz says goodnight to Steve and announces she is going to bed, Steve leaves room, turns off light..   Liz says she does not want JMac gone, but they still need to figure out who to put up if JMac or Becky win the VETO


245 Liz is now in HoH bathroom, combing her hair, her and Austin are chatting about who might go up as replacement, lights are on in HoH.  Steve walking around in bathroom area (looks like he has taken his shower).  Now Liz leaves hoH room, cause she got called to DR.  Austin is now doing a chat with Feeders.  HE is rehashing deals, and who may or may not go home depending on veto. 


255 Liz and Steve talking in kitchen. Talking about shrinking table and wonder when it will happen.  Austin still rambling on with a feeder's chat in HoH. 


303AM Austin heads to downstairs.  needs protein.  Liz and Steve just general chat about personal life.  JMac is in DR.  Austin gets the eggs out and Steve says he will take a couple, Liz says "Steeeeveee" and reminds Austin he is a HN



315 Becky is in kitchen now with Steve, Austin and Liz.  they are all quiet while eating. They are talking about who may or may not be boo'd when leaving. 

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330AM Austin and Steve talking in kitchen about who is gone and original alliance names?   Lights are off in HN room and purple bedroom.  


345AM Austin and Steve still chatting in kitchen.  Steve is asking Austin what his plan is for the game and how he gets thru each week.   Talk about who ran their mouth and now they are gone.  Everyone has left cause their mouth got them in trouble. 


356AM Liz now out of HoH, tells Steve to go to bed.  Austin says they were waiting for her.  Austin and Liz head up to HoH room.  Steve  still in kitchen.



404 Looks like the Squirrels are all in bed, with Dreams in their head.

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 9:22am BBT Austin comes out of HOH and changes his batteries. Meg is sitting on the side of her bed.


9:27am BBT Meg leans over and collects clothes off the floor. She finally gets and is limping really bed today. (she has bed knees)Meg gets in the shower, Liz and Julia chatting in HOH WA.

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9:42am BBT Liz and Julia doing hair and make up while Austin tells them how to play the comp where they have to bet. Meg is still in the shower, Becky comes in WA and is doing her hair.


9:46am BBT Austin tells the twins he ran up there so fast, he didnt want to get cornered by Vanessa. Julia says she didnt know the extent of Vanessas craziness. Austin says you dont go to the bible after 50 some days. Austin says they have to get thru this Veto, it will get ugly if they dont get thru this. Liz says she made it pretty clear she wouldnt put up Vanessa. Austin says he would do it. He would make sure to everyone to say they were safe and do it. Liz says she isnt going to do it. Julia jokes saying why dont you use me as a pawn. Austin says stop that! Austin says Steve could be one, he doesnt know they are close to Meg and James. John winning Veto is the worst case. Austin winning it would be best, the wont change the noms. (the target is Becky)

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9:55am BBT In WA Becky tells Meg John has won a lot of comps, she is being told pawn but she doesn't know. This sucks. Meg tells her to not worry just play the game. Austin wonders in and tells them BB told Liz to get ready. He thinks it might be the counting thing. He says he guessed the M & M's at 70 and there were 140, Meg says really? she guessed 138. Meg thinks it will be puzzles.

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10:06am Becky is in KT with a huge cat mug carefully looking around. Austin walks up and says that Liz has some major reservations. She has no idea, its going to get messy. Liz comes in and they say she looks beautiful.


10:18am BBT Austin and Becky in KT. Becky says she is damned if she does, damned if she don't. She has won 3 comps they call her a comp beast. It would be bad if John wins it, she doesnt want Meg or James next to her. Austin says Liz is scared to put Vanessa up. It sucks.

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10:22am BBT Austin goes to HOH and tells them Becky is worried. She doesnt want John to win it, she doesnt know who the replacement will be. Meg gets called to SR for an ice pack. Becky talks with Meg in bed saying Veto king is on the block and they dont know the replacement. Becky is nervous. It's hard to sit next to John. Becky says she wanted to tell Austin that if he had been on the block he would know how she feels but he hasnt been.

10:23am BBT Austin says he they have to put Meg or James up against John they will have to tell them something. Austin sees a huge spider, says it was a black widow and he just killed it. He shows it to Julia and she says eww it was a black widow. Why is there a black widow in here. Austin says Vanessa is going to run  up there after POV comp. They should ask her (Vanessa) if she is going to play to win and then watch her to see if she throws it.

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 10:33am BBT Julia says so right now its better to pull in John. He is alone. Austin says Vanessa has been trying to make something with James for awhile. In OBR James says he doesnt like to lose. Meg says so you dont want to play? He says no wants to play. Back in HOH. Austin says he doesnt know why he wanted to throw stuff to John but not to her (?). He says Becky was recruited off Tinder, she doesnt know the show. In WA. Becky called to DR, John says lets go out there and win it

10:39am BBT Meg says she misses her Mom today. (Hi Meg's Mom) James says aww she is a momma's girl. Meg says she is both, just misses her mom today. In HOH: Austin says Da shouldn't have argued with Vanessa so hard. He says Audrey made a F2 move on him 10 minutes into the game. Liz says she did the same thing to her. Austin says she knew how to say it w/o ppl wanting to mention it again. She should have just stopped after the first couple days.

