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Everything posted by QuietStorm06

  1. Prolly will do something dumb like put Scottie up.
  2. I support Hayleigh in her quest to secure the vote!!
  3. I am rooting for Hayleigh, the majority of the women in the house are gullible. Tyler has been "in love" with every women that has been in power. The women buy it. From kaitlyn, bayleigh and now Angela and they dont see this? They all think they are the one. I feel like he can even fool Kaycee and she likes women. I still think he is playing a good game and i would love to know more about Tyler. How is he such a good con artist.
  4. I really dont like her game play. I thought i would be happy with any one of the peolple winning and i have changed my mind. I would rather the flirt with men gameplay instead of "aww shucks" game play that is Sam. Playing dumb is not woman empowerment.
  5. I thought for sure Tyler was going to win this thing. I am not so sure now. I wonder how this week will play out. I am so glad this season is filled with people who actually want to win. What does Tyler's power allow him to do?
  6. Sam is my least favorite. I hate her fake woe is me attitude and game play. However the houseguests are buying it so it is working. Sam may win this thing.
  7. I hope Brett stays in the game. IMO, he is the only one who can outwit, outplay and outlast Tyler
  8. I really like Faysal. I like that he is so loyal and I really hope life doesnt change that in him. With that being said, loyalty to others doesn't work for this game.
  9. I think Tyler really did make a fool out of her as he is doing to all the women. IMO, Tyler and Hayleigh are playing the same game. The women are just more gullible then the men are in this house.
  10. Tyler is good!!! The fact that he tried to squeeze out tears to maintain a level of control is just wow. I really like the whole cast. i can say for the first time in big brother history, i would be happy for any one of the remaining houseguests to win.
  11. Although i really think it is Scottie, i wouldnt be surpised if Tyler won and put his ownself up. I know it seems crazy to risk going losing but if he survives he can use the argument, i have been on the block and it someone elses rurn.
  12. I think Scottie won the hacker app. I feel he is the only slick enough to catch on to Tyler. I beleive everyone else would have left noms the same. Scottie did wear a Swaggy c shirt and then voted him out.
  13. Can Tyler take himself down using his power app? If he can, will he risk it because this possibly reveal that he can't be trusted. Also if anyone takes him down then Tyler deserves to win the whole game.
  14. Going off of the theory that not just Elissa is related to a former house guest she looks like Britney Haynes from Big bother 12.



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