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James Huling (Week 3) - nominated by Vanessa


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With Austin winning HOH, it's a good bet that James is going up on the block because he did backdoor Jace in the first week. And Jace & Austin were like BFFs that first week. Austin does not strike me as being the type to just let it go because it's part of the game.

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I like him and I find him entertaining.  I also like the fact that he's willing to take the heat for his decisions!

ITA 100%. He told Jace to his face that it's not personal, it's the game. But Jace didn't get it and took it personally. In the game of Big Brother most times it's the HGs that you are not aligned with who nominate and/or target you. When it gets down to the wire, you then must turn on your own alliance in order to stay in the game.

As the saying goes..."Don't hate the player - hate the game". I don't think that Jace fully understood the game of BB.

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