10:45am BBT HOH talks about evicted HG. Austin says he told Jace he needed to chill, he was so young. (Does he forget he/Jace were joined at the hip?) Talk continues about evicted HG and their plans that didn't work.

10:49am BBT Liz called to DR. We have quick FOTH. James says They said to make sure to hydrate. Becky says they will be in the heat of the day. Even if you are sitting watching for an hour it gets muggy.

10:57am BBT We have Jeff reels.

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11:30am BBT We still have Jeff reels.


12:00pm BBT We have had Jeff reels for an hour now.

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12:30pm BBT Hey! Guess what?!! yup, still Jeff reels.


12:57pm BBT still Jeff reels.

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1:14pm BBT Julia leaves HOH and Austin reaches over and kisses Liz. Julia comes back in. Julia says its like 1:00 WTF is going ooOon. The house is dead, you go down stairs and it smells like James and Ax. She wonders if they will stop HN soon. Steve is laying on the LR couch. He gets up and rinses his mouth out. He heads up stairs.

1:18pm BBT He knocks on the door, says everyone is in bed. Julia asks him what is going on. He says he doesnt know. BB: Liz, please go to the DR. Julia cheers. Steve leaves HOH.


1:19pm BBT We get Jeff reels again. Hopefully this is POV comp.

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1:44pm BBT In HOH. Julia says Meg got picked last time. Steve got picked. Liz says she wants to keep noms the same. Julia says he cant throw it. In OBR James and Becky in separate beds. Meg and Steve playing with James hosting.


1:50pm BBT In HOH: Julia tells Liz that whenever she leaves HOH Austin also leaves. Liz says Austin better win it. So POV players are: Liz/John/Becky/Meg/Steve/Austin with James hosting.

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 1:57pm BBT Austin goes to HOH and says he just told John to throw it to him. He agreed to. Austin has a huge mouth full of food, he says Vanessa is down there and he is afraid she will talk to him about her being BD. Austin says that John will only throw it to him if Becky is out...he chokes and spits some food on the floor. The girls go ewwwww. They LOL at him for having tuna in his hair. No body told him to stuff a whole can of tuna in his face. The twins want him to tell Steve he better not throw it. Liz needs Becky not to win it.

2:03pm BBT In WA: John tells Becky to not count herself out yet. Becky says if John goes down then Meg will go up. Becky will go home for sure. Becky says she has a 1 in 4 chance to come back in. John says she might just win it today.

2:07pm BBT Becky telling John it was supposed to him and Shelli nominated with Vanessa BD (during her HOH) It took Vanessa 3 hours after she woke up to flip the votes and vote out Shelli. Oh well, it will be the cutest Jury house ever.

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2:15pm BBT In HNR: Vanessa and Julia talk. Julia is glad she didnt get picked cuz what if its the counting thing. They leave, Vanessa washes out her bowl and Julia finds a load of HOH laundry in the SR. Julia gets called to DR. She says why me.


2:22pm BBT Becky says she is supposed to be on Survivor not here....the guy that recruited her was for Survivor. In HOH: Austin says its hard to make a strategy for the betting comp. Just go with your gut.

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 2:49pm BBT Austin and Liz rough house in the HOH bed. (nothing gross, they are outside the covers)In the KT: Steve says OTEV should be coming up soon.

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2:57pm BBT Steve says its his choice not to drink, his parents think its odd. John comes out of DR and goes to HOH. Liz says oh it might be soon. John says very soon. Austin tells John that its done, if Becky gets out he is fine, he can give it to any one. He has 3 votes, its a done deal.

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 3:01pm BBT Steve gets called to DR...twice. He grabs his hoodie and heads in but BB wont open the door. Steve laughs and says they are screwing with him. In HOH: Austin says every thing that comes out of Vanessa's mouth is calculated. She has to have reasons to do every thing. John says she is now his target. Austin says if it can stay the same this week then next week she will go. John says Becky is focused.

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3:11pm BBT Vanessa and Julia in KT. Vanessa says they are still working out there. Julia says it could be a night one. They talk about what kind of comp the one will be when a jury member comes back. Vanessa says she has no energy, stupid slop. Julia says this is Steve's 3rd time. Poor Steve. Steve comes out of DR.

3:19pm BBT Vanessa checks the BB handbook for the HN section. She tells Steve she will cook Pork chop pickle slop for dinner. He says yummmmm he can't wait. Steve gets told to change his mic for one in storage room, he says its a piece of electrical tape but if they want him to exchange it he will.

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3:23pm BBT Julia thinks OTEV is an HOH comp. Steve tells her its for VETO (OTEV/VETO...get it?) Julia cutting something on her plate and almost cuts herself. The talk about the spelling of weird. Steve says Julia can I spell OTEV? H O H ahhhhhh.

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3:28pm BBT HG have gone crazy. They make up a huge long story that starts out with Austin and Liz getting married and finding Steve..... it includes all the HG. Liz points to the pics on the memory wall the story goes on. Julia gets up from the table and puts a banana sticker next to Steve's pic.

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3:39pm BBT In the story they called Steve. Oscar Boy Garfunkle, Austin and Liz keep saying it. Liz and Austin start to play slap hands (One person puts hand over another players hands and the person on the bottom tries to slap the hand of the person on top) and change to thumb wars. Julia and Liz play slippery slide. (hand slapping to a song)

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